Recently,I try to use the “tf.contrib.rnn.LayerNormBasicLSTMCell” , but I don't know what's the mean of the argument “dropout_keep_prob”.
Then I look at the Document given by Google. Their explanation is “unit Tensor or float between 0 and 1 representing the recurrent dropout probability value. If float and 1.0, no dropout will be applied.”
But I don't know the difference between “recurrent dropout” and“dropout”.
Recurrent Dropout is a regularization method for recurrent neural networks. Dropout is applied to the updates to LSTM memory cells, i.e. it drops out the input/update gate in LSTM. For more information you can refer here.
I am training a GRU layer where inputs doesn't have the same length. Therefore, I have padded the inputs' features with 0.0 to make all sequences of same length. On the other hand, I don't want to compute any loss at any time step, for any sample as long as the input feature vector is all zeros. Example, at time step 1000, I have a batch size of 34, but samples number 33 and 34 of this batch lack data or feature values at time step 1000.
I have found that we can use the method Masking()(inputs) in Keras as long as all subsequent layers or operations support masking. But I have implemented my model in tensorflow. So what is the equivalence of Masking() in tensorflow?
Second, how can I know whether: batch normalization, conv layer and any non linear activation function has support for the masking() function in Keras?
Your help is much appreciated!!
So I found the detailed solution in danijar blog
The masking in keras is used when having incomplete sequences. So usually, you need to pad your sequences with 0.0 in the third dimension (The feature's dimension; when the input dimension has shape = [batch_size, sequence_length, num_features]).Afterwards, the masking in keras will take a number, will output 0 for their activations.
In summary: He showed how to compute the sequence length for each sample in the batch using length() he implemented. The output vector is then fed into the dynamic_rnn which will output zero vectors for incomplete sequences (for states and outputs), which is somehow similar to what happens in Keras Masking() function. Second, we should use a mask when computing the loss function.
All the details are discussed in this blog post.
But regarding the support thingy for masking in batch_norm, conv and non linear activation function; usually, if the output of the LSTM is zeros; then in case with sigmoid activation function at the output; the derivative of the output with respect to the input of the sigmoid function is output(1 - output). Hence, when the output is 0, this derivative is zero as well. And since back propagation applies the chain rule, then the gradients of the current sample with respect to any weight parameter in the network is going to be 0 as well. Hence, there is no need to worry about the support thingy... But the problem arises when the activation is relu for example, this is when the gradients should be explicitely multiplied by zeros before doing the back propagation (I guess). Maybe doing something like this will help:
final_output = output * mask
Then derivative of the final_output with respect to output will be the mask => 0 or 1 (the any time step; for any sample). Then, back propagate this gradient from the output of the activation function to its inputs...followed by chain rule => weights wont be affected in this case.
I was reviewing the documentation for the LSTM cell in tensorflow and Keras. In particular, I want to apply dropout as well. Here is what I have in Keras and would like to apply the same LSTM cell in tensorflow:
cell = LSTM(num_units_2, return_sequences=True, dropout=dropout, recurrent_dropout=dropout)(net)
Therefore, I know that I need to use tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell in tensorflow with num_units = num_units_2. Second, I need a DropoutWrapper as:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(cell)
Now, I want to apply dropout and recurrent_dropout similar to the Keras code. Therefore, I found that tensorflow's implementation of dropout will apply a different dropout mask at every time step unless variational_recurrent is set to True (Yet I'm not sure how variational_recurrent works in details).
Additionally, I'm not sure if the LSTM in Keras apply different Mask at each time step as well.
Second, I was confused about the difference between the output_keep_prob and the state_keep_prob as both mention:
output_keep_prob: unit Tensor or float between 0 and 1, output keep probability; if it is constant and 1, no output dropout will be added...
Any help is much appreciated!!
What variational dropout does
As far as I know, the main novelty of variational dropout is using the same dropout mask for all unrolled steps (as you said).
Difference between output_keep_prob and the state_keep_prob
output_keep_prob is the dropout rate applied to the output (h) of the LSTM cell where state_keep_prob is the dropout rate applied to the cell (c) of the LSTM state.
Dropout choice in Keras
Looking at the _generate_dropout_mask method in the LSTM source code and its use for the LSTMCell of Keras, I think Keras LSTM uses variational recurrent dropout only for the recurrent connections (i.e. self._recurrent_dropout_mask) . But I'm not 100% confident about this.
The tensorflow config dropout wrapper has three different dropout probabilities that can be set: input_keep_prob, output_keep_prob, state_keep_prob.
I want to use variational dropout for my LSTM units, by setting the variational_recurrent argument to true. However, I don't know which of the three dropout probabilities I have to use for variational dropout to function correctly.
Can someone provide help?
According to this paper that is used for implementation of the variational_recurrent dropouts, you can think about as follows,
input_keep_prob - probability that dropping out input connections.
output_keep_prob - probability that dropping out output connections.
state_keep_prob - Probability that droping out recurrent connections.
See the diagram below,
If you set the variational_recurrent to be true you will get an RNN that's similar to the model in right and otherwise in left.
The basic differences in above two models are,
Variational RNN repeats the same dropout mask at each time
step for both inputs, outputs, and recurrent layers (drop
the same network units at each time step).
Native RNN uses different dropout masks at each time step for the
inputs and outputs alone (no dropout is used with the recurrent
connections since the use of different masks with these connections
leads to deteriorated performance).
In the above diagram, coloured connections represent the dropped-out connections, with different colours corresponding to different dropout masks. Dashed lines correspond to standard connections with no dropout.
Therefore, if you use a variational RNN you can set all three probability parameters according to your requirement.
Hope this helps.
Training fully convolutional nerworks (FCNs) for pixelwise semantic segmentation is very memory intensive. So we often use batchsize=1 for traing FCNs. However, when we finetune the pretrained networks with BatchNorm (BN) layers, batchsize=1 doesn't make sense for the BN layers. So, how to handle the BN layers?
Some options:
delete the BN layers (merge the BN layers with the preceding layers for the pretrained model)
Freeze the parameters and statistics of the BN layers
which is better and any demo for implementation in pytorch/tf/caffe?
Having only one element will make the batch normalization zero if epsilon is non-zero (variance is zero, mean will be same as input).
Its better to delete the BN layers from the network and try the activation function SELU (scaled exponential linear units). This is from the paper 'Self normalizing neural networks' (SNNs).
Quote from the paper:
While batch normalization requires explicit normalization, neuron
activations of SNNs automatically converge towards zero mean and
unit variance. The activation function of SNNs are “scaled
exponential linear units” (SELUs), which induce self-normalizing
The SELU is defined as:
def selu(x, name="selu"):
alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717
scale = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946
return scale * tf.where(x >= 0.0, x, alpha * tf.nn.elu(x))
Batch Normalization was introduced to reduce the internal covariate shift of the input feature maps. Due to change of parameters of each layer after every optimization steps, input distribution of a layer also changes, this slow down the model convergence. By using Batch Normalization we can normalize the input distribution irrespective of the batch_size (whether batch_size =1 or larger).
BN normalizes the input distribution
For convolutional network input for intermediate layer is 4D tensor. [batch_size, width, height, num_filters]. Normalization effect all the feature maps.
delete the BN layers (merge the BN layers with the preceding layers for the pretrained model)
This may further slow down the training step and convergence mayn't be achieved.
Freeze the parameters and statistics of the BN layers
Sometime the input data distribution for retrain/finetune, may vary significantly from the original data used to train the pretrained model used for initialization, Due to which your model may end-up in non-optimal solution.
According to my experiments in PyTorch, if convolutional layer before the BN outputs more than one value (i.e. 1 x feat_nb x height x width, where height > 1 or width > 1), then the BN still works fine even when the batch size is equal to one. However, I suspect that in this case the variance estimate might be very biased since all samples that are used for variance calculation come from the same image. Therefore in my case I still decided to use small batch.
The effective batch size over convolutional layer
I think the CNN-relative section (Section 3.2) in the BN original paper could help. From the point of view of the authors, it should be OK to use batch size = 1 for convolutional layers. The "effective batch size" for convolutional layer actually is batch_size * image_height * image_width.
I do not have an exact answer, but here are my thoughts:
networks with BatchNorm (BN) layers, batchsize=1 doesn't make sense
for the BN layers
The main motivation of BN is to fix the distribution (mean/variance) of the input in the batch. In my opinion, having one element this does not make sense. Judging from the paper
you will need to calculate the mean and the variance for 1 element, which does not make sense.
You can always just remove BN but are you sure you can't afford at least 16 elements in the batch?
My observation is in contrary with Stephan's: using PyTorch on a similar input batch x feat_nb x height x width, where height > 1 or width > 1, I found adding BatchNorm after the last conv and before the last non-linear (sigmoid) actually hurts the accuracy by a big margin. Still trying to make sense out of it..
(batch size = 8)
This question already has answers here:
What are logits? What is the difference between softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
In the following TensorFlow function, we must feed the activation of artificial neurons in the final layer. That I understand. But I don't understand why it is called logits? Isn't that a mathematical function?
loss_function = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
logits = last_layer,
labels = target_output
Logits is an overloaded term which can mean many different things:
In Math, Logit is a function that maps probabilities ([0, 1]) to R ((-inf, inf))
Probability of 0.5 corresponds to a logit of 0. Negative logit correspond to probabilities less than 0.5, positive to > 0.5.
In ML, it can be
the vector of raw (non-normalized) predictions that a classification
model generates, which is ordinarily then passed to a normalization
function. If the model is solving a multi-class classification
problem, logits typically become an input to the softmax function. The
softmax function then generates a vector of (normalized) probabilities
with one value for each possible class.
Logits also sometimes refer to the element-wise inverse of the sigmoid function.
Just adding this clarification so that anyone who scrolls down this much can at least gets it right, since there are so many wrong answers upvoted.
Diansheng's answer and JakeJ's answer get it right.
A new answer posted by Shital Shah is an even better and more complete answer.
Yes, logit as a mathematical function in statistics, but the logit used in context of neural networks is different. Statistical logit doesn't even make any sense here.
I couldn't find a formal definition anywhere, but logit basically means:
The raw predictions which come out of the last layer of the neural network.
1. This is the very tensor on which you apply the argmax function to get the predicted class.
2. This is the very tensor which you feed into the softmax function to get the probabilities for the predicted classes.
Also, from a tutorial on official tensorflow website:
Logits Layer
The final layer in our neural network is the logits layer, which will return the raw values for our predictions. We create a dense layer with 10 neurons (one for each target class 0–9), with linear activation (the default):
logits = tf.layers.dense(inputs=dropout, units=10)
If you are still confused, the situation is like this:
raw_predictions = neural_net(input_layer)
predicted_class_index_by_raw = argmax(raw_predictions)
probabilities = softmax(raw_predictions)
predicted_class_index_by_prob = argmax(probabilities)
where, predicted_class_index_by_raw and predicted_class_index_by_prob will be equal.
Another name for raw_predictions in the above code is logit.
As for the why logit... I have no idea. Sorry.
[Edit: See this answer for the historical motivations behind the term.]
Although, if you want to, you can apply statistical logit to probabilities that come out of the softmax function.
If the probability of a certain class is p,
Then the log-odds of that class is L = logit(p).
Also, the probability of that class can be recovered as p = sigmoid(L), using the sigmoid function.
Not very useful to calculate log-odds though.
In context of deep learning the logits layer means the layer that feeds in to softmax (or other such normalization). The output of the softmax are the probabilities for the classification task and its input is logits layer. The logits layer typically produces values from -infinity to +infinity and the softmax layer transforms it to values from 0 to 1.
Historical Context
Where does this term comes from? In 1930s and 40s, several people were trying to adapt linear regression to the problem of predicting probabilities. However linear regression produces output from -infinity to +infinity while for probabilities our desired output is 0 to 1. One way to do this is by somehow mapping the probabilities 0 to 1 to -infinity to +infinity and then use linear regression as usual. One such mapping is cumulative normal distribution that was used by Chester Ittner Bliss in 1934 and he called this "probit" model, short for "probability unit". However this function is computationally expensive while lacking some of the desirable properties for multi-class classification. In 1944 Joseph Berkson used the function log(p/(1-p)) to do this mapping and called it logit, short for "logistic unit". The term logistic regression derived from this as well.
The Confusion
Unfortunately the term logits is abused in deep learning. From pure mathematical perspective logit is a function that performs above mapping. In deep learning people started calling the layer "logits layer" that feeds in to logit function. Then people started calling the output values of this layer "logit" creating the confusion with logit the function.
TensorFlow Code
Unfortunately TensorFlow code further adds in to confusion by names like tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits. What does logits mean here? It just means the input of the function is supposed to be the output of last neuron layer as described above. The _with_logits suffix is redundant, confusing and pointless. Functions should be named without regards to such very specific contexts because they are simply mathematical operations that can be performed on values derived from many other domains. In fact TensorFlow has another similar function sparse_softmax_cross_entropy where they fortunately forgot to add _with_logits suffix creating inconsistency and adding in to confusion. PyTorch on the other hand simply names its function without these kind of suffixes.
The Logit/Probit lecture slides is one of the best resource to understand logit. I have also updated Wikipedia article with some of above information.
Logit is a function that maps probabilities [0, 1] to [-inf, +inf].
Softmax is a function that maps [-inf, +inf] to [0, 1] similar as Sigmoid. But Softmax also normalizes the sum of the values(output vector) to be 1.
Tensorflow "with logit": It means that you are applying a softmax function to logit numbers to normalize it. The input_vector/logit is not normalized and can scale from [-inf, inf].
This normalization is used for multiclass classification problems. And for multilabel classification problems sigmoid normalization is used i.e. tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits
Personal understanding, in TensorFlow domain, logits are the values to be used as input to softmax. I came to this understanding based on this tensorflow tutorial.
Although it is true that logit is a function in maths(especially in statistics), I don't think that's the same 'logit' you are looking at. In the book Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, he mentioned,
The function σ−1(x) is called the logit in statistics, but this term
is more rarely used in machine learning. σ−1(x) stands for the
inverse function of logistic sigmoid function.
In TensorFlow, it is frequently seen as the name of last layer. In Chapter 10 of the book Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-learn and TensorFLow by Aurélien Géron, I came across this paragraph, which stated logits layer clearly.
note that logits is the output of the neural network before going
through the softmax activation function: for optimization reasons, we
will handle the softmax computation later.
That is to say, although we use softmax as the activation function in the last layer in our design, for ease of computation, we take out logits separately. This is because it is more efficient to calculate softmax and cross-entropy loss together. Remember that cross-entropy is a cost function, not used in forward propagation.
If you check math Logit function, it converts real space from [0,1] interval to infinity [-inf, inf].
Sigmoid and softmax will do exactly the opposite thing. They will convert the [-inf, inf] real space to [0, 1] real space.
This is why, in machine learning we may use logit before sigmoid and softmax function (since they match).
And this is why "we may call" anything in machine learning that goes in front of sigmoid or softmax function the logit.
Here is G. Hinton video using this term.
Here is a concise answer for future readers. Tensorflow's logit is defined as the output of a neuron without applying activation function:
logit = w*x + b,
x: input, w: weight, b: bias. That's it.
The following is irrelevant to this question.
For historical lectures, read other answers. Hats off to Tensorflow's "creatively" confusing naming convention. In PyTorch, there is only one CrossEntropyLoss and it accepts un-activated outputs. Convolutions, matrix multiplications and activations are same level operations. The design is much more modular and less confusing. This is one of the reasons why I switched from Tensorflow to PyTorch.
The vector of raw (non-normalized) predictions that a classification model generates, which is ordinarily then passed to a normalization function. If the model is solving a multi-class classification problem, logits typically become an input to the softmax function. The softmax function then generates a vector of (normalized) probabilities with one value for each possible class.
In addition, logits sometimes refer to the element-wise inverse of the sigmoid function. For more information, see tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits.
official tensorflow documentation
They are basically the fullest learned model you can get from the network, before it's been squashed down to apply to only the number of classes we are interested in. Check out how some researchers use them to train a shallow neural net based on what a deep network has learned:
It's kind of like how when learning a subject in detail, you will learn a great many minor points, but then when teaching a student, you will try to compress it to the simplest case. If the student now tried to teach, it'd be quite difficult, but would be able to describe it just well enough to use the language.
The logit (/ˈloʊdʒɪt/ LOH-jit) function is the inverse of the sigmoidal "logistic" function or logistic transform used in mathematics, especially in statistics. When the function's variable represents a probability p, the logit function gives the log-odds, or the logarithm of the odds p/(1 − p).
See here: