podman pulling image error "dial tcp [::1]:8000: connect: connection refused" - docker-image

I try to pull image
podman image pull hello-world
But, whenever and whatever i try,
Getting image source signatures
Get http://localhost:8000/library/hello-world#sha256=1b26826f602946860c279fce658f31050cff2c596583af237d971f4629b57792/signature-1: dial tcp [::1]:8000: connect: connection refused```
if you need any additional info, you can write there...
System is Endless OS, but i think it is not important


Need help to recover broken Nextcloud snap installation

I somehow managed to break my Nextcloud server! I guess I run a wrong snapd.service command and it broke my Nextcloud. The command that allegedly broke it was this:
sudo systemctl unmask snapd.service
Then I managed to get the server back running, but after some period I noticed that, for example, background cron job to scan for files inside the Nextcloud had stopped. Looking into this I found that whole snap service is throwing errors, and I no longer know what to do. Every command involving snap results in errors, which I do not understand.
Some examples cmd: results in:
error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: no such file or directory
cmd: results in:
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snapctl: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory
Help much appreciated!

How to print GPS location to stdout (Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04)?

I'm a complete newbie with GPS devices on Linux.
I have a GlobalSat G-STAR IV USB device and I would just like to get the GPS location (lat, long) printed to stdout. How can I achieve that? I'm reading about gpsd, but not sure how to get the actual location. The documentation seems old.
Any common tools etc for this?
It seems that with
$ sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 4800
$ sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0
I can read some NMEA(?) data from the device:
I still don't see $GPGLL that should contain the location..?
Edit: I also get this:
$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 -N
gpsd:ERROR: can't bind to IPv4 port gpsd, Address already in use
gpsd:ERROR: maybe gpsd is already running!
gpsd:ERROR: can't bind to IPv6 port gpsd, Address already in use
gpsd:ERROR: maybe gpsd is already running!
I have killed all gpsd instances and deleted the socket, but still getting that..
The output you posted from sudo cat /dev/ttyUSB0 is what you would expect for a GPS module, which does not (yet) have a fix, i.e. it does not have enough information to calculate its current position (+other information).
The only information provided by the messages is the current time of day, 11h39m35s, etc. Out of the messages you receive from your GPS module, not only the $GPGLL message can tell you about your location, but also the $GPGGA and $GPRMC messages that you do receive. If your module had a fix, you would not see several commas in a row but actual values in between.
More details about the format of the different messages can be found in this overview.
What is the likely root cause for the missing GPS fix (assuming your hardware + antenna are fine)?
You have just started using this module fresh from the factory and it needs some time to get ahold of its coordinates. The time to first fix for such a brand new device can be up to 15 minutes.
The GPS signal strength is not strong enough at the location of your module.
Therefore my advice:
Make sure that at your location, the GPS signal from the satellites is strong enough. Ideally by moving outdoors.
When your module has never had a fix before, give your module some time. Wait for up to 20 minutes.
GPSD, if installed, is normally started automatically, when you plug in a GPS module. You can check the current status with
systemctl status gpsd.service
systemctl status gpsd.socket
If active, the gpsd deamon reads out the GPS-data coming via the serial interface and provides it to other applications via a socket on a specific port (default: port 2947). In that case the serial port is not accessible anymore by serial monitors.
Steps to make this device work were:
# Switch the device to NMEA mode
sudo gpsctl -f -n /dev/ttyUSB0
# Set baudrate to 4800
sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 4800
# Start gpsd
gpsd -S 4000 /dev/ttyUSB0
Now create a TCP/IP socket connection to localhost:4000 and say ?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true}; or use libgps etc:

Unable to connect on GitLab.com since 2 days (HTTP, SSH...)

Let me explain my very strange problem. I have one server (Linux Debian Jessie) which had access to my git repository on gitlab.com
Two days ago, I tried to pull some modifications on this server with a simple git pull. I received an error message :
ssh: connect to host gitlab.com port 22: Connection timed out
Si I have done some tests
To understand why, I have tried a telnet on 22 port = TIMEOUT
I checked my iptables to be sure that SSH port was allowed. It is. If I try a telnet on another service for example like github.com, it works. So I'm allowed in OUTPUT on this port.
I thought a ip translation problem. I have done a ping, I obtain this message :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
87 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 86534ms
I use fail2ban, so I have checked if gitlab was in jail address, but it seems not.
So my problem is that I can't reach gitlab.com
If I try from my local machine or from another server, I don't have this problem. It works.
I can't reach gitlab.com only from this server but I don't know why. Maybe someone has an idea which cans be very precious to help me ?
Probably some modification of firewall caused this. For a quick solution use http protocol instead of ssh. Change your url in the git config file to http.
git config --local -e
change entry of
url = git#gitlab.com:username/repo.git , to
url = https://gitlab.com/username/repo.git
You need to give your username and password to authenticate yourself while making a push or pull though as it's http based.

SSH drops a few seconds after connecting

I have a TP-Link MR-3020 router that is hardwired to my "real" router. The TP Link has OpenWRT installed on in and has the static IP address of assigned to it. From my laptop, I can
ssh root# into the router.
Often times it will say
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused.
If I wait a few seconds and try again, I may get the same error or I may be prompted for the password. If I'm able to successfully log in I will often be kicked out with a broken pipe. Sometimes it's 5 seconds after logging in, sometimes it's 5 hours.
All of this is happening internally on a network and I've confirmed there aren't any other devices out there being assigned by DHCP. What are some things I can do to debug why I keep losing my connection?
First of all, you should understand if it is SSH-only issue, or your router is rebooted / goes offline completely. To do so, start ping and watch if it work when SSH doesn't allow you to connect.
If ping works, but SSH doesn't, then watch the process id of dropbear process (ssh daemon) issuing pgrep dropbear command. If it changes, then SSH process is restarted, and it needs further investigation.
Also, post your logs (logread and dmesg command) - it might contain useful information on this issue. Try to note the time when SSH goes off and look for corresponding lines in the log.

docker Mule-server curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

This might just be my rookie knowledge of Docker,
but I can't get the networking to work.
I'm trying to run a Mule-server via the pr3d4t0r/mule repository.
I can run it, hot-swap applications but I can reach it.
I can run a local server without Docker, and it works flawlessly.
But not when I try it with Docker.
When I try to do a simple curl command I get "curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
curl http://localhost:8090/Sven
I have tried exposing the ports via -P and separately via -p 8090:8090 but no luck.
When the docker is running it blocks the ports (I tried running Docker and the normal server at the same time but the normal one said the ports where already in use).
When I try another Image like jboss/wildfly and I use -p 8080:8080 there's no problem, it works perfectly.
The application in the mule-server will log and respond a simple "hello World", the output says that the application is deployed, but no messages or logging while I try to reach it.
Any suggestions?
In my case it was actually the app that was configured incorrectly. It had localhost as host. It should have been without this it was acting only on localhost aka the docker container but not from outside of it.
You should not need to use -net=host.
So check if there's a configuration
In application.properties need set ip not
"curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
mean that no process in docker image listening to the port. Option -p is bind of port in host system and image.
-p <port in host os to be binded to>:<port in container>
So, check your image, maybe your app in container use different port and you need
-p 8080:8090
if you have this , comment or remove it, server.address=localhost in your application.properties