How to bring rounded integer as output by multiplying two columns in SQL - sql

I have two columns A and B in SQL. Column A has value 5.2 and Column B has value 2.1. I am multiplying column A and B in Column C. Answer is 10.92. I would like to get rounded number 11 as Integer in column C instead of 10.92 as float or decimal. How should I write query. Should there be a Cast function or similar?
Sample query is:
SELECT *, A multiply B As C
FROM Table X

You need query like this:
select *, cast(round((a*b), 0) as int) from X
Here you can see on DB FIDDLE

select round((columnA*columnB),0)
from Table


Checking which of two column values is closest to a calculated value

Absolute rookie at SQL so apologies upfront if not possible or absurd.
Single table in SQL-Lite
First of all I want to filter the table to only return rows where the difference between decimal in column A and decimal in column B is more than 3
Then for each row I want to subtract integer in column C from integer in column D to give result E. And then I want to know whether the decimal in column A or decimal in column B is closer to result E
The code below basically uses a subquery to keep all the needed values handy, a CASE operator to make the decision, and the ABS() function to determine absolute distance.
select A, B, C, D, E,
case when ABS(A-E) < abs(B-E) then 'A' else 'B' end [Closer_Value]
from (
select A, B, C, D, (C-D) as [E]
from YourTable
where abs(A-B) > 3
) as Temp

Getting rows for values greater by 3 numbers or letters

Am trying to come up with a query where I can return back values where the the distance between the letters could be one or more than one for the chosen letter.
For example:
I have two columns which have letters in Column A and in Column B. I want to return back with rows when column B distance is more than Column A by one or more letters.
It's not clear to me, when you say "greater" if you mean that the distance between any two letters is 2 or 3 (Column B can be alphabetically before or after Column A, by a distance of 2 or 3).. Or if Column B has to be alphabetically after Column A, by a distance of 2 or 3
Because I'm not certain what you're talking about, I present two options. Read the "if" rule and choose the one that applies to your situation, then use the query under it:
If columnA is D and columnB can be any of: A B F G
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ABS(ASCII(columna) - ASCII(columnb)) IN (2,3)
If columnA is D and columnB can be any of: F G
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ASCII(columnb) - ASCII(columna) IN (2,3)
Edit1: Per your later comment, you are now saying that the distance is not just 2 or 3 letters (the first line of your question states "2 or 3") but any number of letters distance equal to or greater than 2:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ASCII(columnb) - ASCII(columna) >= 2
Overall the technique isn't much different to the above queries and there are many ways to specify what you want:
ASCII(columnb) - ASCII(columna)
BETWEEN <some_number_here> AND <other_number_here>
Ultimately the most important thing is to note the use of ASCII function, which gives us the ascii char code of the first letter in a string:
ASCII('ABCD') => 65
And we can use maths on this to work out if a letter distance from 'A' is more than 1 etc..
Probably also worth noting that ASCII() works on single byte ascii characters. If your data is multibyte (Unicode), you might need to use ORD() instead:
Edit2: Your latest edit to the question revises the limit to "B greater than A by one or more" which is equivalent to >= 1 ..
The question seems not to have a clear spec, please treat the answer as a guide for the general technique:
--for an open ended distance, ascii chars
SELECT * FROM table WHERE ASCII(columnb) - ASCII(columna) >= <some_distance>
--for an open ended distance, unicode
WHERE ORD(columnb) - ORD(columna) >= <some_distance>
--for a definite range of distances (replace … appropriately)
WHERE ... BETWEEN <some_distance> AND <some_other_distance>
this will work indeed:
select * from table_name where ascii(col_1)+2=ascii(col_2);
You can use something like this if you need it to be exactly 2 or 3 letters greater
select Column A, ColumnB from table name where ASCII(ColumnB) - ASCII(ColumnA) in (2,3)
If you want all those rows where the the difference is equal more than 2, then use this
select Column A, ColumnB from table name where ASCII(ColumnB) - ASCII(ColumnA) >=2
this is where you can make ascii in action..
select * from SampleTable where (ASCII(sampleTable.ColumnB) - ASCII(ColumnA)) >= 2;

SQL, incrementing column value returned from SELECT query

SELECT x, y, z FROM table_one
WHERE y='asd'
Hi, I'm querying my database using the query above, upon the return of the query I'd like to increment z by 1 (not update it but just increment it so it shows in the result). I don't want to do an Update statement, this is just temporary and should only be visible in the query result.
How would I go about doing this? It's for a school assignment. I've tried to use REPLACE without any success. What works is changing z to z+1 but then the column name changes to ?column? instead of z.
Any help would be appreciated!
You need add column alias:
SELECT x, y, z + 1 AS z -- here
FROM table_one
WHERE y='asd'

How to divide columns with zeros and nulls

just a simple question but somehow I can't find an answer here.
I have two columns (A and B). Both contains numbers with zeros and null. I would like to get a division one by the other to get information about the ratio between each single row but I am getting ORA-01476.
I know the divisior is equal to zero but I would like to get in this row a number and not an error for whole query
1 5
2 Null
3 0
0 4
I am using sql developer.
If you divide a number by zero you get an error, because the answer to such division is undefined. SQL, however, has a value for undefined: NULL. So make the result NULLinstead:
select a, b, case when b = 0 then null else a / b end as ratio
from mytable;
select a, b, a / case when b = 0 then null else b end as ratio
from mytable;
This is standard SQL and works in Oracle as well as in about every other RDBMS. Oracle also provides the function NULLIF as a shorter way to write the expression in the second query.
You can use nullif to return null instead of raising an error:
select A / nullif(B, 0) as division
from YourTable
If your numbers are stored as varchar, cast them to numbers before using them:
select to_number(A) / nullif(to_number(B), 0) as division
from YourTable

Pull specific numbers from a column that has numbers and words

I want to be able to filter this using the IN() operator in the where clause and pull out only the numbers. The column is a varchar so it is coming back as an error in postgres
select substring(colname FROM '[0-9]+') from tablename
You can filter the numbers using the ISNUMERIC() function on the WHERE Clausule.
Something like this:
FROM Table1
WHERE ISNUMERIC(column_name)=1
As mentioned on the comments, this is for SQL Server, but you can create your own ISNUMERIC function in PostgreSQL following this example:
isnumeric() with PostgreSQL
I ended up subquerying with this in the SELECT --- cast(substring(column FROM '[0-9]+') as int) and this in the WHERE column ~ '^\d+$' in the FROM as its own table. Pulling just the integers i needed from that with IN (1,2,3)