How to do Layout with Microsoft FAST controls - aurelia

until now I have used Bootstrap for building my sites.
I heard about Microsoft FAST web-controls, and I want to try it but there is no layout grid.
How am I supposed to do layouting in MS FAST?
I am no web designer, this is why I use bootstrap templates.
I also use Aurelia as my framework of choice to build web apps.

The answer to how are you supposed to do layouting is "there is no how". It's up to you.
What FAST offers is some building blocks (#microsoft/fast-foundation) to allow you to implement your custom design system. So you could go on using bootstrap or turn to material design or another choice.
Here's the link to the info supporting this answer:


Why are Fluent UI react and Fluent UI web components libraries different?

Not sure it's the right question for this forum, but I couldn't find another place for it.
Our design team built their design system based on fluent ui libraries as described here. They downloaded the design from here.
Unfortunately, our engineering team is using Angular, so we naturally reached for the option of web component but found out to our surprise that the library is completely different - different set of components, abilities, and of course - a completely different design.
I thought that all fluentui platforms are supposed to be an implementation / interface of the same design. Why is this not the case? What am I missing?
Is there a way we can use the design described in here in Angular? (Except actually using the react library inside my Angular project).
Thanks for helping and very sorry if this question is inappropriate for this forum.
fluent web components integrated with angular.
take a look at documents

ASP.NET MVC toolkit

I am coming from desktop dev background, wpf/SLight, and looking at switching to MVC application. Given I am absolutely rubbish at making stuff "pretty" what would be the best toolkit/widgets to invest in to help me on my way?
Looking for ease of use; UI look and feel; price?
I have experience with following control toolkit.
JQuery with JQuery UI : Free and open source. Lot of community support, Lot of plugin to extend. you have more control over plugins and code. Very light. I have extensively use several mvic projects and I do recommend.
MVC controls toolkit. : - Free and open source code plex projects that you can use your mvc application.
DEvexprss mvc extension. : Commercial product with all necessary control for mvc application. Learning curve is bit high. But you can get very nice look for your application easily. Customization is difficult. They have good support from you technical issues. I have use for projects.
Kendo UI : commercial product from Telerik. I haven’t use in commrical project this but seems good.
One of the most popular UI frameworks is Twitter Bootstrap (FREE). It is built on top of jQuery and has lots of pretty widgets that are easy to use.
Another framework I like to use is KendoUI from Telerik (Price depends on what you need). It is very declarative so you simply need to add attributes to your html elements and it will take care of styling for you.

Best practice for Java EE application development using extjs and Sencha Architect

I am a newbie to extjs and kind of new to javascript world also. I have developed applications in jsp/servlet, JSF etc.
We are planning to use extjs along with Sencha Architect to develop UIs for our application.
Being new I have several questions for which I am searching answers
Q1. How should we use Sencha Architect in multi developer environment in terms of versioning. Shall we checkin the Architect project into svn and ask each developer to work on same project.
Q2. What should be the structure of Sencha Architect project (Basically how to make sure each developer is working on his/her individual module without affecting others component).
Is there any best practice for this.
Q3. What is the best practice for developing an application which contains several pages along with navigation. Should we create a single html file (with lot of javascript to modify the body) or should we have multiple html?
yes, it should certainly be in source control. you will want developer-specific settings to not be in source control however.
the best way is to create an application "shell" with menu bars, and load in modules/plugins and have them register with the application, adding their own menus etc.
definitely a single page application. security remains on the server though (for example in your REST API). security is irrelevant on the client as they have control over source code. you should just hide functionality that a user should not use.
How to load different views into viewport?

Anyone know the Click Framework?

I've been recommended the Click framework from Apache. But I can't find any forums talking about benchmark, reviews, advantages, disavantages, usefulness, ease of implementation, etc.
I've been asked to use it to develop a web site, but I'm completly in the dark about its strengths and weaknesses.
And its damn name isn't helping !! Click ? Hey Apache ! Call your next framework "the" just for fun. I dare you.
So can anyone comment on his experience with Click ?
What I personally like about the Click framework is that it is fairly close to HTML/HTTP and the Servlet API. There is no huge abstraction to get familiar with. You have a Page class, a Form class, ... If you need to preserve state across invocations you put it in the session or you pass it through the URL... This makes it easy to start using it. It is also straightforward to control the HTML pages being generated. It may sound like it is a very basic framework but the simplicity is actually one of it greatest strengths.
Other frameworks (e.g. Seam) are more suitedr to create a very large web application with lots of reusable components and complicated pageflows but the learning curve is much steeper. So for me Click works well for small to medium sized websites.
It's an apache incubator project but that does not mean the project is not stable, rather it reflects that it is in transition to the Apache project model.
Click is Apache's version of a component based web framework equivalent to JSF (other component base Java Frameworks are Tapestry and Wicket)
Click is rated at Ohloh
There is an official blog and some Wikipedia references: Framework Comparision and info page

Spreadsheet-like functionality in web app

I have a web app for commercial property management that needs spreadsheet-like functionality for doing budgets. I don't want to use Google Sheets because my users won't necessarily have a Google account.
So is there anything out there that I could use?
I looked and could only find SocialCalc which wasn't quite good enough for me.
ExtJS Grid Component (Open Source[GPL3] & Commercial License)
Infragistics Grid Component (Commercial License)
TreeGrid (Commercial License, Free Version has maximum of 33 rows)
If you don't mind implementing the logic yourself, the ExtJS grid component is a JavaScript grid component with lots of powerful features, and it is available in both open-source and commercial versions.
I have used dhtmlXGrid successfully. There is an open source version that you can use freely to get your application developed. Assuming everything works out, for $200 you can purchase a license for it and distribute it with your application.
Very easy to use; create an HTML table structure with your data in it and then bind dhtmlXGrid to the table - it automatically turns the table cells into editable fields.
Check it out here:
Again, you will need to implement the spreadsheet logic yourself but dhtmlXGrid makes it straightforward to translate that into an editable column/row display.
There is an excellent grid from Farpoint
They have web and win forms grids available and are not too bad price wise
Infragistics has spreadsheet-type functionality in their data grid product
You may want to give a try to treegrid # .
try telerik radgrid. It is a pretty decent .net user control which can easily render an XML datasource for user editting. Its also fully Ajax enabled to avoid delays when entering volumes of data.