Powerpoint VBA copy text from tables - vba

I am trying to create a macro which copies the text from all the tables in a slide. I can select the tables but failed to copy text entries from tables. I need to paste the copied text to a excel spreadsheet.
Here is the script:
Option Explicit
Sub GetTableNames()
Dim pptpres As Presentation
Set pptpres = ActivePresentation
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape
Dim pptTable As Table
For Each pptSlide In pptpres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.HasTable Then
Set pptTable = pptShapes.Table
pptShapes.Select msoFalse
End If
End Sub
enter image description here
enter image description here

Try this code:
Sub GetTableNames()
Dim pptpres As Presentation
Set pptpres = ActivePresentation
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape, pptTable As Table
Dim XL As Object, WS As Object
Dim arr As Variant, nextTablePlace As Integer, cnt As Integer
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With XL.Workbooks.Add
Set WS = .Worksheets(1)
End With
nextTablePlace = 1 ' to output first table content into Worksheet
For Each pptSlide In pptpres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.HasTable Then
cnt = cnt + 1
Set pptTable = pptShapes.Table
WS.Cells(nextTablePlace, 1) = "Table #: " & cnt ' caption for each table
nextTablePlace = nextTablePlace + 1
ReDim arr(1 To pptTable.Rows.Count, 1 To pptTable.Columns.Count) ' resize array to table dimensions
For rr = 1 To pptTable.Rows.Count
For cc = 1 To pptTable.Columns.Count
arr(rr, cc) = pptTable.Cell(rr, cc).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text 'get text from each cell into array
' flush the arr to Worksheet
WS.Cells(nextTablePlace, 1).Resize(pptTable.Rows.Count, pptTable.Columns.Count) = arr
' to next place with gap
nextTablePlace = nextTablePlace + pptTable.Rows.Count + 2
End If
XL.Visible = True
End Sub


Select all Tables in power point slide

I am trying to create a macro which selects all the tables present in a slide in ppt using vba i tried but the macro is selecting the last table or the table created lastly
here is the code
Sub CheckCoOrdinates()
Dim pptPres As Presentation
Set pptPres = Application.ActivePresentation
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape
For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.Type = msoTable Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To pptSlide.Shapes.Count
End If
how to create a macro for this
Instead of pptShapes.Select, use pptShapes.Select (False)
The default behavior of Select mimics clicking on a new shape ... the clicked shape is selected, replacing any previous selection. Adding the False parameter makes it behave more like Ctrl+clicking ... the newly selected shape is ADDED to the current selection.
That'll work on a per slide basis but you can't select shapes on multiple slides, so you're going to have to re-write your macro accordingly.
I suspect you'll be better off stepping through each slide, then through each shape on the slide and copy/pasting the tables one at a time.
Dim pptPres As Presentation
Set pptPres = Application.ActivePresentation
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWorkBook As Object
Dim j As Integer
Dim r1 As String
j = 1
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("D:\Book2.xlsx", True, False)
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape
For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.Type = msoTable Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To pptSlide.Shapes.Count
pptShapes.Select 'msoFalse
r1 = "A" + CStr(j)
xlWorkBook.sheets(1).Range(r1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
j = j + 20
End If
'xlWorkBook.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set xlWorkBook = Nothing

Copying Charts from Excel to PowerPoint with Special Paste doesn't work anymore

i´m using VBA in Excel to go through all Chart-Sheets and copy them to a existing PowerPoint-presentation.
Until today the program worked fine. But since today it doesn´t copy the Charts to PowerPoint anymore.
The program works like: go through all Chart-Sheets and call a Helpfunction.
The helpfunction copys the ChartArea and pastes it with:
With pptApp.ActiveWindow
.ViewType = ppViewNormal
.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteOLEObject, link:=msoTrue
End With
on the PowerPoint.
But the Problem here is that the PasteSpecial doesn´t work anymore and i don´t understand why.
Thank you for your help.
Here is the full code:
'Declaring the necessary Power Point variables (are used in both subs).
Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim pptSlideCount As Integer
Sub ChartsToPowerPoint()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim intChNum As Integer: intChNum = 0
Dim objCh As Object
Dim ppPres As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim oChart As Chart
Dim zähler As Integer
Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Daten").Range("A1:Z200").Find("Pfad für die Powerpoint")
ppPres = rng.Offset(1, 0).Value
counter = 4
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
intChNum = intChNum + ws.ChartObjects.Count
Next ws
zähler = ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count
'Count the embedded charts.
'For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
' intChNum = intChNum + ws.ChartObjects.Count
'Next ws
'Check if there are chart (embedded or not) in the active workbook.
If intChNum + ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count < 1 Then
MsgBox "Sorry, there are no charts to export!", vbCritical, "Ops"
Exit Sub
End If
'Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Open(ppPres)
'Loop through all the embedded charts in all worksheets.
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each objCh In ws.ChartObjects
Call pptFormat(objCh.Chart, counter)
Next objCh
Next ws
'Loop through all the chart sheets.
For Each objCh In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
Call pptFormat(objCh, counter)
counter = counter + 1
Next objCh
'Show the power point.
pptApp.Visible = True
'Cleanup the objects.
Set pptSlide = Nothing
Set pptPres = Nothing
Set pptApp = Nothing
'Infrom the user that the macro finished.
'MsgBox "The charts were copied successfully to the new presentation!", vbInformation, "Done"
End Sub
Private Sub pptFormat(xlCh As Chart, i As Integer)
'Formats the charts/pictures and the chart titles/textboxes.
Dim chTitle As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim tempName As String
Dim oLayout As CustomLayout
Dim counter As Integer
On Error Resume Next
'Get the chart title and copy the chart area.
'Count the slides and add a new one after the last slide.
pptSlideCount = pptPres.Slides.Count
'tempName = GetLayout("Layout für QGs")
counter = i
'Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides.Add(pptSlideCount + 1, Layout:=ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart)
'pptApp.ActivePresentation.Slides(counter).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteOLEObject, link:=msoTrue
With pptApp.ActiveWindow
.ViewType = ppViewNormal
.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteOLEObject, link:=msoTrue
End With
With pptApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
'Oberer Rand 1 cm unter Standardtitel
.Top = 3.92 * 28.38
'Linker Rand 1.5 cm von linkem Folienrand
.Left = 4.51 * 28.38
'Eingefügte Tabelle auf Links und rechts 1,5 cm Rand skalieren
.Width = 24.23 * 28.38
'Bei Bedarf Höhe noch einstellen
'Hier ist jedoch zu beachten, dass das Object skaliert wird !!!
'Die Breite verändert sich dann
.Height = 12.7 * 28.38
.Line.Visible = msoFalse
End With
End Sub
Try using this code
Function PasteChartIntoSlide(theSlide As Object) As Object
Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
PPT.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
End Function
Function CopyChartFromExcel(theSlide As Object, cht As Chart) As Object
cht.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture, Size:=xlScreen
End Function
Function PositionChart(leftPos As Integer, rightPos As Integer, widthPos As Integer, heightPos As Integer) As Object
Sleep 50
PPT_pres.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Left = leftPos
PPT_pres.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Top = rightPos
PPT_pres.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Width = widthPos
PPT_pres.Windows(1).Selection.ShapeRange.Height = heightPos
End Function
Function CopyPasteChartFull(Sld As Integer, cht As Chart, leftPos As Integer, rightPos As Integer, widthPos As Integer, heightPos As Integer) As Object
If PPT Is Nothing Then Exit Function
If PPT_pres Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim mySlide As Object
Dim myShape As Object
PPT_pres.Slides(Sld).Select 'Pointless line, just lets the user see what is happening
Set mySlide = PPT_pres.Slides(Sld)
With mySlide
'copy chart
CopyChartFromExcel mySlide, cht
'Paste chart
PasteChartIntoSlide mySlide
'Position Chart
PositionChart leftPos, rightPos, widthPos, heightPos
End With
'Clear The Clipboard
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Function

Run-time error 91 on arrays

I'm getting Run-time error 91 on several variable, and I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong...
The variables are: IQRngRef, tempRng, unionVariable
I assume it has something with them all being arrays with the exception of unionVariable (at least it shouldn't be).
Could I get some help here please?
Option Explicit
Private Sub averageScoreRelay()
' 1. Run from PPT and open an Excel file
' 2. Start at slide 1 and find a box that contains the words "iq_", if it has those words then it will have numbers after it like so "iq_43" or "iq_43, iq_56,iq_72".
' 3. find those words and numbers in the opened Excel file after splitting and re-formating string.
' 3. Copy column into a new sheets and repeat for all "iq_'s" until sheets 2 has a table.
' 4. Copy table from xl Paste Table into ppt
' 5. Do this for every slide
'Timer start
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim SecondsElapsed As Double
StartTime = Timer
'Create variables
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim ShRef As Excel.Worksheet
Dim pptPres As Object
Dim colNumb As Long
Dim rowNumb As Long
' Create new excel instance and open relevant workbook
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
'xlApp.Visible = True 'Make Excel visible
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Pinlop\Desktop\Gate\Macros\averageScores\pptxlpratice\dummy2.xlsx", True, False, , , , True, Notify:=False) 'Open relevant workbook
If xlWB Is Nothing Then ' may not need this if statement. check later.
MsgBox ("Error retrieving Average Score Report, Check file path")
Exit Sub
End If
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
'Find # of iq's in workbook
Set ShRef = xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
colNumb = ShRef.Cells(1, ShRef.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
rowNumb = ShRef.Cells(ShRef.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim IQRef() As String
Dim iCol As Long
Dim IQRngRef() As Range
ReDim IQRef(colNumb)
ReDim IQRngRef(colNumb)
' capture IQ refs locally
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
IQRngRef(iCol) = ShRef.Range(ShRef.Cells(1, iCol), ShRef.Cells(rowNumb, iCol)).Value
IQRef(iCol) = ShRef.Cells(1, iCol).Value
Next iCol
'Make pptPres the ppt active
Set pptPres = PowerPoint.ActivePresentation
'Create variables for the slide loop
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim Shpe As Shape
Dim pptText As String
Dim iq_Array As Variant
Dim arrayLoop As Long
Dim myShape As Object
Dim outCol As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lRows As Long
Dim lCols As Long
Dim k As Long
'Loop through each pptSlide and check for IQ text box, grab avgScore values and create pptTable
For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides
i = 0
'searches through shapes in the slide
For Each Shpe In pptSlide.Shapes
If Not Shpe.HasTextFrame Then GoTo nextShpe 'boom, one less nested If statement
If Not Shpe.TextFrame.HasText Then GoTo nextShpe ' boom, another nested If statement bites the dust
outCol = 0
'Set pptText as the Text in the box, then make it lowercase and trim Spaces and Enters
pptText = Shpe.TextFrame.TextRange
pptText = LCase(Replace(pptText, " ", vbNullString))
pptText = Replace(Replace(Replace(pptText, vbCrLf, vbNullString), vbCr, vbNullString), vbLf, vbNullString)
'Identify if within text there is "iq_"
If InStr(1, pptText, "iq_") <= 0 Then GoTo nextShpe
'set iq_Array as an array of the split iq's
iq_Array = Split(pptText, ",")
Dim hasIQs As Boolean
Dim checkStr As String
Dim pCol As Long
Dim checkOne
checkOne = iq_Array(0)
hasIQs = Left(checkOne, 3) = "iq_"
Dim tempRng() As Range
If hasIQs Then
' paste inital column into temporary worksheet
tempRng(0) = ShRef.Columns(1)
End If
' loop for each iq_ in the array
For arrayLoop = LBound(iq_Array) To UBound(iq_Array)
' Take copy of potential ref and adjust to standard if required
checkStr = iq_Array(arrayLoop)
If hasIQs And Left(checkStr, 3) <> "iq_" Then checkStr = "iq_" & checkStr
' Look for existence of corresponding column in local copy array
pCol = 0
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
If checkStr = IQRef(iCol) Then
pCol = iCol
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
If pCol > 0 Then
' Paste the corresponding column into the forming table
outCol = outCol + 1
tempRng(outCol) = ShRef.Columns(pCol)
End If
Next arrayLoop
If outCol > 1 Then 'data was added
' Copy table
Dim unionVariable As Range
unionVariable = tempRng(0)
For k = 1 To i
unionVariable = Union(unionVariable, tempRng(k))
Next k
unionVariable.Copy ' all the data added to ShWork
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewNormal
Set myShape = pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType:=ppPasteHTML, Link:=msoFalse)
On Error GoTo tryAgain
On Error GoTo clrSht
'Set position:
myShape.Left = -200
myShape.Top = 150 + i
i = i + 150
End If
'Clear Sheet2 for next slide
Erase tempRng()
Next Shpe
Next pptSlide
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
'End Timer
SecondsElapsed = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "This code ran successfully in " & SecondsElapsed & " seconds", vbInformation
End Sub
Dim something() As String
That's declaring a dynamically-sized array, where each item is a String. Once it's resized, you can do this (assuming i is within the boundaries of the array):
something(i) = "foo"
Now this:
Dim something() As Range
That's declaring a dynamically-sized array, where each item is a Range. Once it's resized, you can do this (assuming i is within the boundaries of the array):
Set something(i) = Range("A1")
Notice the Set keyword - it's required in VBA, whenever you're assigning an object reference. Range being an object, you need the Set keyword for that assignment.
In your code:
tempRng(0) = ShRef.Columns(1)
That's indeed a Range, but the Set keyword is missing. That will throw the RTE91 you're getting.
Same here:
unionVariable = tempRng(0)
You can't assign an object reference without the Set keyword.
Here though:
IQRngRef(iCol) = ShRef.Range(ShRef.Cells(1, iCol), ShRef.Cells(rowNumb, iCol)).Value
That's not a Range. It's the .Value of a Range, and that's a Variant - not an object, so adding the Set keyword isn't going to fix anything. If you mean IQRngRef to hold Range objects, you need to do this:
Set IQRngRef(iCol) = ShRef.Range(ShRef.Cells(1, iCol), ShRef.Cells(rowNumb, iCol))

Using Cells inside of Range isn't working? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Excel VBA, getting range from an inactive sheet
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
For some reason this isn't working:
.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lRows, lCols)).Copy
Any ideas? It's on line 78
Option Explicit
Public Sub averageScoreRelay()
' 1. Run from PPT and open an Excel file
' 2. Start at slide 1 and find a box that contains the words "iq_", if it has those words then it will have numbers after it like so "iq_43" or "iq_43, iq_56, iq_72".
' 3. find those words and numbers in the opened Excel file. Needs to recognize that ", " means there is another entry.
' 3. Copy column containing words from ppt ie. "iq_43"
' 4. Paste a Table into ppt with those values
' 5. Do this for every slide
'Create variables
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Dim Shpe As Shape
Dim pptText As String
Dim pptPres As Object
Dim iq_Array As Variant
Dim arrayLoop As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim myShape As Object
Dim colNumb As Integer
Dim size As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim vsblSld As Object
Dim lRows As Long
Dim lCols As Long
colNumb = 5 'Set #of columns in the workbook
' Create new excel instance and open relevant workbook
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
'xlApp.Visible = True 'Make Excel visible
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\pinlop\Desktop\Gate\Macro\averageScores\pptxlpratice\dummyavgscore.xlsx", True, False) 'Open relevant workbook
If xlWB Is Nothing Then ' may not need this if statement. check later.
MsgBox ("Error retrieving Average Score Report, Check file path")
Exit Sub
End If
xlWB.Worksheets.Add After:=xlWB.ActiveSheet
'Make pptPres the ppt active
Set pptPres = PowerPoint.ActivePresentation
'Loop through each pptSlide and check for IQ text box, grab avgScore values and create pptTable
For Each pptSlide In pptPres.Slides
'searches through shapes in the slide
For Each Shpe In pptSlide.Shapes
'Identify if there is text frame
k = 1
If Shpe.HasTextFrame Then
'Identify if there's text in text frame
If Shpe.TextFrame.HasText Then
pptText = Shpe.TextFrame.TextRange
If InStr(1, pptText, "iq_") > 0 Then 'Identify if within text there is "iq_" All IQ's have to be formatted like this "iq_42, iq_43" for now
iq_Array = Split(pptText, ", ") 'set iq_Array as an array of the split iq's
size = UBound(iq_Array) - LBound(iq_Array)
For arrayLoop = 0 To size 'loop for each iq_array
For i = 1 To colNumb 'loops for checking each column
If i = 1 And arrayLoop = 0 Then 'Copies the first column for every slide
xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns(1).Copy 'copy column
xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet2").Paste Destination:=xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns(1)
ElseIf xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, i) = iq_Array(arrayLoop) And i <> 1 Then 'if iq in ppt = iq in xl and if not the first cell then execute
k = k + 1
xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet2").Paste Destination:=xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns(k)
End If
Next i
Next arrayLoop
End If
End If
End If
Next Shpe
'calculate last row and last column
With xlWB.Worksheets("Sheet2")
lRows = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lCols = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lRows, lCols)).Copy
End With
pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteHTML, Link:=msoFalse
Set myShape = pptSlide.Shapes(pptSlide.Shapes.Count)
'Set position:
myShape.Left = 66
myShape.Top = 152
Next pptSlide
End Sub
It should be like this:
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(lRows, lCols)).Copy
That's one of the errors everyone experiences with VBA, if he goes a bit deeper. The reason is that Cells and Range should both be referred to the worksheet, otherwise they would refer the ActiveSheet.
And in general, consider using Long instead of Integer in your code.

VBA export multiple charts (4 each time) from the same sheet into one powerpoint slide

I've been trying to export multiple excel charts into powerpoint but there is a catch...I'd like to export 4 charts into a single slide at a time.
I've found the following code but it needs to be modify so that 4 charts are exported into one slide, instead of a single chart per slide.
The code is below:
Sub PushChartsToPPT()
Dim ppt As PowerPoint.Application
Dim pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim pptSld As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim pptCL As PowerPoint.CustomLayout
Dim pptShp As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim cht As Chart
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
'Get the PowerPoint Application object:
Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = msoTrue
Set pptPres = ppt.Presentations.Add
'Get a Custom Layout:
For Each pptCL In pptPres.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts
If pptCL.Name = "Title and Content" Then Exit For
Next pptCL
'Copy ALL charts embedded in EACH WorkSheet:
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For i = 1 To ws.ChartObjects.Count
Set pptSld = pptPres.Slides.AddSlide(pptPres.Slides.Count + 1, pptCL)
For Each pptShp In pptSld.Shapes.Placeholders
If pptShp.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderObject Then Exit For
Next pptShp
Set cht = ws.ChartObjects(i).Chart
Next i
Next ws
End Sub
Try this:
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For i = 1 To ws.ChartObjects.Count Step 4 'your count must be a multiple of four other it wouldn't work
Set pptSld = pptPres.Slides.AddSlide(pptPres.Slides.Count + 1, pptCL)
For Each pptShp In pptSld.Shapes.Placeholders
If pptShp.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderObject Then Exit For
Next pptShp
For j = 0 to 3
Set cht = ws.ChartObjects(i+j).Chart
Next J
Next i