How do I create an instance for this package with Vue? - vue.js

I'm trying to use this logging package I found in my Vue Project.
I want to be able to use the logger in my whole project and all my components. Do I have to import the package in every single component I want to use it in or is there a way to make it global?
How can I make an instance for it? Sorry, I am confused about this. Thank you.

You can either:
A. Import the logger on every component
B. Add an instance property to make the log function accessible to all components:
// When you initialize your Vue app
Vue.prototype.$log = myLogFunction
// Now $log is available on all Vue instances via `this`
this.$log("my log");
A is more explicit, B is more convenient.


Is it possible to use ag-grid with vue without a builder?

In particular, can the typescript source of the ag-grid-vue component be compiled then included in a regular html file?
I found a way to do this without modifying the source. Near the top of ag-grid-vue.umd.js, you can see that the module does this:
root["ag-grid-vue"] = factory(root["Vue"], root["agGrid"]);
Here, "root" is the window, and the result of the factory call is what you'll want. But due to the dashes, you can't access it directly. But you can use the dictionary syntax (or whatever it's called):
let agVueObj = window["ag-grid-vue"];
//The component is a field on this object:
let AgGridVue = agVueObj.AgGridVue;
//Then register it as a component in your Vue instance:
//components: { AgGridVue }
And you should be able to use <ag-grid-vue> tags.
I figured it out:
Download the ag-grid source code, go into the packages/ag-grid-vue directory and do npm install and npm run build. That will put compiled javascript modules in the dist directory that can be used without a build system.
I did have to modify the built javascript slightly to get the AgGridVue object into the global namespace, since I'm not using a module loader.
To get the AgGridVue into the global namespace, add window.AgGridVue = AgGridVue; to the end of the function that returns AgGridVue in ag-grid-vue.umd.js

How to lazy load a plugin in Vue?

Vue plugins usually requires a global setup in app entrypoint by Vue.use(somePlugin). Doing so increases the bundle size for all pages, which is often bad and that it is better to defer the downloading of the module until when the module is actually being used, aka lazy loading or code spliting.
How do I lazy load a plugin if only one page in my Vue app needs it?
To answer the OP's question more directly: You can't lazy load a plugin.
According to the documentation, plugins by definition provide globally-accessible functionality and must be setup with Vue.use() before the Vue instance is created. Due to this, they'll always be bundled with the entire Vue instance (in a vendors chunk, for example).
What you want is to lazy load the functionality in a smaller scope, at a component level. Depending on the plugin, the plugin module should also support some sort of direct code importing at a component level, like this one does. Because it just uses import statements, they can be async loaded.
TL;DR: Anything using Vue.use() can't be lazy loaded. Async imports can.
One of the options is to call your plugin file in created/mounted hook and do the stuff you want.
Just import it on the specific page an example would be "Slide" from "vue-burger-menu"
import { Slide } from "vue-burger-menu"
export default {
components: {

Custom business objects in vue

I am new to vue and have a few questions around using a simple business object in my vue single page components. Let's stay I have an object called ResultCalculator. This is a simple javascript class that contains my core business logic for calculating something. Now assume I want to use this object in my Home.vue component. My questions are:
1) Is it best practice to simply create a new file called ResultCalculator.js and
export default class ResultCalculator {...}
2) In order to import this into Home.vue I use the import ResultCalculator from '....ResultCalculator.js'
3) In my create method, I simply new up a new object and assign it to this.resultCalculator.
The above is working for me, but is it best practice?
4) Now I'd like to reference some data in vuex state store. I doesn't seem like I simply use this.$store.getter. How do I reference vuex in this component?
Sure, just create a js file and import it to your .vue files there is nothing wrong with that.
You can not use this.$store because in ResultCalculator.js this is not vue. You can either pass this.$store as an argument or just simply import your store to ResultCalculator.js

How more correctly make Helper in VueJs?

I have some method to generate random hexademical color. It will be used in very few (3 or 5) parts of the project. So I want to separate it from main code into some kind of Helper or smth else, and include it when needed (not globally).
I have 2 working ways to do this:
Using mixins. What I don't like is that when you read the code, you can't separate your own methods from methods of mixin.
Using plugins. What I don't like with that is that you have to write import Vue from 'vue' + Vue.use(MyPlugin) every time in all files where you want to use it. After that, you can call it like this.$ColorHelper.getRandomHEX().
So, the question is about aesthetics visualization.
What is the best practices to do such things?
PS: project was created from template with webpack.
Our team decide use function import from files-helpers
For example:
import { getRandomColor, getBackgroundColor } from 'Global/helpers/colorHelper';
// .....
let color = getRandomColor();
What good:
Don't need use excess import + use as in plugins
Method visually stands out, what it not from this
What bad:
Cant see visually what the helper have method. But possible can fixed with aliases. We dont think yet
Vue plugins are global, you only have to call the Vue.use method once. Then they should work wherever you use that particular Vue instance.
In a default project setup you normally don't have multiple Vue instance so it should work globally.
From the docs:
Plugins usually add global-level functionality to Vue.
Use plugins by calling the Vue.use() global method:

Differences between vue instance and vue component?

I'm new to vue js and have some questions when learning it.
I'm now a little confused about the relationship between its instance and component. As far as I learned, every app build by vue should only have one instance and one instance only, it can have as many components as you like if needed. But recently I've seen a demo, and in that demo it has more than one instance.
So my question is, is that ok to have multiple intances in one app( the demo code works fine, but is that the correct way)? What's the best practice to use instance and component in vue app?
It's ok to have two instances in the same project, however, you probably don't want to do that.
A good scenario is to have one main instance to control your app, specially if you are creating a Single Page Application (SPA). Then use as many components as you want.
Components are a great way to reuse code and keep it organized, and, with Vue.js, is very easy to communicate between your components and your "main" Vue instance.
It depends very much on your situation.
I work on a large web project which is not an SPA. We have a Vue instance for each "silo" of the application. We are slowly transitioning an older project from a mostly jQuery frontend so it's possible that as it evolves We'll be able to condense down to a single Vue instance but we're having no trouble with multiple instances. The ease of using Vue in existing projects was one of the biggest deciding factors in choosing it over another library such as react.
I have taken a different approach with green development, one instance and many components.
There are something in common, and some difference between Vue instance and Vue component.
From Vue docs:
all Vue components are also Vue instances, and so accept the same options object (except for a few root-specific options).
The root Vue instances accept properties like el, router, the Vue components cannot.
The data property in root Vue instances is an object, but in Vue components must be a function.
The design target is different:
A root Vue instance is a Vue application launcher, Vue component is an extension of the Vue instance.
Vue components can create elements to be reused in many places. This is Vue characteristic of componentization mainly reflect point.
Vue instance can associated with and manipulate an element which is already exist.
Vue component more suitable for create new element and reuse it at anywhere.
Think of a Vue Component as a blueprint or set of rules on how to create something that can be inserted into the DOM that the user can interact with.
So when you create a Vue file you are going to define exactly one component with a set of rules that tells Vue how to display stuff on the screen and tells a user how to interact with it.
On the other hand is a Vue instance, its an instance of a Vue component, it represents something that has been inserted into the DOM and is something that a user can interact with.
If you have a background in Object-Oriented Programming, think of a Vue Component as being like a class and a Vue instance as an instance of that class.
What has not been mentioned in previous answers that I will cover in regards to the difference between Vue instance and Vue component is how we define the data property that we are working with.
If we are working with a Vue instance, then we can define the data property as an object or a function that returns an object like so:
With a Vue Component that data property must be a function that returns an object.
So for example this is a Vue component:
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
And if we want to make use of data inside of that Vue component, we have to make a function that returns an object.
Vue components extends Vue instances
but Vue instances accept properties like el, router, the Vue components cannot.
best practice:
one Vue instance
many Vue component