Want to share multiple images with separate caption to each image Whatsapp, react native share - react-native

I am using React Native Share library, a good one,
I just need little help,
It is sharing multiple images with same caption,
i just want to share multiple images with separate message (caption) to each image,
suppose, if there is 5 images, then caption to 5 images is different not same.
In current situation, it share 5 images with same message (caption)
Here is my code
var imgs=["base64IMAGE1...///","base64IMAGE2..///","base64IMAGE3..///"];
let shareImage = {
message:"this is message need to send separate to each image",
subject: "Image"
Share.open(shareImage).catch(err => console.log(err));
I have attached current situation screenshots..
image 1 on whatsapp
image 2 on whatsapp
all sent with same caption, i just to send multiple images with separate messages

I've created working example to share multiple or single images using react-native-share
CheckOut ExpoSnack Here
added comments before every method what it'll do and what needs to be replaced.
// multiple images share example
const shareMultipleImages = async () => {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'Share multiple files example',
// here replace base64 data with your local filepath
// base64 with mimeType or path to local file
urls: [base64ImagesData.image1, base64ImagesData.image2],
failOnCancel: false,
// If you want, you can use a try catch, to parse
// the share response. If the user cancels, etc.
try {
const ShareResponse = await Share.open(shareOptions);
setResult(JSON.stringify(ShareResponse, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error =>', error);
setResult('error: '.concat(getErrorString(error)));
you can add local file path in shareMultipleImage method like this
urls: Array of base64 string you want to share. base64 with mimeType or path to local file (Array[string])
React Native Share Docs
const shareOptions = {
title: 'Share multiple files example',
urls: ["file..///","file..///","file..///"],
failOnCancel: false,


In an Expo React Native app, how to pick a photo, store it locally on the phone, and later upload it to a Node.js service?

I'm building a React Native app with Expo, and I want to include the following workflow: The user takes a picture (either with the camera or picking one from the phone's gallery), which is stored locally on the phone, until the user uploads it some later time to a backend service.
I'm pretty stuck and would appreciate any pointers.
Here is what I have:
I use expo-image-picker to pick a photo from the phone's gallery:
const photo = await launchImageLibraryAsync({
mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.All,
allowsEditing: true,
base64: true,
quality: 1,
Then I store the photo locally as a Base64 string using expo-file-system:
const location = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}${filename}`;
await FileSystem.writeAsStringAsync(location, photo.base64, {
encoding: FileSystem.EncodingType.Base64
I keep information about the storage location, file name, and mime type in an image object. Later, I try to upload that image to my own Node.js backend service with axios, sending the following multi-part form data:
const formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append('file', {
path: image.location,
name: image.filename,
type: image.mimetype
} as any);
The backend service that receives the photo uses multer:
const multer = require('multer');
const upload = multer({ storage: multer.memoryStorage() });
router.post('/photo', upload.single('file'), async (request, response) => {
What arrives at my service is the following:
fieldname: 'file',
originalname: '1653135701413.jpg',
encoding: '7bit',
mimetype: 'image/jpg',
buffer: <Buffer >,
size: 0
So no data is transferred. (It seems to be properly stored on the phone, because if I use the Expo filesystem's readStringAsAsync, I do get a pretty long Base64 string.)
What am I missing? Do I need to send the image as a blob? (If I try to do so, then request.file is undefined, so I guess I'm doing something wrong there as well.)
And in general, is there a better way to achieve this workflow in a managed React Native app? (For example, is it ok to store the image as a Base64 string, or would it be better to do this differently?)
In the form data, I changed path to uri, and I switched from axios to fetch. Now the backend finally receives the image data. 🥳

converting selected document from DOCUMENT PICKER in react native to base64 using RNFetchBlob

I have some problem about my react native app. I would just like to ask if are there any ways that RNFetchBlob will accept a dataURI from documentPicker instead of a web URL? I just need to convert the selected file from document picker to base64. Could anyone help me?
RNFetchBlob.config({ fileCache: true })
.fetch("GET", 'http://www.africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf') // Replace the web URL to dataURI from documentPicker
// the image is now dowloaded to device's storage
.then(resp => {
// the image path you can use it directly with Image component
// return resp.readFile("base64");
return resp.readFile("base64");
}).then(base64Data => {
console.log('base64Data', base64Data);
If you are not particularly looking for base64 encoded but want to obtain the actual blob you can use fetch without going through base64 bridge
const fetchResponse = await fetch(at[i].uri);
const blob = await fetchResponse.blob();

where is the image capture by RNCamera saved?

I have used RNCamera in my project but I don't know where is it saved in the cache. How can I preview the image and delete the image. The app is taking a lot of cache memory in my android phone.
From the documentation
uri: (string) the path to the image saved on your app's cache directory.
takePicture = async() => {
if (this.camera) {
const options = { quality: 0.5, base64: true };
const data = await this.camera.takePictureAsync(options);
console.log(data.uri);//print uri for image saved
You can check images in the gallery if not you predefined file location.
Please check takePicture = async function() from following source which returns data.uri and you have full control to move your file and the display images as well as you can delete.

How to display Image from camera roll url using react-native-camera?

I use react-native-camera for capturing images and saving them in cameraRoll (CaptureTarget) for iOS devices, on capture I get image path in the following form
How to use this path to display the image in Image component (from react-native)?
Previously I was using disk as CaptureTarget option, and I was able to show that image url Image component but now the requirements are to save image in camera roll?
I have used RNFetchBlob to get base64 from "assets-library://.." url, my capture function is
.then((data) => {
// console.log(data);
RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(data.path, 'base64')
.then((base64data) => {
let base64Image = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64data}`;
after that i give user some in-app functionality on this base64 data and finally when I need to send this to s3 server, I use axios & RNFetchBlob to send this data.following code gives me signed url for s3
axios.get(ENDPOINT_TO_GET_SIGNED_URL, {params:{'file-name': file.name,'file-type': file.type,"content-type": 'evidence'}})
.then(function (result) {
// console.log(result);
returnUrl = result.data.url;
var signedUrl = result.data.signedRequest;
return uploadFile(file,signedUrl)
and in my uploadFile function i upload images through following code
RNFetchBlob.fetch('PUT', signedUrl,
{'Content-Type' : file.type},

Using Fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest in React Native

I was trying to upload images to S3 from my react native app by following and adapting this guide by heroku: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/s3-upload-node
Essentially I am using the aws-sdk on my express.js backend to generate pre-signed request for uploading images to S3 from react native.
Everything works well, so then I tried to convert the XMLHttpRequests into fetch requests, which seem to be favoured by react native. After the conversion, the files are still being uploaded to S3, but when I click on the image links, then the images wouldn't not show properly, instead an empty square is shown:
Empty square shown instead of image
More specifically it seems to be this piece of code conversion that causes it to happen:
_uploadFile(file, signedRequest, url){
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('PUT', signedRequest);
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
if(xhr.readyState === 4){
if(xhr.status === 200){
console.log("UPLOAD DONE");
} else {
_uploadFile(file, signedRequest, url) {
let option = {
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
body: JSON.stringify(file)
fetch(signedRequest, option)
.then(res => console.log("UPLOAD DONE"))
.catch(err => console.log("ERROR UPLOADING: ", err))
The file object being uploaded:
name: "profileImage",
type: "image/jpeg",
uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + response.data, //just a base64 image string
isStatic: true
Could anyone shed some light on why this could be happening, or have had similar experiences? Many thanks!
In your fetch example you put a JSON string in your body. It will be sent to S3 but it will not be interpreted as an image upload. You should be able to construct a FormData object yourself and pass it to fetch as the request body, but I think using XHR is the simpler option. According to this comment it's what Facebook does as well (the comment is over a year old).
If at all possible you should also try to use local URIs instead of passing Base64 encoded data. It takes quite a while to transfer a few MB of image data between JS and native.