How to retrieve used_ids similar to a certain user_id with Twitter API v2? - api

When interacting with the Twitter with the UI, there is an option to retrieve similar accounts to the one being selected, e.g. if I am checking an account like #MacoubD Twitter suggests to me other similar accounts.
Is it possible to retrieve this list using Twitter API v2? I checked the docs but could not find the endpoint.

No. There are no API functions that provide this in v1.1 or in v2.


How to get the list of most followed twitter users

I will like to know if its possible to retrieve a list of the most followed users (say top 20 users) on twitter through twitter's api. I cant see how to achieve that through any of the endpoints. How do web apps like this get that kind of data?
Any insights on this will be helpful.
There is no API for this. You would need to take an opinionated view of the high-volume celebrity accounts, and then watch the accounts by polling the user endpoints regularly. You could also use the commercial streaming APIs to watch the most Tweeted accounts and check the user objects on a regular basis.
(note that this is the same answer you were provided on the Twitter developer forums)

Can i wirte follow/unfollow bot with Instagram?

I want to Write Bot for Follow/Unfollow user in instagram , but instagram Api deprecated Follow and Relationships ...
can i use instagram Api for this goal or must be use selenium automation ?!
As per this article the Instagram API no longer provides functionality to follow or unfollow users. Looking at the current endpoints provided by the Instagram API the set of operations looks very limited - fetch a user, or a user's latest media, and get a list of comments on your media. You can view the changelog for the Instagram API here.
So to answer your question, no you can no longer use a bot to follow or unfollow a user via the Instagram API. Yes you will be able to write a Selenium script that will do this.
6810462142 = ID USER...
I think it works
You may need to use a tool such as Keygram -
It does exactly what you are looking for with the follow/unfollow

Twitter API 1.1 - Retrieving tweets of other users

I am working on a project, that compiles the tweets of 4 or 5 different twitter accounts related to a particular subject - and I do not control them.
This was possible with the 1.0 API. A simple ajax call to the API would return the JSON, and off you went.
With the implementation of OAuth for Version 1.1, it seems as though it is no longer possible to retrieve the tweets from accounts you do not own.
My question, is there a work around using the current API to retrieve tweets from another user? Perhaps using the GET search/tweets interface?
The API call you need is statuses/user_timeline
As the documentation says
Returns a collection of the most recent Tweets posted by the user indicated by the screen_name or user_id parameters.
So, if you want all of my tweets, you would call
You will need to be authenticated with the Twitter API. I suggest that you use a library for your preferred language.

Google Youtube Data v3 not found

I have gone through a tutorial that takes me to the webpage. I created a new project, then i went to API & Auth .. clicked on the API key to try to then scroll down and select the Youtube Data API v3 and it is NOT there, why? I need to get the API key for an application I am using. I have logged in to two separate accounts and it is not available in either account. I need help in finding the API key so that I can use it in an application. I called the adwords team and asked them and they asked me to send a question to you in this forum.
By default, there were a few Google Cloud APIs enabled by default. When they were enabled, the Youtube Data API was not showing up in the list of available APIs. I disabled all the preselected APIs, and then the Youtube Data and Analytics APIs were available.
Looks like you just have to disable the default selections for some reason.

Create Google Plus Events via API

Is there a possibility to create events for Google Plus Communities via an API?
The only related post I could find is this one: Is there an API for the Google Plus Events but it only considers requesting events.
No, the G+ API is currently read-only.
Note: The Google+ API currently provides read-only access to public data. All API calls require either an OAuth 2.0 token or an API key.