Acumatica API - Upload attachment to an Appointment detail record - api

I am trying to attach a file to an appointment detail record. I can successfully attach a file to an appointment using the URL
However, I am unable to determine the endpoint for appointment detail records. The Acumatica development guide does not provide any insight into related/nested records. As far as I can tell, the appointment detail record is not accessible via a direct endpoint, only with /Appointment/[uuid]?$expand=Details
What is the correct API endpoint for upload files to an appointment detail record?
It's my understanding that the Android application uses the API so there should be a matching endpoint.

If an Endpoint does not exists relative to the detail line your could try to define your own via the Web Service Endpoints screen in the Integrations module. You may need to define a screen for just the detail in order to get that endpoint established. Im not at all certain this is going to get you the end result you need but it may be worth a try.


(ssg-wsg) Why is CorpPass ID required for Update/Delete course run with sessions API?

Does anyone know why is CorpPass Id a required field for "Update/Delete course run with sessions" API? Since this will be an NRIC, would it be a sensitive information to be used in the request body?
Referring to the API:
Based on the API page, I do not see where Corppass ID is being referenced. Do provide more details if you have a technical query for the API.
However, based on the description: API is only available to Corppass users - and if you are able to subscribe to it then you are a Corporate Developer. For this query, it would be more appropriate if you can reach out to their servicedesk for details instead:

REST APIs to fetch statistic api usage data from API Connect

This may look a dumb question to you. However, I am looking for a way to fetch API Connect internal data i.e. number of invocations of APIs exposed via API Connect , by which client etc. I know, there are individual dashboard/chart within API Connect. But, I want to build a explicit tool to monitor the same leveraging API Connect data.
is it at all possible ?
Thanks in advance
See the KC at which will explain how to get the info you want.
To obtain analytics data for a Catalog and API provider organization, issue the following call:
GET /v1/orgs/{orgId}/environments/{envId}/events
{orgId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the API provider organization.
{envId} is either the URL path segment or the ID of the Catalog.
The following example shows a call that is issued from a browser and then shows all the event fields in the corresponding response. The call is issued to return two analytics events (limit=2), and includes a next parameter for requesting further events.

How to show a contact in the browser after getting the ID using the Office 365 REST API

I'm using the Office 365 REST API to look for contacts. Once I have the contact details, I need to open a browser and show it to the user.
So, for example, I find a contact with ID:
And then I'm using the following URL to show it:
The browser shows a windows containing some information of the contact, but it's not the same information I have when browsing the Office 365 People app. I just get the name, and there is no way to see all the details or edit this contact. This is a screenshot of what I see when I open that URL:
And this is the information I would like to see (available when I use the People app):
Is there any other way to achieve this? How can I show the contact details to my user?
Any hint will be greatly appreciatted!
I wrote a simple sample application (in Angular, but it's just using REST so you should be able to use it) that uses the Outlook Contacts REST API to get a user's contacts and display them to the user.
In short, you should be able to get the information you want by making a GET request to "https: //" to get all the contacts of the signed in user, or a GET request to "https: //{contact_id}" to get a specific contact. In either case, you must also supply an access token and make sure your application has the correct permissions scope.
View the code (and some links that may be helpful to you as you continue your Office 365 development) on GitHub:

How do you get the contact information for a Foursquare user who checks in to your venue via 4sq's API?

I am currently writing an application as the owner of a particular venue. I want to be able to programmatically reach out to a user who checks in to the location via the contact information associated with their Foursquare account (if they've chosen to make that information public).
Based on the sample code provided with the Real-Time API, it doesn't look like contact information is returned here. Is there a way to crawl to the necessary info from the info returned via this endpoint?
You generally ought to actually be able to get the email from the actual push API response. Inside the user object should be a contact object, and the email field will be populated with their email. You can always also fall back to making a user details call to retrieve a user's contact info once you know their user ID.
However, please keep in mind our API platform policy when it comes to situations like this. From the policy: "You must not take any action that constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk e-mail."

Payment confirmation using in VB.NET

I have a single account, and I have 5 different e-commerce applications tied to that account. Some are posting from a public site and some are posting from managed access sites. I am using SIM and I have read about the Relay Response, but as far as I can tell I can only have one URL listed. That will not work for me as I need a different URL for each different point of entry into the e-commerce system.
My problem at the moment is that I need to update a datafield via a guid upon successful payment completion to confirm purchase of a digital item, but if I put in a relay response page it is getting sent to all my access points and throwing errors. Other parts of the e-commerce system need to send different emails upon completion etc, plus all the urls are different at the top level.
Is there some other way of accomplishing this task that I am overlooking?
Use Silent Post*. It's Authorize.Net's equivalent of Paypal's IPN. It will only post to one URL per account but it happens behind the scenes. This means you can send a custom flag along with each transaction identifying which site the purchase is for and then have it respond accordingly (e.g. send emails, update database, etc).
*I am the author of this content