How can I get more results from anzograph - sparql

I am using anzograph with SPARQL trough http using RDFlib. I do not specify any limits in my query, and still I only receive 1000 solutions. The same seems to happen on the web interface.
If I fire the same query on other triple stores with the same data, I do get all results.
Moreover, if I fire this query using their command line tool on the same machine as the database, I do get all results (millions). Maybe it is using a different protocol with the local database. If I specify the hostname and port explicitly on the command line, I get 1030 results...
Is there a way to specify that I want all results from anzograph over http?
I have found the service_graph_rowset_limit setting and changed its value to 100000000 in both config/settings_standalone.conf and config/settings.conf, (and restarted the database) but to no avail.

let me start by thanking you for pointing this issue out.
You have identified a regression of a fix, that had been intended to protect the web UI from freezing on unbounded result sets, but affected the regular sparql endpoint user as well.
Our Anzo customers do not see this issue, as they use the internal gRPC API directly.
We have produced a fix that will be in our upcoming anzograph 2.4.0 and in our upcoming patch release 2.3.2 set of images.
Older releases will receive this fix as well (when we have a shipment vehicle).
If it is urgent to you I can provide you both a point fix (root.war file).
What exact image are you using?
Best - Frank


Google Cloud Big Query Scheduled Queries weird error relating JURISDICTION

All my datasheets, tables, and ALL items inside BQ are un EU. When I try to do a View->to->Table 15 min scheduled query I get an error regarding my location, which is incorrect, because all, source and destiny are both on EU...
Anyone knows why?
There is a transient known issue matching your situation, GCP support team needs more time for troubleshooting. There may be a potential issue in the UI. I would ask you to try the following steps:
Firstly, try to make the same operation in Chrome's incognito mode.
Another possible workaround is trying to follow this official guide using a different approach than the UI (CLI for instance).
I hope it helps.

-Denable-debug-rules=true not giving out statistics

I'm giving the flag -Denable-debug-rules, which the documentation says should print something to a log at least every 5 minutes, according to
Unfortunately it's not, and I need to figure out why inferencing is taking so long.
The specific files is and I'm using owl2-rl-optimized
Version graphdb-ee-6.3.1
An exchange with GraphDB tech support clarified that the built-in rule sets can not be monitored. To effectively monitor them, copy into a new file and add that file as a ruleset following

Reconciliation services for OpenRefine not working?

Has anyone been experiencing problems with reconciliation in OpenRefine? I've imported a list of American universities and colleges, selected 50 rows, and tried Freebase, DBpedia, OpenCorporates reconciliation services. I've previously had multiple successes with DBpedia (for colleges and universities), but right now, none of these are working. (I went through every service listed, too.) I've trimmed leading and trailing spaces, checked for duplicates, etc. Things were working fine only about two months ago, and I have not updated OpenRefine during that time. [UPDATED]: I was able to get one reconciliation service to work, but not with the ontology I want. So either I'm forgetting some key bit of info, or the services that reconciliation university/ college names no longer function.
The OpenCorporates Refine service ( is currently working, but note you need to use https - http did work at some point in the past but no longer.
Using the RDF Refine extension ( and trying a SPARQL based reconciliation against DBPedia I'm finding problems at the moment, but using the same approach for other SPARQL services I have no problems. I don't know what the underlying cause for this is, but it seems likely this is due to some issue or change at DBPedia rather than OpenRefine or the RDF Refine extension.
Any more information about how you are setting up the Reconciliation services and any extensions you are using might help in further diagnosis
I have been having the same problem with reconciliation using the RDF extension and However, if you try some other service (e.g., your local file or Spanish DBpedia ( it works very well.
Like Owen already mentioned, it is likely that the it is due to DBpedia. Looks like the problem is with XML 1.1. and the recent update of, take a look here If you see OpenRefine log file or the console, this is exactly the same exception that we get when doing reconciliation against the
Hopes this give you some idea.
At the moment there exists a possibility to create "database" (actually, owl\rdf ontology) and operation json for reconcilliation "on-the-fly" from OpenRefine facets and operation json. Please refer to for details.

Query RavenDB without using the studio interface

I am trying to view my sagas in the RavenDB management studio, and loading even the initial page, all that I see is this "Querying documents..." box with a continuous moving progress bar. I can not seem to get past it, going from page to page it does not go away. Is there a way to pull all of the saga data into a list so I can look at it? It appears the issue is that the saga documents are continuously being added.
I've looked into the HTTP API and the Linq adapters, but I guess I am looking for something that already exists that can easily peer into the server much like the silverlight studio, except not such a pain. I more or less just want to pull a snapshot of all the documents into some kind of readable list.
I find LINQPad 4 convenient, the RavenDB driver for LINQPad can be found here:
For the command line - cURL using dynamic indexes as explained here:
In the browser, go to http://localhost:8080/docs
You might need to install JsonView, but that should give you what you want.
If anyone wants to know how to browse the data through REST call,
will give the json data for the "Sites" document
will give the json data for all the documents in

Ubuntu + PBS + Apache? How can I show a list of running jobs as a website?

Is there a plugin/package to display status information for a PBS queue? I am currently running an apache webserver on the login-node of my PBS cluster. I would like to display status info and have the ability to perform minimal queries without writing it from scratch (or modifying an age old python script, ala jobmonarch). Note, the accepted/bountied solution must work with Ubuntu.
Update: In addition to ganglia as noted below, I also looked that the Rocks Cluster Toolkit, but I firmly want to stay with Ubuntu. So I've updated the question to reflect that.
Update 2: I've also looked at PBSWeb as well as MyPBS neither one appears to suit my needs. The first is too out-of-date with the current system and the second is more focused on cost estimation and project budgeting. They're both nice, but I'm more interested in resource availability, job completion, and general status updates. So I'm probably just going to write my own from scratch -- starting Aug 15th.
Have you tried Ganglia?
I have no personal experience but few sysadmin I know are using it.
Following pages may help,
my two cents
Have you tried using nagios: ?