Junit - how to get test result as string? - kotlin

I am trying to test the code and get a result as String to send it to API later.
class FirstClass{
fun main(){
print("Hello world!")
ort org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.PrintStream
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class FirstClassTest {
private val outContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val errContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val originalOut = System.out
private val originalErr = System.err
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
fun main() {
val SUT = FirstClass()
val testResult = assertEquals("Hello world!", outContent.toString())
print("Test result: $testResult")
val api = Api()
val apiResult = api.sendResult(testResult.toString())
print("Api result: $apiResult")
The test is passing, however, I do not see printed messages. How to get a test result as String?

There are several issues here.  The main one is:
The redirection affects your test method too.
Because you've redirected System.out, the print() in your test method goes to outContent, along with the output from FirstClass.main() that you want to test, instead of to the screen or wherever you want it.
I can see two fixes for this.
The quick one is for your test method to output to originalOut:
originalOut.print("Test result: $testResult")
Your test method is in the class which does the redirection, so there's no problem with it knowing about the redirection, and it already has access to originalOut.
However, if you can, I think a better solution is to refactor FirstClass so that it doesn't hard-code the stream it writes to.  For example, the stream could be passed as a parameter; or it could return the string directly (and the caller, in a thin non-tested wrapper, could write it to System.out).
That would be more work, but would make your code more flexible as well as easier to test.
Other issues include:
You're using print() instead of println().
Many streams are line-buffered, writing their output only after a newline, and so you might not see any results if there isn't one.  (And even if you do, all the results would be jammed on a single line!)
You assign the result of assertEquals().
assertEquals() doesn't have a useful return value.  (It return Unit.)  So your code will simply show:
Test result: kotlin.Unit
Instead, like all the assert functions, it throws an exception if the assertion fails.  So there's no point in storing or processing the return value; simply calling the assertion is enough.
— This means that there's usually no need to call print()/println() from your test method anyway!  If there's a failure, it'll be obvious: running from the command line will stop with an exception message and stack trace; IntelliJ shows a big red mark next to that test; Maven and Gradle will stop the build (after all tests have run), showing the number of failures.  So if everything continues smoothly, you know the tests have passed.
Api is not defined.
The code you posted above won't compile, because it doesn't include a definition or import for Api.  (Those last lines can be removed, though, without affecting the question.)
main() is a confusing name for a test.
The unit testing framework will find and run all test methods annotated with #Test.  A test class will often contain many different test methods, and it's usual to name them after the aspect they're testing.  (That makes any failures clearer.)  Calling it main() not only fails to describe what's being tested, but also suggests that the method will be run from outside the testing framework, which would probably not behave properly.


How to do Sequential Tests with Espresso Kotlin

So I want to make my Practice test suite sequential, meaning, tests build on top of each other. Currently its restarting the app every time a test finishes, but I would like for the app to remain open.
I've tried using #BeforeAll but its not working, it makes me add JUnit5.4 to the class path and even after I do It still red, meaning It doesn't like it for some reason.
Anyway, I think its the rule, I think the activity is making my tests restart every time each one finishes, id like it to not do that or if there's a different test rule that I can use that doesn't do that then that would be magnificent.
class Practice {
val activityRule = ActivityScenarioRule(MainActivity::class.java);
fun setUp() {
onView(withText("Log In With Mobile Code")).perform(click());
onView(withResourceName("txtMobileAccessCode")).check(matches(withText("Company Code
or\nMobile Access Code")));
fun clickOnEnterAccessCode() {
fun enterCode() {
The problem is in using an ActivityScenarioRule to drive things; this calls ActivityScenario.close() by default at the end of each test, which will reset your app.
Instead, look at controlling the activity's lifecycle yourself by dealing directly with ActivityScenario. There will be more overhead, but you'll have much more control over things and be able to not call close() until you want to.
From the Android Developer Docs the syntax you're looking for is the following:
val scenario = launchActivity<MainActivity>()
Thank you Mike Collins, couldn't have done this without you.
This is the end product, with this is possible to make my whole suite sequential I only have to declare scenario in the first test and the rest keep using the activity.
fun setUp() {
val scenario = launchActivity<MainActivity>()
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withText("Log In With Mobile
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withText("Log In With Mobile
.check(ViewAssertions.matches(ViewMatchers.withText("Company Code or\nMobile
Access Code")));
And with this I dont even have to use
val activityRule = ActivityScenarioRulePractice(MainActivity::class.java);
I can leave that out all together
class Test1 {
fun setUp() {
val scenario = launchActivity<MainActivity>()
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withText("Log In With Mobile Code")).perform(ViewActions.scrollTo())
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withText("Log In With Mobile Code")).perform(ViewActions.click());
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withResourceName("txtMobileAccessCode")).check(ViewAssertions.matches(ViewMatchers.withText("Company Code or\nMobile Access Code")));
fun clickOnEnterAccessCode() {
Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withText("<b>Network connection unavailable</b><br/>\n" +
"Please check your network settings and try again.")).check(ViewAssertions.matches(ViewMatchers.isDisplayed()));
fun cleanUp() {
reportHelper.label("Stopping App");
I might have to put something on the #After but so far its closing everything automatically.

Kotlin supplyAsync with executor

I want to create a CompletableFuture with a return value that runs on a specific executor in Kotlin.
The following code works just fine.
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync {
val commandHandler = registry.get<TCommand, TResponse>(command::class.java)
However when I attempt to pass the executor it won't compile.
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync({
val commandHandler = registry.get<TCommand, TResponse>(command::class.java)
}, exec)
I tried to get clever and wrote the Java version and had Intellij covert it to Kotlin, but that one had the same error as well. What am I doing wrong here?
I can make it work by doing the following but it seems unnecessary. Can someone explain why this works but other methods do not. Are there other ways to write this code?
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(Supplier {
}, exec)
I do not exactly know, why it is not working. But the following does work:
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync({
val commandHandler = registry.get<TCommand, TResponse>(command::class.java)
}, exec::execute)
As you can see, I changed the second parameter to a method reference.
Now the signature of the method is:
supplyAsync(supplier: () -> U, executor: (Runnable)-> Unit)
If you pass the Executor directly, Kotlin chooses the signature:
supplyAsync(supplier: Supplier<U>, executor: Executor)
It looks like you can not mix interface and lambda style.

Is there any way to iterate all fields of a data class without using reflection?

I know an alternative of reflection which is using javassist, but using javassist is a little bit complex. And because of lambda or some other features in koltin, the javassist doesn't work well sometimes. So is there any other way to iterate all fields of a data class without using reflection.
There are two ways. The first is relatively easy, and is essentially what's mentioned in the comments: assuming you know how many fields there are, you can unpack it and throw that into a list, and iterate over those. Or alternatively use them directly:
data class Test(val x: String, val y: String) {
fun getData() : List<Any> = listOf(x, y)
data class Test(val x: String, val y: String)
val (x, y) = Test("x", "y")
// And optionally throw those in a list
Although iterating like this is a slight extra step, this is at least one way you can relatively easy unpack a data class.
If you don't know how many fields there are (or you don't want to refactor), you have two options:
The first is using reflection. But as you mentioned, you don't want this.
That leaves a second, somewhat more complicated preprocessing option: annotations. Note that this only works with data classes you control - beyond that, you're stuck with reflection or implementations from the library/framework coder.
Annotations can be used for several things. One of which is metadata, but also code generation. This is a somewhat complicated alternative, and requires an additional module in order to get compile order right. If it isn't compiled in the right order, you'll end up with unprocessed annotations, which kinda defeats the purpose.
I've also created a version you can use with Gradle, but that's at the end of the post and it's a shortcut to implementing it yourself.
Note that I have only tested this with a pure Kotlin project - I've personally had problems with annotations between Java and Kotlin (although that was with Lombok), so I do not guarantee this will work at compile time if called from Java. Also note that this is complex, but avoids runtime reflection.
The main issue here is a certain memory concern. This will create a new list every time you call the method, which makes it very similar to the method used by enums.
Local testing over 10000 iterations also show a general consistency of ~200 milliseconds to execute my approach, versus roughly 600 for reflection. However, for one iteration, mine uses ~20 milliseconds, where as reflection uses between 400 and 500 milliseconds. On one run, reflection took 1500 (!) milliseconds, while my approach took 18 milliseconds.
See also Java Reflection: Why is it so slow?. This appears to affect Kotlin as well.
The memory impact of creating a new list every time it's called can be noticeable though, but it'll also be collected so it shouldn't be that big a problem.
For reference, the code used for benchmarking (this will make sense after the rest of the post):
#AutoUnpack data class ExampleDataClass(val x: String, val y: Int, var m: Boolean)
fun main(a: Array<String>) {
var mine = 0L
var reflect = 0L
// for(i in 0 until 10000) {
var start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val cls = ExampleDataClass("example", 42, false)
for (field in cls) {
mine += System.currentTimeMillis() - start
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
for (prop in ExampleDataClass::class.memberProperties) {
println("${prop.name} = ${prop.get(cls)}")
reflect += System.currentTimeMillis() - start
// }
Setting up from scratch
This bases itself around two modules: a consumer module, and a processor module. The processor HAS to be in a separate module. It needs to be compiled separately from the consumer for the annotations to work properly.
First of all, your consumer project needs the annotation processor:
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
Additionally, you need to add stub generation. It complains it's unused while compiling, but without it, the generator seems to break for me:
kapt {
generateStubs = true
Now that that's in order, create a new module for the unpacker. Add the Kotlin plugin if you didn't already. You do not need the annotation processor Gradle plugin in this project. That's only needed by the consumer. You do, however, need kotlinpoet:
implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet:1.2.0"
This is to simplify aspects of the code generation itself, which is the important part here.
Now, create the annotation:
annotation class AutoUnpack
This is pretty much all you need. The retention is set to source because it has no value at runtime, and it only targets compile time.
Next, there's the processor itself. This is somewhat complicated, so bear with me. For reference, this uses the javax.* packages for annotation processing. Android note: this might work assuming you can plug in a Java module on a compileOnly scope without getting the Android SDK restrictions. As I mentioned earlier, this is mainly for pure Kotlin; Android might work, but I haven't tested that.
Anyways, the generator:
Because I couldn't find a way to generate the method into the class without touching the rest (and because according to this, that isn't possible), I'm going with an extension function generation approach.
You'll need a class UnpackCodeGenerator : AbstractProcessor(). In there, you'll first need two lines of boilerplate:
override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(AutoUnpack::class.java.name)
override fun getSupportedSourceVersion(): SourceVersion = SourceVersion.latest()
Moving on, there's the processing. Override the process function:
override fun process(annotations: MutableSet<out TypeElement>, roundEnv: RoundEnvironment): Boolean {
// Find elements with the annotation
val annotatedElements = roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(AutoUnpack::class.java)
if(annotatedElements.isEmpty()) {
// Self-explanatory
return false;
// Iterate the elements
annotatedElements.forEach { element ->
// Grab the name and package
val name = element.simpleName.toString()
val pkg = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(element).toString()
// Then generate the class
if (pkg == "unnamed package") "" else pkg, // This is a patch for an issue where classes in the root
// package return package as "unnamed package" rather than empty,
// which breaks syntax because "package unnamed package" isn't legal.
// Return true for success
return true;
This just sets up some of the later framework. The real magic happens in the generateClass function:
private fun generateClass(className: String, pkg: String, element: Element){
val elements = element.enclosedElements
val classVariables = elements
.filter {
val name = if (it.simpleName.contains("\$delegate"))
it.simpleName.toString().substring(0, it.simpleName.indexOf("$"))
else it.simpleName.toString()
it.kind == ElementKind.FIELD // Find fields
&& Modifier.STATIC !in it.modifiers // that aren't static (thanks to sebaslogen for issue #1: https://github.com/LunarWatcher/KClassUnpacker/issues/1)
// Additionally, we have to ignore private fields. Extension functions can't access these, and accessing
// them is a bad idea anyway. Kotlin lets you expose get without exposing set. If you, by default, don't
// allow access to the getter, there's a high chance exposing it is a bad idea.
&& elements.any { getter -> getter.kind == ElementKind.METHOD // find methods
&& getter.simpleName.toString() ==
"get${name[0].toUpperCase().toString() + (if (name.length > 1) name.substring(1) else "")}" // that matches the getter name (by the standard convention)
&& Modifier.PUBLIC in getter.modifiers // that are marked public
} // Grab the variables
.map {
// Map the name now. Also supports later filtering
if (it.simpleName.endsWith("\$delegate")) {
// Support by lazy
it.simpleName.subSequence(0, it.simpleName.indexOf("$"))
} else it.simpleName
if (classVariables.isEmpty()) return; // Self-explanatory
val file = FileSpec.builder(pkg, className)
.addFunction(FunSpec.builder("iterator") // For automatic unpacking in a for loop
.receiver(element.asType().asTypeName().copy()) // Add it as an extension function of the class
.addStatement("return listOf(${classVariables.joinToString(", ")}).iterator()") // add the return statement. Create a list, push an iterator.
.addModifiers(KModifier.PUBLIC, KModifier.OPERATOR) // This needs to be public. Because it's an iterator, the function also needs the `operator` keyword
// Grab the generate directory.
val genDir = processingEnv.options["kapt.kotlin.generated"]!!
// Then write the file.
file.writeTo(File(genDir, "$pkg/${element.simpleName.replace("\\.kt".toRegex(), "")}Generated.kt"))
All of the relevant lines have comments explaining use, in case you're not familiar with what this does.
Finally, in order to get the processor to process, you need to register it. In the module for the generator, add a file called javax.annotation.processing.Processor under main/resources/META-INF/services. In there you write:
From here, you need to link it using compileOnly and kapt. If you added it as a module to your project, you can do:
kapt project(":ClassUnpacker")
compileOnly project(":ClassUnpacker")
Alternative source setup:
Like I mentioned earlier, I bundled this into a jar for convenience. It's under the same license as SO uses (CC-BY-SA 3.0), and it contains the exact same code as in the answer (although compiled into a single project).
If you want to use this one, just add the Jitpack repo:
repositories {
// Other repos here
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
And hook it up with:
kapt 'com.github.LunarWatcher:KClassUnpacker:v1.0.1'
compileOnly "com.github.LunarWatcher:KClassUnpacker:v1.0.1"
Note that the version here may not be up to date: the up to date list of versions is available here. The code in the post still aims to reflect the repo, but versions aren't really important enough to edit every time.
Regardless of which way you ended up using to get the annotations, the usage is relatively easy:
#AutoUnpack data class ExampleDataClass(val x: String, val y: Int, var m: Boolean)
fun main(a: Array<String>) {
val cls = ExampleDataClass("example", 42, false)
for(field in cls) {
This prints:
Now you have a reflection-less way of iterating fields.
Note that local testing has been done partially with IntelliJ, but IntelliJ doesn't seem to like me - I've had various failed builds where gradlew clean && gradlew build from a command line oddly works fine. I'm not sure whether this is a local problem, or if this is a general problem, but you might have some issues like this if you build from IntelliJ.
Also, you might get errors if the build fails. The IntelliJ linter builds on top of the build directory for some sources, so if the build fails and the file with the extension function isn't generated, that'll cause it to appear as an error. Building usually fixes this when I tested (with both modules and from Jitpack).
You'll also likely have to enable the annotation processor setting if you use Android Studio or IntelliJ.
here is another idea, that i came up with, but am not satisfied with...but it has some pros and cons:
adding/removing fields to/from the data class causes compiler errors at field-iteration sites
no boiler-plate code needed
won't work if default values are defined for arguments
data class Memento(
val testType: TestTypeData,
val notes: String,
val examinationTime: MillisSinceEpoch?,
val administeredBy: String,
val signature: SignatureViewHolder.SignatureData,
val signerName: String,
val signerRole: SignerRole
) : Serializable
iterating through all fields (can use this directly at call sites, or apply the Visitor pattern, and use this in the accept method to call all the visit methods):
val iterateThroughAllMyFields: Memento = someValue
testType = iterateThroughAllMyFields.testType.also { testType ->
// do something with testType
notes = iterateThroughAllMyFields.notes.also { notes ->
// do something with notes
examinationTime = iterateThroughAllMyFields.examinationTime.also { examinationTime ->
// do something with examinationTime
administeredBy = iterateThroughAllMyFields.administeredBy.also { administeredBy ->
// do something with administeredBy
signature = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signature.also { signature ->
// do something with signature
signerName = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signerName.also { signerName ->
// do something with signerName
signerRole = iterateThroughAllMyFields.signerRole.also { signerRole ->
// do something with signerRole

Class cannot resolve module as content unless #Stepwise used

I have a Spock class, that when run as a test suite, throws Unable to resolve iconRow as content for geb.Page, or as a property on its Navigator context. Is iconRow a class you forgot to import? unless I annotate my class with #Stepwise. However, I really don't want the test execution to stop on the first failure, which #Stepwise does.
I've tried writing (copy and pasting) my own extension using this post, but I still get these errors. It is using my extension, as I added some logging statements that were printed out to the console.
Here is one of my modules:
class IconRow extends Module {
static content = {
iconRow (required: false) {$("div.report-toolbar")}
And a page that uses it:
class Report extends SomeOtherPage {
static at = {$("div.grid-container").displayed}
static content = {
iconRow { module IconRow }
And a snippet of the test that is failing:
class MyFailingTest extends GebReportingSpec {
def setupSpec() {
via Dashboard
SomeClass.login("SourMonk", "myPassword")
assert page instanceof Dashboard
nav.goToReport("Some report name")
assert page instanceof Report
def "I work"() {
at Report
this == that
this << ["some list", "of values"]
that << anotherModule.someContent*.#id
def "I don't work"() {
at Report
this == that
this << ["some other", "list", "of values"]
that << iconRow.columnHeaders*.attr("innerText")*.toUpperCase()
When executed as a suite I work passes and I don't work fails because it cannot identify "iconRow" as content for the page. If I switch the order of the test cases, I don't work will pass and I work will fail. Alternatively, if I execute each test separately, they both pass.
What I have tried:
Adding/removing the required: true property from content in the modules
Prefixing the module name with the class, such as IconRow.iconRow
Defining my modules as static #Shared properties
Initialize the modules both in and outside of my setupSpec()
Making simple getter methods in each module's class that return the module, and referencing content such as IconRow.getIconRow().columnHeaders*.attr("innerText")*.toUpperCase()
Moving the contents of my setupSpec() into setup()
Adding autoClearCookies = false into my GebConfig.groovy
Making a #Shared Report report variable and prefix all modules with that such as report.iconRow
Very peculiar note about that last bullet point -- it magically resolves the modules that don't have the prefix -- so it won't resolve report.IconRow but will resolve just iconRow -- absolutely bizarre, because if I remove that variable the module that was just previously working suddenly can't be resolved again. I even tried declaring this variable and then not prefixing anything, and that did not work either.
Another problem that I keep banging my head against the wall with is that I'm also not sure of where the problem is. The error it throws leads me to believe that it's a project setup issue, but running each feature individually works fine, so it appears to be resolving the classes just fine.
On the other hand, perhaps it's an issue with the session and/or cookies? Although I have yet to see any official documentation on this, it seems to be the general consensus (from other posts and articles I've read) that only using #Stepwise will maintain your session between feature methods. If this is the case, why is my extension not working? It's pretty much a copy and paste of #Stepwise without the skipFeaturesAfterFirstFailingFeature method (I can post if needed), unless there is some other stuff going on behind the scenes with #Stepwise.
Apologies for the wall of text, but I've been trying to figure this out for about 6 hours now, so my brain is pretty fried.
Geb has special support for #Stepwise, if a spec is annotated with it it does not call resetBrowser() after each test, instead it is called after the spec is completed. See the code on github
So basically you need to change your setupSpec to setup so that it will be executed before each test.
Regarding your observation, if you just run a focused test the setupSpec is executed for that test and thus it passes. The problem arises, that the cleanup is invoked afterwards and resets the browser, breaking subsequent tests.
I overlooked your usage of where blocks, everything in the where block needs to be statically (#Shared) available, so using instance level constructs won't work. Resetting the browser will also kill every reference so just getting it before wont work either. Basically, don't use Geb objects in where blocks!
Looking at your code however I don't see any reason to use data driven tests here.
This can be easily done with one assertion in a normal test
It is good practice for unit tests to just test one thing. Geb however, is not an unit test but an acceptance/frontend test. The problem here is that they are way slower than unit tests and it makes sense to combine sensible assertions into one test.
class MyFailingTest extends GebReportingSpec {
def setup() {
via Dashboard
SomeClass.login("SourMonk", "myPassword")
assert page instanceof Dashboard
nav.goToReport("Some report name")
assert page instanceof Report
def "I work"() {
at Report
["some list", "of values"] == anotherModule.someContent*.#id
def "I don't work"() {
at Report
["some other", "list", "of values"] == iconRow.columnHeaders*.attr("innerText")*.toUpperCase()

Programmatically execute Gatling tests

I want to use something like Cucumber JVM to drive performance tests written for Gatling.
Ideally the Cucumber features would somehow build a scenario dynamically - probably reusing predefined chain objects similar to the method described in the "Advanced Tutorial", e.g.
val scn = scenario("Scenario Name").exec(Search.search("foo"), Browse.browse, Edit.edit("foo", "bar")
I've looked at how the Maven plugin executes the scripts, and I've also seen mention of using an App trait but I can't find any documentation for the later and it strikes me that somebody else will have wanted to do this before...
Can anybody point (a Gatling noob) in the direction of some documentation or example code of how to achieve this?
EDIT 20150515
So to explain a little more:
I have created a trait which is intended to build up a sequence of, I think, ChainBuilders that are triggered by Cucumber steps:
trait GatlingDsl extends ScalaDsl with EN {
private val gatlingActions = new ArrayBuffer[GatlingBehaviour]
def withGatling(action: GatlingBehaviour): Unit = {
gatlingActions += action
A GatlingBehaviour would look something like:
object Google {
class Home extends GatlingBehaviour {
def execute: ChainBuilder =
exec(http("Google Home")
class Search extends GatlingBehaviour {...}
class FindResult extends GatlingBehaviour {...}
And inside the StepDef class:
class GoogleStepDefinitions extends GatlingDsl {
Given( """^the Google search page is displayed$""") { () =>
println("Loading www.google.com")
When( """^I search for the term "(.*)"$""") { (searchTerm: String) =>
println("Searching for '" + searchTerm + "'...")
Then( """^"(.*)" appears in the search results$""") { (expectedResult: String) =>
println("Found " + expectedResult)
The idea being that I can then execute the whole sequence of actions via something like:
val scn = Scenario(cucumberScenario).exec(gatlingActions)
and then check the reports or catch an exception if the test fails, e.g. response time too long.
It seems that no matter how I use the 'exec' method it tries to instantly execute it there and then, not waiting for the scenario.
Also I don't know if this is the best approach to take, we'd like to build some reusable blocks for our Gatling tests that can be constructed via Cucumber's Given/When/Then style. Is there a better or already existing approach?
Sadly, it's not currently feasible to have Gatling directly start a Simulation instance.
Not that's it's not technically feasible, but you're just the first person to try to do this.
Currently, Gatling is usually in charge of compiling and can only be passed the name of the class to load, not an instance itself.
You can maybe start by forking io.gatling.app.Gatling and io.gatling.core.runner.Runner, and then provide a PR to support this new behavior. The former is the main entry point, and the latter the one can instanciate and run the simulation.
I recently ran into a similar situation, and did not want to fork gatling. And while this solved my immediate problem, it only partially solves what you are trying to do, but hopefully someone else will find this useful.
There is an alternative. Gatling is written in Java and Scala so you can call Gatling.main directly and pass it the arguments you need to run the Gatling Simulation you want. The problem is, the main explicitly calls System.exit so you have to also use a custom security manager to prevent it from actually exiting.
You need to know two things:
the class (with the full package) of the Simulation you want to run
example: com.package.your.Simulation1
the path where the binaries are compiled.
The code to run a Simulation:
protected void fire(String gatlingGun, String binaries){
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
System.setSecurityManager(new GatlingSecurityManager());
String[] args = {"--simulation", gatlingGun,
"--results-folder", "gatling-results",
"--binaries-folder", binaries};
try {
}catch(SecurityException se){
LOG.debug("gatling test finished.");
The simple security manager i used:
public class GatlingSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
public void checkExit(int status){
throw new SecurityException("Tried to exit.");
public void checkPermission(Permission perm) {
The problem is then getting the information you want out of the simulation after it has been run.