Show/Hide FileExplorer in Access Form - vba

I've been trying to use a combobox to show/hide a PDF viewer that I've added into a MS Access form.
When I use the form_current event, then the form only updates when I move between the data entries. When I use the afterupdate event, the same code does nothing at all.
Does anyone have a fix? The code I have used is below, which I have tried both the AfterUpdate event for the Browser and the Form_Current event for the whole form
Private Sub PDFT900_AfterUpdate() / Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim ESNComb As String
ESNComb = Me.ESNCombo.Column(1)
If ESNComb Like "9????" Then
Me.PDFT900.Visible = True
Me.PDFT900.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

In the code below, I'm hiding and showing the Adobe PDF Reader ActiveX control named, "AcroPDF0". Since the Like operator returns true on an expression match and false on a mismatch or no match, it serves as a simple boolean switch for the visible property. I've used the (*) wild card instead of (?). It works {shrug}. See demonstration images below.
Private Sub ESNCombo_AfterUpdate()
'AcroPDF0.Visible = ESNCombo.Text Like "P*"
AcroPDF0.Visible = ESNCombo.Column(0) Like "P*"
AcroPDF0.src = acroPDFOSrc
End Sub
ComboBox List Items
"File Browser" Selected in ComboBox
Toggled ComboBox back to "PDFT900"


How do i hide a control in a report based on a field value

I have a checkbox control that i need to hide if a Boolean value is false. I have tried using the Detail_Format event to no avail. i put the field value into another checkbox, then tried setting the visible property from the value in the checkbox, no dice. In the image below, the rightmost checkbox is showing the value of the field that determines if the checkbox to the left of it should be shown. I have the following code
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Me.chkRequireverify = True Then
Me.chkVerified.Visible = True
Me.chkVerified.Visible = False
End If
'Me.chkVerified.Visible = Me.chkRequireverify
End Sub
when i tried using the Detail_Paint event, it errored out telling me that i cant change the visible property in this event.
Your code looks to be correct and could be shortened to simply:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me.chkVerified.Visible = Me.chkRequireverify
End Sub
However, I believe the event handler for the OnFormat event will only be evaluated when viewing the report in Print Preview view, rather than in Report view.
Whilst the OnPaint event fires in Report view, you cannot modify certain properties after the report has been formatted, the Visible property being one such property, along with the Height & Width properties (and so you also cannot shrink the checkboxes to zero size).
It's been a while since I've used Access and VBA, but I believe what you're missing is .Value after the checkbox name in the if clause.
Try this : If Me.chkRequireverify.Value = True

Access 2013 - Save Value from Textbox and display again when form is opened after close

I want to save a value from textbox in a string for example and display it again when the form get's openend.
I have two textboxes PriceRangeOne and PriceRangeTwo .. The user enter here for example 20 and 40
The problem i have is that when the user switches between Form and Report the values in this textboxes are beeing deleted. How can i save them?
I tried adding a sourcecontrol to the fields but had name errors eventhough i used different names.
I tried adding this to on change and retrieve it in an onload
Dim eingabe As String = textBox1.Text or .Value
Still didn't worked. Does anyone know a way to do this?
Typically, the most efficient and reliable way to do this is to have some form auto-open when the database is opened. It could be a dashboard, or just some form with nothing else on it. Whatever you use, launch it when the database opens and then minimize it. Now you have a form that's always open, as long as the application is open. Add a couple of textboxes to this form/dashboard.
When you close your form referenced in this question, write the values of PriceRangeOne and PriceRangeTwo to the textboxes on the form I described above. Then, when you open a new form or report, you can reference the values in those textboxes. Since the form is always open, you can reference these values at any time from any form or report until you close your database.
Solved it with variables.
I declared global variables in my standart module
For example
Public PriceOne As Double
Public PriceTwo As Double
Than i did this in my form in Close() and Open():
Private Sub Form_Close()
PriceOne = Me.Field
PriceTwo = Me.FieldTwo
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Field = PriceOne
Me.FieldTwo = PriceTwo
End Sub
Works perfect!
Courtesy of How to save the last value of a textbox. | Access World Forums:
Private Sub Form_Close()
'Set the default value for textbox
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE table SET table.field = [Forms]![FormName]![Textbox] " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE (((table.ID)=1));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Load the default value for textbox
Me.Textbox.Value = DLookup("[field]", "[table]", "[ID]=1")
End Sub

Word CheckBox ContentContol OnChange Event

I try to make a word document with two checkboxes where each checkbox will show/hide a part of the document with a custom style.
I plan to set value Style.Font.Hidden = True/False depending from checkbox values, but...
I found that there are 3 types of controls:
Legacy Controls - This seems old the ugly.
ActiveX Controls - I can easyly attach to checkbox onChange events, but these are also ugly and I think it's not that secure, also this is probably now working on mac.
ContentControls - This seems like the right way to do this, but I just can't attach to the right event. (Also there is some XML attachment described, but I'm not using this, this seem too complicated, I don't know.)
Can you tell me how to atach to onChange event of CheckBox ContentContol? I need the same behaviour like it's ActiveX CheckBox.
Content Controls do not have "onChange" events, so you can't get a content control to behave like the ActiveX checkbox in a simple manner. Similarly to form fields, the code for ContentControls fires when the control is entered/exited.
The only way to emulate "onChange" for a Content Control is to link the content control to a node in a CustomXMLPart in the document then work with the Document_ContentControlBeforeStoreUpdate event that triggers when the content of the node in the CustomXMLPart is going to be changed.
If, as your question indicates, this is too complex for your purposes you could use a MacroButton field that displays a font character (Symbol) that looks like a checkbox. Clicking the field would exchange that character for a different one, that looks checked. And the reverse again for the next click. Here's some sample code to get you started. If you don't like the checkboxes I chose, you can pick something else from Insert/Symbols/Symbol. Just change the character numbers and the font name.
By default a MacroButton field triggers on double click. You can change this to a single click when the document is opened in an AutoOpen macro.
Sub AutoOpen()
Application.Options.ButtonFieldClicks = 1
End Sub
Sub ToggleCheckBox()
Dim iNotChecked As Integer, iChecked As Integer
Dim rngCheck As word.Range
Dim sBkmName As String, sFontName as String
iNotChecked = 111
iChecked = 253
sBkmName = "bkmCheck"
sFontName = "Wingdings"
Set rngCheck = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(sBkmName).Range
If Asc(rngCheck.Text) = iNotChecked Then
rngCheck.Text = Chr(iChecked)
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add sBkmName, rngCheck
rngCheck.Font.Name = sFontName
ElseIf Asc(rngCheck.Text) = iChecked Then
rngCheck.Text = Chr(iNotChecked)
rngCheck.Font.Name = sFontName
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add sBkmName, rngCheck
End If
End Sub

SetFocus inside a GotFocus procedure initiated by another SetFocus

Objective: Redirect focus from one command button to another using the first's GotFocus procedure.
Context: I have a form-independent procedure in a generic module that, on most forms, sets focus to the NewRecord button after saving the previous record. But on one form, I would like to redirect (based on certain conditions) focus back to the SignRecord button so the user can "sign" a second part of the same record (I may need this for other uses in the future). The target control is enabled and visible and can otherwise be focused and the original control can be focused when the redirect doesn't occur. Reference [2] below implies that this should be possible, though I'm not changing visibility of my controls.
Issue: When the conditions are met to redirect focus in the GotFocus procedure, it redirects as desired but the original (test) SetFocus call throws a "Run-time error '2110', Can't move focus to the control CommandNew".
What I've tried:
Exit Sub after my downstream SetFocus calls.
Call CommandSign.SetFocus in the hopes that it would make it happen outside the previous SetFocus process.
In a module,
Public Sub test()
Forms("TargetForm").CommandNew.SetFocus 'This gets the error '2110'
End Sub
In the 'TargetForm',
Private Sub CommandNew_GotFocus()
If IsNull(textDateTime) Then Exit Sub 'Works as expected
'I can see these two parts work. The framSign value changes
'and CommandSign gets focus
If checPPC And IsNull(textSigID_PPC) And framSign = 2 Then
framSign = 1
ElseIf checDAS And IsNull(textSigID_DAS) And framSign = 1 Then
framSign = 2
End If
End Sub
[1]: SelectNextControl() a bad idea in a GotFocus event?
I think your problem is that the call to Forms("TargetForm").CommandNew.SetFocus doesn't quite seem to, in fact, finish setting the focus to CommandNew until after Private Sub CommandNew_GotFocus() has finished executing. Because you've called another SetFocus before the first SetFocus could finish, there is a conflict that Access seems to be unable to cope with.
Whether or not that is the case, one thing is clear: the way you have your execution plan set up right now is unfortunately not going to work. You might try adding either a global variable or a public variable to each form that determines whether or not you should set your focus to CommandSign after you set the focus to CommandNew.
Ex. TargetForm:
Public boolSetCommandSignFocusInstead As Boolean
Private Sub CommandNew_GotFocus()
If IsNull(textDateTime) Then Exit Sub 'Works as expected
'I can see these two parts work. The framSign value changes
'and CommandSign gets focus
If checPPC And IsNull(textSigID_PPC) And framSign = 2 Then
framSign = 1
boolSetCommandSignFocusInstead = True
ElseIf checDAS And IsNull(textSigID_DAS) And framSign = 1 Then
framSign = 2
boolSetCommandSignFocusInstead = True
boolSetCommandSignFocusInstead = False
End If
End Sub
Public Sub test()
If Forms("TargetForm").boolSetCommandSignFocusInstead Then
End If
End Sub

VBA - The Form Class has no the show method

I want create one form from another. But the Form class has no the Show method, which described at
It's code in Form_Main:
Private Sub btnTemp_Click()
Dim frmOpt As Form_Option
Set frmOpt = New Form_Option
frmOpt.Show vbModal
End Sub
But I received the "Compile error: Method or data member not found".
Where I made mistake?
(VBA version 6.5; Access 2007)
Sorry for my previous comment: right now I see that comment isn't obvious.
I don't have subForm on my mainForm.
I have two simple form: Form_Main and Form_Option. And I want to be the next logic:
Form_Main has button "btnOption"
Click on "btnOption". The Form_Option is opening
I change options on Form_Option
And click the btnSave button on Form_Option, and the next idea is executing:
Form_Main.TimerInterval = CLng(Form_Option.edtTimerInterval.Value)
At the moment I made it simple. And that is enough for me.
I write so:
Private Sub btnOptions_Click()
' After changing options, refresh timer interval of main form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Options", , , , , acDialog
Me.TimerInterval = 1000 * CLng(MOptions.loadOption("fPeriodVerifyNoticeInterval"))
End Sub
Where fPeriodVerifyNoticeInterval is parameter that stored in the options table.
And the Options Form changes the "fPeriodVerifyNoticeInterval" parameters at saving.
My problem is solved, Thanks
The "mistake" is that Show isn't a valid Method for Access Forms. The link you provided is for UserForms which are forms made in VBA.
If you want to create a new form that way what you want is something like this:
frmOpt.Modal = true
frmOpt.Visible = true
Though what I would recommend is doing this instead:
DoCmd.OpenForm "Option", , , , , acDialog which will open the Option form as a dialog.
Caution: If you create your form using New even though you set it as modal it will not halt the progress of VBA code. This means that your variable will go out of scope as soon as the code finishes. If you want your form to remain open, you will need to set it as static within the sub or declare it outside the sub like this:
static frmOpt As Form_Option
or outside the sub private frmOpt = Form_Option or public frmOpt = Form_Option