Convert Pell.js to Vue component for Customizing - vue.js

I am trying to convert from pell rich text editor to vue component. I have downloaded pell.js and converted it to vue component but I meet some issues now.
I transfer all datas and methods from pell to vue component.
And I called this.init function in created() method. And it shows that this.defaultActions which defined in datas() is not defined in init functions.
Please give me any advice. Thanks..
Here is my vue component
<div class="content">
<div id="editor" class="pell"></div>
<div style="margin-top:20px;">
<h3>Text output:</h3>
<div id="text-output"></div>
<div style="margin-top:20px;">
<h3>HTML output:</h3>
<pre id="html-output"></pre>
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
export default {
data: ()=> ({
defaultParagraphSeparatorString : 'defaultParagraphSeparator',
formatBlock : 'formatBlock',
defaultActions: {
bold: {
icon: '<b>B</b>',
title: 'Bold',
state: function state() {
return this.queryCommandState('bold');
result: function result() {
return this.exec('bold');
italic: {
icon: '<i>I</i>',
title: 'Italic',
state: function state() {
return this.queryCommandState('italic');
result: function result() {
return this.exec('italic');
underline: {
icon: '<u>U</u>',
title: 'Underline',
state: function state() {
return this.queryCommandState('underline');
result: function result() {
return this.exec('underline');
strikethrough: {
icon: '<strike>S</strike>',
title: 'Strike-through',
state: function state() {
return this.queryCommandState('strikeThrough');
result: function result() {
return this.exec('strikeThrough');
heading1: {
icon: '<b>H<sub>1</sub></b>',
title: 'Heading 1',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('formatBlock', '<h1>');
heading2: {
icon: '<b>H<sub>2</sub></b>',
title: 'Heading 2',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('formatBlock', '<h2>');
paragraph: {
icon: '¶',
title: 'Paragraph',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('formatBlock', '<p>');
quote: {
icon: '“ ”',
title: 'Quote',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('formatBlock', '<blockquote>');
olist: {
icon: '#',
title: 'Ordered List',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('insertOrderedList');
ulist: {
icon: '•',
title: 'Unordered List',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('insertUnorderedList');
code: {
icon: '</>',
title: 'Code',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('formatBlock', '<pre>');
line: {
icon: '―',
title: 'Horizontal Line',
result: function result() {
return this.exec('insertHorizontalRule');
link: {
icon: '🔗',
title: 'Link',
result: function result() {
var url = window.prompt('Enter the link URL');
if (url) this.exec('createLink', url);
image: {
icon: '📷',
title: 'Image',
result: function result() {
var url = window.prompt('Enter the image URL');
if (url) this.exec('insertImage', url);
defaultClasses: {
actionbar: 'pell-actionbar',
button: 'pell-button',
content: 'pell-content',
selected: 'pell-button-selected'
console.log("this.defaultActions", this.defaultActions);
element: document.getElementById('editor'),
defaultParagraphSeparator: 'p',
// actions: [
// 'bold',
// 'italic',
// 'underline',
// 'strikethrough'
// ],
onChange: function (html) {
document.getElementById('text-output').innerHTML = html
document.getElementById('html-output').textContent = html
addEventListener(parent, type, listener) {
return parent.addEventListener(type, listener);
appendChild(parent, child) {
return parent.appendChild(child);
createElement(tag) {
return document.createElement(tag);
queryCommandState(command) {
return document.queryCommandState(command);
queryCommandValue(command) {
return document.queryCommandValue(command);
exec(command) {
var value = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
return document.execCommand(command, false, value);
Object.keys(this.defaultActions).map(function (action) {
console.log("action", action)
var actions = settings.actions ? (action) {
if (typeof action === 'string') return this.defaultActions[action];
else if (this.defaultActions[]) return _extends({}, this.defaultActions[], action);
return action;
}) : Object.keys(this.defaultActions).map(function (action) {
console.log("action", action)
console.log("sss", this.defaultActions)
// return this.defaultActions[action];
var classes = _extends({}, this.defaultClasses, settings.classes);
var defaultParagraphSeparator = settings[this.defaultParagraphSeparatorString] || 'div';
var actionbar = this.createElement('div');
actionbar.className = classes.actionbar;
this.appendChild(settings.element, actionbar);
var content = settings.element.content = this.createElement('div');
content.contentEditable = true;
content.className = classes.content;
content.oninput = function (_ref) {
var firstChild =;
if (firstChild && firstChild.nodeType === 3) this.exec(this.formatBlock, '<' + defaultParagraphSeparator + '>');else if (content.innerHTML === '<br>') content.innerHTML = '';
content.onkeydown = function (event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter' && this.queryCommandValue(this.formatBlock) === 'blockquote') {
setTimeout(function () {
return this.exec(this.formatBlock, '<' + defaultParagraphSeparator + '>');
}, 0);
this.appendChild(settings.element, content);
actions.forEach(function (action) {
var button = this.createElement('button');
button.className = classes.button;
button.innerHTML = action.icon;
button.title = action.title;
button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
button.onclick = function () {
return action.result() && content.focus();
if (action.state) {
var handler = function handler() {
return button.classList[action.state() ? 'add' : 'remove'](classes.selected);
this.addEventListener(content, 'keyup', handler);
this.addEventListener(content, 'mouseup', handler);
this.addEventListener(button, 'click', handler);
this.appendChild(actionbar, button);
if (settings.styleWithCSS) this.exec('styleWithCSS');
this.exec(this.defaultParagraphSeparatorString, defaultParagraphSeparator);
return settings.element;
.content {
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 600px;
padding: 20px;
#html-output {
white-space: pre-wrap;
.pell {
border: 1px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1);
box-sizing: border-box; }
.pell-content {
box-sizing: border-box;
height: 300px;
outline: 0;
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 10px; }
.pell-actionbar {
background-color: #FFF;
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); }
.pell-button {
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
cursor: pointer;
height: 30px;
outline: 0;
width: 30px;
vertical-align: bottom; }
.pell-button-selected {
background-color: #F0F0F0; }

You should use arrow functions in the block mapping actions, preserves this from the surrounding scope
var actions = settings.actions
? => { // arrow function here
if (typeof action === "string") return this.defaultActions[action];
else if (this.defaultActions[])
return _extends({}, this.defaultActions[], action);
return action
: Object.keys(this.defaultActions).map(action => { // arrow function here
console.log("action", action)
console.log("sss", this.defaultActions);
// return this.defaultActions[action];

Just for reference, you can also use the sample Vue code given in the pell repository
(or parts thereof, e.g styles)
<div id="pell" class="pell" />
<h6>HTML Output:</h6>
<pre id="pell-html-output"></pre>
import pell from 'pell'
export default {
methods: {
ensureHTTP: str => /^https?:\/\//.test(str) && str || `http://${str}`
mounted () {
element: document.getElementById('pell'),
onChange: html => {
window.document.getElementById('pell-html-output').textContent = html
actions: [
'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'heading1', 'heading2',
'paragraph', 'quote', 'olist', 'ulist', 'code', 'line',
name: 'image',
result: () => {
const url = window.prompt('Enter the image URL')
if (url) pell.exec('insertImage', this.ensureHTTP(url))
name: 'link',
result: () => {
const url = window.prompt('Enter the link URL')
if (url) pell.exec('createLink', this.ensureHTTP(url))
.pell {
border: 2px solid #000;
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;
#pell-html-output {
margin: 0;
white-space: pre-wrap;


Sorting multiple columns based on headers in Vue.js

I want to apply sorting on firstname, lastname and email but i did not undestand How We sort table in ascending and descnding order by clicking on column name in vuejs. I am tried lot of concepts on stackoverflow and other resources but they didn't seem to work . This is very silly question but I am stopped on this from many days.I'm new to Vue.js and any help would be appreciated. Image
<div class="h-full flex flex-col">
:class="{ 'mb-8': hasFilters || search }"
:apply-filter="values => applyFilter(filterMapper(values))"
<template #filters="props">
<template #quickfilter>
<template #loader>
<!-- <div>
</div> -->
#vuetable:cell-clicked="props => $emit('cell-clicked', props)"
<template #empty-result>
<slot name="empty-result" />
<template #actions="props">
<div v-if="hasActions">
<ListActions :record="props.rowData">
<template #inline-actions="props">
<div v-if="hasInlineActions">
<InlineActions :record="props.rowData">
<template #detail-toggler="props">
<div v-if="hasDetailRow">
<template #default="detailProps">
import { Vuetable, VuetablePagination } from 'vue3-vuetable';
import AuthMixin from '#/components/auth/AuthMixin';
import ModalNavigation from '#/mixins/ModalNavigation';
// import Loader from '#/components/ui/Loader';
import { throttle } from 'lodash-es';
import ListFilter from '#/components/auth/list/ListFilter';
import NotifyMixin from '#/mixins/NotifyMixin';
const css = {
table: {
tableClass: 'table-auto w-full table',
tableBodyClass: '',
tableHeaderClass: 'px-4 py-2',
tableWrapper: 'overflow-x-auto flex-1',
loadingClass: 'loading',
ascendingIcon: 'blue chevron up icon',
descendingIcon: 'blue chevron down icon',
ascendingClass: 'sorted-asc',
descendingClass: 'sorted-desc',
sortableIcon: 'grey sort icon',
handleIcon: 'grey sidebar icon',
detailRowClass: 'bg-blue-100',
pagination: {
wrapperClass: 'flex justify-center py-4',
activeClass: 'active',
disabledClass: '',
pageClass: 'btn-paging',
linkClass: 'btn-paging',
paginationClass: '',
paginationInfoClass: 'pagination-info',
dropdownClass: '',
icons: {
first: '',
prev: '',
next: '',
last: '',
export default {
components: {
// Loader,
mixins: [NotifyMixin, AuthMixin, ModalNavigation],
props: {
css: {
type: Object,
default() {
return css;
data() {
return {
// loading: false,
query: '',
// filter: this.filterMapper(this.initialFilter),
sort: undefined,
showFilters: false,
loading: false,
scrollContainer: null,
innerSortOrder: this.sortOrder || [],
data: [],
columns: [
name: 'first_name',
title: 'First Name',
class: 'w-1/4',
name: 'last_name',
title: 'Last Name',
class: 'w-1/4',
name: 'email',
title: 'Email',
class: 'w-1/4',
name: 'phone_number',
title: 'Phone Number',
class: 'w-1/4',
name: 'communities',
title: 'Communities',
class: 'w-1/4',
label: 'communities',
field: 'Communities',
class: 'w-1/4',
formatter(value) {
// console.log('ROW', value);
let communities = [];
value.community_has_leasing_agents.forEach(function (row) {
communities.push('<span class="tag">' + row.community_id + '</span>');
// console.log('communities=>', communities);
return communities.join('');
computed: {
search() {
return true;
searchPlaceholder() {
return 'Search by name, community, email';
hasFilters() {
// return !!this.$slots.filters;
return true;
hasQuickFilters() {
// return !!this.$slots['quickfilter'];
return true;
hasActions() {
// return !!this.$slots.actions;
return true;
hasInlineActions() {
// return !!this.$slots['inline-actions'];
return true;
hasDetailRow() {
// return this.detailRow !== "";
return true;
hasClickRowListener() {
// return this.$attrs['row-clicked'];
return true;
nonClickableRow() {
return (
this.onRowClick === 'none' &&
!this.hasClickRowListener &&
!(this.$route.params?.passFlowTo && this.$route.params?.passFlowTo !== this.$
detailOptions() {
return {
vuetable: this.$refs.vuetable,
async mounted() {
console.log('== Leasing Agents Index ==');
await this.getLeasingAgentsFromAPI();
created() {
if (! {
this.notifyError('please select a community to continue, then refresh the browser');
methods: {
async getLeasingAgentsFromAPI() {
this.loading = true;
return await this.$calendarDataProvider
.get('calendarGetLeasingAgents', {
customer_id: this.profile.customerId,
.then(res => {
console.log('LEASING::getLeasingAgentsFromAPI() result:');
console.log(res); = res;
return res;
// return this.getEvents(res);
.catch(err => console.log(err.message))
.finally(() => {
this.loading = false;
rowClass(dataItem) {
const classes = ['table-row', 'row'];
if (this.nonClickableRow) {
if (this.hasDetailRow && this.$refs.vuetable?.isVisibleDetailRow(dataItem[this.trackBy])) {
return classes.join(' ');
toggleFilters() {
this.showFilters = !this.showFilters;
applySearch(value) {
this.query = value;
clearSearch() {
this.query = '';
applyFilter(values) {
this.filter = values;
doSearch: throttle(
function () {
if (this.query.length > 2 || this.query.length === 0) {
{ trailing: true }
onPaginationData(paginationData) {
if (!this.infinityScroll) {
onChangePage(page) {
reload() {
getSort({ sortField, direction }) {
// sortField: 'type&', - sort by two fields
const fields = sortField.split('&');
if (fields.length > 1) {
return => {
const [fieldName, dir = direction] = item.split('|');
return `${fieldName},${dir}`;
return `${sortField},${direction}`;
async dataManager(/*sortOrder = [], pagination = { current_page: 1 }*/) {
// allow static data
// if ( {
// return {
// data:,
// };
// }
const data = await this.getLeasingAgentsFromAPI();
return {
data: data,
// const prevData = this.$refs.vuetable?.tableData ?? [];
// const { pageSize: size, query, filter, sort: oldSort } = this;
// const sort = sortOrder[0] ? this.getSort(sortOrder[0]) : undefined;
// this.loading = true;
// return this[this.dataProvider]
// .getList(this.resource, {
// page: pagination.current_page - 1,
// size,
// sort,
// query,
// ...this.requestParams,
// ...filter,
// })
// .then(this.responseMapper)
// .then(({ content: nextData, totalElements }) => {
// const newPagination = this.$refs.vuetable?.makePagination(totalElements, this.pageSize, pagination.current_page);
// this.sort = sort;
// this.innerSortOrder = sortOrder;
// return {
// pagination: newPagination,
// data: this.infinityScroll && oldSort === sort ? [...prevData, ...nextData] : nextData,
// };
// })
// .catch(error => {
// this.notifyError(error.message);
// return {
// pagination: this.$refs.vuetable?.tablePagination,
// data: this.$refs.vuetable?.tableData,
// };
// })
// .finally(() => (this.loading = false));
handleRowClicked({ data, }) {
if (this.$route.params?.passFlowTo && this.$route.params?.passFlowTo !== this.$ {
name: this.$route.params?.passFlowTo,
params: {
[this.routeIdParam]: data[this.trackBy],
} else {
switch (this.onRowClick) {
case 'edit':
this.$router.replace({ path: `${this.basePath}/${data[this.trackBy]}` });
case 'details':
this.$router.replace({ path: `${this.basePath}/${data[this.trackBy]}/details` });
this.$emit('row-clicked', { data, });
handleScrollContainer(e) {
if (this.$refs.vuetable.tablePagination && - - <= 2) {
<style scoped>
.tag {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
overflow: hidden;
margin-right: 0.25rem;
padding-left: 0.5rem;
padding-right: 0.5rem;
padding-top: 0.25rem;
padding-bottom: 0.25rem;
border-radius: 0.0625rem;
--bg-opacity: 1;
background-color: #eaf6ff;
background-color: rgba(234, 246, 255, var(--bg-opacity));
--text-opacity: 1;
color: #105d91;
color: rgba(16, 93, 145, var(--text-opacity));
font-family: 'FrankNew', sans-serif;
font-weight: 500;
I'm attaching my index.vue file and image.

Vuejs auto suggest input box leading to extra space in the html

Auto suggest uses extra spaces in the html, because of the reason the next elements like H1, H2 and paragraph are going down when I start typing in the suggestion box
<div id="app">
import Autocomplete from "./components/AutoComplete";
import AutoCompleteSearch from "./directives/auto-complete-search.js";
import axios from "axios";
export default {
name: "App",
directives: {
components: {
data() {
return {
data: [],
methods: {
async getUser() {
await axios
.then((res) => ( =
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
mounted() { = [{ name: "Elie" }, { name: "John" }];
#app {
font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
AutocompletSearch.js -- directive
import Vue from "vue";
* Add the list attribute to the bound input field.
* #param element
* #param binding
* #returns {HTMLElement}
const addAttribute = (element, binding) => {
const { id } = binding.value;
element.setAttribute("list", id);
return element;
* The search data for auto-completions
* #param binding
* #returns {Object|Array}
const searchData = (binding) => {
const { data } = binding.value;
return data;
* Construct the datalist HTMLElement
* #param element
* #param binding
* #returns {HTMLDataListElement}
const constructDataList = (element, binding) => {
const datalist = document.createElement("datalist"); =;
const data = searchData(binding);
data.forEach((item) => {
const { autoCompleteValue } = binding.value;
const option = document.createElement("option");
option.value = item[autoCompleteValue];
return datalist;
* #param el the element where to bind the directive
* #param binding {id & autoCompleteValue & data}
const init = (el, binding) => {
const element = addAttribute(el, binding);
const wrapper = element.parentNode;
const datalist = constructDataList(element, binding);
export default Vue.directive("auto-complete-search", {
update(el, binding, vnode) {
const vm = vnode.context;
const bindingData = binding.value;
const componentName = vm.$;
const customCallbackName = bindingData.callbackName;
console.log("component updated");
// call the function to fetch auto complete dat
if (!vm.$options.methods.getUser && customCallbackName === undefined)
return console.error(`the getUser() is neither defined or overriden in ${componentName} component, on
the auto-complete-search directive`);
if (binding.value.apply) {
init(el, binding);
if (!binding.value.apply) {
<div class="autocomplete">
<ul id="autocomplete-results" v-show="isOpen" class="autocomplete-results">
<li class="loading" v-if="isLoading">Loading results...</li>
v-for="(result, i) in results"
:class="{ 'is-active': i === arrowCounter }"
{{ result }}
export default {
name: "AutoComplete",
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: false,
default: () => [],
isAsync: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
data() {
return {
isOpen: false,
results: [],
search: "",
isLoading: false,
arrowCounter: -1,
watch: {
items: function (value, oldValue) {
if (value.length !== oldValue.length) {
this.results = value;
this.isLoading = false;
mounted() {
document.addEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
destroyed() {
document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
methods: {
setResult(result) { = result;
this.isOpen = false;
filterResults() {
this.results = this.items.filter((item) => {
return item.toLowerCase().indexOf( > -1;
onChange() {
if (this.isAsync) {
this.isLoading = true;
} else {
this.isOpen = true;
handleClickOutside(event) {
if (!this.$el.contains( {
this.isOpen = false;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
onArrowDown() {
if (this.arrowCounter < this.results.length) {
this.arrowCounter = this.arrowCounter + 1;
onArrowUp() {
if (this.arrowCounter > 0) {
this.arrowCounter = this.arrowCounter - 1;
onEnter() { = this.results[this.arrowCounter];
this.isOpen = false;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
.autocomplete {
position: relative;
.autocomplete-results {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border: 1px solid #eeeeee;
height: 120px;
overflow: auto;
.autocomplete-result {
list-style: none;
text-align: left;
padding: 4px 2px;
cursor: pointer;
.autocomplete-result:hover {
background-color: #4AAE9B;
color: white;
Please help me out this, auto suggestion can show like popup-modal instead of using extra spaces in the html. like
Here is my code link -
After checking out your codesandbox just add these 3 css properties to your autocomplete class:
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
background: white;

how to create a barcode scanner with quagga with fixed scanning canvas

I'm on Nuxt 2.15.4 and using Quagga2. I want to create a scanner like mobile scanners where the camera is full screen and there is a blue rectangle that the barcode must be placed inside of, and after scanning there will be a red line through the barcode canvas. With Quagga.js I can manipulate the CSS and area property in canvas but it cause 2 problems:
The actual scanning zone will be messed up and I don't know where the scanning exactly happens.
The successful red line-through style will be messed up.
Also, after a successful scan I need the red line-through to remain and not disappear and no scanning happen for a period of time (so I can decide to continue scanning or do something with result).
Here is the code I implemented on in app (also need help on activating torch and zoom):
<section id="container" class="container">
<div id="interactive" class="viewport"></div>
import Quagga from '#ericblade/quagga2';
export default {
data() {
return {
async checkDevice() {
let md = navigator.mediaDevices;
if (!md || !md.enumerateDevices) return false;
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
return devices.some((device) => "videoinput" === device.kind);
inputStream : {
name : "Live",
type : "LiveStream",
area: {
top: "0%",
right: "0%",
left: "0%",
bottom: "0%",
locate: false,
decoder : {
readers : [
// this.checkCapabilities();
// checkCapabilities(){
// var track = Quagga.CameraAccess.getActiveTrack();
// var capabilities = {};
// if (typeof track.getCapabilities === 'function') {
// capabilities = track.getCapabilities();
// }
// this.applySettingsVisibility('zoom', capabilities.zoom);
// this.applySettingsVisibility('torch', capabilities.torch);
// },
// applySetting: function(setting, value) {
// var track = Quagga.CameraAccess.getActiveTrack();
// if (track && typeof track.getCapabilities === 'function') {
// switch (setting) {
// case 'zoom':
// return track.applyConstraints({advanced: [{zoom: parseFloat(value)}]});
// case 'torch':
// return track.applyConstraints({advanced: [{torch: !!value}]});
// }
// }
// },
Quagga.onProcessed(function (result) {
let drawingCtx = Quagga.canvas.ctx.overlay,
drawingCanvas = Quagga.canvas.dom.overlay;
if (result) {
if (result.boxes) {
drawingCtx.clearRect(0, 0, parseInt(drawingCanvas.getAttribute("width")), parseInt(drawingCanvas.getAttribute("height")));
result.boxes.filter(function (box) {
return box !==;
}).forEach(function (box) {
Quagga.ImageDebug.drawPath(box, {x: 0, y: 1}, drawingCtx, {color: "#00F", lineWidth: 2});
if ( {
Quagga.ImageDebug.drawPath(, {x: 0, y: 1}, drawingCtx, {color: "#008", lineWidth: 2});
if (result.codeResult && result.codeResult.code) {
Quagga.ImageDebug.drawPath(result.line, {x: 'x', y: 'y'}, drawingCtx, {color: 'red', lineWidth: 3});
onDetected(data) {
let barCodeData = data.codeResult.code;
async mounted(){
let data = await this.checkDevice();
if (data) {
<style lang="scss">
#container {
width: 640px;
margin: 20px auto;
padding: 10px;
#interactive.viewport {
width: 640px;
height: 480px;
#interactive.viewport canvas, video {
float: left;
width: 640px;
height: 480px;
#interactive.viewport canvas.drawingBuffer, video.drawingBuffer {
margin-left: -640px;

badge position for nodes

I'm trying to add badges to my cytoscape.js nodes. Badges are HTML elements. I'm using bootstrap badges
Here are elements with badges. (the colors of the badges are irrelevant)
When I zoom out, the position of the badges is not set correctly. They go down and right a bit. WHY IS THAT?
Here is my code to set the positions. I but badges to to top left of the node. But I remove width of the HTML element to make it look like inside the node
let z1 = cy.zoom() / 2; // badges look too big with normal size so I downscale them
// e is cytoscape.js element, a node
const p = e.renderedPosition();
const eW = e.renderedWidth() / 2;
const eH = e.renderedHeight() / 2;
// div is an HTML element which is the badge
const w = div.clientWidth; = `translate(${p.x + eW - w * z1}px, ${p.y - eH}px) scale(${z1})`;
I would personally prefer a solution using cytoscape.js resources/extensions, namely the popper.js extension.
As far as I understand your problem, you add bootstrap elements to cytoscape.js in some way (you didn't specify this, so I have to guess).
Nomrally, a sticky popper div does the trick for this problem:
var cy = ( = cytoscape({
container: document.getElementById("cy"),
style: [{
selector: "node",
css: {
content: "data(id)",
"text-valign": "center",
"text-halign": "center",
height: "60px",
width: "160px",
shape: "round-rectangle"
selector: "edge",
css: {
"target-arrow-shape": "triangle"
elements: {
nodes: [{
data: {
id: "n0"
data: {
id: "n1"
data: {
id: "n2"
data: {
id: "n3"
data: {
id: "n4"
data: {
id: "n5"
data: {
id: "n6"
data: {
id: "n7"
data: {
id: "n8"
data: {
id: "n9"
data: {
id: "n10"
data: {
id: "n11"
data: {
id: "n12"
data: {
id: "n13"
data: {
id: "n14"
data: {
id: "n15"
data: {
id: "n16"
edges: [{
data: {
source: "n0",
target: "n1"
data: {
source: "n1",
target: "n2"
data: {
source: "n1",
target: "n3"
data: {
source: "n4",
target: "n5"
data: {
source: "n4",
target: "n6"
data: {
source: "n6",
target: "n7"
data: {
source: "n6",
target: "n8"
data: {
source: "n8",
target: "n9"
data: {
source: "n8",
target: "n10"
data: {
source: "n11",
target: "n12"
data: {
source: "n12",
target: "n13"
data: {
source: "n13",
target: "n14"
data: {
source: "n13",
target: "n15"
layout: {
name: "dagre",
padding: 5,
rankSep: 100
var makeTippy = function(node, text) {
var ref = node.popperRef();
var dummyDomEle = document.createElement("div");
var tip = tippy(dummyDomEle, {
onCreate: function(instance) {
instance.popperInstance.reference = ref;
lazy: false, // mandatory
trigger: "manual", // mandatory
// dom element inside the tippy:
content: function() {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = text;
return div;
// your own preferences:
arrow: false,
placement: 'top-end',
hideOnClick: false,
multiple: true,
sticky: true
return tip;
cy.ready(function() {
cy.ready(function() {
let nodes = cy.nodes();
nodes.each(function(node) {
let tippy = makeTippy(node,;;
body {
font: 14px helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
#cy {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
.tippy-popper {
transition: none !important;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="cy"></div>
This snippet cuts some of the container off, so try this in your application for better results and take a look at the extensions used here
The problem stems from CSS scale. When I scale the element, the center point of the element remains invariant. The below sample shows What I mean
div {
position: absolute;
span {
font-size: 64px;
.s1 {
transform: scale(1);
background: red;
.s2 {
transform: scale(0.5);
background: blue;
<div class="s1"><span>00</span></div>
<div class="s2"><span>00</span></div>
So I have to consider the center point of the div. Below code does that
let z1 = / 2;
const bb = e.renderedBoundingBox({ includeLabels: false, includeOverlays: false });
const w = div.clientWidth;
const h = div.clientHeight;
const deltaW4Scale = (1 - z1) * w / 2;
const deltaH4Scale = (1 - z1) * h / 2; = `translate(${bb.x2 - deltaW4Scale - w * z1}px, ${bb.y1 - deltaH4Scale}px) scale(${z1})`;

Drilldown in Map with Vue.js

I'm trying to use the Drilldown in Map (vue-Highchart), but cannot get it working.
like this:
Anyone have any examples of this in Vue.js? Please.
Here is simple example of drilldown functionality(with vue-highcharts) which provides drilldown and drillup event from Vue-instance:
Vue.use(VueHighcharts, { Highcharts: Highcharts });
// helper script to load external script
let loadScript = function(url, onLoad){
var scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
scriptTag.src = url;
scriptTag.onload = onLoad;
scriptTag.onreadystatechange = onLoad;
// simple chart options
var options = {
chart: {},
title: {
text: 'Highcharts-Vue Map Drilldown Example'
subtitle: {
text: '',
floating: true,
align: 'right',
y: 50,
style: {
fontSize: '16px'
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle'
colorAxis: {
min: 0,
minColor: '#E6E7E8',
maxColor: '#005645'
mapNavigation: {
enabled: true,
buttonOptions: {
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
plotOptions: {
map: {
states: {
hover: {
color: '#EEDD66'
drilldown: {
activeDataLabelStyle: {
color: '#FFFFFF',
textDecoration: 'none',
textOutline: '1px #000000'
drillUpButton: {
relativeTo: 'plotBox',
position: {
x: 70,
y: 280
series: [{
data: Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all']).map((d, i) => {
d.drilldown = true;
// set value just for example
d.value = i;
return d;
name: 'USA',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{}'
let vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isLoading: false,
options: options
created() {
// prepare events for chart from Vue instance = {
drilldown: this.drilldown.bind(this),
drillup: this.drillup.bind(this)
methods: {
drilldown(e) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
if (!e.seriesOptions) {
mapKey = 'countries/us/' +['hc-key'] + '-all';
if (Highcharts.maps[mapKey]) {
this.prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, e.point);
this.isLoading = true;
loadScript('' + mapKey + '.js', () => {
this.isLoading = false;
this.prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, e.point);
chart.setTitle(null, { text: });
drillup(e) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
chart.setTitle(null, { text: '' });
prepareDrilldownData(mapKey, point) {
let { chart } = this.$refs.highcharts;
data = Highcharts.geojson(Highcharts.maps[mapKey]).map((d, i) => {
// set value just for example
d.value = i;
return d;
chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown(point, {
data: data,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
format: '{}'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<highmaps ref="highcharts" :options="options"></highmaps>
<div v-if="isLoading" style="text-align: center; margin-top: 15px; font-size: 20px;">Loading...</div>
There is also jsfiddle if you want.