The referenced component 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' could not be found -

Got this in my warnings from today, still don't know why, but seems like the entire solution is running perfectly.
Should I be worried?
Can I just remove it from References?

The projects appear to reference Microsoft.VisualBasic, but if you check the csproj file you will see that they do not. If you remove the reference in Visual Studio that will fix it temporarily, but then closing and reopening Visual Studio makes the warning come back.
No, you should not be worried. This appears to be a bug in Visual Studio, hopefully they will fix it in the next version.


libIEC61850 Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.References.UnresolvedBuildDependencyProjectReference" reference could not be resolved?

Hello i im running Visual studio 2022 professional. I have downloaded libiec61850-1.5.1 libIEC61850 I have compiled the code whit cmake. I have then opened it in visual studio code. The problem is that the References in the example projects could not be resolved.
I have tried the following things.
Remove the references then add them again save and rebuild project.
Remove the references the save rebuild project, closed and started visual studio again
the tried add the references.
Tried edit the path directly in vcxproj file.
I downloaded the libIEC61850 a second time to make sure there was no corrupt files. Made
a new compile whit cmake. still got the same problem,
Updated the visual studio to the newest update.
Anybody that have a idea what the problem can be. I have searched the a found nothing that could help. i have checked this post also
The problem was that Link to library dependencies was not set to "True".
After i changed this the reference error did go away.

Visual Studio builds solution automatically on launching

I faced the problem: whenever I open my working solution Visual Studio automatically starts build. I cannot find configurations to turn off this.
It looks like that problem is in solution, because I opened another solution and build did not start automatically.
This strange behavior is not expected one for VS2019. Please try:
1.Tools=>Import and Export Settings=>Reset all settings=>No, just reset settings to reset current VS settings to default.
2.Use vs installer to repair your VS if there's something broken with IDE.
3.Extensions=>Manage Extensions=>Installed=>Tools you can disable(don't need to uninstall) some third-party extensions and restart VS to check if this issue persists. To check if this issue is about VS itself or extensions.
4.Exit VS and delete the .vs, bin, obj folders of the projects in the solution, and then clear the cache, for VS2019, the corresponding folder is 16.0 instead of 14.0. After that, restart VS.
For me, this was a Resharper setting. When I turned this off it stopped happening. I think there is also a setting for Visual Studio to do this as well, but it is off by default.

MonoAndroid's System.ObjectModel is not recognized by Visual Studio 2015?

I installed recently the Xamarin platform and i created a default Xamarin.Forms Shared project using VS2015 and under the Droid project References i get a yellowish icon on System.ObjectModel library as you can see...
The weird thing is that in the beginning everything compiles but when i add a Cross-Platform -> Forms Xaml Page the compiler throws error on the InitializeComponent() method call.
I tried to manually reference System.ObjectModel.dll from the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoAndroid\v1.0\Facades without any luck. When i right-click on the properties i get this
but in the file system properties everything seems to be correct.
All the above are with the default options.
Does this happen to you or it's just me? (i tested it in two computers)
If you have any questions i will update the post after this message...
Welcome to Xamarin! It's like tap dancing your way through a field of land mines. But XAML is awesome. Here is what worked for me: update your nuget of xamarin forms, do clean build, see the error/warning, restart visual studio, do a clean, restart visual studio again, do a build, spin your chair around 3 times counter-clockwise, and voila, the error is gone. It's like magic! No need to manually much around with dlls, it will just work.
Try to delete the contain of bin folder in PCL project and android project. and clean the solution try it again.
user: PubuduGayan, The second option that He suggested.
I hade same problem. Adding reference from C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.5.2\Facades... didn't work me.
What worked for me was to change (Tools/Options/Project and Solutions->Build and Run) Verbosity from normal to minimal, even if system.objectmodel reference-warning is still there.
Maybe this will work for developers too who are facing same problem
I faced the same problem. Deleting the reference helped in resolving the warning since System.ObjectModel was not used at all.

Visual Studio 2013 Bad Intellisense

I recently upgraded from Visual Studio 2012 to 2013 and am having issues in an MVC project. Specifically the intellisense is messed up and says there are errors when there are not.
The project still builds however, and works fine. Has anyone had this problem and been able to fix it?
Try to clear the project (Menu > Build > Clear 'MyProject') and then Rebuild the project. Note that for me clearing the solution does not work, must clear the project.
For me, VS2013 seems to 'forget it knows MVC'! All my MVC references break, all my #Url and #Html stuff breaks. The fix is to clear the project.
I have had this problem. For me it was broken references that didn't read as broken. If you look at the ones that are saying they are broken, then delete and recreate the references you will likely be able to fix the problem.

Any idea why VS2008 crashes reliably at the end of a solution rebuild?

VS2008 SP1, Winforms solution, VB.NET, compiling for x86 and .NET v2
I have about a dozen projects in the solution, with a couple of Windows forms projects and some class libraries.
If I rebuild the solution, it clears out and recompiles all the projects, as you'd expect...
... and then disappears without trace or error message. Since I'm reconnecting to VSS 2005 over HTTP across the internet, it takes all month to start back up with everything loaded, so it's incredibly irritating.
The compiled application itself works fine, and normal build and run after changes also works fine.
Any ideas why this might be? I've Googled without much success.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Just to clarify, No add-ins except Refactor! (I know, I guess I ought to try uninstalling it to see if it's that, but it's just too useful! - I will see if there's an update though).
And no custom build steps. It's just a vanilla Winforms app, with references between the projects (and some references to COM dlls for interop).
Thanks for the ideas so far..
Ok, guys, thanks again for all the ideas.
It turned out to be the version of Refactor! I was using. I installed the latest, and the crashing stopped... and Refactor! stopped working too. So I shut down VS, uninstalled Refactor! completely, and reinstalled the latest version... and now I no longer get the mysterious crashes, and Refactor! works again.
You might say, 'Duh, why didn't you try this ages ago', and it's a fair question... you know the way it is - something that happens intermittently... immediate pressures of urgent priorities... and of course the new version wasn't available then, and the benefits of the old version weren't trivial.
So, 3rd party addin the culprit.
Thanks again..
Do you use any third-party plug-ins, it will cause this too.
I had this issue with a couple of WinForms apps. I had to perform these exact steps in this exact order.
Close all of the designer files from the IDE. Or just close all of the files so your workspace is empty
Exit all instance of Visual Studio
Open VS, open project, do a full rebuild. That fixed me ... for awhile.
The common denominator for me is that all project that this happened to were created using older versions of Visual Studio. That's as far as I got tracking down the problem though.
I had no 3rd party plugins installed at the time.
Hope this little bit helps.
Try to debug Visual Studio, using WinDBG or Visual Studio. Attach to the faulting Visual Studio (before it crashes) and make sure that you stop on all exceptions.
If its a managed exception then you can probably understand what happened, if it's not try to see in the callstack who is the faulting dll.
Also try to work without source control, the quickest way is to disable the network card (no kidding).
reinstall Visual Studio...
Do you have any custom build steps for any of the projects you're building? They could be causing the crash.
You're forgetting VSS as a plugin.
I recommend you to change your source code control system to SVN. It will cost you a couple of days or may be weeks to get used to it but it worth the pain.
I know that's not always in your desition scope but if it is you will have lots of benefits with that change.