Extract previous issue id into youtrack report - youtrack

Is there a way to extract to a report previous issue ID after changing from one project to another?
Say Im opening ISSUE on project A and get A-5
Later Ill be changing the issue from project A to project B and get B-13.
Is there a way to extract both A-5 and B-13 to a report in a single row?

Unfortunately, it is not possible.


Value only showing the first item in SSRS report

So my problem here is that I have a Part number which lives in two warehouses hence it has two bin locations. If I just use =Fields!PrimBin.Value it only ever returns the first location. I need to display the PrimBin if the location is from a specific warehouse. To get the warehouse I use =Fields!WarehouseCode.value
What I need to do is only show the PrimBin.Value of MAINWHSE and not CELLWHSE
Thanks in advance.
Ok so the database it quite vast. However, for the information required I am using two tables. Part and PimWhse.
Part shares the Product ID to PrimWhse. In PrimWhse each partID has two locations "MAINWHSE", "CELLWHSE "and 1 bin to pick in each warehouse giving to possible locations.
So WarehouseCode.Value will have the information for which warehouse the part is located. and PrimBin.Value will have the warehouse position ID stored in it.
This is all setup via report style within the Epicor system. When I create a query in business activity to look in MAINWHSE it shows the correct information.
However, in the report data builder I'm not able to set this query so I assume SSRS will be able to see of both theses possible values for PrimBin.Value!? If not I guess I need to work out how to add a query to report data builder, which at the moment does no seem possible?
Thanks again.

Prestashop - Product default combination doesn't want to save

I'm relatively new with working with Prestashop and I cannot fix one problem.
After deleting one combination for a product new default combination doesn't want to save and therefore the price showing on the website is not correct.
Any ideas how to fix it?
It might be possible that the combination that you have deleted is a default combination, you can try the following steps to set another default combination.
Open table ps_product_attribute and filter the rows with product ID of the product you want to edit. You will see a column default_on in this table, just edit it to 1 for the combination you want to set as default.
Experienced exactly the same problem (Prestashop 1.6.23) - the default product combination did not want to save.
In debug mode received an error stating the "default_on" field was already set for this product.
Solved it by opening the database table "ps_product_attribute" and searched via the product ID. Deleted the old combinations manually (which were not displayed at the back-end anymore and not in use). Then I was able to set the default combination again.
Sidenote: in our Prestashop setup (with a custom theme) the price was showing as 0 EUR (front-end) before getting the default combination to save again.

ATTASK/WORKFRONT - API - This "is not a top level object"

This sample will give me ALL the GUIDs for HOURS (Yes over 2000 you need to page to get the rest)
field=ID:* (wildcard for all)
If I wanted to do the same thing to SCANS (ScoreCard Answer)
Object=scans (Scorecard Answer)
Field=ID:* (Wildcard All)
I get an error:
{"error":{"class":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException","message":"SCANS is not a top level object and can't be requested directly in internal"}}
I Can do this to pull a ton of project information and I have to parse it all such as produced by this code.
And if I click thru it I can find a ID for a scans and a scoreq and if I take that scans or scoreq and attempt to pull it using the field=ID or
This again tells me:
{"error":{"class":"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException","message":"SCANS is not a top level object and can't be requested directly in internal"}}
I can pull just about anything and get a list of ID's and then manually pull those items by ID but the scores/scorecard answers/scorecard questions (Even as the API seems to indicate that I can pull this like anything else does NOT allow me to do so?
Suggestions? I know its all associated with projectIDs and such I just want to get a list of them all and work with the ones that I want on a one - one basis without having to pull the PROJ and then rummage thru to locate all the ID's associated with it (If there are one or many) Is this possible?
Thank you!
I don't think there is any workaround for this..
you have to go via projects only..
I am also searching a method for this...
I had to update scorecard answers and I had to go via projects..

Update log table with data from the log table

Due to recent updates to the recent database, I have run into a weird problem. I have two tables, tVehicleDeal table and tVehicleLog table. We did a 'migration' meaning we created an app that will transfer the data from a old database to a more relational database. This process took awhile, but it finished and everything seemed good to go. What happens now, is that anytime tVehicleDeal is updated, the corresponding information is inserted into tVehicleLog. The problem that has occurred is.. I ran a script that would update the current deal in tVehicleDeal to the most recent log in tVehicleLog. I made an error in my script, and not all the current deals in tVehicleDeal were updated properly. As a result, when the users updated the active deal in tVehicleDeal, not all the information was inserted into the tVehicleLog. I need to find a way to update the newest entry with some fields from the past entries such as the date it was titled. Some Deals have as many as 20 different logs for it whereas some may have only 2 or 3. I have found this link here but I'm not 100 percent positive this is what I'm looking for. I have tried something similar to this but I am unable to get anything to work using the examples found on that page. Any other ideas will help greatly!
What I am unable to figure out is how to update a column in tVehicleLog. For example:
In the tVehicleLog table there are 6 results for a particular DealID.
The first through 4 do not have a titled date in it, but the 5th row does have a titled date.
I can't figure out how to update the titled column the 6th row for that dealID based on the 5th row that does have the titled date.
The link provided above looked like it was something I was looking for but I was unable to get that solution to work.
Based on this line from your question,
I can't figure out how to update the titled column the 6th row for
that dealID based on the 5th row that does have the titled date.
It seems like this should fix your problem. It is written only to solve this specific scenario. If other scenarios exist that are not exactly like this one, adjustments may have to be made. If I didn't understand your problem, please post further clarification.
SET TitleDate=L2.TitleDate
FROM tVehicleLog L1
INNER JOIN tVehicleLog L2
ON L1.DealID=L2.DealID
WHERE L1.<PrimaryKeyColumn>=#ThePrimaryKeyColumnOfTheRowYouWantToUpdate

TFS Cutomization using power tools

I have added 3 fields using the Power Tools in TFS->Test case work item. Now is it possible for me to do the below customization?
1st field a
2nd field b
3rd field c.
then c equals a plus b.
when i enter the values in the fields a & b, field c should be populated with the value a+b. Please help me.
As far as I know this isn't possible int he Work Item Definition schema language. If you want the UI to do math based on your work item values, you need to build a server side plugin. There is an open source solution available that handles these kinds of things which you might be able to use for your solution, or you could derive your own solution from that.
See also: TFS Aggregator project on Codeplex.