WebdriverIO - How to run .bat script using WebDriverIO - webdriver-io

Is there a possibility to run .bat file (script) using WebdriverIO, preferable into before hook, located into WDIO.conf file?
before: function () {
console.log("this is before");

Yeah, it's possible you just need to import execFileSync and join methods and then you can run it like that:
const { execFileSync } = require('child_process');
const { join } = require('path');
before: function () {
execFileSync(join(__dirname, './script.bat'));
Read more about execFileSync method here


How to directly test a Solidity Library with Hardhat/Chai

I'm trying to test a Solidity Library directly using hardhat and chaï.
This is a Library example I would like to test:
library LibTest {
function testFunc() public view returns(bool) {
return true;
and this is how I'm trying to test it.
beforeEach(async () => {
const LibTest = await ethers.getContractFactory("LibTest");
const libTest = await LibTest.deploy();
await libTest.deployed();
describe('Testing test()', function () {
it("is working testFunc ?", async function () {
console.log(await libTest.testFunc());
But I have the error message:
ReferenceError: libTest is not defined
I read everything I can on Chai doc and Hardhat doc but can't found any solution
I would say to use fixture and also utilize waffle and to deploy the library contract once and save the snapshot of the contract:
const {loadFixture } = require('#nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const {expect} = require('chai');
const {ethers, waffle} = require('hardhat');
const {deployContract} = waffle;
const LibArtifact = require('../artifacts/contracts/lib.sol/LibTest.json');
describe("Lib tests", function () {
// We define a fixture to reuse the same setup in every test.
// We use loadFixture to run this setup once, snapshot that state,
// and reset Hardhat Network to that snapshopt in every test.
async function deployOnceFixture() {
const [owner, ...otherAccounts] = await ethers.getSigners();
lib = (await deployContract(owner, LibArtifact));
return { lib, owner, otherAccounts };
describe("Testing test()", function () {
it("s working testFunc ?", async function () {
const { lib } = await loadFixture(deployOnceFixture);
expect(await lib.testFunc()).to.be.true;
Instructions to add the waffle plugin:
Basically, you need to install the libraries:
npm install --save-dev #nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle 'ethereum-waffle#^3.0.0' #nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers 'ethers#^5.0.0'
And then import hardhat-waffle in the hardhat-config.js file:
Also, notice I put the test file in a test directory so I needed to go back one folder to find artifacts generated by running npx hardhat compile.
For convenience I pushed the solution in a Github repo: https://github.com/Tahlil/run-solidity-lib
The best way I have found to go about this is to create a LibTest.sol contract that invokes and tests the Lib itself. And just running abstracted tests in JS/TS to invoke the LibTest contract, connecting the Lib.sol contract to it during deployment in Hardhat.
const Lib = await ethers.getContractFactory("Lib");
const lib = await Lib.deploy();
const LibTest = await ethers.getContractFactory("LibTest", {
libraries: {
Lib: lib.address,
const libTest = await LibTest.deploy();
/// later: console.log(await libTest.testLibFunc());
import "./Lib.sol";
library LibTest {
function testLibFunc() public view returns(bool) {
bool response = Lib.testFunc();
return response;
Were you able to find a better method?

Testing serverless with Mocha plugin

I have been using serverless for a while now, however this is the first time I'm trying to use mocha for writing tests. When I'm trying to run the following sls create test --function insiders/create.create I get the following error Cannot read property 'handler' of undefined. This is how my serverless.yml looks like for the handler I have created
handler: insiders/create.create
- http:
path: insiders
method: post
cors: true
This is how the plugin Mocha is defined
- serverless-mocha-plugin
The code is deployed and it works fine. The namespacing is as insiders/create.js is where I have defined my function.
module.exports.create = () => {}
I have also tried the following ways
sls create test --function insiders/create
sls create test --function create
Not sure if it answers your question, but since majority of the business logic for serverless code is just regular javascript, you can use mocha directly for unit testing.
npm install --save-dev mocha
In package.json
"test": "mocha test/**/*test.js",
Create a test folder and corresponding test files under it
Ex: for src/insiders/create.js create test/insiders/create.test.js
For every handler test the outputs for different inputs
For callback style
describe('create', () => {
it('should execute', (done) => {
const event = {};
const context = {};
const callback = (_, response) => {
//assert required things
const handler = require('../../src/insiders/create.js');
handler(event, context, callback)
For async await style
describe('create', () => {
it('should execute', async () => {
const event = {};
const handler = require('../../src/insiders/create.js');
const result = await handler(event);
//assert the result
We use this style and it works very well for us.
Edit: Fix the mocha glob pattern to search recursively for all test files.

How do i install spectron and start scripting on it?

Got a recent Requirement, where i need to do Test Automation of Backend Node js application using the spectron. I would like to know what are programming skills required to approach the same
Find the Spectron documentation at https://electronjs.org/spectron
npm install --save-dev spectron
Sample test file looks like this
const Application = require('spectron').Application
const assert = require('assert')
const electronPath = require('electron')
const path = require('path')
describe('Application launch', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.app = new Application({
path: electronPath,
args: [path.join(__dirname, '..')]
return this.app.start()
afterEach(function () {
if (this.app && this.app.isRunning()) {
return this.app.stop()
it('shows an initial window', function () {
return this.app.client.getWindowCount().then(function (count) {
assert.equal(count, 1)
Spectron can work with any test framework. I prefer using mocha.
Clone this project for more info https://github.com/electron/spectron

how to automate electron exe file using protractor framework

Please tell me in detail ..
I have an electron application and I have exe of that .. but want to automate using protractor framework.
Guide me in that .
You should try using Spectron
Spectron is a testing tool for electron application. You can test it after packing into a exe file or straight away starting the test by mentioning the main.js
npm install --save-dev spectron
Install spectron via npm . Below example uses mocha for assertions.
To get up and running from your command line:
Install mocha locally as a dev dependency.
npm i mocha -D
create a spec file like below
const Application = require('spectron').Application
const assert = require('assert')
const electronPath = require('electron')
const path = require('path')
const chai = require('chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
global.before(() => {
describe('Application launch', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
const opts = {
path: './your.exe'
const app = new Application(opts);
return app.start().then((app) => {
chaiAsPromised.transferPromiseness = app.transferPromiseness;
return app;
afterEach(function () {
if (this.app && this.app.isRunning()) {
return this.app.stop()
it('shows an initial window', function () {
return this.app.client.getWindowCount().then(function (count) {
assert.equal(count, 1)
// Please note that getWindowCount() will return 2 if `dev tools` are opened.
// assert.equal(count, 2)
Run the test by:
mocha spec.js

What is the best approach to test a HapiJS plugin, with Lab?

What is the best way to test a HapiJS plugin, for example one plugin that add routes and handlers.
Since I have to create an instance of Hapi.Server to run the plugins, should I define all the tests from the app's root, for all the plugins ?
should I manage to get THE instance of Hapi.Server in my plugin's local tests ?
If I go for the second option, my server will have registered all the plugins, including those that the plugin to be tested doesn't depends on.
What is the best way to approach this ?
Thanks in advance.
If you're using Glue (and I highly recommend it), you can create a manifest variable for each test (or group of tests) you want to execute. The manifest only needs to include plugins required for that test to execute properly.
And expose some sort of init function to actually start your server. Small example:
import Lab = require("lab");
import Code = require('code');
import Path = require('path');
import Server = require('../path/to/init/server');
export const lab = Lab.script();
const it = lab.it;
const describe = lab.describe;
const config = {...};
const internals = {
manifest: {
connections: [
host: 'localhost',
port: 0
registrations: [
plugin: {
register: '../http_routes',
options: config
plugin: {
register: '../business_plugin',
options: config
composeOptions: {
relativeTo: 'some_path'
describe('business plugin', function () {
it('should do some business', function (done) {
Server.init(internals.manifest, internals.composeOptions, function (err, server) {
// run your tests here
init function:
export const init = function (manifest: any, composeOptions: any, next: (err?: any, server?: Hapi.Server) => void) {
Glue.compose(manifest, composeOptions, function (err: any, server: Hapi.Server) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
server.start(function (err: any) {
return next(err, server);