SQL solution to extract total number of hours from a string column - sql

I have a varchar(255) column in table1:
How do I extract the number of hours from the above column using SQLite? I tried using varchar() and datetime() none of which worked. Should I be using regex to get the time?
Thank you in advance.

You can extract the time values using:
select substr(time, -11, 5), substr(time, -5)
You can then use julianday() to get the difference in seconds (or any other unit):
select round((julianday(substr(time, -5)) - julianday(substr(time, -11, 5))) * 60 * 60 * 24) as seconds_diff
from t;
Here is a db<>fiddle.


How to convert an integer value to time (HH:MM:SS) in SQL Server?

I have a set of integer value which can be either a single digit to 6 digit number. Now I want to convert this set of values to time representing the HH:MM:SS format. I thought of converting first to varchar then to time but it didn't work out. Can anyone help me out with the problem?
YourColumn / 10000,
YourColumn / 100 % 100,
YourColumn % 100
FROM YourTable;
This happens to be what run times look like in msdb..sysjobschedules, which I've addressed here. Assuming "val" is your integer, try:
select dateadd(s, val - ((val / 100) * 40) - ((val / 10000) * 2400), 0/*or some date*/)
(subtracting out 40 seconds per minute and 40*100 + 2400 seconds per hour to get the actual number of seconds, then adding that many seconds to a date.)
date (dateadd(second,value,'19700101'))

I have column x in hh:mm format of datatype varchar in SQL Server and I want to perform sum on that 'x' column

I have column x in hh:mm format of datatype varchar in SQL Server and I want to perform sum on that x column.
I created a user-defined function to convert total min into hh:mm format.
Then I tried to perform sum to calculate total duration:
sum(cast(new_totalmin AS Int))
also i want total of HH:mm exactly as example
5 hour: 30 minute
or i can do one thing here insted hh:mm i keep column as it is which is totalmin as int once sum cal insted of hh:mm (hh.mm which is in decimal also ok for me PSB it will be ok for me ':' or '.' format )
(60 min --> 1:00 --> 1.00
90 min --> 1:30 -->1.30
sum --> 150 min -->2:30 --> 2.30)
but it did not work.
I got an error like
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '01:00' to data type int
DECLARE #SampleData AS TABLE (HourMinutes VARCHAR(10));
INSERT INTO #SampleData VALUES ('4:32');
INSERT INTO #SampleData VALUES ('5:28');
INSERT INTO #SampleData VALUES ('6:00');
INSERT INTO #SampleData VALUES ('7:10');
SELECT * FROM #SampleData
SELECT SUM(datediff(minute, 0, HourMinutes)) TotalMinute
FROM #SampleData
You will get following output
hh:mm is a varchar data and applying SUM will not work on it.
As you are telling that you are already having a function, I would suggest you to perform sum of the minutes and then later convert them to hh:mm
SELECT ... , YourUserDefinedFunction(sum(minuteData)) as minutesInHHMM_Format
FROM ...
I would recommend that you store numeric values -- such as the number of minutes -- as a number rather than a string.
The challenge is converting the value back to an HH:MM format. SQL Server does not support time values of 24 hours or greater, so you need to use string manipulations.
Assuming that your values are all less than 24 hours, you can use:
select sum(datediff(minute, 0, hhmm)) as num_minutes,
concat(sum(datediff(minute, 0, hhmm)) / 60, ':',
format(sum(datediff(minute, 0, hhmm)) % 60, '00')
from t;
The result here is a string, so this can exceed 24 hours.
A more general solution eschews date/times altogether:
select sum(v.minutes) as num_minutes,
concat(sum(v.minutes) / 60, ':',
format(sum(v.minutes) % 60, '00')
from t cross apply
(values (left(t.hhmm, charindex(':', t.hhmm) - 1) * 60 + right(t.hhmm, 2))
) v(minutes);
Here is a db<>fiddle.

SQL Convert Military time to Time

I have a sql database where clock in times are displayed as military time, but in number format. E.g. 907 is 09:07am, or 1514 is 15:14pm
Is there any way of converting this in SQL?
Currently I output into excel and use the below formula to calculate but would prefer to do all this in SQL
Any help you be appropriated
If you want the output as a time value:
select convert(time, dateadd(second, t/100 * 60 + t % 100, 0))
from (values (907), (1514)) v(t);
If you just want a string returned:
select stuff(right('0' + convert(varchar(255), t), 4), 3, 0, ':')
from (values (907), (1514)) v(t);

How do I convert a 5 or 6 digit decimal to a date in sql

I've got a column that shows the date as a decimal such as 101118 for 10-11-18 and 90118 for 09-01-18. I am trying to create a simple report that would give me all reservations yesterday.
So for example
Select playerid, datereservationmade
from dbo.lms
normally there is very simple and I would just do
Select playerid, datereservationmade
from dbo.lms
where datereservationmade >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,1,GETDATE()),0)
AND datereservationmade < dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GETDATE()),0)
That does not work in this case because the datereservationmade field is a decimal and if its a month 1-9 it leaves off the 0 and makes it a 5 digit decimal then if its 10-12 it is a 6 digit decimal.
Someone please help me figure out how to convert this!
If at all possible, you really should fix your schema so that dates are actually being stored as dates.
If you need to work with the decimal data type, you can use something like the following...
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TestData', 'U') IS NOT NULL
decimal_date DECIMAL(6, 0) NOT NULL
INSERT #TestData (decimal_date) VALUES (101118), (90118), (101718);
#TestData td
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), td.decimal_date), 6)) ) cd (char_date)
CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (CONVERT(DATE, STUFF(STUFF(cd.char_date, 5, 0, '/'), 3, 0, '/'), 1)) ) dd (date_date)
dd.date_date = CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()));
Convert the decimal to varchar(6) by adding a zero in front and getting the RIGHT 6 characters.
Then convert the string to a date from its parts, which are substrings in your varchar(6). This is made easier in SQL Server 2012 with the DATEFROMPARTS function.
Using the DATEFROMPARTS, as Tab Alleman suggested, you might get something like this:
-- Example of the arithmetic
SELECT 101118 / 10000 AS Month, (101118 % 10000) / 100 AS Day, (101118 % 100) AS Year
-- Using the math in DATEFROMPARTS
SELECT DATEFROMPARTS((101118 % 100) + 2000, 101118 / 10000, (101118 % 10000) / 100 )
However, I'm skeptical that you've provided all the correct information. What happens on January first? Your decimal value won't start with zero (as you stated). Will your day always pad with zero? If not, then 1119 won't produce the same result as 10119. If, however, your day does start with zero, then the equation above should work fine.

Convert an Integer to time

I am being supplied a single integer that is supposed to represent an hour. So If it returns 1 it is 1:00 am and so forth on a 24 hour clock,13 for example is 1:00 pm. I need to convert this into time in SQL.
I know in MYSQL they have a function which does this:
Is there an equivalent I can use in SQL? How do I do this?
You could do something like this.
select cast(DATEADD(hour, 13, 0) as time)
The upside is that it will still work even with negative numbers or values over 24.
There are two T-SQL function:
DATEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day )
TIMEFROMPARTS ( hour, minute, seconds, fractions, precision )
then you can use CONVERT if you need to format it.
-- test data
declare #hour_table table(hour_number int)
while (select count(*) from #hour_table) < 24
insert into #hour_table(hour_number)
select count(*) from #hour_table
-- return results with your conversion to time string
convert(varchar(8),timefromparts( hour_number, 0, 0, 0, 0 ),0) as time_string
from #hour_table