Getting an IndexError when trying to run pcolormesh from a pandas DataFrame - pandas

I'm trying to generate a pcolormesh plot from a large dataset, where the rows are in units of hertz, the rows are individual files, and the body is an array of magnitude values per file for each frequency. My DataFrame gets constructed correctly with correct labels, but when I pass it in to pcolormesh, it throws the exception "arrays used as indices must be of integer (or boolean) type". The code I am attaching reflects a conversion of the frequency array to an integer array using .astype(int). Note, if I convert the PSD_array (magnitudes) to integers, it DOES work (but isn't helpful), but it doesn't like it otherwise. I also played around with other pcolormesh generations using decimals as the body of the DataFrame and it worked fine.
Ideas would be lovely, I'll keep working on it.
Code: (Note: specific call file paths redacted).
'''def file_List():
files = [file for file in os.listdir('###)]
file_list = []
for file in files:
file_list += [file]
###Using Fast Fourier Transform, take in file list generated from
###file_List program and perform FFT on each file.
###We read the files by adding them to the file directory. Could improve
###by making an overarching program that runs everything with an input
###file directory.
def FFT():
runs through FFT for the files in a file list as determined by the
file_List() program.
file_list = file_List() #runs file_List() program and saves
#the list of files as a variable.
df = pd.DataFrame()
freq_array = np.empty((0,204800))
PSD_array = np.empty((0,204800))
count = 0
for file in file_list:
while count < 10:
file_read = pd.read_csv('###'+file,skiprows=22,sep = '\t')
df = pd.DataFrame(file_read, columns = ['X_Value','Acceleration'])
q = df['Acceleration'] #data set input
n = len(df['Acceleration']) #number of data points
dt = 2/len(df['X_Value']) #
f_hat = np.fft.fft(q,n) #Runs FFT
PSD = f_hat * np.conj(f_hat) / n #Power Spectral Density
freq = (1/(dt*n)) * np.arange(n) #Creates x axis of frequencies
freq_array = np.append(freq_array,np.array([freq]),axis=0)
PSD_array = np.append(PSD_array,np.array([PSD]),axis=0)
count += 1
#trans_freq = np.transpose(freq_array)
#trans_PSD = np.transpose(PSD_array)
int_freq = freq_array.astype(int)
#PSD_int = PSD_array.astype(int)
PSD_df = pd.DataFrame(PSD_array, index = np.arange(len(PSD_array)), columns = int_freq[0])
def heatmap(df):
Constructs a heatmap given an input dataframe


passing panda dataframe data to functions and its not outputting the results

In my code, I am trying to extract data from csv file to use in the function, but it doesnt output anything, and gives no error. My code works because I tried it with just numpy array as inputs. not sure why it doesnt work with panda.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
# change the current directory to the directory where the running script file is
# finding best fit line for y=mx+b by iteration
def gradient_descent(x,y):
m_iter = b_iter = 1 #starting point
iteration = 10000
n = len(x)
learning_rate = 0.05
last_mse = 10000
#take baby steps to reach global minima
for i in range(iteration):
y_predicted = m_iter*x + b_iter
#mse = 1/n*sum([value**2 for value in (y-y_predicted)]) # cost function to minimize
mse = 1/n*sum((y-y_predicted)**2) # cost function to minimize
if (last_mse - mse)/mse < 0.001:
# recall MSE formula is 1/n*sum((yi-y_predicted)^2), where y_predicted = m*x+b
# using partial deriv of MSE formula, d/dm and d/db
dm = -(2/n)*sum(x*(y-y_predicted))
db = -(2/n)*sum((y-y_predicted))
# use current predicted value to get the next value for prediction
# by using learning rate
m_iter = m_iter - learning_rate*dm
b_iter = b_iter - learning_rate*db
print('m is {}, b is {}, cost is {}, iteration {}'.format(m_iter,b_iter,mse,i))
last_mse = mse
#x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
#y = np.array([5,7,8,10,13])
df = pd.read_csv('Linear_Data.csv')
x = df['Area']
y = df['Price']
My code works because I tried it with just numpy array as inputs. not sure why it doesnt work with panda.
Well no, your code also works with pandas dataframes:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Area': [1,2,3,4,5], 'Price': [5,7,8,10,13]})
x = df['Area']
y = df['Price']
Above will give you the same output as with numpy arrays.
Try to check what's in Linear_Data.csv and/or add some print statements in the gradient_descent function just to check your assumptions. I would suggest to first of all add a print statement before the condition with the break statement:
print(last_mse, mse)
if (last_mse - mse)/mse < 0.001:

efficient way to join 65,000 .csv files

I have say 65,000 .csv files that I need to work with in julia language.
The goal is to perform basic statistics on the data set.
I had some ways of joining all the data sets
#1 - set a common index and leftjoin() - perform statistics row wise
#2 - vcat() the dataframes on top of each other - vertically stacked use group by
Eitherway the final data frames are very large ! and become slow in processing
Is there an efficient way of doing this ?
I thought of performing either #1 or #2 and splitting the joining operations in thirds, lets say after 20,000 joins save to .csv and operate in chunks then at the end join all 3 in one last operation.
Well not sure how to replicate making 65k .csv files but basically below I loop through the files in the directory, load the csv then vcat() to one df. Question more relating to if there is a better way to manage the size of the operation. vcat() makes something grow. Ahead of time maybe I can cycle through the .csv files, obtain file dimensions per .csv, initialize the full dataframe to final output size, then cycle through each .csv row by row and populate the initialized df.
using CSV
using DataFrames
# read all files in directory
csv_dir_tmax = cd(readdir, "C:/Users/andrew.bannerman/Desktop/Julia/scripts/GHCN data/ghcnd_all_csv/tmax")
# initialize outputs
tmax_all = DataFrame(Date = [], TMAX = [])
for c = 1:length(csv_dir_tmax)
print("Starting csv file ", csv_dir_tmax[c]," - Iteration ",c,"\n")
if c <= length(csv_dir_tmax)
csv_tmax =["C:/Users/andrew.bannerman/Desktop/Julia/scripts/GHCN data/ghcnd_all_csv/tmax/", csv_dir_tmax[c]]), DataFrame, header=true)
tmax_all = vcat(tmax_all, csv_tmax)
The following approach should be relatively efficient (assuming that data fits into memory):
tmax_all = reduce(vcat, ["YOUR_DIR$x", DataFrame) for x in csv_dir_tmax])
initializing the final output to the total size of final output (like vcat() would finally build). Then populate it element wise seems to be working way better:
# get the dimensions of each .csv files
tmax_all_total_output_size = fill(0, size(csv_dir_tmax,1))
tmin_all_total_output_size = fill(0, size(csv_dir_tmin,1))
tavg_all_total_output_size = fill(0, size(csv_dir_tavg,1))
tmax_dim = Int64[]
tmin_dim = Int64[]
tavg_dim = Int64[]
for c = 1:length(csv_dir_tmin) # 47484 - last point
print("Starting csv file ", csv_dir_tmin[c]," - Iteration ",c,"\n")
if c <= length(csv_dir_tmax)
tmax_csv =["C:/Users/andrew.bannerman/Desktop/Julia/scripts/GHCN data/ghcnd_all_csv/tmax/", csv_dir_tmax[c] ]), DataFrame, header=true)
global tmax_dim = size(tmax_csv,1)
tmax_all_total_output_size[c] = tmax_dim
if c <= length(csv_dir_tmin)
tmin_csv =["C:/Users/andrew.bannerman/Desktop/Julia/scripts/GHCN data/ghcnd_all_csv/tmin/", csv_dir_tmin[c]]), DataFrame, header=true)
global tmin_dim = size(tmin_csv,1)
tmin_all_total_output_size[c] = tmin_dim
if c <= length(csv_dir_tavg)
tavg_csv =["C:/Users/andrew.bannerman/Desktop/Julia/scripts/GHCN data/ghcnd_all_csv/tavg/", csv_dir_tavg[c]]), DataFrame, header=true)
global tavg_dim = size(tavg_csv,1)
tavg_all_total_output_size[c] = tavg_dim
# sum total dimension of all .csv files
tmax_sum = sum(tmax_all_total_output_size)
tmin_sum = sum(tmin_all_total_output_size)
tavg_sum = sum(tavg_all_total_output_size)
# initialize final output to total final dimension
tmax_date_array = fill(Date("13000101", "yyyymmdd"),tmax_sum)
tmax_array = zeros(tmax_sum)
tmin_date_array = fill(Date("13000101", "yyyymmdd"),tmin_sum)
tmin_array = zeros(tmin_sum)
tavg_date_array = fill(Date("13000101", "yyyymmdd"),tavg_sum)
tavg_array = zeros(tavg_sum)
# initialize outputs
tmax_all = DataFrame(Date = tmax_date_array, TMAX = tmax_array)
tmin_all = DataFrame(Date = tmin_date_array, TMIN = tmin_array)
tavg_all = DataFrame(Date = tavg_date_array, TAVG = tavg_array)
tmax_count = 0
tmin_count = 0
tavg_count = 0
Then begin filling the initialized df.

How can I use a loop to apply a function to a list of csv files?

I'm trying to loop through all files in a directory and add "indicator" data to them. I had the code working where I could select 1 file and do this, but now am trying to make it work on all files. The problem is when I make the loop it says
ValueError: Invalid file path or buffer object type: <class 'list'>
The goal would be for each loop to read another file from list, make changes, and save file back to folder with changes.
Here is complete code w/o imports. I copied 1 of the "file_path"s from the list and put in comment at bottom.
### open dialog to select file
#file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
###create list from dir
listdrs = os.listdir('c:/Users/17409/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Indicators/Sentdex Tutorial/stock_dfs/')
###append full path to list
string = 'c:/Users/17409/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Indicators/Sentdex Tutorial/stock_dfs/'
listdrs_path = [ string + x for x in listdrs]
print (listdrs_path)
###start loop, for each "file" in listdrs run the 2 functions below and overwrite saved csv.
for file in listdrs_path:
file_path = listdrs_path
data = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0)
####function 1
def get_price_hist(ticker):
# Put stock price data in dataframe
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
#listdr = os.listdir('Users\17409\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Indicators\Sentdex Tutorial\stock_dfs')
# Convert date to timestamp and make index
data.index = data["Date"].apply(lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x))
data.drop("Date", axis=1, inplace=True)
return data
df = data
######Indicator data#####################
def get_indicators(data):
# Get MACD
data["macd"], data["macd_signal"], data["macd_hist"] = talib.MACD(data['Close'])
# Get MA10 and MA30
data["ma10"] = talib.MA(data["Close"], timeperiod=10)
data["ma30"] = talib.MA(data["Close"], timeperiod=30)
# Get RSI
data["rsi"] = talib.RSI(data["Close"])
return data
#####end functions#######
data2 = get_indicators(data)
#here is an example of what path from list looks like
#'c:/Users/17409/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Indicators/Sentdex Tutorial/stock_dfs/A.csv'
The problem is in line number 13 and 14. Your filename is in variable file but you are using file_path which you've assigned the file list. Because of this you are getting ValueError. Try this:
### open dialog to select file
#file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
###create list from dir
listdrs = os.listdir('c:/Users/17409/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Indicators/Sentdex Tutorial/stock_dfs/')
###append full path to list
string = 'c:/Users/17409/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Indicators/Sentdex Tutorial/stock_dfs/'
listdrs_path = [ string + x for x in listdrs]
print (listdrs_path)
###start loop, for each "file" in listdrs run the 2 functions below and overwrite saved csv.
for file_path in listdrs_path:
data = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0)
####function 1
def get_price_hist(ticker):
# Put stock price data in dataframe
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
#listdr = os.listdir('Users\17409\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Indicators\Sentdex Tutorial\stock_dfs')
# Convert date to timestamp and make index
data.index = data["Date"].apply(lambda x: pd.Timestamp(x))
data.drop("Date", axis=1, inplace=True)
return data
df = data
######Indicator data#####################
def get_indicators(data):
# Get MACD
data["macd"], data["macd_signal"], data["macd_hist"] = talib.MACD(data['Close'])
# Get MA10 and MA30
data["ma10"] = talib.MA(data["Close"], timeperiod=10)
data["ma30"] = talib.MA(data["Close"], timeperiod=30)
# Get RSI
data["rsi"] = talib.RSI(data["Close"])
return data
#####end functions#######
data2 = get_indicators(data)
Let me know if it helps.

how to make a memory efficient multiple dimension groupby/stack using xarray?

I have a large time series of np.float64 with a 5-min frequency (size is ~2,500,000 ~=24 years).
I'm using Xarray to represent it in-memory and the time-dimension is named 'time'.
I want to group-by 'time.hour' and then 'time.dayofyear' (or vice-versa) and remove both their mean from the time-series.
In order to do that efficiently, i need to reorder the time-series into a new xr.DataArray with the dimensions of ['hour', 'dayofyear', 'rest'].
I wrote a function that plays with the GroupBy objects of Xarray and manages to do just that although it takes a lot of memory to do that...
I have a machine with 32GB RAM and i still get the MemoryError from numpy.
I know the code works because i used it on an hourly re-sampled version of my original time-series. so here's the code:
def time_series_stack(time_da, time_dim='time', grp1='hour', grp2='dayofyear'):
"""Takes a time-series xr.DataArray objects and reshapes it using
grp1 and grp2. outout is a xr.Dataset that includes the reshaped DataArray
, its datetime-series and the grps."""
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# try to infer the freq and put it into attrs for later reconstruction:
freq = pd.infer_freq(time_da[time_dim].values)
name =
time_da.attrs['freq'] = freq
attrs = time_da.attrs
# drop all NaNs:
time_da = time_da.dropna(time_dim)
# group grp1 and concat:
grp_obj1 = time_da.groupby(time_dim + '.' + grp1)
s_list = []
for grp_name, grp_inds in grp_obj1.groups.items():
da = time_da.isel({time_dim: grp_inds})
grps1 = [x for x in grp_obj1.groups.keys()]
stacked_da = xr.concat(s_list, dim=grp1)
stacked_da[grp1] = grps1
# group over the concatenated da and concat again:
grp_obj2 = stacked_da.groupby(time_dim + '.' + grp2)
s_list = []
for grp_name, grp_inds in grp_obj2.groups.items():
da = stacked_da.isel({time_dim: grp_inds})
grps2 = [x for x in grp_obj2.groups.keys()]
stacked_da = xr.concat(s_list, dim=grp2)
stacked_da[grp2] = grps2
# numpy part:
# first, loop over both dims and drop NaNs, append values and datetimes:
vals = []
dts = []
for i, grp1_val in enumerate(stacked_da[grp1]):
da = stacked_da.sel({grp1: grp1_val})
for j, grp2_val in enumerate(da[grp2]):
val = da.sel({grp2: grp2_val}).dropna(time_dim)
# second, we get the max of the vals after the second groupby:
max_size = max([len(x) for x in vals])
# we fill NaNs and NaT for the remainder of them:
concat_sizes = [max_size - len(x) for x in vals]
concat_arrys = [np.empty((x)) * np.nan for x in concat_sizes]
concat_vals = [np.concatenate(x) for x in list(zip(vals, concat_arrys))]
# 1970-01-01 is the NaT for this time-series:
concat_arrys = [np.zeros((x), dtype='datetime64[ns]')
for x in concat_sizes]
concat_dts = [np.concatenate(x) for x in list(zip(dts, concat_arrys))]
concat_vals = np.array(concat_vals)
concat_dts = np.array(concat_dts)
# finally , we reshape them:
concat_vals = concat_vals.reshape((stacked_da[grp1].shape[0],
concat_dts = concat_dts.reshape((stacked_da[grp1].shape[0],
# create a Dataset and DataArrays for them:
sda = xr.Dataset()
sda.attrs = attrs
sda[name] = xr.DataArray(concat_vals, dims=[grp1, grp2, 'rest'])
sda[time_dim] = xr.DataArray(concat_dts, dims=[grp1, grp2, 'rest'])
sda[grp1] = grps1
sda[grp2] = grps2
sda['rest'] = range(max_size)
return sda
So for the 2,500,000 items time-series, numpy throws the MemoryError so I'm guessing this has to be my memory bottle-neck. What can i do to solve this ?
Would Dask help me ? and if so how can i implement it ?
Like you, I ran it without issue when inputting a small time series (10,000 long). However, when inputting a 100,000 long time series xr.DataArraythe grp_obj2 for loop ran away and used all the memory of the system.
This is what I used to generate the time series xr.DataArray:
n = 10**5
times = np.datetime64('2000-01-01') + np.arange(n) * np.timedelta64(5,'m')
data = np.random.randn(n)
time_da = xr.DataArray(data, name='rand_data', dims=('time'), coords={'time': times})
# time_da.to_netcdf('')
As you point out, Dask would be a way to solve it but I can't see a clear path at the moment...
Typically, the kind of problem with Dask would be to:
Make the input a dataset from a file (like NetCDF). This will not load the file in memory but allow Dask to pull data from disk one chunk at a time.
Define all calculations with dask.delayed or dask.futures methods for entire body of code up until the writing the output. This is what allows Dask to chunk a small piece of data to read then write.
Calculate one chunk of work and immediately write output to new dataset file. Effectively you ending up steaming one chunk of input to one chunk of output at a time (but also threaded/parallelized).
I tried importing Dask and breaking the input time_da xr.DataArray into chunks for Dask to work on but it didn't help. From what I can tell, the line stacked_da = xr.concat(s_list, dim=grp1) forces Dask to make a full copy of stacked_da in memory and much more...
One workaround to this is to write stacked_da to disk then immediately read it again:
##For group1
xr.concat(s_list, dim=grp1).to_netcdf('')
stacked_da = xr.load_dataset('')
stacked_da[grp1] = grps1
##For group2
xr.concat(s_list, dim=grp2).to_netcdf('')
stacked_da = xr.load_dataset('')
stacked_da[grp2] = grps2
However, the file size for is 19MB and gets huge at 6.5GB. This is for time_da with 100,000 elements... so there's clearly something amiss...
Originally, it sounded like you want to subtract the mean of the groups from the time series data. It looks like Xarray docs has an example for that.
The key is to group once and loop over the groups and then group again on each of the groups and append it to list.
Next i concat and use pd.MultiIndex.from_product for the groups.
No Memory problems and no Dask needed and it only takes a few seconds to run.
here's the code, enjoy:
def time_series_stack(time_da, time_dim='time', grp1='hour', grp2='month',
"""Takes a time-series xr.DataArray objects and reshapes it using
grp1 and grp2. output is a xr.Dataset that includes the reshaped DataArray
, its datetime-series and the grps. plots the mean also"""
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
# try to infer the freq and put it into attrs for later reconstruction:
freq = pd.infer_freq(time_da[time_dim].values)
name =
time_da.attrs['freq'] = freq
attrs = time_da.attrs
# drop all NaNs:
time_da = time_da.dropna(time_dim)
# first grouping:
grp_obj1 = time_da.groupby(time_dim + '.' + grp1)
da_list = []
t_list = []
for grp1_name, grp1_inds in grp_obj1.groups.items():
da = time_da.isel({time_dim: grp1_inds})
# second grouping:
grp_obj2 = da.groupby(time_dim + '.' + grp2)
for grp2_name, grp2_inds in grp_obj2.groups.items():
da2 = da.isel({time_dim: grp2_inds})
# extract datetimes and rewrite time coord to 'rest':
times = da2[time_dim]
times = times.rename({time_dim: 'rest'})
times.coords['rest'] = range(len(times))
da2 = da2.rename({time_dim: 'rest'})
da2.coords['rest'] = range(len(da2))
# get group keys:
grps1 = [x for x in grp_obj1.groups.keys()]
grps2 = [x for x in grp_obj2.groups.keys()]
# concat and convert to dataset:
stacked_ds = xr.concat(da_list, dim='all').to_dataset(name=name)
stacked_ds[time_dim] = xr.concat(t_list, 'all')
# create a multiindex for the groups:
mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([grps1, grps2], names=[grp1, grp2])
stacked_ds.coords['all'] = mindex
# unstack:
ds = stacked_ds.unstack('all')
ds.attrs = attrs
return ds

Retrieve indices for rows of a PyTables table matching a condition using `Table.where()`

I need the indices (as numpy array) of the rows matching a given condition in a table (with billions of rows) and this is the line I currently use in my code, which works, but is quite ugly:
indices = np.array([row.nrow for row in the_table.where("foo == 42")])
It also takes half a minute, and I'm sure that the list creation is one of the reasons why.
I could not find an elegant solution yet and I'm still struggling with the pytables docs, so does anybody know any magical way to do this more beautifully and maybe also a bit faster? Maybe there is special query keyword I am missing, since I have the feeling that pytables should be able to return the matched rows indices as numpy array.
tables.Table.get_where_list() gives indices of the rows matching a given condition
I read the source of pytables, where() is implemented in Cython, but it seems not fast enough. Here is a complex method that can speedup:
Create some data first:
from tables import *
import numpy as np
class Particle(IsDescription):
name = StringCol(16) # 16-character String
idnumber = Int64Col() # Signed 64-bit integer
ADCcount = UInt16Col() # Unsigned short integer
TDCcount = UInt8Col() # unsigned byte
grid_i = Int32Col() # 32-bit integer
grid_j = Int32Col() # 32-bit integer
pressure = Float32Col() # float (single-precision)
energy = Float64Col() # double (double-precision)
h5file = open_file("tutorial1.h5", mode = "w", title = "Test file")
group = h5file.create_group("/", 'detector', 'Detector information')
table = h5file.create_table(group, 'readout', Particle, "Readout example")
particle = table.row
for i in range(1001000):
particle['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i)
particle['TDCcount'] = i % 256
particle['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16)
particle['grid_i'] = i
particle['grid_j'] = 10 - i
particle['pressure'] = float(i*i)
particle['energy'] = float(particle['pressure'] ** 4)
particle['idnumber'] = i * (2 ** 34)
# Insert a new particle record
Read the column in chunks and append the indices into a list and concatenate the list to array finally. You can change the chunk size according to your memory size:
h5file = open_file("tutorial1.h5")
table = h5file.get_node("/detector/readout")
size = 10000
col = "energy"
buf = np.zeros(batch, dtype=table.coldtypes[col])
res = []
for start in range(0, table.nrows, size):
length = min(size, table.nrows - start)
data =, start + batch, field=col, out=buf[:length])
tmp = np.where(data > 10000)[0]
tmp += start
res = np.concatenate(res)