nuxtJS how to make javascript load dynamically by page - vue.js

I would like to insert this script to nuxtJS project and I want it to load dynamically by page.
<!-- LINE Tag Base Code -->
<!-- Do Not Modify -->
var h=location.protocol==='https:'?'':'';
var s=d.createElement('script');s.async=1;
var t=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(s,t);
})(window, document);
_lt('init', {
customerType: 'account',
tagId: 'xxxxx'
_lt('send', 'pv', ['xxxxx']);
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
src="" />
<!-- End LINE Tag Base Code -->
The important thing is tagId: 'xxxxx' this should be change dynamically by page. for example, will load tagId: 'shop_tag1' will load tagId: 'shop_tag2'

What kind of tracker is this ? If it does not have any way of setting it app-wise, I guess that you need to have a middleware that is running your function and grabbing the dynamic part from each page.
This can be helpful:
Also, I did found some issues on using a middleware in a layout, but maybe it's just me, if it does work on your side, you could just dump your js there too.


How to properly load Bootstrap5's Masonry into Nuxt?

I am trying to use the Masonry plugin with Bootstrap5 and NuxtJS. When I follow the example here and incorporate it into my own codesandbox, I notice that my demo is not in the correct masonry format. See the gaps? My sandbox
My example:
Bootstrap's example:
What do I need to do to get my demo into format shown on the Bootstrap Masonry example page?
I checked how to load the script from a CDN either globally or locally. It was working but at one condition: you needed to NOT start on the masonry page.
Meaning that if you loaded the app on a specific page, then moved to the one with the masonry it was working. But not if you started on this specific page. So, a pretty subpar solution.
This article was really helpful to understand how to wait until the CDN script is fully loaded:
Then I realized that we are far better installing it directly as an NPM dependency. Therefore, I proceeded to the masonry repo. Found a great message on how to setup the whole thing in Nuxt.
And after a removal of some useless stuff and some modern dynamic import, here we are
<h1>Bootstrap and Masonry</h1>
<div class="row" id="masonry">
<!-- ... -->
export default {
async mounted() {
if (process.browser) {
let { default: Masonry } = await import('masonry-layout')
new Masonry('#masonry', { percentPosition: true })
The final solution is looking pretty well and there is not a lot of code. On top of that, the code is properly loaded. And you can load it on a click or any other event.

Using vue.js without NPM or CLI

I'd like to use Vue.js within one page of a large legacy application. The idea is to replace the old JS+jQuery hodge-podge within a single page -- but leave the rest of the app (many other pages) untouched. So, not interested in using NPM, Node, Vue CLI, Webpack, Babel, etc., just yet.
This is a proof-of-concept before we invest in refactoring the entire frontend of the application.
The approach we followed was to include vue.js via as explained here: in that one page, and the use Vue only within that one page. This is the general page layout:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="el">
... vue template ...
var vm = new Vue({
el : '#el',
data : {
config : <% config.json %> // this is server-rendered, using server templating
The page does work. However, I get the following error/warning within the Vue console:
Templates should only be responsible for mapping the state to the UI. Avoid placing tags with side-effects in your templates, such as <script>, as they will not be parsed.
Although I'd rather not, I can certainly move the page-specific JS to its own separate file (and that does eliminate the warning/error). However, I wouldn't be able to set vm.config with server-provided data along with the loaded page by using server-side template, e.g. config : <% config.json %>. I know I could GET it using JS separately, after pageload, via an AJAX call directly from the server, but for practical reasons I'd like to avoid doing that here.
I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to get this to work nicely. I'm also open to other suggestions with regard to this general pattern, that don't involve retooling the front-end just yet.
And perhaps the answer is to ignore the warning, or somehow disable it, given the page does work as intended...
Thank you!
One simple solution here is to write it to the global window object. IIRC SSR frameworks like Angular universal/Nuxt/Next/... all use this approach.
window.__STATE__ = <% config.json %>
In your JS file you can then refer to the window.__STATE__ object.
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
config: window.__STATE__
Ofcourse the order is important here:
window.__STATE__ = <% config.json %>
<script src="app.js"></script>
Grrr, after several days after enduring this error, I discovered this:
<fieldset id="el">
<div id="el">
So the issue was repeating #el within same page.
My mistake.
Just wish the error message emitted by Vue had been a bit more useful!
Bottom line: The pattern described in the origional question works just fine without NPM/CLI.

anchor is not redirecting to display inside ng-view, rather reloading with new page

I wrote a simple angular application in a learning purpose. However the controllers are working in my system but not in plunker. But, that is not my concern. My concern is I am unable to see the linked pages inside ng-view. They are rather opening as a new page replacing the home page. Secondly, the expressions are not reflecting their values. Kindly help me out. I have uploaded the codes in plunker.
Link to Plunker
<div ng-controller="RamFirstCtrl">{{name}}</div>
<div ng-include="'navbar-top.html'"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid green; position:relative;" ng-view></div>
Noticed couple thing:
http to https, there is error in console, it might be the reason it doesn't work in plunker
<script src = ""></script>
you have to use the url define in your router:
ng-href="aboutUS.html" to ng-href="#!/aboutUS"
.when("/aboutUS", {
templateUrl : "aboutUS.html"
<a ng-href="#!/aboutUS">
Note:#! will be added to url by angular router by default

$(...).tabs is not a function

I have this code on two pages on my site, but at one page the function doesn't work. Firebug shows me " $(...).tabs is not a function ". I don't understand why, can anyone tell me what is wrong ?
this is working:
this is not working:
Here is the code:
<div id="tabss">
<li>Subiect I</li>
<li>Subiect II</li>
<li>Subiect III</li>
<div id="SubiectI">content here</div>
<div id="SubiectII">content here</div>
<div id="SubiectIII">content here</div>
$(document).ready(function() {
You have relative paths to javascript files:
change them to absolute paths because you're using mod_rewrite module
In first link the server is looking to the directory (which exists)
but in the second one the path will be which do not exists
In my case:
I was using
instead of
minimal version does not include ui.tabs.js, hence no ui.tabs function. Hope this helps someone else out there
The issue is that the jQuery UI js and css is not loading.
Try changing the path in you <script> tags to either the directory above ../javascript or the website root /javascript.
<script src="/javascript/head.min.js"></script>
<script src="/javascript/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js"></script>
<link href="/stylesheets/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Your first demo loads:
Your second demo attempts to load:
The last one results in a 404. You should correct the path of the later, perhaps instructing it to find jQuery UI in one directory above the current: ../jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js.
Try this:
#section scripts{
$(document).ready(function() {
Put #Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryui") in the <body></body> of your layout.cshtml
The error Uncaught TypeError: $(...).tabs is not a function may also be produced when in a Django project on the Admin area and using django-tabbed-admin under the following setup:
Django = 1.10.5
DEFAULT_JQUERY_UI_JS = 'tabbed_admin/js/jquery-ui-1.11.4.min.js'
The problem is that the code in jquery-ui-1.11.4.min.js for this Django lib is as follows:
/*! jQuery UI - v1.11.4 - 2015-07-27
jQuery = jQuery || django.jQuery.noConflict(false);
and the code on django-tabbed-admin uses it this way (change_form.html):
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
{% if add %}
// when adding, don't select a tab by default, we'll do it ourselves
// by finding the first available tab.
selected: -1
{% endif %}
<!-- end admin_tabs stuff -->
To sort this out this should be what would be passed in to the IIFE instead of the (django.jQuery) as above:
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
})((typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined' && typeof window.django != 'undefined')
? django.jQuery
: jQuery)
<!-- end admin_tabs stuff -->
I've reported this issue in the project and created a PR with a fix for it. Waiting on it to be approved, so in the meantime you can sort it following my simple fix.
I hope this helps someone out there.
Check your page you might have loaded multiple versions of jQuery
I had the same problem, I realized that I had jquery and bootstrap css imports that enter in conflict each other. Take a look to the ones you have imported and reduce those imports to the minimum to see which is the conflict.
Here there is an example of how to implement it, I took that example and worked, then I adapted to my application:
for jquery 1.9 (click on view source to see the code)
for jquery 1.8 (check the example at the end of the page)
Hope it helps!

Dijit combobox not rendering in custom widget

I am trying to use the combobox provided by Dijit inside of a custom-made widget. I have been using Dojo's tutorial on comboboxes to guide me.
When I implement a stand-alone webpage similar to their tutorial examples, everything worked fine; but when I ported the code into my custom-made widget, it just renders the combobox as a plain HTML text box.
Here's what my custom widget's template looks like:
<div class='customWidget'>
<div dojoAttachPoint="mainDiv" class="mainDiv">
<div dojoType="" jsId="stateStore" url="states.txt"></div>
<input dojoType="dijit.form.ComboBox"
name="state2" />
<button dojoAttachEvent="onclick:chooseState">OK</button>
In the widget code, I require the combobox and read store:
I also tried putting these includes in a <script/> within the custom widget (similar to the way they do it in the tutorial), but it didn't work (in fact, it appears as if the script tag wasn't even evaluated, since I couldn't reference a function I declared inside of it!)
Do you have widgetsInTemplate in your widget declaration?
dojo.declare('my.widget.Cool',[ dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated ], {
widgetsInTemplate: true,
// rest of widget JS here
Here's an article about including other widgets in your template.
Have you tried adding:
<script type="text/javascript">
(from Dojocampus) to ensure Dojo is parsing the page? Are there any errors in your Javascript console? Is the page rendering any normal Dojo widgets?