Scripting RabbitMQ bindings - rabbitmq

I want to set up a bunch of rabbitMQ exchanges and queues together with their bindings trough a Octopus deploy step. We're using NServiceBus and we don't want to give the application too much permission hence it can't set up the stuff itself.
Previously we've had a powershell script for setting up virtual host and users and I've been looking at extending this so that we can create the queues, exchanges and bindings too. This script uses RabbitMQ REST API.
The queues and exchanges can be created without any hazzle but the bindings are another matter. I can't find any suitable documentation about setting this up over HTTP. I've read something that this is not the preferred way to do stuff but what options are available to me given octopus scripting?
The code I want to execute is something like this:
The exchange is named nsb.delay-level-00 and the queue has the same name. Both exists in the rabbitMQ virtual host.
Any ideas?

I found out that, in contrast to creating queues and exchanges, the method call has to be a POST in this scenario.
So, POST http://localhost:15672/api/bindings/TestHost/e/nsb.delay-level-00/q/nsb.delay-level-00 works fine.


ActiveMQ topic send automatically

I have some subscribers that they are listening to "mytopic"...I send message to them by browser UI just like attached image
but now I want to do this work in code environment
what should I do and whats that code and methods?
-----> attached image
You should have mentioned what programming language you want to use. Every language may offer a different API and specification.
In case of using Java, you can simply program according to the JMS specification
Also, the Apache ActiveMQ installation comes with a few examples that you can use as a reference. E.g. see
You should have a look at ActiveMQ Protocols - for example you can use the ActiveMQ REST API to POST messages to the topic or use JMS.
Then you can look at how to use these from a "client" (presumably your central server) perspective.
For REST from Java (say) you could look at this article

Is it posible to make a queue non durable in rabbitMq management portal

Is it possible to make a queue non durable in rabbitMq management portal or via the command line tool ?
If queue or exchange was once declared you can't change it parameters. Not via management plugin nor via CLI nor via API or else. If you want to have queue or exchange with the same name but different parameters, you have to delete existent one and then create new with desired parameters (don't forget to bind queue if you do that).
Note, that policies differs from parameters and they can be added, changed and deleted on existent queues and exchanges on-the-fly.
Also note, if you will delete and then create queue and/or exchanges, there are some chance to lost messages. For more details see RabbitMQ change queue parameters on a production system and Toggle routing in Rabbit MQ questions on SO.

Masstransit: Can it use central msmq server? (Or should I start w/RabbitMQ from the start?)

I set up the Masstransit sample apps, and all was great. Local operation, msmq, looks good.
Now I am starting to put masstransit in my real app. In my real app, I have jobs coming from four servers, and processing happening on two worker systems.
It seems that masstransit always wants to push to:
But I thought I would set up a single, central, msmq server: msmq:///...
It appears (I may be missing something! Please correct me if I am off!) that when using msmq, that I need to set up msmq on multiple machines, and configure msmq to route from machine to machine.
Am I missing something?
Should I skip msmq and jump to rabbitmq right off, (which appears to solve for this)?
Is there some fundamental msmq knowledge (that is perhaps not in the masstransit docs) ?
thank you!
First off I always suggest people use RabbitMQ over MSMQ unless you MUST use DTC for some reason. And even then, I'd suggest you rethink using DTC.
But given you have some constraint you can't fight. You're welcomed to use a central MSMQ server but it doesn't provide a ton of value. Each server sending messages must have MSMQ installed locally because of how it works. Messages actually end up in an outgoing queue before they are sent over the other machine in question. If you have multi-machine MSMQ setups, in the past for me it's been like:
Core Machine runs MassTransit.RuntimeServices at /mt_subscriptions, and maybe one service at /service_1
Other processing machine runs a specific heavy load service at /service_2 and it's configuration references msmq://coremachine/mt_subscriptions for the subscription service.
Yet another processing machine with similar setup
So with those 3 machines, the only thing you don't have msmq://localhost/ is the reference to the subscription service in configuration.

move hornetq message from a queue to another without reading it out

We have a use case where we would like to get a certain messages in a queue distributed into other queues after we browse the queue and get the message properties. Can that be done with JMS API for hornetq or should we use a JMX client as that seems to be a possible operation in jvisualvm?
I don't know if I understand You correctly but if You would like to copy from one queue to another only filtered messages You can use bridge.
In bridge configuration You can define which messages should be copied from one queue to another
It seems that from the HornetQ Management API will do the trick. I was hoping for some generic JMS API that would allow that as well but this will work.

Glassfish - How to broadcast JMS message to all instances in a cluster?

I am using Glassfish 3.1.2, and I set up a cluster with one node and two instances.
I have an message driven bean in my application that subscribes to a topic, which I deployed to the cluster.
When I publish a message to the topic I want both instances to receive the message.
However, in practice I am finding that only one instance receives the message.
I believe I am running into a feature called "shared subscriptions"
The feature (which is enabled by default) says that beans in the cluster with the same client id are shared, and are effectively only one subscription.
It says that by default the client id of an MDB is its name, which means that both my instances are using the same client id.
So other than completely disabling this feature, I would like to know if it is possible to setup an MDB so that each instance subscribes with a different client ID? This seems a bit tricky since both instances are using the same WAR file. I think you can set the client ID in an annotation, but I'm not sure if that can be changed at runtime...
I'm not sure why you would completly disable this feature. In the link you provided, it states clearly that you configure this per ActivationSpec/MDB. So as far as I understand it, it would affect only the MDB you have at hand.
For an MDB, set the ActivationSpec property useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer to false. Do this in exactly
the same way as with other ActivationSpec properties, using
annotations in the MDB itself or in the deployment descriptor
ejb-jar.xml or glassfish-ejb-jar.xml.
But you can of course set the client ID on a connection dynamically during runtime. Please note that you probably would have to handle the JMS connection yourself a bit more than relying on the features managed by the container.