Split Array Into Parts - Get all Unique Items - GoogleSQL - sql

I'm looking to take a String-Array field in Google SQL and transpose it to show all in one column. From there I can take all unique/distinct items from it.
the image above is a sample of what I am trying
I can't get the string array to split out into resulting rows.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I think you can do it using unnest, assuming columnB is holding the array:
select numbers
from yourtable t
cross join unnest(t.ColumnB) numbers
and for distinct :
select distinct numbers
from yourtable t
cross join unnest(t.ColumnB) numbers

Adding this as answer (as it is too long for comments) - just to point that usually users using too verbose syntax with unnest function. For example - instead of using unnest(t.ColumnB) one can use either unnest(ColumnB) or just t.ColumnB as in examples below
select number
from your_table t, t.ColumnB number
select distinct number
from your_table t, t.ColumnB number
I personally prefer this shortcut version of using unnest - so wanted to share - while obviously this is a personal preferences type of things


Count the most popular occurrences of a hashtag in a string column postgreSQL

I have a column in my dataset with the following format:
1 [#newyears, #christmas, #christmas]
2 [#easter, #newyears, #fourthofjuly]
3 [#valentines, #christmas, #easter]
I have managed to count the hashtags like so:
SELECT hashtags, (LENGTH(hashtags) - LENGTH(REPLACE(hashtags, ',', '')) + 1) AS hashtag_count
FROM full_data
But I'm not sure if it's possible to count the occurrences of each hashtag. Is it possible to return the count of the most popular hashtags in the following format:
hashtags count
christmas 3
newyears 2
The datatype is just varchar, but I'm a bit confused on how I should approach this. Any help would be appreciated!
That's a bad idea to store this data. It's risky because we don't know whether the text will always be stored in exactly this form. Better save the different strings in separate columns.
Anyway, if you can't improve that and must deal with this structure, we could basically use a combination of UNNEST, STRING_TO_ARRAY and GROUP BY to split the hashtags and count them.
So the general idea is something like this:
WITH unnested AS
UNNEST(STRING_TO_ARRAY(hashtags, ',')) AS hashtag
FROM full_data)
SELECT hashtag, COUNT(hashtag)
FROM unnested
GROUP BY hashtag
Due to the braces and spaces within your column, this will not produce the correct result.
So we could additionaly use TRIM and TRANSLATE to get rid of all other things except the hashtags.
With your sample data, following construct will produce the intended outcome:
WITH unnested AS
TRIM(TRANSLATE(UNNEST(STRING_TO_ARRAY(hashtags, ',')),'#,[,]','')) AS hashtag
FROM full_data)
SELECT hashtag, COUNT(hashtag)
FROM unnested
GROUP BY hashtag
See here
But as already said, this is unpleasant and risky.
So if possible, find out which hashtags are possible (it seems these are all special days) and then create columns or a mapping table for them.
This said, store 0 or 1 in the column to indicate whether the hashtag appears or not and then sum the values per column.
I think you should split all the data in Array to record and then count it with Group by. Something like this query
SELECT hashtag, count(*) as hashtag_count
FROM full_data, unnest(hashtags) s(hashtag)
GROUP BY hashtag
ORDER BY hashtag_count DESC
Hopefully, it will match your request!
You can do it as follows :
select unnest(string_to_array(REGEXP_REPLACE(hashtags,'[^\w,]+','','g'), ',')) as tags, count(1)
from full_data
group by tags
order by count(1) desc
Result :
tags count
christmas 3
newyears 2
easter 2
fourthofjuly 1
valentines 1
REGEXP_REPLACE to remove any special characters.
string_to_array to generate an array
unnest to expand an array to a set of rows
Demo here

Average interval between timestamps in an array

In a PostgreSQL 9.x database, I have a column which is an array of type timestamp. Each array has between 1..n timestamps.
I'm trying to extract the average interval between all elements in each array.
I understand using a window function on the source table might be the ideal way to tackle this but in this case I am trying to do it as an operation on the array.
I've looked at several other questions that are trying to calculate the moving average of another column etc or the avg (median date of a list of timestamps).
For example the average interval I'm looking for on an array with 3 elements like this:
'{"2012-10-09 17:04:05.710887"
,"2013-10-18 22:30:08.973749"
,"2014-10-22 22:18:18.885973"}'::timestamp[]
Would be:
Wondering if I need to unpack the array through a function?
One way of many possible: unnest, join, avg in a lateral subquery:
FROM tbl t
SELECT avg(a2.ts - a1.ts) AS avg_intv
FROM unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY a1(ts, ord)
JOIN unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY a2(ts, ord) ON (a2.ord = a1.ord + 1)
) avg ON true;
db<>fiddle here
The [INNER] JOIN in the subquery produces exactly the set of combinations relevant for intervals between elements.
I get 371 days 14:37:06.587543, not '-368d', btw.
Related, with more explanation:
PostgreSQL unnest() with element number
You can also only unnest once and use the window functions lead() or lag(), but you were trying to avoid window functions. And you need to make sure of the original order of elements in any case ...
(There is no array function you could use directly to get what you need - in case you were hoping for that.)
Alternative with CTE
Might be appealing to still unnest only once (even while avoiding window functions):
FROM tbl t
WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY a1(ts, ord))
SELECT avg(a2.ts - a1.ts) AS avg_intv
FROM a a1
JOIN a a2 ON (a2.ord = a1.ord +1)
) avg ON true;
But I expect the added CTE overhead to cost more than unnesting twice. Mostly just demonstrating a WITH clause in a subquery.

Group By Using Wildcards in Big Query

I have this query:
SELECT SomeTableA.*
FROM SomeTableB
GROUP BY SomeTableA.*
I know that I cannot do the GROUP BY part with wildcards. At the same time, I don't really like listing all the columns (can be up to 20) manually.
Could this be added as new feature? Or is there any way how to easily get the list of all 20 columns from SomeTableA for the GROUP BY part?
If you really have the exact query shown in your question - then try below instead - no grouping required
FROM `project.dataset.tableA`
WHERE xyz IN (SELECT xyz FROM `project.dataset.tableB`)
As of Group By Using Wildcards in Big Query this sounds more like grouping by struct which is not supported so you can submit feature request if you want - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=187149&template=0

Redshift LISTAGG frame clause

I am trying to aggregate strings, but limited to only the preceding rows, not the whole partition. Does anyone know how to do this in Redshift?
What I am trying to achieve is the appended_event_namespace column below.
This is what I've tried so far.
LISTAGG(event_namespace, '/')
OVER (PARTITION BY acct_id) AS appended_event_namespace
This results in the full ApplicationLaunch/CategoryBrowse/NotificationCenter/UserProfile aggregation on every single row instead of what is in the desired screenshot.
The difficulty is in getting it to only append up to the current row since there doesn't seem to be a frame-clause for Redshift's LISTAGG(). Thanks for any ideas that may help.
You can hack this together with another query. Start with your appended_event_namespace as the result of your original LISTAGG
SELECT event_namespace,
POSITION(event_namespace,appended_event_namespace) + LEN(event_namespace) - 1
) as appended_event_namespace_cum
FROM your_table;
Basically, you take your aggregated, ordered string, and then take the first N characters where N is ([where it appears in the aggregated string ]+[its length]), which will cut out everything after that item. This gives you a cumulative namespace.
LISTAGG with frame clause is not supported in RS yet. If you have some columns that you can use for partitioning and ordering you can make a self join (not so performant but would accomplish what you want):
,LISTAGG(t2.event_namespace,'/') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY t2.tstamp_true)
FROM your_table t1
JOIN your_table t2
ON t1.id=t2.id
AND t1.tstamp_true>=t2.tstamp_true
GROUP BY 1,2,3
Alternatively, if you want to avoid self join you can build a JSON with the following structure using LISTAGG:
and write a Python UDF that takes such JSON for the given group of rows and tstamp_true of the given row and returns the path (the function would need to filter the tstamp_true_N values earlier than the second parameter and concatenate filtered event_namespace_N values for the output)

Match count of a regular expression for every row

I use below query to get content rows which has my_regex_pattern. But I don't know how many times the pattern hit for every row. What is the best way to get match count for every row in Postgres?
For example if a row's content is 'abcdefabcgh' and my regular expression is 'abc', I want 2 since 'abcdefabcgh' has two 'abc'.
SELECT content
FROM table1
WHERE content ~ 'my_regex_pattern'
Or how can I get rows which has matches more than a specific number. For example just give me records which has abc more than 4 times.
Of course you can make it work with regexp_matches(). Or better yet, regexp_split_to_table(). To apply to a whole table, use a LATERAL join (requires Postgres 9.3+):
SELECT content, ct
FROM table1 t, LATERAL (
SELECT count(*) - 1 AS ct
FROM regexp_split_to_table(t.content, 'abc')
) c
WHERE t.content ~ 'abc'; -- eliminate rows without match
For simple patterns like in the example in your question, you could also:
SELECT content, (length(content) - length(replace(content, 'abc', ''))) / length('abc')
FROM table1
WHERE content LIKE '%abc%';
Typically faster, since regular expression functions are costly. Also works for older versions.