How to install #babel/core of specific version? - npm

I want to install a specific version of #babel/core. Can anyone help with the command to achieve it?


How can I do pip install or same thing similar in terminal for Jython to install packages

I have just installed jython and want to install some packages like bs4 and mechanize in python I simply did pip install and done. How I can do the same thing for jython I tried jip install package_name but got an error. Please give the answer as simple as possible to follow thanks in advance.

How to install notepadqq in Solus Linux?

someone knows how to install notepadqq in the Linux Solus distribution ?.
Or do you recommend something similar to notepadqq, please.
Thank you
It is now already on the Solus repository, you could install it by running sudo eopkg it notepadqq on the terminal, or installing it from the Software Center manually.

How do I uninstall NodeSource NSolid from my computer?

I installed NodeSource's NSolid on my computer and it took over my node binary. How do I uninstall it?
NSolid provide an uninstall script. On a Mac, simply run:
sudo /usr/local/nsolid/uninstall
N|Solid replace node binary to ensure that all your apps are getting the additional features of N|Solid. The best way to return to Node.js again is reinstalling it.
N|Solid is shipped with a specific npm version that guarantee total harmony on the ecosystem. Reinstalling Node.js also replace the npm version avoiding issues about version miss matching.
Also you should remove manually the nsolid binary. You can get the installed path running which nsolid

IntelliJ IDEA 12: How can I run pip install to install libraries in virtual environment?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 12 Ultimate Edition and creating flask project.
I created the virtualenv using IDEA and using that, but my code has dependency on other libraires I as move forward. For example Flask-Restless.
My code in IntelliJ IDEA looks like
Is there a way to install Flak-Restless using IntelliJ IDEA 12?
do I need to activate my virtualenv on command-line and install it myself?
Is it something IDEA can provide to me?
In IntelliJ IDEA use Tools | Manage Python Packages dialog to install/uninstall packages for your Python SDK or virtualenv used in project.
Use pip requirements.txt in your repository root. My PyCharm automatically prompt me install absent requirements or if installed versions not equal with requirements.txt.
You can install packages from requirements.txt:
your_python_root_pip install -r requirements.txt
You can get already installed packages with versions:
your_python_root_pip freeze -r requirements.txt
For details see pip help. See requirements.txt example:
You can install all project packages via PyCharm 2017.1 by Tools / Python Integrated Tools / Package requirements file. Get there full path to your requirements.txt file and PyCharm will ask you to install all dependencies.

Specifying download dir with yum downloadonly

I'm trying to run the following:
yum reinstall glibc --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/dependencies/
But it keeps giving me an error that --downloaddir is not a valid option though I've seen others use it around the web. I'm using RHEL Workstation 5.5. Is there another way to specify the downloaddir?
first install yumdownloader
yum install yumdownloader