How to check the load time for submodules - selenium

I am running the script where One module having 20 submodules. My task is mousehover the main module and click the desired submodule, it may take few miliseconds to get load, I do have to calculate load time for each submodules. After clicking any of the module it does not change the URL, its just get loaded/open into iframe.
I tried with following code. But its giving the negative value. Also please let me know is this aright way to do so.
public void waitForLoading() throws InterruptedException
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int count=0;
while(loadingIcon.size()!=0 && count<10)
long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = startTime-finishTime;
The output of above code is startTime = 1619460610429 finishTime = 1619460635444 & Diff = -25015.
Can it be done with the help of TestNNG Listners?
Any help will be appreciate.


Katalon Studio - After Click on element - its passed but nothing happened

When I clicked on the button (after clicking manually, new popup window will open) but in Katalon Studio, when I click, its passed, but nothing happened, window will not open)
Code trials:'Object Repository/POkus3/Page_Dashboard - altFINS/vaadin-tab_Overview'))'Object Repository/POkus3/Page_Dashboard - altFINS/vaadin-menu-bar_Free Registered User_userMe_6d88ae'))'Object Repository/POkus3/Page_Dashboard - altFINS/vaadin-context-menu-item_Accounts'))
WebUI.waitForElementClickable(findTestObject('Pokus2/Page_Accounts - altFINS/Sergej'), 10)
WebUI.doubleClick(findTestObject('Pokus2/Page_Accounts - altFINS/Sergej'))
Have you tried the following:
Create some custom Keyword class, defined to be:
public final class GeneralWebUIUtils {
public static int GetNumberOfWindows() {
return DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
public static boolean WaitForCondition(Closure<Boolean> onCheckCondition, int timeOut, Closure<String> onErrorMessage, FailureHandling failureHandling = FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE) {
boolean isConditionSatisfied = false;
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while((!isConditionSatisfied) && (System.currentTimeMillis() <= startTime + timeOut * 1000) {
isConditionSatisfied = onCheckCondition();
if ((!isConditionSatisfied) && failureHandling.equals(FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE))
throw new StepFailedException(onErrorMessage(this.GetElapsedTime(startTime)));
return isConditionSatisfied;
public static boolean WaitForWindowOpenChange(int timeOut, FailureHandling failureHandling = FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE) {
final int initNumberOfWindows = this.GetNumberOfWindows();
return this.WaitForCondition({
return this.GetNumberOfWindows() != initNumberOfWindows;
{ double elapsedTime ->
return "Number of open windows/tabs has NOT changed after ${elapsedTime} seconds";
public static double GetElapsedTime(long startTimeMillis) {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000.0;
and then, in your test case, call it like this:'Pokus2/Page_Accounts - altFINS/Sergej'));
This will solve your problem, if not just fail your test case at the very least.
Please review the code, and let me know if you have any questions!
UPDATE: I just saw, from your comment, that the input button you are trying to interact with, exists within some shadow root.
In that case, you need to create Test Object for the shadow root element, and then make the Test Object for it a child Test Object of that

Detect windows time change c++

I am using
CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
to get the current time from Winodws, but when the clock changes the next day and the application is still open, the time does not change. How can i make 't' be updated automatically when time changes?.
What i tried is to use TimeChanged event,
event EventHandler^ TimeChanged {
static void add(EventHandler^ value);
static void remove(EventHandler^ value);
but how to apply this on CTime t?. Thanks in Advance

How to run a simulation case using CaseRunner function?

I'm currently working on a Petrel plug-in in which I need to run a simulation case (through a "For Loop"), I create my case runner, export it and the run it...but after finishing the simulation and closing the console, I check the CaseRunner.IsRunning property and it shows true! This cause that the results have not been loaded to the petrel system.
I tried to load the results manually after finishing the Run of my case (using caserunner and also using a batch file in my code) and I can't see any results in the programming environment.
Does anybody have a solution for this situation?
This is the related part of my code:
Case theCase = arguments.TheCase;
Case Test2 = simroots.CreateCase(theCase, "FinalCase");
CaseRunner cRunners = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(Test2);
bool b = cRunners.IsRunning;
actually I checked when the process finishes; after "cRunners.Run" the code waits for exit the process using:
System.Diagnostics.Process[] parray = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses();
foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process pr in parray)
if (pr.ProcessName == "cmd")
pr.WaitForExit();//just wait
and when the console closes itself, i checked the cRunners.IsRunning term.
However, I'm not so expert... can you show me an example of using CaseRunnerMonitor? both definition of the derived class and its implementation.
All I need is running a simulation case n times via a for loop and
after each Run access to its provided summary results.
I tried some different scenarios to get my desired results, I put here some of them
First I create my CaseRunnerMonitor class:
public class MyMonitor : CaseRunnerMonitor
public override void RunCompleted()
// define arguments
foreach (Slb.Ocean.Petrel.DomainObject.Simulation.SummaryResult sr in simroot.SummaryResults)
IEnumerable ….
List ….
// some codes to change the input arguments according to the current step simulation summary results
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("MyMonitor is completed!");
And then use it:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Some codes that define some arguments…
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
// some changes in the arguments
Case MyTest;
MyMonitor monit4 = new MyMonitor();
SimulationRoot simroot = SimulationRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
using (ITransaction trans = DataManager.NewTransaction())
MyTest = simroot.CreateCase(OriginalCase, MycaseNameFunc());
CaseRunner cRun = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(MyTest);
//Wait(); //waits for current process to close
But the thing is that MyTest case results part are empty after my run is completed. in this case all the results loaded to the petrel when the 8th (last) simulation completes. If I don’t activate the Wait() function, all 8 runs are almost calling simultaneously…
I changed my scenario, my callback after each run is read the simulation results, change something and call next run so
I create my CaseRunnerMonitor class:
public class MyMonitor2 : CaseRunnerMonitor
public override void RunCompleted()
// define arguments
if (index <=8)
foreach (Slb.Ocean.Petrel.DomainObject.Simulation.SummaryResult sr in simroot.SummaryResults)
IEnumerable ….
List ….
// some codes to change the input arguments according to the current step simulation summary results
Case MyTest;
MyMonitor monit4 = new MyMonitor();
SimulationRoot simroot = SimulationRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
using (ITransaction trans = DataManager.NewTransaction())
MyTest = simroot.CreateCase(OriginalCase, MycaseNameFunc());
CaseRunner cRun = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(MyTest);
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("MyMonitor2 is completed!");
And then use it:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Some codes that define some arguments…
// some changes in the arguments
Case MyTest;
MyMonitor monit5 = new MyMonitor();
SimulationRoot simroot = SimulationRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
using (ITransaction trans = DataManager.NewTransaction())
MyTest = simroot.CreateCase(OriginalCase, MycaseNameFunc());
CaseRunner cRun = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(MyTest);
in this situation no need to wait() function is required. But the problem is that I access to MyTest case results in one level before the current run completes. i.e, I can view the step 5 results via MyTest.Results when the run 6 is completed while step 6 results are empty despite of completion of its run.
I check the CaseRunner.IsRunning property and it shows true
This is because Caserunner.Run() is non-blocking; that is, it starts another thread to launch the run. Control flow then passes immediately to your cRunners.IsRunning check which is true as simulation is in progress.
cRunners.Run(); //non-blocking
bool b = cRunners.IsRunning;
You should look at CaseRunnerMonitor if you want a call-back when the simulation is complete.
can you show me an example of using CaseRunnerMonitor? both definition of the derived class and its implementation.
Create your monitor class:
public class CustomCaseRunnerMonitor : CaseRunnerMonitor
public override void RunCompleted()
//This is probably the callback you want
Use it:
Case myCase = WellKnownSimulators.ECLIPSE100.CreateSimulationCase(...);
CaseRunner runner = SimulationSystem.GetCaseRunner(myCase);
var myMonitor = new CustomCaseRunnerMonitor(...);
//Your callbacks defined in your CustomCaseRunnerMonitor will now be called
See also "Running and monitoring a Simulation" in SimulationSystem API documentation.
Ah, OK. I didn't realise you were trying to load results with the CaseMonitor.
I'm afraid the short answer is "No, you can't know when Petrel has loaded results".
The long answer is Petrel will automatically load results if the option is set in the Case arguments. (Define Simulation Case -> Advance -> Automatically load results).
EclipseFormatSimulator.Arguments args = EclipseFormatSimulator.GetEclipseFormatSimulatorArguments(myCase);
EclipseFormatSimulator.Arguments.RuntimeArguments runtimeArgs = args.Runtime;
runtimeArgs.AutoLoadResults = true;
runtimeArgs.AutoLoadResultsInterval = 120; //How frequently in seconds Petrel polls sim dir.
You will have to poll SimulationRoot.SummaryResults (using the same API you are already using) after case has finished.
You should use the CaseRunnerMonitor we discussed to determine when to start doing this, rather than the System.Diagnostics.Process[] parray = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(); code you currently have.

Problem using Selenium to automate a postback link that is inside an ASP.NET UpdatePanel [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Selenium IDE click() timeout
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a GridView control with sorting enabled inside an UpdatePanel. I used Selenium IDE to record a test that clicks on the sort link of the table, but when I try to execute the test it get's stuck on the click command. Looking at the log I see:
[info] Executing: |click | link=Name | |
[error] Timed out after 30000ms
I haven't tried it with Selenium-RC yet, I don't know if it will be any different. I don't want Selenium to wait for anything. Any ideas of how to work around it?
when using selenium + Ajax (or the page just get refresh under certain conditions).
I usually use:
or I created the following code recently (the page uses frames).
public bool AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(string frame, Predicate<SeleniumWrapper> condition)
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime timeOutTime = currentTime.AddMinutes(6);
while (currentTime < timeOutTime)
if (condition(this))
return true;
catch (SeleniumException)
//TODO: log exception
currentTime = DateTime.Now;
return false;
public bool WaitUntilIsElementPresent(string frame, string locator)
return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
return w.IsElementPresent(locator);
public bool WaitUntilIsTextPresent(string frame, string pattern)
return AccessElementsOnDynamicPage(frame, delegate(SeleniumWrapper w)
return w.IsTextPresent(pattern);
Soon you will get to the point you will need selenium RC integrated on your development environment, for this I recommend you to read:
How can I make my Selenium tests less brittle?
It is around waiting but for specific elements that should be (or appear) on the page.

Custom Performance Counter / Minute in .NET

I'm trying to create a custom performance counter in C# based on per minute.
So far, I've seen only RateOfCountsPerSecond32 or RateOfCountsPerSecond64 available.
Does anybody know what are options for creating a custom counter based on per minute?
This won't be directly supported. You'll have to computer the rate per minute yourself, and then use a NumberOfItems32 or NumberOfItems64 counter to display the rate. Using a helpful name like "Count / minute" will make it clear what the value is. You'll just update the counter every minute. A background (worker) thread would be a good place to do that.
Alternately, you can just depend upon the monitoring software. Use a NumberOfItems32/64 counter, but have the monitoring software do the per-minute computation. The PerfMon tool built into Windows doesn't do this, but there's no reason it couldn't.
By default PerfMon pulls data every second. In order to get permanent image in Windows performance monitor chart, I've wrote custom counter for measure rate of count per minute.
After working for one minute I become receive data from my counter.
Note that accuracy doesn't important for me.
Code snippet look like this:
class PerMinExample
private static PerformanceCounter _pcPerSec;
private static PerformanceCounter _pcPerMin;
private static Timer _timer = new Timer(CallBack, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
private static Queue<CounterSample> _queue = new Queue<CounterSample>();
static PerMinExample()
// RateOfCountsPerSecond32
_pcPerSec = new PerformanceCounter("Category", "ORDERS PER SECOND", false);
// NumberOfItems32
_pcPerMin = new PerformanceCounter("Category", "ORDERS PER MINUTE", false);
_pcPerSec.RawValue = 0;
_pcPerMin.RawValue = 0;
public void CountSomething()
private static void CallBack(Object o)
CounterSample sample = _pcPerSec.NextSample();
if (_queue.Count <= 60)
CounterSample prev = _queue.Dequeue();
Single numerator = (Single)sample.RawValue - (Single)prev.RawValue;
Single denomenator =
(Single)(sample.TimeStamp - prev.TimeStamp)
/ (Single)(sample.SystemFrequency) / 60;
Single counterValue = numerator / denomenator;
_pcPerMin.RawValue = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(counterValue);
Console.WriteLine("ORDERS PER SEC: {0}", _pcPerSec.NextValue());
Console.WriteLine("ORDERS PER MINUTE: {0}", _pcPerMin.NextValue());