Rewrite dynamic url htaccess apache - apache

I would need to perform a redirect by extrapolating a part of the url and then creating the new one.
Specifically, I have to redirect:
https://(part to be extracted)
https://(extracted part)
PLEASE NOTE: The part to be extracted may not even be there.
Can anyone tell me what to write in the htaccess file? Should you use RewriteUrl, RedirectMatch or what? Thank you.

I assume this is what you are looking for:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(\w+\.)?montecoasp\.it$
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,END]
You can implement such rule in a distributed configuration file, but you should prefer to use the static http server's host configuration.
Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded into the http server for this. And if you want to use a distributed configuration file (".htaccess"), then you need to enable those too...
In general it is a good idea to start out with a R=302 temporary redirection and only to change that to a R=301 permanent redirection once everything is sorted out. That prevents nasty caching issues...
You definitely should start reading the documentation of the tools you are using. You want to learn how things work, you do not just want to blindly copy things. As typical for OpenSource software the apache documentation is of excellent quality and comes with great examples:


rewrite rule to forward old search to new search

I've search for a few hours now but I can't figure out a solution.
I just put up a new website that has a different search url than the old site. I'm trying to capture the search queries pointed at the old site and send them to the new sites search.
such as:
redirecting to the new sites search like:
I've tried variations of the following without any luck.
RewriteRule ^advanced_search_result\.php?.*keywords=(.*)$ index.php?route=product/search&search=$1 [R=301,L]
any help would be appreciated.
Your issue is that you are trying to map a pattern including the query string which is not possible with a RewriteRule. That is clearly documented. You need to use a RewriteCond for that:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(?:[^&]*&)*keywords=([^\&]*)
RewriteRule ^/?advanced_search_result\.php$ /index.php?route=product/search&search=%1 [R=301,L]
Reason is that in a RewriteRule the pattern is only matched against the path component of the request URL. The query string is not part of that. Matching against the query string is only possible in a RewriteCond using the %{QUERY_STRING} variable, since such a condition can test an arbitrary string against some pattern, not only the path component of the URL. Tokens captured inside such a condition can then be cited by a %1 in a following RewriteRule, as opposed to the $1 which refers to a capture for that rule itself.
The details are explained in the official documentation of the rewriting module which is something you should always consult when working on rewriting or redirection rules. It is very well written and comes with good examples.
And a general hint: you should always prefer to place such rules inside the http servers (virtual) host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (.htaccess style files). Those files are notoriously error prone, hard to debug and they really slow down the server. They are only supported as a last option for situations where you do not have control over the host configuration (read: really cheap hosting service providers) or if you have an application that relies on writing its own rewrite rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).

mod_rewrite for favicon control?

I'm making several subdomains as what will basically be portals to the same site on Namecheap. Redirecting subdomains is actually really easy (especially since the plumbing is hidden from me),but I want the favicons to be different. This is crucial because the site is crawled by robots that probably don't care about Javascript or the like.
How would I get a request for to go to instead?
Since I'm a huge n00b in mod_rewrite and most of .htaccess in general, I don't know if it's significant that I'm ultimately storing the files in a structure similar to ...
I could probably use PHP if worse came to worst, but I'm trying to avoid adding yet another language to the list of things my little project requires.
How would I get a request for to go to
You can use this code in your DOCUMENT_ROOT/.htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}
RewriteRule ^(favicon\.ico)$$1 [L,NC,R=301]

Help understanding mod_rewrite

Let's say I have the following filesystem setup on my webserver:
I need to figure out how to use mod_rewrite to map page requests (and their respective GET/POST data) for widget.php to its controller WidgetController.php.
It looks like mod_rewrite is super-powerful and thus complex. Is there a quick and easy way for someone to explain to me how to accomplish this? What files do I have to change? Can someone show me a sample rule for this "widget" example?
Nothing is quick and easy.
First you must make sure that you have the package installed
To use mod_rewrite, you need to load the extension. Usually, this is done by inmporting the module in the apache2 global configuration (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf)
Usually all mod_rewrite instruction are written in the virtual host definition. (Say: /etc/apache2/site-available/000default)
First step
To enable rewrite for one site, you have to ask for it with :
RewriteEngine On
Then you can begin to write rules. The basic you need to write rules is describe by the following diagram :
(See also : How does url rewrite works?)
To help me understand how it works, always consider it from the server side (not client side).
You receive an URL from the client. This URL has a certain format that you had defined. (E.g. But apache can't understand this by himself, so we need to help him. We know that the controller is page.php and can look up article by name.
Getting information
So now we forge a regex to extract information from the URL. All regex are matched against what is following your domain name (here : article/myarticle-about-a-certain-topic without the first / -- It can be written though on recent version of rewrite)
Here we need the article's name: ^article/(.*)$ will do the job of matching URL against article/<something> and capturing <something> into $1. (For characters meaning, I advise you to look a tutorial on regex. Here ^ is beginning of the string, invisible position after the .com/, and $ the end of the URL)
So now we need to informe apache that this URL means
This is achieved by using a RewriteRule
RewriteRule ^article/(.*)$ page.php?article=$1
Restricting to conditions
To go a bit on advance topics, you may want to apply this rule only if the article name is fetch by GET method. To do this, you can include a RewriteCond like
It goes BEFORE a RewriteRule in the file but is tested AFTER it.
If you are making lot of redirection/rewrite, you will have to understand flags
The most used are [L] and [R]. A little explanation on those :
[R] ask for redirection, it can be tuned like [R=302] where 302 is a redirection status number of the HTTP protocol. This will force the client to make a new request with the rewritten URL. Therefore he will see the rewritten URL in his address bar.
[L] forces apache to stop treating rules. Be advise that it does mean that the current incoming URL will stop being modified, but the rewritten URL WILL go again through the process of rewriting. Keep this in mind if you want to avoid loops.
So you end up with the following block of instructions
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^article/(.*)$ page.php?article=$1
See also
You can find additional resources here :
A basic tester
Cheat sheet :
Query_String examples :
Tips : and

Redirecting a Directory to a Script on Apache

So I'm playing with a script that makes it super easy to mirror images off of the web. The script works great (based off of the old source, if you've seen that) problem is, it looks a little clunky when using it.
Currently, in order to use the script, you go to a url like:
What I'd like to do is to be able to go to:
and have it redirect to the former URL, preferably transparent to the user.
I'm reasonably certain that this can be done via .htaccess with a MOD_REWRITE of some kind, but I'm getting frustrated trying to get that to work.
After messing with this myself, I found out that apache collapses any double slash in the URL before the query part into a single slash, and passes the result to mod_rewrite. Maybe that was giving you problems?
This might work for you (.htaccess in the mirror directory):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /mirror
RewriteRule ^http(s?):/(.*) imgred.php?Image=http$1://$2 [L]
Don't know if your script accepts https addresses as well, so I included that just to be sure

Apache, .htaccess - Forbidding direct access to a file, but allow rewrites to go there

I've figured out how to write something like
This is useful to give a simpler browsing experience and obscure the use of the PHP. However, I'd like to go farther and disallow access to
completely, and allow access only through
in order to prevent people from discovering the use of PHP by simply trying it in a URL.
The problem is that if I disallow access to
no longer works, since the disallow rule is triggered after the rewrite to
is done.
Is this possible to do? Any alternative suggestions for hiding the programming language used are welcome.
One thing you could do is locate the PHP files somewhere outside of the document root and use an AliasMatch directive. If your PHP files are in /var/www-php/ try
AliasMatch ^(.*)$ /var/www-php/$1.php
Usually when you want to disallow access to files except under specific conditions, moving them outside the document root is a good way to do that.
Have a look at the "last rule" and "no continue" flag.
This is an example to block certain domains from hotlinking to your images.
You could apply it to your case (the NC flags is important) :
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?leech_site\.com/ [NC]
RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ - [F,L]