Creating a SQL view that will accept inserted values - sql

I have created a SQL view that retrieves the result set I desire but when I try to add a new set of values it fails. When searching around on the net it appears that VIEW has a few limitations and some types of joins may not be allowed, I have tried to create the view a few different ways but with no success yet, would anyone happen to know a way I could rewrite this create view query that would allow me to insert new values into it?
The view:
SELECT item.itemno, item.itemdesc, item.itemprice
FROM item
FULL OUTER JOIN invoiceitem ON item.itemno = invoiceitem.itemno
WHERE item.itemdesc LIKE '%National%'
AND invoiceitem.invoiceno IS NULL
My insert statement that does not work:
VALUES ('123-456', 'National TV', 100);
I get this error:
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
INSERT INTO NATIONAL_ITEMS VALUES ('123-456', 'National TV', 100)
Error at Command Line : 1 Column : 1
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
01733. 00000 - "virtual column not allowed here"
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

You have two options for the view in order to insert in the view.
First, Your View must contain all the keys present in the table on which you are creating the view i.e there must be no DISTINCT OR GROUP BY clause.
If you performing JOIN on the tables same is applicable for all join tables, all keys from the table must be present in the view and there must be no DISTINCT OR GROUP BY clause.
The table which has 1:1 row relationship with the rows in the view called Key preserving table
Second, you can create instead of trigger on the view. The trigger will be fired instead of INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE and in the trigger, you can handle the DML statement.
Since your table is not key preserving then you can make use of INSTEAD OF TRIGGER.
INSERT INTO ITEM(itemno, itemdesc, itemprice) VALUES (:NEW.itemno, :NEW.itemdesc, :NEW.itemprice);


Db2 sqlcode -20186

I am trying to run a simple insert statement in db2 but getting invalid statement:
my sql :
insert into schema1.table1 select * from schema2.table1
I had gone through ibm knowledge center and found this page.
I understand db2 allows 3 forms of insert:
There are three forms of this statement:
The INSERT via VALUES form is used to insert a single row into the table or view using the values provided or referenced.
The INSERT via SELECT form is used to insert one or more rows into the table or view using values from other tables, or views, or both.
The INSERT via FOR n ROWS form is used to insert multiple rows into the table or view using values provided or referenced.
My question is why db2 is looking for "for n rows" clause in my query.
Note: this query is being sent through SSGODBC.
Might want to try and explicitly state the columns.
INSERT INTO Schema1.table1 (col1,col2,...) SELECT col1,col2,... FROM Schema2.table2

Delete a column from a table without changing the environment

I'm working on Oracle SQL database, quite big database. One of (among 150 tables) this table has to be changed because it's redundant (it can be generated through a join). I have been asked to delete a column from this table, to get rid of the redundancy. The problem is that now I have to change code everywhere someone made a insert/update/etc on this table (and don't forget the constraint!). I thought "I can make a view that do the right join" so the problem it's solved for all the select, but it's not working for the insert, because I'm updating 2 tables... Is there a way to solve this problem?
My goal is to rename my original table original_table in original_table_smaller (with one less column) and create a view (or something like a view) called original_table that work like the original table.
Is this possible?
As your view will contain one column that is not present in the real table, you will need to use an instead of trigger to make the view updateable.
Something like this:
create table smaller_table
id integer not null primary key,
some_column varchar(20)
create view real_table
select id,
null as old_column
from smaller_table;
Now your old code would run something like this:
insert into real_table
(id, some_column, old_column)
(1, 'foo', 'bar');
which results in:
ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
To get around this, you need an INSTEAD OF trigger:
create or replace trigger comp_trigger
instead of insert on smaller_table
insert into old_table
(id, some_column)
(, :new.some_column);
Now the value for the "old_column" will be ignored. You need something similar for updates as well.
If your view contains a join, then you can handle that situation as well in the trigger. Simply do an update/insert according to the data to two different tables
For more details and examples, see the manual
It is possible to insert/update on views.
You might want to check with USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS which columns you can insert to the view.
Check with this query:
select * from user_updatable_columns where table_name = 'VIEW_NAME';
Oracle has two different ways of making views updatable:-
The view is "key preserved" with respect to what you are trying to update. This means the primary key of the underlying table is in the view and the row appears only once in the view. This means Oracle can figure out exactly which underlying table row to update OR
You write an instead of trigger.

Virtual column not allowed here

I am trying to insert a row in a table using VIEW as
but it gives me following error:
Error starting at line 5 in command:
Error at Command Line:5 Column:22
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
01733. 00000 - "virtual column not allowed here"
Any Clue ?
Added the View Definition:
(SELECT field.fieldid,
NVL(, name,
NVL(i18n.description, field.description) description,
FROM fields field
JOIN i18n_fields i18n
ON (field.fieldid = i18n.fieldid)
LANGUAGE_ID is probably a calculated field, or in any case the database cannot infer what change is to be made to the tables underlying the view based on the change you are requiring. Have to see the view definition code to know.
I believe that in order to do an insert or update using a view that all of the tables in the view must be joined via a primary key. This is to prevent duplicates caused by the view which cannot be updated.
Is there a very good reason you are not just inserting into the underlying table? If you can, just insert into the table directly and avoid this complication.
What are you expecting Oracle to do? Are you expecting it to insert a new record into i18n_fields?
If you really want to do it like this you will need to create an INSTEAD OF trigger because Oracle can't figure out which of the underlying tables it should insert into when your run your insert statement.

Getting INSERT errors when I do UPDATE?

At work we have a SQL Server database. I don't know the db that well. I have created a new column in the table for some new functionality....straight away I have started seeing errors
My statement was this:
ADD locked varchar(50) NULL
The error is:
Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition
I have read that the error message appears when during an INSERT operation either the number of supplied column names or the number of supplied values does not match the table definition.
But I have checked so many times and i have changed the PHP code to include this columns data yet I still receive the error.
I have run the SQL query directly on the db and still get the error.
Funny enough the query which gets the error is an Update.
UPDATE "users"
SET "users"."date_last_login" = GETDATE()
WHERE id = 1
Have you considered it could be a trigger causing it? 
This is the error message you would get.
If its an Update action causing it check trigger actions that Updates on that table run.
Do it with:
#sp_helptrigger Users, 'UPDATE';
This will show triggers occuring with ‘update’ actions.
If there is a trigger, grab the triggers name and run the below (but replace TriggerNameHere with real trigger):
#sp_helptext TriggerNameHere;
This will give you any SQL that the trigger runs and could be the INSERT the error message is referring to.
Hope this helps
Aside from TRIGGERS,
the reason for that is because you are using implicit type of INSERT statement. Let's say your previous number of columns on the table is 3. You have this syntax of INSERT statement,
INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('val1','val2','val3')
which executes normally fine. But then you have altered the table to add another column. All of your INSERT queries are inserting only three values on the table which doesn't matches to the total number of columns.
In order to fix the problem, you have to update all INSERT statements to insert 4 values on the table,
INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('val1','val2','val3', 'val4')
and it will normally work fine.
I'll advise you to use the EXPLICIT type of INSERT wherein you have to specify the columns you want to insert values with. Eg,
INSERT INTO tableName (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ('val1','val2','val3')
in this ways, even if you have altered your tables by adding additional columns, your INSERT statement won't be affected unless the column doesn't have a default value and which is non-nullable.

Oracle view with multiple join is only recognize when use a quotes around - why?

I have encountered a strange behavior while executing an sql query on the Oracle view.
The view contains multiple joins. When I type a regular sql:
select * from vView - I receive the error that view is not found
select * from "vView" - The query is executed.
I am wondering why ?
Below is my sql:
The view was created with a mixed case name. If you issue the following (note no quotes around object names)
create view karl.vView
(select * from dba_tables);
The RDBMS will create the view and you will then find a line in dba_views (or user_views if you can't see dba_views) with the name VVIEW in upper case. Then select * from karl.vview or ... from KARL.VVIEW will work
If however you quote the objects names retains the case and you have to explicitly match it again with quotes. (This will also allow spaces in names and other bad scenarios. Worth knowing about to avoid and to be able to resolve when it does happen.
SYS#icedev> create table "TesT" (a int);
Table created.
SYS#icedev> insert into TesT values (1);
insert into TesT values (1)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SYS#icedev> insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (1)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SYS#icedev> insert into "TesT" values (1);
1 row created.
Of course to drop this table I had to use Drop table "TesT";
In Oracle, objects have an uppercase name unless quoted.
You used quotes to create an object with a mixed case name, so you must now ALWAYS refer to the object using a quoted identifier to say "Don't change this to uppercase".