Web API hosted on Azure doesn't return On-Premise Data after Get Request - asp.net-core

I created an ASP.NET Core Web API and deployed it in Azure as an App Service.
I created a Hybrid Connection and installed the Hybrid Connection Manager on the On-Premise Database Server, set the Hybrid Connection Status to Connected (Successfully connected the App Service with On-Premise Db Server).
When sending Get Request or accessing the Web API on the web browser or Postman
The Result I receive is:
500 - The request timed out. The web server failed to respond within
the specified time.
When developing the Web API on my local machine it works smoothly and I could connect to the On-Premise through a VPN connection.
I also added this piece of code
services.AddDbContext<RepositoryContext>(o => o.UseSqlServer(connectionString, sqlServerOptionsAction: sqlOptions =>
maxRetryCount: 5,
maxRetryDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
errorNumbersToAdd: null);

In the absence of more information, the 500 error, I guess the most likely reason is that there is a problem connecting to the On-Premise sql server.
Click Diagnose and solve problems to view Application Event Log to view specific logs.
(Optional) Open Application Logging (Filesystem) and Detailed error message.
Specifically, you can log in to the scm website to view the error log.
If you test the interface and connect to the database locally or using vpn, there is definitely no problem. Now the problem must be the database connection part. It is recommended to recheck Hybrid connections. You also can raise a support ticket on portal, let them check logs and help you.
Related Posts:
1. Hybrid Connection Shows “Connected”, but Application Fails to Connect
2. Azure Web App Hybrid Connection Failing

The Hybrid Connection's Endpoint/Host I made in Azure had a different name as the SQL server. I named the endpoint randomly instead of giving it the actual name/IP address.
Additional info
Even if you installed the Connection Manager on the Server and the Status is set to Connected, this doesn't mean that your App Service will communicate with the Database.
Create a new Hybrid Connection and set the Endpoint Host name with the actual name/IP address, where the Hybrid Connection Manager is installed.


Azure Regional VNet Integration and Service Endpoint

I try to integrate a web app to a VNET. this is a brand new subscription.
According to : Integrate your app with an Azure virtual network
In the first step I wanted to check if the web app could reach out to VNET. The second step I want to connect the web app to SQL database through a Service Endpoint
I created a VNET with 2 subnets:
integration-subnet setting
There is service endpoint pointing to the integration-subnet. Also I integrated the app to the VNet, It's delegated the integration subnet.
I tried to connect to VM from App using tcpping (jumpbox VM private address) from app console, but it failed.
I also app cannot connect to the sql database.
What are the missing pieces here, is a DNS server required to make this work?
Update (Resolved):
The question above was the key, It needs away to resolve the name with some sort DNS server.
tcpping default port is 80 and nothing was listening to that port in that box.
You could use the tool tcpping to test for TCP connectivity to a host and port combination.
The syntax is: tcpping.exe hostname [optional: port]
For example, run tcpping
See troubleshooting app service networking for more details.
For more references, Here is an ARM example to deploy an app service with VNet integration and enable service endpoint Microsoft.Storage.

I don't get data from remote service

I have a service, hosted in a windows service. When I installed the windows service in the local machine, I can get data from the service, but when I installed the windows service in the remote computer (in the server), I don't get data.
I have tried in a internet browser to use the address of the endpoint in the server, and I get response, so I get the page that says how to use svcutil to create the proxy.
Although I get this page, I have tried to disabled the firewall in the server and in the client, but the problem persists, how I expected.
If I get response in the internet browser, wouldn't I get access to the methods of the service?
On server side add trace listener so as to find out what error occures. Do you make use of any certification which service may not possess?

Publishing a MVC App in Azure Web App

This is my Azure configuration:
I have a Virtual Network with a couple of subnets and a gateway
configured to allow point-to-site.
There is one Virtual Machine with SQL Server (2014) installed. There
are some databases in there already. SQL Server is set up to allow
SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. This VM is in the Virtual Network
I have an empty Azure Web App
I deployed my main MVC WebApp to the empty Azure Web App and looks good, except when it tries to retrieve information from the database.
Is it a connection string error? or there can be something else...
My connection string looks like this:
<add name="MyEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Data.MyModel.csdl| res://*/Data.MyModel.ssdl| res://*/Data.MyModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;
provider connection string="
data source=tcp:;
initial catalog=MyDataBase;
persist security info=False;
user id=MySystemAdmin;
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Here is the error thrown by the azure web app...
So it seems to be related to either the way I'm providing the connection string or the end-points/firewall configuration.
Check your connection string against this connection string for Entity Framework designer files (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj556606.aspx#Connection)
Just from a quick glance I see two possible errors:
Semicolon missing added after provider=System.Data.SqlClient (the example on the page I provided the link to doesn't have one)
The IP address you specify to connect to is a local one ( and should be the IP/DNS name of your database in Azure.
Not sure if this is the issue or if StackOverflow just clobbered your markup. In addition you talk about a lot of gateways so I would check to make sure you can talk between your systems. Finally posting error messages and capturing exceptions about what's actually going on will help diagnose the error because at this point it's all guesswork.
Hope that helps.
What the guys said above plus:
The Web App needs to have a hybrid connection to the VNET the VM is if you want to use the local IP address, otherwise you have to use the PIP.
Check the firewall on the VM if the proper ports are open. This has to be both on the VM firewall and the endpoints. Also, if there are any ACLs on the VM, you have to check those too.
The other answers gave me the guidelines to find out the solution.
I'll try to describe the steps I followed:
Using the new azure portal (portal.azure.com currently in preview) I
established a connection between the Azure Web App and the Virtual
Home > Browse > Click on Azure Web App name
In the Azure Web App blade click on Networking tile
In Virtual Network blade, click on the Virtual Network where the database is located (it's important to mention that the Virtual Network ought to have a gateway previously configured)
My intention was to provide certain level of security to the VM with
the databases by placing it inside a Virtual Network, so I had not
considered opening ports. Turns out that it's necessary, so, in the VM:
I enabled the TCP/IP protocol for SQL Server using the Sql Server Configuration Manager (How to? here)
Then I created a new Inbound Rule opening the 1433 port, but only for private connections (very nice).
It was not necessary to create an endpoint in the VM for this port (very happy with this).
Finally, I published the the app to the Azure Web App using the connection strings as shown in the question (with internal database IP)
Final touch: in the new Azure Portal > Azure Web App > Settings, I was able to enter Connection Strings. Settings created in the portal are not overwritten; so now I'm sure this Azure Web App will always use the correct connection string.
Final note: in theory (not tested yet) the internal IP will not change as long as the VM is not Stopped (Deallocated).

Can connect to WCF from certain windows users and not from others

We currently use a solution with WCF web services with Windows Identity Foundation for security.
It works fine for three years now, but it seems we have certain users (I mean windows users) which cannot connect to WCF.
From the same machine with four different Users, Two can connect to the application and two cannot.
Everybody see the server part (the first call was a wsHttpBinding call to check if server exist, if failed a message is provided else we display the login window) but it failed with services with Authentication(ws2007FederationHttpBinding). It seems to be a problem from Windows User...
Has anybody already encounter this type of problem? Any idea to solve it?
We do not have physically access to the machine (client machine) and cannot make some debug to see where it comes from.
the returned exception is:
Could not start session - Exception: SOAP security negotiation with "My service complete address"
for target "My service complete address" failed.

WCF call back in load balancing server

I have a chat application developed using WCF call back contract.This use netTcp binding for the client server communication.
Client is a Windows Forms application will be running in the client machine(XP or Windows8 machine)
This WCF service hosted as a windows service in the server machine.I am maintaining a Client Session list in the service, this will store the details about each client connected to the server, this list is static variable.
The work flow is, whenever a client connect to the server using the connect operation,client details will be added to the client session list,this session list will be used by the server to send message back to the client whenever its needed.
Everything works fine in the single server environment,Now I want to know how can I handle this in the load balancing scenario, that means I have two server machine,at a time one server will be active.if Server 1 is fail, Server 2 will be active. In this scenario, How can I manage my client sessions share between two servers and working as usual with out disturbing my clients?
One option is to use a Session State store provider, which will provide the session state for both instances of server service.
As MSDN states: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z414bbk9(v=vs.100).aspx
for Web farm configurations, it can be stored out of process using
either the ASP.NET State service or a Microsoft SQL Server database.
The ASP.NET state service is quite well documented http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178581(v=vs.100).aspx
As for the database solution... well... you have to analyse the added overhead due to database access.
Also, if you are hosting the service using IIS, you could consider using Out-of-Process session state (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754032%28v=ws.10%29.aspx).
These are just some ideas. You can look into other web farm synchronization techniques made available for Microsoft technologies.