How to open quill image uploader programmatically? - file-upload

I have a two toolbar in quill.
Quill toolbar
Custom toolbar
I need to put the image tool in the custom toolbar but the problem is that quill is only allowed the addHandler for its own toolbar so I need to open the quill image uploader programmatically when the user clicks on my image.
Is there any way to do it?

You can access the Quill toolbar with quill.getModule('toolbar') which will expose the format handlers. This will also work with custom handlers that you've added to the Quill toolbar.
// ... set up quill stuff
// get the quill toolbar
let toolbar = quill.getModule('toolbar')
// call the image handler


How do i remove the href on popup's close button in Leaflet?

In a Vue app, the close button on the markers popup change the URL by adding #close, making the page change.
Can I remove it?
Marker popup example
I recommended you to read leaflet doc for marker
you will see that you can hide button close by set option closeButton: false

Codename one Radio Buttons in a ButtonGroup

#Shai According to the image below got from CleanMordern Project.
how can I style my radio buttons using CSS to look exactly as Shai did his,
and also make actions on each button to show different container when pressed
ButtonGroup barGroup = new ButtonGroup();
RadioButton all = RadioButton.createToggle("All", barGroup);
RadioButton featured = RadioButton.createToggle("Featured", barGroup);
RadioButton popular = RadioButton.createToggle("Popular", barGroup);
RadioButton myFavorite = RadioButton.createToggle("My Favorites", barGroup);
Label arrow = new Label(res.getImage("news-tab-down-arrow.png"), "Container");
GridLayout.encloseIn(4, all, featured, popular, myFavorite),
You can open the theme file in the designer tool and just copy the styling from there. I implemented this using image backgrounds to keep some pixels free for the arrow on the bottom.
If you look at the theme you will see I just placed a background image that's solid red on top and has a white bottom. Then I have a separate "arrow" image which is animated with the code to the selected button on every click. Everything else is just colors and fonts which is trivial.

Adobe air (HTML+JS) prevent rightClick event of image, input and textarea

I'm working on an Adobe Air application. It's base on html and js. So there are img, input and textarea tags, which will show a native menu when right-click. For example, right click on the img tag, It shows a native menu with save image menu-item.
I've tried using normal javascript methods, like event.preventDefault(), and It doesn't work at all.
So how to prevent those native menus?
I found it very easy to solve this problem after 7 months. It's something about contextmenu.
Here is an <img> now.
<img src="">
Add a contextmenu event listener for it, and prevent its default bebaviour.
<img id="a" src="" >
$('#a').on('contextmenu', function(e) {
Then the default menu disappears.

Titanium: How to remove background of Search bar?

How can I remove the background of search bar ? I tried by changing background color but it also changes cancel button's color !!!
The best alternative to this is creating a custom search bar with Ti.UI.textField and Ti.UI.button. Add them both to a view and customize it as you please. Finally, just add an event listener to the button click, and voila!
Take a look at this Module:
It extends the properties for several UI Elements, including SearchBar, here is the list.
SearchField BackgroundImage
Custom Cancel button
barColor - background gradient of the button. (similar to navbar)
color - color of the button title
title - change the default Cancel text
font - set the font of the button
Appearance of the keyboard
Disable the search icon
To install it, I recommend you to use the new gitTio command line, this will automatically download the module, install it on the modules folder on Application Support folder and add the proper config line on tiapp.xml.
gittio install -g dk.napp.ui
And here is an example of a SearchBar using the new properties enabled by this Module
var searchBar = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
scopeButtonTitles:["hello", "yes"],
title:"Hit me",
disableSearchIcon:true //disables the search icon in the left side
If you are talking about the gradient blue, I removed it on my app with:
var searchBox = Ti.UI.createSearchBar({
barColor: '#eee'
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately 'barColor' doesn't work. Ti seems to change the color by changing the opacity or hue or something. DannyM's workaround is the best.
I must have wasted a zillion hours making sense of Titanium's background colors, background images, bar colors and their active/inactive cousins.
Conclusion: "Free" software is costly if you count the time you waste on silly bugs and lack of useful documentation.

icon as an image

is it possible to use icon file as a image for a button in visual basic?
I have 3 buttons that need to have 3 icons when you click the button the icon of the button needs to be the icon of the form is this posible?
btnIcon1 = my.resources.ICO1
btnIcon2 = my.resources.ICO2
The most basic method to do that:
myButton.Image = Me.Icon.ToBitmap
You can also use:
myButton.Image = My.Resources.myIcon.ToBitmap
Both of these methods extract and use the 32x32 icon from the .ico file.