Why is "[COUNT (*): 0]" returned instead of just "0" when executing sql query in groovy? - sql

Why is "[COUNT (*): 0]" returned instead of just "0" when executing sql query in groovy? What can I do to return only a number?
def res = sql.firstRow("""SELECT count(*) FROM bd.pas WHERE INN = ?

Use an alias in your query:
def res = sql.firstRow("""SELECT count(*) as num FROM bd.pas WHERE INN = ?
and then read the specific field:

The firstRow() returns a GroovyRowResult which is essentially a Map.
That's why you get [COUNT (*): 0].
To get a number only out of it you can do:
def res = sql.firstRow("""SELECT count(*) FROM bd.pas ...""",['test']).values().first()


Cannot cast result from Sub-Select to numeric

I am selecting a list of IDs as a sub-query in a condition but it says it cannot convert '123,456' to numeric. The problem occurs in the last line. DB is Sybase-SQL-Anywhere.
ISNULL(SUM(a.menge), 0) AS menge,
ISNULL(SUM(a.wert), 0) AS wert
FROM admin.p_ws_ix_kontrakte_ernte_auswertung_jensek a
(a.KtrErnteJahr = ? OR ? IS NULL)
(a.KtrDispoKennz >= ? OR ? IS NULL)
(a.KtrDispoKennz <= ? OR ? IS NULL)
AND a.artikelstammid IN ((SELECT LIST(artikelstammId) FROM admin.ws_ix_auswertung_cfg_spalten_artikel WHERE columnId = $column))
Remove the LIST():
# replace this:
AND a.artikelstammid IN ((SELECT LIST(artikelstammId) FROM admin.ws_ix_auswertung_cfg_spalten_artikel WHERE columnId = $column))
# with this:
AND a.artikelstammid IN (SELECT artikelstammId FROM admin.ws_ix_auswertung_cfg_spalten_artikel WHERE columnId = $column)
Another option would be an exists/correlated subquery:
# replace this:
AND a.artikelstammid IN ((SELECT LIST(artikelstammId) FROM admin.ws_ix_auswertung_cfg_spalten_artikel WHERE columnId = $column))
# with this:
AND exists (SELECT 1 FROM admin.ws_ix_auswertung_cfg_spalten_artikel b WHERE b.columnId = $column and b.artikelstammId = a.artikelstammid)

How to query Oracle grouping?

I have such a problem and I don't know how to solve it, can you help me? t
The query returns a result that is shown on the photo and I want to get it to be shown in one line instead of many based on type of age.
with x as (
select ai.invoice_id, ai.invoice_num, ai.invoice_amount, ai.amount_paid,
trial.entity_id, trial.acctd_amount, trial.entered_amount, trial.gl_date,
aps.amount_remaining, aps.gross_amount, aps.due_date, aps.payment_status_flag,
trial.gl_date - aps.due_date dni_opoznienia
from ap_invoices_all ai,
xla.xla_transaction_entities xte,
select nvl (tr.applied_to_entity_id, tr.source_entity_id) entity_id,
tr.source_application_id application_id,
sum (nvl (tr.acctd_unrounded_cr, 0)) - sum (nvl (tr.acctd_unrounded_dr, 0)) acctd_amount,
sum (nvl (tr.entered_unrounded_cr, 0)) - sum (nvl (tr.entered_unrounded_dr, 0)) entered_amount,
max(tr.gl_date) gl_date
from xla.xla_trial_balances tr
where 1=1
and tr.definition_code = 'AP_200_1001'
and tr.source_application_id = 200
and tr.gl_date <= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2019-12-13') -- Data KG
group by nvl (tr.applied_to_entity_id, tr.source_entity_id),
) trial,
ap_payment_schedules_all aps
where 1=1
and ai.invoice_id = 3568325
and nvl(xte.source_id_int_1, -99) = ai.invoice_id
and xte.ledger_id = 1001
and xte.entity_code = 'AP_INVOICES'
and xte.entity_id = trial.entity_id
and xte.application_id = trial.application_id
and ai.invoice_id = aps.invoice_id
select x.invoice_id, x.invoice_num, x.entity_id, x.acctd_amount, x.gl_date,
x.amount_remaining, x.gross_amount, x.due_date, x.payment_status_flag,
x.dni_opoznienia, aapl.days_start, aapl.days_to,
when x.dni_opoznienia between aapl.days_start and aapl.days_to then x.acctd_amount
else 0
end przedzial
from x,
ap_aging_periods aap,
ap_aging_period_lines aapl
where 1=1
and aap.period_name = 'TEST 5 okresow'
and aap.aging_period_id = aapl.aging_period_id
Based on your comment I guess you need the below
select * from (select x.invoice_id, x.invoice_num, x.entity_id, x.acctd_amount, x.gl_date,
x.amount_remaining, x.gross_amount, x.due_date, x.payment_status_flag,
x.dni_opoznienia, aapl.days_start, aapl.days_to,
when x.dni_opoznienia between aapl.days_start and aapl.days_to then x.acctd_amount
else 0
end przedzial
from x,
ap_aging_periods aap,
ap_aging_period_lines aapl
where 1=1
and aap.period_name = 'TEST 5 okresow'
and aap.aging_period_id = aapl.aging_period_id)
where przedzial > 0;

Oracle query works in Toad Developer but not in .net application

This query works in Toad developer but not(wont return results) in an .net application in visual studio. Any clues why?
The query work if I omit the line -- having sum(total_cust_cnt) >= NVL (:customers_out, 100)
select d.region_nbr, pi.city, d.case_id, c.cause_desc cause, sum(total_cust_cnt) customers, d.total_duration_minutes
from t_om_cause_of_trouble c,
t_om_archive_hist_device d,
t_om_archive_hist_loc l,
t_om_pod_info pi
where c.cause = d.cause_of_trouble
and pi.city is not null
and pi.total_cust_cnt > 0
and pi.company = l.company
and pi.distribution_location = l.distribution_location_nbr
and l.company = d.company
and l.region_nbr = d.region_nbr
and l.outage_system = d.outage_system
and l.case_id = d.case_id
and d.first_call_date_time >= :start_date
and d.first_call_date_time <= :end_date
and d.service_request_type = 'LGTS'
and d.cause_of_trouble not in
(select distinct cs.cause from t_om_cause_by_summary cs, t_om_cause_of_trouble c
where summary_cause = 'ERROR' and cs.cause = c.cause)
and d.device_type <> 'ERR'
and d.total_duration_minutes >= 60 * NVL(:hours_out,4)
and d.total_duration_minutes > 5
and d.total_customers_affected >= NVL (:customers_out, 100)
and to_char(d.region_nbr) like :region_nbr
group by d.region_nbr, pi.city, d.case_id, c.cause_desc, d.total_duration_minutes
/* having sum(total_cust_cnt) >= NVL (:customers_out, 100) */
order by d.region_nbr, pi.city, d.case_id
group by region_nbr, city, cause
order by region_nbr, city, cause
) stats
where r.region = stats.region_nbr

Conversion from float_time to float

As we all know that we can use float field for time with the help of widget="float_time".
Now, my question is that how this float_time value is calculated/converted into float value.
I am giving value 00:10 in my form and when I look into the db it shows 0.16666667.
Thanks in advance.
This is the code in js for displaying value in float_time format:
case 'float_time':
var pattern = '%02d:%02d';
if (value < 0) {
value = Math.abs(value);
pattern = '-' + pattern;
var hour = Math.floor(value);
var min = Math.round((value % 1) * 60);
if (min == 60){
min = 0;
hour = hour + 1;
return _.str.sprintf(pattern, hour, min);
So in your case, in db it is stored as 0.16666667. So the min will be var min = Math.round((0.16666667 % 1) * 60); which will be 10 when rounded...
def float_time_convert(float_val):
factor = float_val < 0 and -1 or 1
val = abs(float_val)
return (factor * int(math.floor(val)), "{:0>2d}".format(int(round((val % 1) * 60))))
print "%i:%s" %(float_time_convert(3.61))

How to use find by sql and binds?

I'm been staring at my code for over an hour and I still can't figure out whats wrong with my query.
I'm getting the error message:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 38: WHERE (abs(ax2 - ?) / ? < ?)
query = %Q{
avg(t1) as t2,
avg(n1) as n2,
avg(ax1) as ax2,
avg(ay1) as ay2,
avg(az1) as az2
avg(t) as t1,
avg(n) as n1,
avg(ax) as ax1,
avg(ay) as ay1,
avg(az) as az1
FROM obds
WHERE uid = #{uid} AND (ev = 6011 or ev = 6012)
AS derivedTable1
GROUP BY round(t1 + 0.0005,3), round(n1 + 0.0005,3)
AS derivedTable2
WHERE (abs(ax2 - ?) / ? < ?) #<<<<< Line with error
binds = [ uid, x_average, x_average, THRESHOLD_FOR_RESTING ]
result = Ozd.find_by_sql query, binds
The answer is that the query has to be apart of the bind array.
binds = [ query, uid, x_average, x_average, THRESHOLD_FOR_RESTING ]
results = Ozd.find_by_sql binds
try this WHERE (abs((ax2 - ?) / ? < ?)) instead