How to design an optimal CNN? [closed] - tensorflow

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I am working on a Ph.D. project, which objective is to reduce CO2 emissions on Earth.
I have a dataset, and I was able to successfully implement a CNN, which gives 80% accuracy (worst-case scenario). However, the field where I work is very demanding, and I have the impression that I could get better accuracy with a well-optimized CNN.
How do experts design CNN's? How could I choose between Inception Modules, Dropout Regularization, Batch Normalization, convolutional filter size, size and depth of convolutional channels, number of fully-connected layers, activations neurons, etc? How do people navigate this large optimization problem in a scientific manner? The combinations are endless. Are there any real-life examples where this problem is navigated, addressing its full complexity (not just optimizing a few hyper-parameters)?
Hopefully, my dataset is not too large, so the CNN models that I am considering should have very few parameters.

How do experts design CNN's? How could I choose between Inception Modules, Dropout Regularization, Batch Normalization, convolutional filter size, size and depth of convolutional channels, number of fully-connected layers, activations neurons, etc? How do people navigate this large optimization problem in a scientific manner? The combinations are endless.
You said truly that the combinations are huge in number. And without approaching rightly you may end up with nowhere. A great one said machine Learning is an art, not science. Results are data-dependent. Here are a few tips regarding your above concern.
Log Everything: In the training time, save necessary logs of every experiment such as training loss, validation loss, weight files, execution times, visualization, etc. Some of them can be saved with CSVLogger, ModelCheckpoint etc. TensorBoard is a great tool for inspecting both training log and visualization and many more.
Strong Validation Strategies: This is very important. To build a stable Cross-Validation (CV), we must have a good understanding of the data and the challenges faced. We’ll check and make sure the validation set has a similar distribution to the training set and test set. And We’ll try to make sure our models improve both on our CV and on the test set (if gt is available for the test set). Basically, partitioning the data randomly is usually not enough to satisfy this. Understanding the data and how we can partition it without introducing a data leakage in our CV is key to avoid overfitting.
Change Only One: During the experiment, change one thing at a time and save the observations (logs) for those changes. For example: change the image size gradually from 224 (for example) to higher and observe the results. We should start with a small combination. While experimenting with image size, fix others like model architecture, learning rate, etc. The same goes for the learning rate part or model architectures. However, later we also may need to change more than one when we get some promising combinations. In kaggle competition, these are very common approaches one would follow. Below is a very simple example regarding this. But it's not limited any way.
However, as you said, your Ph.D. project is to reduce CO2 emissions on Earth. In my understanding, these are more application-specific problems and less than the algorithm-specific problems. So, we think it's better to take benefit from well-recognized pre-trained models.
In case if we wish to write our CNN on our own, we should give a decent time on it. Start with a very simple one, for example:
Conv2D (16, 3, 'relu') - > MaxPool (2)
Conv2D (32, 3, 'relu') - > MaxPool (2)
Conv2D (64, 3, 'relu') - > MaxPool (2)
Conv2D (128, 3, 'relu') - > MaxPool (2)
Here we gradually increase the depth but reducing the feature dimension. By the end layer, more semantic information would emerge. While stacking Conv2D layers, it's common practice to increase the channel depth in such order 16, 32, 64, 128 etc. If we want to impute Inception or Residual Block inside our network, I think, we should do some basic math first about what feature properties will come out of this, etc. Following a concept like this, we may also wish to look at approaches like SENet, ResNeSt etc. About Dropout, if we observe that our model is getting overfitted during training, then we should add some. In the final layer, we may want to choose GlobalAveragePooling over the Flatten layer (FCC). We can probably now understand that there are lots of ablation studies that need to be done to get a satisfactory CNN model.
In this regard, We suggest you explore the two most important things: (1). Read one of the pre-trained model papers/blogs/videos about their strategies to build the algorithm. For example: check out this EfficientNet Explained. (2). Next, explore the source code of it. That would give your more sense and encourage you to build your own giant.
We like to end this with one last working example. See the model diagram below, it's a small inception network, source. If we look closely, we will see, it consists of the following three modules.
Conv Module
Inception Module
Downsample Modul
Take a close look at each module's configuration such as filter size, strides, etc. Let's try to understand and implement this module. Before that, here are two good references (1, 2) for the Inception concept to refresh the concept.
Conv Module
From the diagram we can see, it consists of one convolutional network, one batch normalization, and one relu activation. Also, it produces C times feature maps with K x K filters and S x S strides. To do that, we will create a class object that will inherit the tf.keras.layers.Layer classes
class ConvModule(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_num, kernel_size, strides, padding='same'):
super(ConvModule, self).__init__()
# conv layer
self.conv = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(kernel_num,
strides=strides, padding=padding)
# batch norm layer = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()
def call(self, input_tensor, training=False):
x = self.conv(input_tensor)
x =, training=training)
x = tf.nn.relu(x)
return x
Inception Module
Next comes the Inception module. According to the above graph, it consists of two convolutional modules and then merges together. Now as we know to merge, here we need to ensure that the output feature maps dimension ( height and width ) needs to be the same.
class InceptionModule(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_size1x1, kernel_size3x3):
super(InceptionModule, self).__init__()
# two conv modules: they will take same input tensor
self.conv1 = ConvModule(kernel_size1x1, kernel_size=(1,1), strides=(1,1))
self.conv2 = ConvModule(kernel_size3x3, kernel_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1)) = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()
def call(self, input_tensor, training=False):
x_1x1 = self.conv1(input_tensor)
x_3x3 = self.conv2(input_tensor)
x =[x_1x1, x_3x3])
return x
Here you may notice that we are now hard-coded the exact kernel size and strides number for both convolutional layers according to the network (diagram). And also in ConvModule, we have already set padding to the same, so that the dimension of the feature maps will be the same for both (self.conv1 and self.conv2); which is required in order to concatenate them to the end.
Again, in this module, two variable performs as the placeholder, kernel_size1x1, and kernel_size3x3. This is for the purpose of course. Because we will need different numbers of feature maps to the different stages of the entire model. If we look into the diagram of the model, we will see that InceptionModule takes a different number of filters at different stages in the model.
Downsample Module
Lastly the downsampling module. The main intuition for downsampling is that we hope to get more relevant feature information that highly represents the inputs to the model. As it tends to remove the unwanted feature so that model can focus on the most relevant. There are many ways we can reduce the dimension of the feature maps (or inputs). For example: using strides 2 or using the conventional pooling operation. There are many types of pooling operation, namely: MaxPooling, AveragePooling, GlobalAveragePooling.
From the diagram, we can see that the downsampling module contains one convolutional layer and one max-pooling layer which later merges together. Now, if we look closely at the diagram (top-right), we will see that the convolutional layer takes a 3 x 3 size filter with strides 2 x 2. And the pooling layer (here MaxPooling) takes pooling size 3 x 3 with strides 2 x 2. Fair enough, however, we also ensure that the dimension coming from each of them should be the same in order to merge at the end. Now, if we remember when we design the ConvModule we purposely set the value of the padding argument to same. But in this case, we need to set it to valid.
class DownsampleModule(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_size):
super(DownsampleModule, self).__init__()
# conv layer
self.conv3 = ConvModule(kernel_size, kernel_size=(3,3),
strides=(2,2), padding="valid")
# pooling layer
self.pool = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3),
strides=(2,2)) = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()
def call(self, input_tensor, training=False):
# forward pass
conv_x = self.conv3(input_tensor, training=training)
pool_x = self.pool(input_tensor)
# merged
return[conv_x, pool_x])
Okay, now we have built all three modules, namely: ConvModule InceptionModule DownsampleModule. Let's initialize their parameter according to the diagram.
class MiniInception(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, num_classes=10):
super(MiniInception, self).__init__()
# the first conv module
self.conv_block = ConvModule(96, (3,3), (1,1))
# 2 inception module and 1 downsample module
self.inception_block1 = InceptionModule(32, 32)
self.inception_block2 = InceptionModule(32, 48)
self.downsample_block1 = DownsampleModule(80)
# 4 inception module and 1 downsample module
self.inception_block3 = InceptionModule(112, 48)
self.inception_block4 = InceptionModule(96, 64)
self.inception_block5 = InceptionModule(80, 80)
self.inception_block6 = InceptionModule(48, 96)
self.downsample_block2 = DownsampleModule(96)
# 2 inception module
self.inception_block7 = InceptionModule(176, 160)
self.inception_block8 = InceptionModule(176, 160)
# average pooling
self.avg_pool = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D((7,7))
# model tail
self.flat = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
self.classfier = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')
def call(self, input_tensor, training=True, **kwargs):
# forward pass
x = self.conv_block(input_tensor)
x = self.inception_block1(x)
x = self.inception_block2(x)
x = self.downsample_block1(x)
x = self.inception_block3(x)
x = self.inception_block4(x)
x = self.inception_block5(x)
x = self.inception_block6(x)
x = self.downsample_block2(x)
x = self.inception_block7(x)
x = self.inception_block8(x)
x = self.avg_pool(x)
x = self.flat(x)
return self.classfier(x)
The amount of filter number for each computational block is set according to the design of the model (see the diagram). After initialing all the blocks (in the __init__ function), we connect them according to the design (in the call function).

I think you are way off on your estimate of the number of parameters needed. Think more like a few million which is what you will get if you use transfer learning. You can struggle trying to make your own model if you wish but you will probable not be any better (and more likely no where near as good) as the results you will get from transfer learning. I highly recommend the MobileV2 model. Now you can make that or any of the other models perform better if you use an adjustable learning rate using ReduceLROnPlateau . Documentation for that is here. The other thing I recommend is to use the Keras callback EarlyStopping. Documentation is here. . Set it to monitor validation loss and set restore_best_weights=True. Set the number of epochs to a large number so this callback gets triggered and returns the model with the weights from the epoch with the lowest validation loss. My recommended code is shown below
img_shape=(height, width, 3)
class_count=156 # number of classes
img_shape=(height, width, 3)
base_model=tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2( include_top=False, input_shape=img_shape, pooling='max', weights='imagenet')
x=keras.layers.BatchNormalization(axis=-1, momentum=0.99, epsilon=0.001 )(x)
x = Dense(512, kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(l = 0.016),activity_regularizer=regularizers.l1(0.006),
bias_regularizer=regularizers.l1(0.006) ,activation='relu', kernel_initializer= tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform(seed=123))(x)
x=Dropout(rate=dropout, seed=123)(x)
output=Dense(class_count, activation='softmax',kernel_initializer=tf.keras.initializers.GlorotUniform(seed=123))(x)
model=Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=output)
model.compile(Adamax(lr=lr), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
rlronp=tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.5, patience=1, verbose=1, mode='auto', min_delta=0.0001, cooldown=0, min_lr=0)
estop=tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping( monitor="val_loss", min_delta=0, patience=4,
verbose=1, mode="auto", baseline=None,
callbacks=[rlronp, estop]
Also look at the balance in your data set. That is, compare how many training samples you have for each class. If the ratio of most samples/least samples>2 or 3 you may want to take action to mitigate that. Numerous methods are available, the simplest is to use the class_weight parameter in o do that you need to create a class_weights dictionary. The process to do that is outline below
Lets say your class distribution is
class0 - 500 samples
class1- 2000 samples
class2 - 1500 samples
class3 - 200 samples
Then your dictionary would be
class_weights={0: 2000/500, 1:2000/2000, 2: 2000/1500, 3: 2000/200}
in set class_weight=class_weights


gaussian projection versus gaussian noise

I am facing difficulties with the following layer in keras:
gaussian_projection = 64
gaussian_scale = 20
initializer = tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0.0, stddev=gauss_scale)
proj_kernel = tf.keras.layers.Dense(gaussian_projection, use_bias=False, trainable=False,
What does above layers intends to do? Is it a layer to add gaussian noise or something different?
I hope someone knows about it.
##################### Another 2nd version of the layer ##########
input_dim = 3
new_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(input_dim, use_bias=False, trainable=False,
Does both version of layers (1st and 2nd) intends to do the same thing, i.e., adding gaussian noise?
I think the above 2 are different as follows:
The first block of codes basically create a Dense layer, in which the gaussian_projection variable is the number of units and the initializer is a way to initialize the layer. This initialization is normally done to improve the convergence of the layer and network; but overall, the first block of codes is a typical Dense layer. I think there is no noise added in this first block of code.
On the other hand, the second block of codes create a GaussianNoise layer after the Dense layer, which is normally done to regularize the network and reduce overfitting. And based on the official documentation, this GaussianNoise layer is only active during training.

MLP output of first layer is zero after one epoch

I've been running into an issue lately trying to train a simple MLP.
I'm basically trying to get a network to map the XYZ position and RPY orientation of the end-effector of a robot arm (6-dimensional input) to the angle of every joint of the robot arm to reach that position (6-dimensional output), so this is a regression problem.
I've generated a dataset using the angles to compute the current position, and generated datasets with 5k, 500k and 500M sets of values.
My issue is the MLP I'm using doesn't learn anything at all. Using Tensorboard (I'm using Keras), I've realized that the output of my very first layer is always zero (see image 1), no matter what I try.
Basically, my input is a shape (6,) vector and the output is also a shape (6,) vector.
Here is what I've tried so far, without success:
I've tried MLPs with 2 layers of size 12, 24; 2 layers of size 48, 48; 4 layers of size 12, 24, 24, 48.
Adam, SGD, RMSprop optimizers
Learning rates ranging from 0.15 to 0.001, with and without decay
Both Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as the loss function
Normalizing the input data, and not normalizing it (the first 3 values are between -3 and +3, the last 3 are between -pi and pi)
Batch sizes of 1, 10, 32
Tested the MLP of all 3 datasets of 5k values, 500k values and 5M values.
Tested with number of epoches ranging from 10 to 1000
Tested multiple initializers for the bias and kernel.
Tested both the Sequential model and the Keras functional API (to make sure the issue wasn't how I called the model)
All 3 of sigmoid, relu and tanh activation functions for the hidden layers (the last layer is a linear activation because its a regression)
Additionally, I've tried the very same MLP architecture on the basic Boston housing price regression dataset by Keras, and the net was definitely learning something, which leads me to believe that there may be some kind of issue with my data. However, I'm at a complete loss as to what it may be as the system in its current state does not learn anything at all, the loss function just stalls starting on the 1st epoch.
Any help or lead would be appreciated, and I will gladly provide code or data if needed!
Thank you
Here's a link to 5k samples of the data I'm using. Columns B-G are the output (angles used to generate the position/orientation) and columns H-M are the input (XYZ position and RPY orientation).
Also, here's a snippet of the code I'm using:
df = pd.read_csv('kinova_jaco_data_5k.csv', names = ['state0',
states = np.asarray(
[df.state0.to_numpy(), df.state1.to_numpy(), df.state2.to_numpy(), df.state3.to_numpy(), df.state4.to_numpy(),
poses = np.asarray(
[df.pose0.to_numpy(), df.pose1.to_numpy(), df.pose2.to_numpy(), df.pose3.to_numpy(), df.pose4.to_numpy(),
x_train_temp, x_test, y_train_temp, y_test = train_test_split(poses, states, test_size=0.2)
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x_train_temp, y_train_temp, test_size=0.2)
mean = x_train.mean(axis=0)
x_train -= mean
std = x_train.std(axis=0)
x_train /= std
x_test -= mean
x_test /= std
x_val -= mean
x_val /= std
n_epochs = 100
n_units=[48, 48]
inputs = Input(shape=(6,), dtype= 'float32', name = 'input')
x = Dense(units=n_units[0], activation=relu, name='dense1')(inputs)
for i in range(1, n_hidden_layers):
x = Dense(units=n_units[i], activation=activation, name='dense'+str(i+1))(x)
out = Dense(units=6, activation='linear', name='output_layer')(x)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=out)
optimizer = SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.4)
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mse', metrics=['mse', 'mae'])
history =,
validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
Edit 2
I've tested the architecture with a random dataset where the input was a (6,) vector where input[i] is a random number and the output was a (6,) vector with output[i] = input[i]² and the network didn't learn anything. I've also tested a random dataset where the input was a random number and the output was a linear function of the input, and the loss converged to 0 pretty quickly. In short, it seems the simple architecture is unable to map a non-linear function.
the output of my very first layer is always zero.
This typically means that the network does not "see" any pattern in the input at all, which causes it to always predict the mean of the target over the entire training set, regardless of input. Your output is in the range of -𝜋 to 𝜋 probably with an expected value of 0, so it checks out.
My guess is that the model is too small to represent the data efficiently. I would suggest that you increase the number of parameters in the model by a factor of 10 or 100 and see if it starts seeing something. Limiting the number of parameters has a regularizing effect on the network, and strong regularization usually leads the the aforementioned derping to the mean.
I'm by no means a robotics expert, but I guess that there are a lot of situations where a small nudge in the output parameters causes a large change of the input. Let's say I'm trying to scratch my back with my left hand - the farther my hand goes to the left, the harder the task becomes, so at some point I might want to switch hands, which is a discontinuous configuration change. A bad analogy, sure, but I hope it demonstrates my hunch that there are certain places in the configuration space where small target changes cause large configuration changes.
Such large changes will cause a very large, very noisy gradient around those points. I'm not sure how well the network will work around these noisy gradients, but I would suggest as an experiment that you try to limit the training dataset to a set of outputs that are connected smoothly to one another in the configuration space of the arm, if that makes sense. Going further, you should remove any points from the dataset that are close to such configuration boundaries. To make up for that at inference time, you might instead want to sample several close-by points and choose the most common prediction as the final result. Hopefully some of those points will land in a smooth configuration area.
Also, adding batch normalization before each dense layer will help smooth the gradient and provide for more reliable training.
As for the rest of your hyperparameters:
A batch size of 32 is good, a very small batch size will make the gradient too noisy
The loss function is not critical, both MSE and MAE should work
The activation functions aren't critical, ReLU is a good default choice.
The default initializers a good enough.
Normalizing is important for Dense layers, so keep it
Train for as many epochs as you need as long as both the training and validation loss are dropping. If the validation loss hasn't dropped for 5-10 epochs you might as well stop early.
Adam is a good default choice. Start with a small learning rate and increase the learning rate at the beginning of training only if the training loss is dropping consistently over several epochs.
Further reading: 37 Reasons why your Neural Network is not working
I ended up replacing the first dense layer with a Conv1D layer and the network now seems to be learning decently. It's overfitting to my data, but that's territory I'm okay with.
I'm closing the thread for now, I'll spend some time playing with the architecture.

How to adjust Model for rare binary outcome with Tensorflow or GBM

I'm currently working on data with rare binary outcome, i.e. the response vector contains mostly 0 and only a few 1 (approximately 1.5% ones). I've got about 20 continuous explanatory variables. I tried to train models using GBM, Random Forests, TensorFlow with Keras backend.
I observed a special behavior of the models, regardless which method I used:
The accuracy is high (~98%) but the model predicts probabilities for class "0" for all outcomes as ~98.5% and for class "1" ~1,5%.
How can I prevent this behavior?
I'm using RStudio. For Example a TF model with Keras would be:
model <- keras_model_sequential()
model %>%
layer_dense(units = 256, activation = "relu", input_shape = c(20)) %>%
layer_dense(units = 256, activation = "relu") %>%
layer_dense(units = 2, activation = "sigmoid")
parallel_model <- multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=2)
parallel_model %>% compile(
optimizer = "adam",
loss = "binary_crossentropy",
metrics = "binary_accuracy")
histroy <- parallel_model %>% fit(
x_train, y_train,
batch_size = 64,
epochs = 100,
class_weight = list("0"=1,"1"=70),
verbose = 1,
validation_split = 0.2
But my observation is not limited to TF. This makes my question more general. I'm not asking for specific adjustments for the model above, rather I'd like to discuss at what point all outcomes are assigned the same probability.
I can guess, the issue is connected to the loss-function.
I know there is no way to use AUC as loss functions, since it's not differentiable. If I test models with AUC with unknown data, the result is not better than random guessing.
I don't mind answers with code in Python, since this isn't a problem about coding rather than general behavior and algorithms.
When your problem has unbalanced classes, I suggest using SMOTE (on the training data only!!! never use smote on your testing data!!!) before training the model.
For example:
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
X_trn_balanced, Y_trn_balanced = SMOTE(random_state=1, ratio=1).fit_sample(X_trn, Y_trn)
#next fit the model with the balanced data, Y_trn_balanced )
In my (not so big) experience with AUC problems and rare positives, I see models with one class (not two). It's either "result is positive (1)" or "result is negative (0)".
Metrics like accuracy are useless for these problems, you should use AUC based metrics with big batch sizes.
For these problems, it doesn't matter whether the outcome probabilities are too little, as long as there is a difference between them. (Forests, GBM, etc. will indeed output these little values, but this is not a problem)
For neural networks, you can try to use class weights to increase the output probabilities. But notice that if you split the result in two separate classes (considering only one class should be positive), it doesn't matter if you use weights, because:
For the first class, low weights: predict all ones is good
For the second class, high weights: predict all zeros is good (weighted to very good)
So, as an initial solution, you can:
Use a 'softmax' activation (to guarantee your model will have only one correct output) and a 'categorical_crossentropy' loss.
(Or, preferrably) Use a model with only one class and keep 'sigmoid' with 'binary_crossentropy'.
I always work with the preferrable option above. In this case, if you use batch sizes that are big enough to contain one or two positive examples (batch size around 100 for you), weights may even be discarded. If the batch sizes are too little and many batches don't contain positive results, you may have too many weight updates towards plain zeros, which is bad.
You may also resample your data and, for instance, multiply by 10 the number of positive examples, so your batches contain more positives and training becomes easier.
Example of AUC metric to determine when training should end:
#in python - considering outputs with only one class
def aucMetric(true, pred):
true= K.flatten(true)
pred = K.flatten(pred)
totalCount = K.shape(true)[0]
values, indices = tf.nn.top_k(pred, k = totalCount)
sortedTrue = K.gather(true, indices)
tpCurve = K.cumsum(sortedTrue)
negatives = 1 - sortedTrue
auc = K.sum(tpCurve * negatives)
totalCount = K.cast(totalCount, K.floatx())
positiveCount = K.sum(true)
negativeCount = totalCount - positiveCount
totalArea = positiveCount * negativeCount
return auc / totalArea

Tensorflow for image segmentation: Batch normalization has worst performance

I'm using TensorFlow for a multi-target regression problem. Specifically, in a fully convolutional residual network for pixel-wise labeling with the input being an image and the label a mask. In my case I am using brain MR as images and the labels are mask of the tumors.
I have accomplish a fairly decent result using my net:
Although I am sure there is still room for improvement. Therefore, I wanted to add batch normalization. I implemented it as follows:
# Convolutional Layer 1
Z10 = tf.nn.conv2d(X, W_conv10, strides = [1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
Z10 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(Z10, center=True, scale=True, is_training = train_flag)
A10 = tf.nn.relu(Z10)
Z1 = tf.nn.conv2d(Z10, W_conv1, strides = [1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
Z1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(Z1, center=True, scale=True, is_training = train_flag)
A1 = tf.nn.relu(Z1)
for each the conv and transpose layers of my net. But the results are not what I expected. the net with batch normalization has a terrible performance. In orange is the loss of the net without batch normalization while the blue has it:
Not only the net is learning slower, the predicted labels are also very bad in the net using batch normalization.
Does any one know why this might be the case?
Could it be my cost function? I am currently using
loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = dA1, labels = Y)
cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
Batch normalization is a terrible normalization choice for tasks related to semantic information being passed through the network. Look into conditional normalization methods - Adaptive Instance Normalization, etc to understand my point. Also, this paper - Batch normalization washes away all the semantic information of the network.
It might be a naive guess, but maybe your batch size is too little. Normalizing might be good if the batch is large enough to represent the distribution of input values for the layer. If the batch is too small, information might be lost by normalization.
I also had problem with batch normalization on a semantic segmentaion task because the batch size had to be small (<10) due the input image size (1600x1200x3).
I tried Batch Normalization on FCN - 8 architecture with the PASCAL VOC2012 dataset.
And it gave terrible results, as others have mentioned above, but the model performed good without the Batch Normalization layers. One of my hypothesis for the network to perform badly is that in the decoder architecture we are mainly concerned with upsampling the feature space in a learnable fashion using CNN as a medium, because the feature map for the problem is set in the 1x1 conv performed at the end of base net which extracts the features.
We even add previous layers output from the encoder to the decoder (inspired from resnet architecture) and the reason to do so is to reduce the effect of vanishing gradient problem in deeper architectures.
And Batch Normalization works really well when we want to predict some classes from a picture or a sub - region of the picture, because there we don't have a decoder architecture to upsample the predicted feature space.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

DeepLearning Anomaly Detection for images

I am still relatively new to the world of Deep Learning. I wanted to create a Deep Learning model (preferably using Tensorflow/Keras) for image anomaly detection. By anomaly detection I mean, essentially a OneClassSVM.
I have already tried sklearn's OneClassSVM using HOG features from the image. I was wondering if there is some example of how I can do this in deep learning. I looked up but couldn't find one single code piece that handles this case.
The way of doing this in Keras is with the KerasRegressor wrapper module (they wrap sci-kit learn's regressor interface). Useful information can also be found in the source code of that module. Basically you first have to define your Network Model, for example:
def simple_model():
#Input layer
data_in = Input(shape=(13,))
#First layer, fully connected, ReLU activation
layer_1 = Dense(13,activation='relu',kernel_initializer='normal')(data_in)
#second layer...etc
layer_2 = Dense(6,activation='relu',kernel_initializer='normal')(layer_1)
#Output, single node without activation
data_out = Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal')(layer_2)
#Save and Compile model
model = Model(inputs=data_in, outputs=data_out)
#you may choose any loss or optimizer function, be careful which you chose
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model
Then, pass it to the KerasRegressor builder and fit with your data:
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
#chose your epochs and batches
regressor = KerasRegressor(build_fn=simple_model, nb_epoch=100, batch_size=64)
#fit with your data, labels, epochs=100)
For which you can now do predictions or obtain its score:
p = regressor.predict(data_test) #obtain predicted value
score = regressor.score(data_test, labels_test) #obtain test score
In your case, as you need to detect anomalous images from the ones that are ok, one approach you can take is to train your regressor by passing anomalous images labeled 1 and images that are ok labeled 0.
This will make your model to return a value closer to 1 when the input is an anomalous image, enabling you to threshold the desired results. You can think of this output as its R^2 coefficient to the "Anomalous Model" you trained as 1 (perfect match).
Also, as you mentioned, Autoencoders are another way to do anomaly detection. For this I suggest you take a look at the Keras Blog post Building Autoencoders in Keras, where they explain in detail about the implementation of them with the Keras library.
It is worth noticing that Single-class classification is another way of saying Regression.
Classification tries to find a probability distribution among the N possible classes, and you usually pick the most probable class as the output (that is why most Classification Networks use Sigmoid activation on their output labels, as it has range [0, 1]). Its output is discrete/categorical.
Similarly, Regression tries to find the best model that represents your data, by minimizing the error or some other metric (like the well-known R^2 metric, or Coefficient of Determination). Its output is a real number/continuous (and the reason why most Regression Networks don't use activations on their outputs). I hope this helps, good luck with your coding.