How can I fix a 'Undefined control sequence' error in order to convert a JupyterNotebook to PDF? - pdf

Hello everyone,
since this is my first post here (even though not my first time, because I've spent hours reading some of your brilliant answers over time), I hope you guys will forgive me initial mistakes, when it comes to writing a proper post.
I have a problem when trying to convert a JupyterNotebook, that runs on AWS SageMaker to PDF using nbconvert.
I am using the following command via the terminal:
jupyter nbconvert --to pdf MyNotebook.ipynb
And instead of the notebook converting into a PDF, I'll end up with the following error:
! Undefined control sequence.
\AfterEndPreamble ->\AddToHook
l.158 \AfterEndPreamble
! Emergency stop.
\AfterEndPreamble ->\AddToHook
l.158 \AfterEndPreamble
No pages of output.
Converting it to a .tex file, however, works without any problems.
Now I've spend the last hour, trying to solve this issue by searching the web and looking at similar problems, but for the first time I couldn't find any solution to my specific issue yet.
So I hope, some of you will be able to help me with it.
Appreciate it!


How to solve assertion error in Google Colab?

I'm attempting to write some code to generate a model for 3D segmentation. I'm using a model code provided by the creators of Stardist to write my code but I keep getting an assertion error and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Here is the code provided:
Screenshot of the code from Stardist github page
Here is my attempt at reconstructing the code with the error I get when I attempt to run it.
Screenshot of my code
I was wondering if people had any solutions for the problem I'm getting? I'm almost completely new to coding and using github as a whole so not sure if there's a way to create a direct download link, like they have, or if it should just be able to find my files directly off my hardrive. I also attach a picture of how my files are labelled so can't see why the code can't assertain they have the same labeling:
Image of my pathway for first, the images
and secondly, the masks.
Thank you all,

rioxarray.open_rasterio() not recognizing .hdf files

Apologies if this has been asked before. I tried to find an answer elsewhere, but couldn't find a response that resolved my issue.
I inherited some code for downloading and processing satellite data without a lot of explanation and I am required to make it work. The intention was that this code should run without me needing to do anything but run the script, but there is a bug that prevents it from working properly.
I've been able to narrow the issue to (probably) one line of code:
ds = rioxarray.open_rasterio(tempFile).compute()
where tempFile represents a string for an s3 bucket. The exception message I receive about it is as follows: '/MOD13Q1_A2022193_h09v04_061_2022215010516.hdf' not recognized as a supported file format
I have almost no experience with xarray and rasterio, so I don't have a good idea of where to begin to resolve this. The file does exist at the location and rasterio can process .hdf files (I think), but if that's the case, what may be going on here? Any help is appreciated.

How to fix JSONDecodeError?

I am new to OSMnx and followed the steps from the website ( on how to make a "Street network + building footprints: square-mile visualizations" map.
All I did was change the location name to teutopolis and change the coordinates to the town I am trying to map out, but it kept giving me a JSONDecodeError output. I added an image of what I input and the error output that it gave me. Being new to coding, I am not sure what this all means as I tried to search for an answer but did not understand.
Any help on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure you're using the latest version of OSMnx (0.8.1 as of this writing). This issue is documented on GitHub and was fixed/released two months ago.

How do I use the batch ultility of Graphics Magick?

I'm sure that my mistake is plain simple. I'm fair new to this application and after seeing the online help for batch I copy and paste the code for jpg conversion (to tiff) and it didn't work. The error it gives is: "gm: unrecognized command 'for'. Use help ... " and I don't get it, isn't batch utily this for (the use of shell script)? If someone can copy a simple script for this porpouse it will help me a lot. Thanks
PD: Sorry for my english
This blog post gives a deeper explanation of how GM batch mode works. Try out the examples there should help you to understand the examples used in the online help.

Bulkloader syntax Error

Having been struggling trying to bulkload data to the datastore, I have reached the point where expert help is needed.
I don't think what is am doing is tricky, I have the following configuration file:
and when I use the command, the error messages end with:
File "config.txt", line 1
Syntax error: invalid syntax.
I have used a .txt file as it is faster to edit in notepad initially - I don't know if that is a problem and the remote_api for the appspot all seems to be okay.
I am thinking it is a fairly fundemental problem as it has stopped working at the top line. I removed the comment lines at the top of the original file - maybe that caused it.
I have tried to find working examples to set me right but they all seem to follow the syntax above, or where they are slightly different, I have tried both variants.
Help on bulkloading for my first cloud app would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for anyone taking time to read my post whether they solve it or not.
Be sure the configuration file extension is .yaml