Ramda - how to pass dynamic argument to function inside pipe - ramda.js

I am trying to add/use a variable inside the pipe to get the name of an object from a different object. Here is what I got so far:
I have an array of IDs allOutgoingNodes which I am using in the pipe.
Then I filter results using tableItemId property and then I am adding additional property externalStartingPoint and after that I would like to add name of tableItem from tableItems object to content -> html using concat.
const startingPointId = 395;
const allNodes = {
"818": {
"id": "818",
"content": {
"html": "<p>1</p>"
"outgoingNodes": [
"tableItemId": 395
"821": {
"id": "821",
"content": {
"html": "<p>4</p>"
"tableItemId": 396
const tableItems = {
"395": {
"id": "395",
"name": "SP1",
"code": "SP1"
"396": {
"id": "396",
"name": "SP2",
"code": "SP2"
const allOutgoingNodes = R.pipe(
const result = R.pipe(
R.reject(R.propEq('tableItemId', startingPointId)),
R.assoc('externalStartingPoint', true),
R.lensPath(['content', 'html']),
R.concat(R.__, '<!-- Table item name should display here -->')
Here is a complete working example: ramda editor
Any help and suggestions on how to improve this piece of code will be appreciated.
Thank you.

In the comments, OriDrori noted a problem with my first version. I didn't really understand one of the requirements. This version tries to address that issue.
const {compose, chain, prop, values, lensPath,
pipe, pick, reject, propEq, map, assoc, over} = R
const getOutgoing = compose (chain (prop('outgoingNodes')), values)
const htmlLens = lensPath (['content', 'html'])
const addName = (tableItems) => ({tableItemId}) => (html) =>
html + ` <!-- ${tableItems [tableItemId] ?.name} -->`
const convert = (tableItemNodes, tableItems, startingPointId) => pipe (
pick (getOutgoing (tableItemNodes)),
reject (propEq ('tableItemId', startingPointId)),
map (assoc ('externalStartingPoint', true)),
map (chain (over (htmlLens), addName (tableItems)))
const startingPointId = 395;
const tableItemNodes = {818: {id: "818", content: {html: "<p>1</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["819"], tableItemId: 395}, 819: {id: "819", content: {html: "<p>2</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["820"], tableItemId: 395}};
const tableItems = {395: {id: "395", name: "SP1", code: "SP1"}, 396: {id: "396", name: "SP2", code: "SP2"}}
const allNodes = {818: {id: "818", content: {html: "<p>1</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["819"], tableItemId: 395}, 819: {id: "819", content: {html: "<p>2</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["820"], tableItemId: 395}, 820: {id: "820", content: {html: "<p>3</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["821"], tableItemId: 396}, 821: {id: "821", content: {html: "<p>4</p>"}, tableItemId: 396}}
console .log (
convert (tableItemNodes, tableItems, startingPointId) (allNodes)
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.27.1/ramda.min.js"></script>
As well as most of the comments on the version below still applying, we should also note that chain, when applied to functions acts like this:
chain (f, g) (x) //~> f (g (x)) (x)
So chain (over (htmlLens), addName (tableItems))
ends up being something like
(node) => over (htmlLens) (addName (tableItems) (node)) (node)
which in Ramda is equivalent to
(node) => over (htmlLens, addName (tableItems) (node), node)
which we then map over the nodes coming to it. (You can also see this in the Ramda REPL.)
Original Answer
It's not trivial to weave extra arguments through a pipeline because pipelines are designed for the simple purpose of passing a single argument down the line, transforming it at every step. There are of course techniques we could figure out for that, but I would expect them not to be worth the effort. Because the only thing they gain us would be the ability to write our code point-free. And point-free should not be a goal on its own. Use it when it makes your code simpler and more readable; skip it when it doesn't.
Instead, I would break this apart with some helper functions, and then write a main function that took our arguments and passed them as necessary to helper functions inside our main pipeline. Expand this snippet to see one approach:
const {compose, chain, prop, values, lensPath, flip, concat,
pipe, pick, reject, propEq, map, assoc, over} = R
const getOutgoing = compose (chain (prop ('outgoingNodes')), values)
const htmlLens = lensPath (['content', 'html'])
const addName = flip (concat) ('Table item name goes here')
const convert = (tableItemNodes, startingPointId) => pipe (
pick (getOutgoing (tableItemNodes)),
reject (propEq ('tableItemId', startingPointId)),
map (assoc ('externalStartingPoint', true)),
map (over (htmlLens, addName))
const startingPointId = 395;
const tableItemNodes = {818: {id: "818", content: {html: "<p>1</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["819"], tableItemId: 395}, 819: {id: "819", content: {html: "<p>2</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["820"], tableItemId: 395}};
const allNodes = {818: {id: "818", content: {html: "<p>1</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["819"], tableItemId: 395}, 819: {id: "819", content: {html: "<p>2</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["820"], tableItemId: 395}, 820: {id: "820", content: {html: "<p>3</p>"}, outgoingNodes: ["821"], tableItemId: 396}, 821: {id: "821", content: {html: "<p>4</p>"}, tableItemId: 396}}
console .log (
convert (tableItemNodes, startingPointId) (allNodes)
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.27.1/ramda.min.js"></script>
(You can also see this on the Ramda REPL.)
Things to note
I find compose (chain (prop ('outgoingNodes')), values) to be slightly simpler than pipe (values, pluck('outgoingNodes'), flatten), but they work similarly.
I often separate out the lens definitions even if I'm only going to use them once to make the call site cleaner.
There is probably no good reason to use Ramda in addName. This would work just as well: const addName = (s) => s + 'Table item name goes here' and is cleaner. I just wanted to show flip as an alternative to using the placeholder.
There is an argument to be made for replacing
map (assoc ('externalStartingPoint', true)),
map (over (htmlLens, addName))
map (pipe (
assoc ('externalStartingPoint', true),
over (htmlLens, addName)
as was done in the original. The Functor composition law states that they have the same result. And that requires one fewer iterations through the data. But it adds some complexity to the code that I wouldn't bother with unless a performance test pointed to this as a problem.

Before I saw your answer I managed to do something like in the example below:
return R.pipe(
R.reject(R.propEq('tableItemId', startingPointId)),
R.map((node: Node) => {
const startingPointName = allTableItems[node.tableItemId].name;
return R.compose(
R.assoc('externalStartingPoint', true),
R.lensPath(['content', 'html']),
`<p class='test'>See node in ${startingPointName}</p>`
What do you think?


trying to get an objects key which is a 'letters + counter number' variable but it won't work

I know tis might be a silly problem but I'm not sure how to frame this line of code to do what I need. I'm using Vue CLI and I have a some objects within an array in my data. one of those objects have several image links with key that goes -> img1 : ./link, img2: ./link2. In my function i need to change the target elements source to the next image i.e from img1 to img2 where I have a counter that stores the number that i want img to change to. however the results only show NaN.
here is my some HTML:
<img #click="storyboard" v-else :src="slide.img1" />
<div class="counter hide">
<p>{{ counter }} / 5</p>
here is some JS
data() {
return {
slides: [
{ title: 'Landing Page', img1: require("../assets/wadah/proposal.mp4"), info: "Wadah Archive is an alternative museum where everyday artefacts are given meaning through crowdsourced nostalgia. The online archive stresses on the idea that the stories and conversations about the artefact by people visiting the archive should be a part of the artefact itself. It is a reflection on traditional methods of preserving and displaying objects through proposing an alternative navigation system by translating physical artefacts into a digital space.", makeSmall: false
}, {
title: "Interacting with 3D objects", img1: require("../assets/wadah/pinStill.jpg"), info: "dummydata", makeSmall: false
}, {
title: "Designing Pins and Signage", img1: require("../assets/wadah/pins.png"), info: "dummydata", makeSmall: true
title: "Home and Index Navigation", img1: require("../assets/wadah/home1.jpg"), img2: require("../assets/wadah/home3.jpg"), img3: require("../assets/wadah/home2.jpg"), img4: require("../assets/wadah/index.jpg"), img5: require("../assets/wadah/index2.jpg"), info: "dummydata", makeSmall: false
title: "User Flow", img1: require("../assets/wadah/wireflow.png"), info: "dummydata", makeSmall: false
visibleSlide: 0,
counter: 1
methods: {
storyboard(event) {
if (this.visibleSlide === 3) {
let ele = event.target
ele.src = this.slides[3].img + this.counter
// console.log(this.slides[3].img + 2)
// console.log(ele.src, this.counter)
const obj = {
title: "Home and Index Navigation",
img1: "../assets/wadah/home1.jpg",
img2: "../assets/wadah/home3.jpg",
img3: "../assets/wadah/home2.jpg",
img4: "../assets/wadah/index.jpg",
let counter = 2
console.log("Incorrect:", obj.img + counter) // obj.img does not exists = undefined
console.log("Correct:", obj["img"+counter])

How to use $t from vue-i18n inside Vuex store to initialize static strings

In my vuex store module I have provinceData to supply as datasource for Vuetify dropdown selection box.
provinceData: [
{value:"AB", text: "Alberta"},
{value:"BC", text: "British Columbia"},
I can import i18n from '../plugins/i18n' and confirm in console output that i18n.t('province.BC') return me proper text from resource files
i18n.t('province.BC') British Columbia
click onLanguageChange fr
i18n.t('province.BC') British Columbia (Fr)
But how I can insert these translations into datasource?
provinceData: [
{value:"AB", text: ???i18n.t('province.AB')??? },
{value:"BC", text: ???i18n.t('province.BC')??? },
Now I realized what mistake I did by wrapping i18n.t('province.AB') into back ticks. Here is corrected version which render english only messages:
provinceData: [
{value:"AB", text: i18n.t('province.AB') },
{value:"BC", text: i18n.t('province.BC') },
Moreover, will it be reinitialized if I switch the current locale?
PS. When getter for this datasource is hit I can see that message retrieved according to current locale. But dropdown box izn't reloaded. That's the problem
Following getter print correct translation every time it called:
provinceData: (state) => {
return state.provinceData;
Because the provinceData inside the store it can't be modified by anything but mutators.
So I decided to create this array right in the getter and it turns out to be quite fast.
provinceData: ( state ) =>
const provinceData = [ "AB", "BC", "MB", "NB", "NF", "NT", "NS", "NU", "ON", "PE", "QC", "SK", "YT" ];
let provinces = [];
provinceData.forEach( (province) => {
value : province,
text : i18n.t( 'province.'+province )
return provinces;

Use Ramda.js to pull off items from object

This question is about how to perform a task using RamdaJS.
First, assume I have an object with this structure:
let myObj = {
allItems: [
name: 'firstthing',
args: [
name: 'arg0'
name: 'arg1'
type: {
name: 'type_name_1'
name: 'otherthing',
args: [
name: 'arg0'
I am trying to create an object that looks like:
arg0: 'arg0', // myObj.allItems[0].args[0].name
typeName: 'type_name_1' // myObj.allItems[0].type.name
(I know the names are stupid, arg0, typeName. It's not important)
So if we weren't using Ramda, this is how I'd do it imperatively:
// The thing I'm searching for in the array (allItems)
let myName = 'firstthing';
// Here's how I'd find it in the array
let myMatch = myObj.allItems.find(item => item.name === myName);
// Here is the desired result, by manually using dot
// notation to access properties on the object (non-functional)
let myResult = {
arg0: myMatch.args[0].name,
typeName: myMatch.type.name
// Yields: {"arg0":"arg0","typeName":"type_name_1"}
Finally, just for good measure, this is as far as I've gotten so far. Note that, I'd really like to accomplish this in a single compose/pipe.
(An object goes in, and an object with the desired data comes out)
const ramdaResult = R.compose(
R.path(['type', 'name']),
R.propEq('name', myName)
)(R.prop('allItems', myObj))
A combination of applySpec and path should work:
const transform = applySpec ({
arg0: path (['allItems', 0, 'args', 0, 'name']),
typeName: path (['allItems', 0, 'type', 'name'])
const myObj = {allItems: [{name: 'firstthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}, {name: 'arg1'}], type: {name: 'type_name_1'}}, {name: 'otherthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}]}]}
console .log (
transform (myObj)
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
<script>const {applySpec, path} = R </script>
But depending upon your preferences, a helper function might be useful to make a slightly simpler API:
const splitPath = useWith (path, [split('.'), identity] )
// or splitPath = curry ( (str, obj) => path (split ('.') (str), obj))
const transform = applySpec({
arg0: splitPath('allItems.0.args.0.name'),
typeName: splitPath('allItems.0.type.name'),
const myObj = {allItems: [{name: 'firstthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}, {name: 'arg1'}], type: {name: 'type_name_1'}}, {name: 'otherthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}]}]}
console .log (
transform (myObj)
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
<script>const {applySpec, path, useWith, split, identity} = R </script>
splitPath is not appropriate for Ramda, but it's a useful function I often include, especially if the paths are coming from a source outside my control.
Yes, I did miss that requirement. Serves me right for looking only at the input and the requested output. There's always multiple incompatible algorithms that give the same result for a specific input. So here's my mea culpa, an attempt to break this into several reusable functions.
Lenses are probably your best bet for this. Ramda has a generic lens function, and specific ones for an object property (lensProp), for an array index(lensIndex), and for a deeper path(lensPath), but it does not include one to find a matching value in an array by id. It's not hard to make our own, though.
A lens is made by passing two functions to lens: a getter which takes the object and returns the corresponding value, and a setter which takes the new value and the object and returns an updated version of the object.
An important fact about lenses is that they compose, although for technical reasons the order in which you supply them feels opposite to what you might expect.
Here we write lensMatch which find or sets the value in the array where the value at a given path matches the supplied value. And we write applyLensSpec, which acts like applySpec but takes lenses in place of vanilla functions.
Using any lens, we have the view, set, and over functions which, respectively, get, set, and update the value. Here we only need view, so we could theoretically make a simpler version of lensMatch, but this could be a useful reusable function, so I keep it complete.
const lensMatch = (path) => (key) =>
( find ( pathEq (path, key) )
, ( val
, arr
, idx = findIndex (pathEq (path, key), arr)
) =>
update (idx > -1 ? idx : length (arr), val, arr)
const applyLensSpec = (spec) => (obj) =>
map (lens => view (lens, obj), spec)
const lensName = (name) => lensMatch (['name']) (name)
const transform = (
nameLens = compose(lensProp('allItems'), lensName(name))
) => applyLensSpec({
arg0: compose (nameLens, lensPath (['args', 0, 'name']) ),
typeName: compose (nameLens, lensPath (['type', 'name']) )
const myObj = {allItems: [{name: 'firstthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}, {name: 'arg1'}], type: {name: 'type_name_1'}}, {name: 'otherthing', args: [{name: 'arg0'}]}]}
console .log (
transform ('firstthing') (myObj)
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
<script>const {lens, find, pathEq, findIndex, update, length, map, view, compose, lensProp, lensPath} = R </script>
While this may feel like more work than some other solutions, the main function, transform is pretty simple, and it's obvious how to extend it with additional behavior. And lensMatch and applyLensSpec are genuinely useful.

Only run map once, ramda js

const arr = [{
_id: 'z11231',
_typename: 'items'
id: '123',
comment: null,
title: 'hello'
}, {
_id: 'z11231',
_typename: 'items'
id: 'qqq',
comment: 'test',
title: 'abc'
Wanted output:
[['123', null, 'hello'], ['qqq', 'test', 'abc']];
export const convertObjectsWithValues = R.map(R.values);
export const removeMongoIdAndGraphqlTypeName = R.map(R.omit(['_id', '__typename']));
export const getExcelRows = R.pipe(removeMongoIdAndGraphqlTypeName, convertObjectsWithValues);
Problem here is I'm running two separate maps. It's to slow. Can I combine this in a way where only one map is executed. And still keep it clean in three seperate functions?
I'd be curious to see whether you've actually tested that it's too slow. The Knuth quote always seems a propos: "premature optimization is the root of all evil".
But if you've tested, and if multiple iterations are an actual bottleneck in your application, then the composition law of Functors should help. In Ramda terms this law states that
compose ( map (f), map (g) ) ≍ map (compose (f, g) )
and of course similarly that
pipe ( map (g), map (f) ) ≍ map (pipe (g, f) )
That means that you can rewrite your function like this:
const getExcelRows = map (pipe (omit ( ['_id', '_typename'] ), values ))
const arr = [
{_id: 'z11231', _typename: 'items', id: '123', comment: null, title: 'hello'},
{_id: 'z11231', _typename: 'items', id: 'qqq', comment: 'test', title: 'abc'}
console .log (
getExcelRows (arr)
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script> <script>
const {map, pipe, omit, values} = R </script>
Use R.map with R.props to state which properties you want in the order that you want them. This will always maintain the correct order, unlike. R.values, which is constrained by the way JS orders keys.
const arr = [{"_id":"z11231","_typename":"items","id":"123","comment":null,"title":"hello"},{"_id":"z11231","_typename":"items","id":"qqq","comment":"test","title":"abc"}]
const getExcelRows = keys => R.map(R.props(keys))
const result = getExcelRows(['id', 'comment', 'title'])(arr)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>

Delete and add attributes with array.map and the spread operator

I'm trying to mangle data returned from an api. I've got an array of objects returned. I want to delete the password field and then add a couple of additional fields. I'd like to use the spread operator but my process feels a bit clunky.
myArray.map( item => {
const newItem = { ...item };
delete newItem.password;
newItem.saved = true;
return newItem;
Is there a nicer way to do this?
Given an array of objects -
const myArrayOfObjects = [
{id: 1, keyToDelete: 'nonsense'},
{id: 2, keyToDelete: 'rubbish'}
Delete the attribute keyToDelete, and add a new key newKey with the value "someVar".
myArrayOfObjects.map(({ keyToDelete, ...item}) => { ...item, newKey:'someVar'});
Updating the array to
{id: 1, newKey:'someVar'},
{id: 2, newKey:'someVar'}
See this great post for more information on the deletion method.