Total sum of price and quantity in oracle - sql

I have a problem. I need to calculate a total sum of order in my DB. I have 3 tables:
Cena NUMBER(6,2) NOT NULL, **(PRICE)**
Opis VARCHAR(100)
CREATE TABLE Zamowienie(
id_zamowienia INT CONSTRAINT Zamowienie_PK PRIMARY KEY,
Ilosc INT, **(QUANTITY)**
Data DATE,
Ocena INT CONSTRAINT Ocena_Zamowienie_CHECK CHECK (Ocena IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)),
klient_id INT CONSTRAINT Zamowienie_Klient_FK REFERENCES Klient(id_klient),
pracownik_id INT CONSTRAINT Zamowienie_Pracownik_FK REFERENCES Pracownik(id_pracownik),
potrawy_id INT CONSTRAINT Zamowienie_Menu_FK REFERENCES Potrawa(id_potrawy),
typ_zamowienia_id INT CONSTRAINT Zamowienie_Typ_FK REFERENCES Typ_zamowienia(id_typ_zamowienia)
restauracja_id INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Menu_Restauracje_FK REFERENCES Restauracja(id_restauracja),
potrawa_id INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Menu_Potrawa_FK REFERENCES Potrawa(id_potrawy),
CONSTRAINT Menu_PK PRIMARY KEY(restauracja_id, potrawa_id),
rodzaj_menu_id INT CONSTRAINT Menu_Rodzaj_Menu_FK REFERENCES Rodzaj_menu(id_rodzaj_menu)
I want to write a query that show me sum of each order. I wrote sth like this, but it's not working. Sum is not that I expect.
select distinct z.id_zamowienia as "zamowienie", z.potrawy_id as "Potrawa", p.nazwa as "Nazwa potrawy", z.ilosc as ILOSC,
count(*) over(partition by z.potrawy_id, z.id_zamowienia) * p.cena AS "CENA"
from potrawa p, menu m, zamowienie z
where p.id_potrawy = m.potrawa_id and m.potrawa_id = z.potrawy_id
Can someone give me tip how to fix it or how can I do it in another way (PARTITION BY is obligatory).

First of all it's always better to use proper join syntax. Do you want to find sum(Ilosc) instead of count(*) for that partition?
select distinct
z.id_zamowienia as "zamowienie",
z.potrawy_id as "Potrawa",
p.nazwa as "Nazwa potrawy",
z.ilosc as ILOSC,
sum(Ilosc) over(partition by z.potrawy_id, z.id_zamowienia) * p.cena AS "CENA"
potrawa p
inner join menu m on p.id_potrawy = m.potrawa_id
inner join zamowienie z and m.potrawa_id = z.potrawy_id


How do i select the highest number in one column and then search the the id in other table

How do I select the highest number in one column and then search the the ID in other table?
I have these two tables:
create table armazens_has_artigos
stockMinimo int not null,
stockQuantidade int not null,
idArtigos int not null,
idArmazens int not null,
idZonasFisicas int not null
constraint fk_armazens_has_artigos_idArtigos
foreign key (idArtigos)
references artigos (idArtigos) on delete cascade,
constraint fk_armazens_has_artigos_idArmazens
foreign key (idArmazens)
references armazens (idArmazens) on delete cascade,
constraint fk_armazens_has_artigos_zonasFisicas_idZonasFisicas
foreign key (idZonasFisicas)
references zonasFisicas (idZonasFisicas) on delete cascade
In this one I need to select the highest StockQuantidade and then with the same id select in this table the nome
create table artigos
idArtigos int primary key,
nome varchar (45) not null,
descr varchar (45) not null,
precoCompra float not null,
precoVenda float not null,
unidadeRepresentacao varchar (45) not null
There might be more then one Artigos matching the criteria:
FROM artigos
WHERE idArtigos IN
SELECT idArtigos
FROM dbo.armazens_has_artigos
WHERE stockQuantidade =
SELECT MAX(stockQuantidade)FROM armazens_has_artigos
FROM artigos
JOIN armazens_has_artigos
ON armazens_has_artigos.idArtigos = artigos.idArtigos
WHERE armazens_has_artigos.stockQuantidade = (SELECT
FROM armazens_has_artigos)

ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

When creating the foreign key I came across this error. Below is my code.
create table tblPerson(
ID int not null primary key,
Fullname varchar(50) not null,
Email varchar(50) not null,
GenderId int
create table tblGender (
ID int not null primary key,
Gender varchar(50) not null
alter table tblPerson add constraint tblPerson_GenderId_FK
foreign key (GenderId) references tblGender(ID)
You want to identify any "do not align" rows....
I have made the below.
You won't be able to add the FK constraint, if any rows come back from the SELECT query.
I have also removed the hungarian notation for "tbl". I would advise against it.
create table dbo.Person(
ID int not null primary key,
Fullname varchar(50) not null,
Email varchar(50) not null,
GenderId int )
create table dbo.Gender (
ID int not null primary key,
Gender varchar(50) not null
/* any rows below? your FK creation will fail */
Select *, p.GenderId as 'HoustonWeHaveAProblemValue' from dbo.Person p Where Not Exists (Select 1 from dbo.Gender g where g.ID = p.GenderId)
alter table dbo.Person add constraint Person_GenderId_FK
foreign key (GenderId) references dbo.Gender(ID)
Hi please use the following code to achieve your goal :
1-First create tblGender:
create table tblGender (
ID int not null primary key,
Gender varchar(50) not null
2-Then create table tblPerson with the relationship between 2 tables since the beginning:
create table tblPerson(
ID int not null primary key,
Fullname varchar(50) not null,
Email varchar(50) not null,
GenderId int references tblGender(ID)
works fine.

how can i create constraint on table based on many column and value in another table Oracle

i have atable such as codes table have these values:
I need to create table have these columns (ID, Country_ID , Food_ID) what is the best constraint that resolve this issue?
Having a single lookup table for all reference codes is a very poor design, to the point of almost being a SQL anti-pattern. It is likely to have performance issues. It is also difficult to ensure that the value of COUNTRY_MINOR_CODE references an actual country minor code in the reference table. Which brings us to this statement:
I need to create table have these columns (ID, Country_ID , Food_ID)
Can't be done. Or at least it can be done but you can't build foreign keys on that, because minor keys are not unique in the referenced table. But if you are set on a single table, say lookup_table with primary key defined on (major_code, minor code), you need this:
create table country_food (
id number primary_key
,country_major_code number not null
,country_minor_code number not null
,food_major_code number not null
,food_minor_code number not null
,constraint country_major_code_ck check (country_major_code = 1)
,constraint country_minor_code_ck check (country_minor_code != 0)
,constraint food_major_code_ck check (country_major_code = 2)
,constraint food_minor_code_ck check (country_minor_code != 0)
,constraint country_code_fk foreign key (country_major_code, country_minor_code) references lookup_table
,constraint food_code_fk foreign key (food_major_code, food_minor_code) references lookup_table
The hard coding of values, the additional check constraints, the increased complexity of joining to look up the name ... These are all reasons why you should choose to have separate tables for FOOD, COUNTRY, etc.
create table country (
country_id number primary_key
,country_name varchar2(24) not null
create table food (
food_id number primary_key
,food_name varchar2(24) not null
create table country_food (
id number primary_key
,country_id number not null
,food_id number not null
,food_major_code number not null
,constraint country_code_fk foreign key (country_id) references country
,constraint food_code_fk foreign key (food_id) references food
If I've got it right, you can get all Country+Food pairs with the query
select t1.minor_code counrty_id, t2.minor_code food_id
from (
select minor_code
from codesTable
where Major_code = (
select c.Major_code
from codesTable c
where c.minor_code=0 and'Country')
) t1
cross join (
select minor_code
from codesTable
where Major_code = (
select c.Major_code
from codesTable c
where c.minor_code=0 and'Food')
) t2
You can use the query to insert data into a table with an autogenerated ID or use it any other way.
First you need to consider the design of the tables
Table of country
Table of foods
Tables of food_country -------- relationship => many-to-many
Major_code numeric(15) not null,
minor_code numeric(15),
name varchar(50),
CONSTRAINT country_pk PRIMARY KEY (Major_code)
Food_ID numeric(15) not null,
name varchar(50),
ID numeric(10) not null,
Country_ID numeric(15) not null,
Food_ID numeric(15) not null,
CONSTRAINT fk_country
REFERENCES Country(Major_code),
REFERENCES supplier(Food_ID),

Joining multiple tables + HAVING clause

I have 4 tables :
create table Hotel (
numHotel int primary key,
nomHotel varchar(30),
ville varchar(30),
etoiles tinyint
create table Chambre (
numChambre int identity primary key,
numHotel int foreign key references Hotel(numHotel),
etage tinyint,
prixnuit smallmoney not null check (prixnuit>=100)
create table Client (
cinClient varchar(10) primary key,
nom varchar(30),
prenom varchar(30),
adresse varchar(255) default 'non renseignée',
telephone varchar(10) check (telephone like '0%' and len(telephone)=10)
create table reservation (
numReservation int identity primary key,
numChambre int foreign key references Chambre(numChambre),
numCl varchar(10) foreign key references Client(cinClient),
dateArrivee date,
dateDepart date,
constraint ck_dates check ((Datediff(day,dateArrivee,dateDepart)>0))
Column names are French, but I think they're understandable.
So the question is : I need to select the names of Hotels (nomHotel) having achieved a total price higher than a certain price (e.g. 10000)
This is what I did on paper :
select nomHotel from Hotel h join Chambre ch on h.numHotel=ch.numChambre join reservation r on ch.numChambre=r.numChambre
group by nomHotel
having COUNT(r.numChambre)*ch.prixnuit>10000
And (of course) I got it wrong.
Any Help is appreciated, Thanks.
translations : "prixnuit" is the room's (chambre) price per night.
The total revenue (I think) is based on the number of reservations.
I'm thinking you need to calculate the number of nights per reservation, no?
So, maybe:
select nomHotel,
from Hotel h join Chambre ch on h.numHotel=ch.numChambre join reservation r
on ch.numChambre=r.numChambre
group by nomHotel
having sum(Datediff(day,r.dateArrivee,r.dateDepart)*ch.prixnuit)>10000
select nomHotel, sum(Datediff(day,dateArrivee,dateDepart) * prixnuit)
from Hotel h join Chambre ch on h.numHotel=ch.numHotel
join reservation r on ch.numChambre=r.numChambre
group by nomHotel
having sum(Datediff(day,dateArrivee,dateDepart) * prixnuit)>1000

SQL Logic and Aggregate Issue

I have the following problem to solve in SQL :
d) A query that provides management information on take up of the various types of activities on offer. For each type of activity, the query should show the total number of individuals who took that type of activity and the average number of individuals taking each type of activity.
Here are my tables :
CREATE TABLE accommodations
chalet_number int PRIMARY KEY,
chalet_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,
no_it_sleeps number(2) NOT NULL,
indivppw number(4) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE supervisors
supervisor_number int PRIMARY KEY,
supervisor_forename varchar(30) NOT NULL,
supervisor_surname varchar(30) NOT NULL,
mobile_number varchar(11) NOT NULL
visitor_ID int PRIMARY KEY,
group_ID int NOT NULL,
forename varchar(20) NOT NULL,
surname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
dob date NOT NULL,
gender varchar(1) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE activities
activity_code varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY,
activity_title varchar(20) NOT NULL,
"type" varchar(20) NOT NULL
group_ID int PRIMARY KEY,
group_leader varchar(20) NOT NULL,
group_name varchar(30)
number_in_group number(2) NOT NULL
group_ID int NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
chalet_number int NOT NULL,
no_in_chalet number(2) NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT bookings_pk PRIMARY KEY(group_ID, chalet_number));
schedule_ID int PRIMARY KEY,
activity_code varchar(10) NOT NULL,
time_of_activity number(4,2) NOT NULL,
am_pm varchar(2) NOT NULL,
"date" date NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE activity_bookings
visitor_ID int NOT NULL,
schedule_ID int NOT NULL,
supervisor_number int NOT NULL,
comments varchar(200),
CONSTRAINT event_booking_pk PRIMARY KEY(visitor_ID, schedule_ID));
ALTER TABLE visitors
REFERENCES "groups"(group_ID)
ADD FOREIGN KEY (activity_code)
REFERENCES activities(activity_code)
ALTER TABLE bookings
REFERENCES "groups"(group_ID)
ALTER TABLE bookings
ADD FOREIGN KEY (chalet_number)
REFERENCES accommodations(chalet_number)
ALTER TABLE activity_bookings
REFERENCES visitors(visitor_ID)
ALTER TABLE activity_bookings
REFERENCES schedule(schedule_ID)
ALTER TABLE activity_bookings
ADD FOREIGN KEY (supervisor_number)
REFERENCES supervisors(supervisor_number)
I have the following solution:
SELECT activities."type", 'overalltotal' AS OT, ('overalltotal' / 'activities') AS AVG
FROM activities, schedule
WHERE 'overalltotal' = (SELECT SUM(COUNT(schedule_ID))
FROM activities, schedule
WHERE schedule.activity_code = activities.activity_code
GROUP BY activities."type"
AND 'activities' = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT activities."type")
FROM activities
AND schedule.activity_code = activities.activity_code
GROUP BY activities."type";
I have implemented sample data and code to check the variables above:
FROM activities, schedule
WHERE schedule.activity_code = activities.activity_code
GROUP BY activities."type";
Result : 20
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT activities."type")
FROM activities;
Result : 5
However when running the code :
ORA-01722: invalid number
01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
Using Dave's Code i have the following output:
Snowboarding 15
sledding 19
Snowmobiling 6
Ice Skating 5
Skiing 24
How would i do the final part of the question?
and the average number of individuals taking each type of activity.
You must use double quotes around column names in Oracle, not single quotes. For example, "overalltotal". Single quotes are for text strings, which is why you're getting an invalid number error.
EDIT: This is probably the type of query you want to use:
SELECT activities."type", COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT(*)/(COUNT(*) OVER ()) AS "avg"
FROM activities a
JOIN schedule s ON a.activity_code=s.activity_code
JOIN activity_bookings ab ON s.schedule_ID=ab.schedule_ID
GROUP BY activities."type";
Basically, because each activity booking has one visitor id, we want to get all the activity bookings for each activity. We have to go through schedule to do that. They we group the rows by the activity type and count how many activity bookings we have for each type.