KDB: failed to load TLS certificates - ssl

when trying to load a q instance with TLS support with 'q -E 1 -p 65000' on linux I get
failed to load TLS certificates
This command works fine in several other boxes. I suspect either something wrong with this specific certificate generation or missing root certificates (possibly being on different paths for this box?). Is there any source of additional logging or debugging info I could use to pinpoint the exact problem? Thanks,


Ubuntu Server 16.04 error 60: SSL certificate problem

Ubuntu server 16.04 PHP7.4 Apache2 running wordpress Geotrust SHA256 certificate
I have started getting the following error
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
I have read through and tried most solutions on the many questions on here, but to no avail
The latest 2 i have tried is adding to php.ini the following 2 lines and restarted Apache and rebooted after each one to see if it solves the issue. But it does not
After downloading a fresh copy of cacert.pem The first one i tried was
curl.cainfo = "/path/to/cacert.pem"
Then i tried
openssl.cafile = "/path/to/cacert.pem"
But i still get the same error
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
This is likely to be a server problem ("unable to get local issuer certificate" often is):
Even when using a CA bundle to verify a server cert, you might still experience problems if your CA store does not contain the certificates for the intermediates if the server doesn't provide them.
The TLS protocol mandates that the intermediate certificates are sent in the handshake, but as browsers have ways to survive or work around such omissions, missing intermediates in TLS handshakes still happen that browser-users won't notice.
Browsers work around this problem in two ways: they cache intermediate certificates from previous transfers and some implement the TLS "AIA" extension that lets the client explicitly download such cerfificates on demand.
To figure out for sure if this is your problem, use a TLS test service like perhaps this one: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

cannot connect cluster in amazon documentdb

I am struggling with this issue for a few days, I am trying to connect my db from Robo 3t and Studio 3t, but i got same error with both programs:
Note: I can access by ssh from my terminal, it means that the certificate is fine, the EC2 endpoint is fine, port etc... then the problem should be in another place, right?
SSH Tunnel error: I/O error: Not ASN.1 data
|/ SSH Tunnel error: I/O error: Not ASN.1 data
|___/ I/O error: Not ASN.1 data
But I as i said before, I can connect by ssh without any issue:
ssh -i "cert.pem" ec2-muyser#ec2-54-244-36-226.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
I checked all the steps described in the AWS article below, an I also disabled TLS in the cluster param, as suggested in point 5, but I still having the issue.
I just edit the post to add a few screenshot from my Robo 3t config:
I verified the same steps. I am able to connect successfully .
Looks like you are on macOS and you didn't select Self-signed Certificate as recommended in documentation -
These are two additional settings which you require to do on macOS.
i) If you are on Linux/macOS client machine, you might have to change the permissions of your private key using the following command:
chmod 400 /fullPathToYourPemFile/.pem
ii) if you are on macOS Catalina or above, choose Self-signed Certificate as the Authentication Method because the macOS does not accept certificates with validity greater than 825 days.

Kafka connection to node -1 failed due to authentication

I am using kafka version 2.12-2.2.1 in windows operating system. I have implemented tls on my local windows systems using the process of signed certificates.
The kafka is running fine and there is one command to check if certificates are installed on kafka.
openssl s_client -debug -connect localhost:9093 -tls1
But when I try to connect to localhost:9093 and using producer or consumer it is throwing me an error saying :
connection to node -1 failed due to authentication
I have tried everything, I am stuck even the documentation provided is not giving any hints to solve this error.
Note: One more addition how can I see the list of topics and describe the topic if exits using ssl in kafka because that command is also not working.
Along with that I have tried every answer on SO but still no success.
The documentation I have followed Installing ssl on kafka

Why are we getting "tls handshake error using curl"?

I'm trying to use curl to access a URL of an app we've developed internally, and on the server I'm seeing
http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: unknown certificate authority.
This only happens when we hit the endpoint using curl (inside git bash ) or wget. When we use IE on Windows it works just fine. I've even tried re-installing git bash using Native SSL library (which should be the same as IE), but still getting the same error message.
Have even tried downloading the curl-ca-bundle.crt file and saving to the same place as the curl binary, or even directly telling it to use this file with curl --cacert option, but still no joy.
I've compared the root certs that IE is reporting, and the ones in that curl-ca-bundle.crt and they look the same (they don't line up exactly the same, but they have the same text in them between the BEGIN and END markers, one is just wider on the screen and therefore uses fewer lines if that makes sense).
Hopefully someone has ideas what to try next as two of us have been tearing our hair out all afternoon with this.
wget also gives an error message :-
$ wget https://bler.com/admin/user
--2018-09-03 15:53:43-- https://bler.com/admin/user
Connecting to connected.
ERROR: cannot verify oss.dns.networks.bt.com's certificate, issued by 'CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US':
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to oss.dns.networks.bt.com insecurely, use '--no-check-certificate'.
We're using a local proxy server, and HTTP_PROXY is set. It must be using the proxy, as we can see we're hitting the end point.
I also had the same error. This problem occurs when you install on Golang web server the only certificate. You must use a certificate chain instead.
For example, Letsencrypt gives "cert.pem" and "fullchain.pem". "cert.pem" works in browsers, but curl cannot work with this file (curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate). "fullchain.pem" works fine in browsers and curl.

Using apache bench against a webservice with a self-signed certificate

Is it possible to test a web service that is using a self-signed certificate with Apache Bench? By default, it will fail with SSL read failed - closing connection. I'm unable to find anyway to have it ignore SSL failures.
$ ab -n 1 -c 1 https://localhost:8080
Benchmarking localhost (be patient)...SSL read failed - closing connection
Additionally, if this is not possible then does anyone know of an alternative tool which allows for this?