Making form transparent without losing border transparency [VB.NET] -

I would like to know if it is possible to make the Form transparent without the Border (where the minimize button is and all that) being transparent too? If it is, how can I do it?
Or Without losing transparency for some controls like buttons on form.


FlowLayoutPanel bottom inner spacing

So I'm having troubles making my FlowLayoutPanel work the way I want.
When adding multiple controls to it so that vertical scroll appears and when scrolled to bottom I don't want controls to be touching the bottom border of FlowLayoutPanel.
Padding works properly for all but the bottom side, controls are properly spaced away from the edges of the FlowLayoutPanel, I don't know why bottom is special.
I need a solution that does not include adding invisible/transparent controls to it.
The closest I got to what I want was lowering the clientsize by some amount, but then in that area control doesn't repaint so it shows parts of added controls forever.
Kind of fixed with with larger margins on child controls, so I'm closing this.

Make a responsive form in design view (not programmatically)

I am doing a WinForms program which should have a fully responsive design in a full screen.
I get an approach which works more or less well. It consists into calculate a ratio between display screen and original form size.
Then I apply this ratio to the width, left, height, top properties of each control inside the form.
My doubt is about to use a native way for doing this, since, using anchors, the controls keep their same distances with parent control borders, but I doesn't do proportionally, for instance:
Form with 100x100
Button 20x20 located in (10,10)
If I resized the form to 200x200 (multiply by 2), the best approach I can do in design view is keeping the four anchors to the button, so button size will be 120x120 at the same position (10,10), while what I need is a button with size 40x40, at position (20,20), since form size was multiply by 2.
Is it possible with winforms native operations in design view? (Avoiding to make calculations)
Yes it is possible.
Using the Property Dock = Fill you can ask for a component to take all the room in its container.
Now using a TableLayoutPanel, you can define cells to put your components in. And giving cell a percentage size, you can make sure the sizes will change when the form is resized...
Here are more information on these things :
Dock Property
TableLayoutPanel Class
TableLayoutPanel Tutorial

How To Create An Anti-Aliased Transparent Form In VB.NET?

I have a problem with making forms with transparent background. when I set a color for the BackColor and assign that color to the TransparencyKey property, that back ground will be transparent but my edges will be sharp and the back color around the pictures will not hide and looks like a sharp ugly border. what should I do? How can I fix this? transparent png overlaying each other.. getting Form Background color

Trying to start a game that involve in a lot of .png and animation.
All these .png are already transparent and set to an individual picture box when i overlay one over the other. There "transparency" actually gets the form background color. and not i'm not able to see through the image behind it.
i set the forecolor to transparent in the attribute am i missing something?
*side question... should i make my game in if it using a lot of images and animations files? (working solo might get my friend to help later)
Example pictures
well, this is a bit old, but check my answer here :
Make Picturebox transparent over other picturebox?

How can I show scrollbars on a PictureBox control?

Sometimes, I have a picturebox lets say 100x100. But the image it will display is actually 100x400.
I don't want to increase the size of the picturebox itself. Instead, I would like to create a vertical scrollbar (or horizontal if needed).
I could not find a scrollbar in the toolbox, so I guess I have to code it. But, how?
And I still wonder if I didn't make a mistake and didn't see the scrollbar in the toolbox. My apologies then :(
I suppose you could add separate scrollbar controls and sync their Scroll events up with the offset at which the picture in the PictureBox is drawn, but that sounds like actual work. There's a better way.
Add a Panel control to your form, and set its AutoScroll property to "True". This will cause the control to automatically show scrollbars when it contains content that lies outside of its currently visible bounds. The .NET Framework will take care of everything for you under the covers, without you having to write a single line of code.
Drag and drop your PictureBox control inside of the Panel control that you just added. The Panel control will then detect that one of its child controls is larger than its visible area and show scrollbars, thanks to the AutoScroll property. When the user moves the scrollbars, the portion of the image in your PictureBox that is visible will be automatically adjusted. Magic.
(The reason you have to use a Panel control as a container is because PictureBox does not inherit directly from the ScrollableControl base class, which is what provides the AutoScroll property.)
I tried this and it worked well. But I noted that if the picturebox is docked in the panel, the picturebox is automatically set to the size of the parent panel, and can't be set larger (at least not in any way I could find). This defeats the purpose of the technique. So -- put the picturebox on the panel, but don't dock it, and it will work perfectly.
There are no automatic scroll bars on a picture box, but you can add the VScrollBar (and HScrollBar) control to the form and handle the image scrolling manually by redrawing it at a different offset each time the Scroll event is fired.