Angular Datetime Range Picker for Angular having style sheet css - angular10

Could you please help me for the best datetime range picker for my project which is having the version 10 and stylesheets css?
I have tried the ngbDatepicker but it is not providing the time.
I have also tried ngx date time range picker but it is not comaptible with the css style sheet.
It is very helpful if you can provide any solution for this.


Is there a way to hide the in between dates in the xKeys in morris js?

im working with morris js and i was thinkin in a way to hide these dates that come in between the dates that was given to the data option, but I couldn't come up with a answer, please someone help me.
there is my chart:
my chart
and this is my code:
thanks in advance!
I tried to use the option given in the plugin page but none of then have worked, maybe im missing something

Add confirm button in vuejs-datepicker

I'm interested in the question, can I add a date selection confirmation button on the calendar? I use vuejs-datepicker (vue version 2)
In the component itself, I found only slots for adding elements before or after the input, but I can’t add content to the calendar itself
There is only one slot in vuejs-datepicker - and it is above the calendar. You may need to fork the component and change it to suit your needs.

How can i do custom date picker in react-native

I had used date time picker in react native, but I want to do in my custom UI for the date picker. How can I do it?
I want to do as shown in below image in both android and IOS
Follow the below steps.
Use new Date API to get Date, Month and Years store them in array.
then display in row so three are side to each other.
Hide Top and Bottom Portion View Using overflow hidden
That is it you can generate a Date Picker like you side.
You can get that look by using the react-native-date-picker library and the following code:

Can I add custom translations to Vuetify datepicker?

I'm trying to implement new custom language in Vuetify, I want to translate vuetify datepicker months to my custom language. Is there a way to achieve this?
As clearly stated in the documentation
The date picker supports internationalization through the JavaScript Date object. Specify a BCP 47 language tag using the locale prop, and then set the first day of the week with the first-day-of-week prop
Specifically it is using Intl.DateTimeFormat to get localized month/date names. So the list of locales is not limited to the list of Vuetify localisations specified here and depends on the browser.
If you need something really special, lets say Klingon, you can override methods used to format dates via props - specifically month-format, header-date-format and title-date-format
See both variants in the demo

Materialize Datepicker wrong height

anyone know how to resize and hide overflow-y in Materialize Datepicker. I am using ASP with MVC 4.0. Looks like is getting parent div settings.
Edit: I moved datepicker input outside of any div in the view without success, i am trying to find the month days container class to do tests.
Well, problem here was a styled tbody used in a custom css, the days container is in a tbody.
PD: I used mozilla firefox to debug webpage elements.