Is there a way I can find an element in a FlatList using Detox E2E testing - react-native

So while testing my application, I am using a data set. Since the data set has many entries, I am using FlatList to display my list. After creating the list, I want to be able to verify and tap on certain list items. Below, I have attached the code which I am trying to use and it does not work for me. If anyone has a better idea to do this, please let me know.
The approach I think should be taken. I can't think of anything else to make the FlatList scroll and find the item I am looking for.
let isNotFound = true;
while (isNotFound) {
try {
await waitFor(element(
isNotFound = false;
} catch (e) {
await element('credit_history_list')).swipe('up', 'slow', 0.2)
await element(;
It does help scroll the list and it keeps scrolling while it actually finds the entry I am looking for. But the .tap() function does not work. Instead, detox moves on with the next line of code.
Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in advance!

This sounds spot-on with Detox' whileElement() API.
I think that what you're looking for is this:
const itemId = (edit_details.index).toString();
const listId = 'credit_history_list';
await waitFor(element(
.scroll(100, 'down');


storybook add message to interaction testing?

I was wondering if it is possible to add a message instead of showing the values when the interactions tests are run in storybook.
for example: = async ({ canvasElement }) => {
const buttonEl = getByRole('button')
await expect(buttonEl.textContent).toContain('some button text');
//this gives `expect('some button text').toContain('some button text')`
//would have been better if it gave: `expect textContent to contain 'some button text'`;
any clue if that is possible? FYI it is not a deal breaker for me, it a cheaper alternative to have the test-runner and it works on a case by case, just want to know if there is a way to put extra message when showing the test result.

playwright find child element(s) within locator

I'm trying to write a function to find child(ren) element(s) within a locator something like:
async findElements(locator: Locator){
return locator.querySelector(some/xpath/or/css);
However, I'm seeing the querySelector is not available in Locator. What is the equivalent of querySelector?
I figured it out,
I have just started working with playwright. So this may not be the exact answer that are looking for.
I am studying playwright with an existing repository.
In this scenario I just want to know that I am getting a list of cards back.
<div class="videos-grid">
<mat-card *ngFor="let video of videos" class="video-card">
I don't need a reference to a parent for this situation. I am able to simply reference the child by class videos-grid. This all exists inside of a angular's For loop. I know Svelte and other frameworks iterate through lists in different ways.
test.only('ngTube has header and cardList', async ({browser}) => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
const context = await browser.newContext();
await page.goto("http://localhost:4200/")
const title = await page.locator('.header-title').textContent();
const videoList = (await page.locator('.video-card').allTextContents()).length;
// await page.pause();
Because I want all text contents I can get everything with the classname '.video-card'.
I guess what I am getting at is as long as you can access an identifier you should be able to directly access it. As I run through the documentation more and scenarios I will update/add to this answer.

How do I make the observe function work more than once?

I'm trying to create a slider that will update every time a slide is altered. I've got it set to observe, observeParents, and observeChildren, and it works the first time I show or hide slides, but it's only working once. Is there a good workaround for this?
Here's a link to the page with the slider on it. Click the color swatches to see what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance!
I figured out a workaround! I added a data-element called data-slides that updates on the container when you click to make the slideshow change, like so.
thumbnails.each(function() {
var wrapper = $(this);
container = $('.swiper-container');
color = colorLabel.val();
while (wrapper.parent().children().length === 1) {
wrapper = wrapper.parent();
if (jQuery(this).attr('alt') === optionValue) {
container.attr('data-slides', color);
} else {
It triggers the observe function and allows it to update as necessary.

Checking button text matches a certain string in Nightwatch.js

I'm having a heck of a time trying to write a test where I check that text on a button matches a certain string. I tried ".valueContains", ".attributeContains" and got blank or null, and I've tried getText(), but that only seems to return an object.
I feel like it's something obvious I'm missing, so any help would be appreciated!
Based on what you have written so far in your question, I am wondering if there is there a reason you cannot use .containsText?
.waitForElementVisible('.yourclass', this.timeout)
.assert.containsText('.yourclass', 'Text of Button you expect to match')
Without actually looking at the code its little difficult to predict whats going on. However all of the methods in selenium return a promise, so you need to wait for it to resolve.
function async getTextOfButton() {
const element = await driver.findElement(By.className('item-class'));
const text = await element.getText();
If you are not using async/await you could do
driver.findElement(By.className('item-class')).then(function(element) {
element.getText().then(function(text) {

dragAndDrop using webdriverio

I have tried every single thing to perform dragAndDrop using webdriverio but nothing works. I have also posted a question in the webdriverio gitter but no response. below posted code is one of the ways I tried and its supposed to work but it just doesn't!
` await this.driver.moveToObject(source);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.buttonDown(0);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.buttonUp(0);`
I'm not sure what properties are on the source and destination objects you are using but here is an example of how I was able to get it to work using the same commands you are trying.
In my example I have a table with columns that can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping them wherever I want them to be. First I get the two column headers I want to switch
let docIdHeader = browser.element('div[colid="documentid1"]');
let pageCountHeader = browser.element('div[colid="_PAGE_COUNT1"]');
If I log these objects out to the console I can see the properties stored in them.
> docIdHeader
{ sessionId: 'e35ae3e81f1bcf95bbc09f120bfb36ae',
{ ELEMENT: '0.3568346822568915-1',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.3568346822568915-1' },
selector: 'div[colid="documentid1"]',
_status: 0 }
> pageCountHeader
{ sessionId: 'e35ae3e81f1bcf95bbc09f120bfb36ae',
{ ELEMENT: '0.3568346822568915-2',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.3568346822568915-2' },
selector: 'div[colid="_PAGE_COUNT1"]',
_status: 0 }
Now using the same technique you are using and the selector property off of these objects I can get it to work in two ways.
browser.dragAndDrop(docIdHeader.selector, pageCountHeader.selector);
I ran this in the REPL interface so I know it works as I could see each step being executed after I sent the commands. If you are not familiar with how to use the REPL I highly recommend learning. You can play around with commands in the console until you figure something out and then add those commands to your tests.
Also, as I stated in my comments above. dragAndDrop() and moveToObject() are going to be deprecated soon and you will likely see a lot of warnings about it when you use these. The correct way to implement a drag and drop action going forward is to use browser.actions(). Unfortunately, I don't have an example of how to do it that way as I haven't played with it yet. If no one provides an example by tonight I will try to get one together for you.
Even I faced this issue wherein the cursor doesn't move to the destination object after buttonDown and using moveToObject twice worked for me.
await this.driver.moveToObject(source);
await this.driver.buttonDown(0);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await this.driver.buttonUp(0);