Roblox api - What is the "cursor" argument - api

In the roblox api documentation (not to be confused with roblox's lua documentation) there is an argument for some GET request operations, for example . What are the cursors/how do they work?
I'm making a huge project that'll make using the roblox api way easier, but I dont know the cursors so there is a lot less I can do.
Roblox api documentation here

This is a concept called pagination. Pagination is when a website is split up into different pages. This helps Roblox and other websites not give back an unnecessary amount of information.
Once you send a request to Roblox which may return more than whatever limit you have specified entries you will get a cursor value. You can then send another request with that cursor value you were just given to get the next page of values.


Azure QnA Maker - add multiple URLs through REST API

I have a working QnA Maker instance, I manually added a few URLs to public websites.
Now I want to add many more URLs. I guess this means mastering the REST API? What method should I call? Any examples to start from?
I found this sample, which got me started:
It's an example of calling the REST API's "Knowledgebase - Create" operation.
It crashes if you add more than 10 URLs. Eventually, I found there are limits of 10 URLs on create.
Adding more requires a separate REST call - "Knowledgebase - Update" with an "add" node in the request body.
I think this is limited to 5 URLs per call. I extended the python code to loop over my list of URLs and "add" them all. It seems to work but gets slower and slower to complete each call. My guess is QnA Maker re-runs some internal indexing logic over the whole knowledge base on every update call? If so then that limit per call is probably counter-productive.

How to write filter {key} for a 'get items as xlsx' request via Podio API

I'll get this out of the way first: I'm an amateur programmer (at best)...i have some knowledge of how APIs work, but little to no experience manipulating the podio API directly (ie I use zapier/globiflow a lot and don't write any php/ruby). I'm sure other people can figure this out via the API documentation, but I can't. So i'm really hoping someone can help clarify and give some more detailed instruction.
My Overall objective:
I frequently export podio files as xlsx from the podio front-end. This is used by my team and me to do regular data analysis tasks in excel. I would like to make this process easier by automating the function of getting an updated podio export into my excel. My plan is to do this via excel VBA. I understand from other searching that it is possible to send an HTTP request using VBA, so i want to make sure i understand what I need to send to the Podio API to get what I need. The method of how to write the HTTP request in excel VBA is outside the intentional scope of this question (though i'd accept any help on this!)
What I've tried so far:
I know that 'get items as xlsx' is part of the podio API:
However I cannot seem to get this to work in the sandbox environment on that page so that i can figure out a valid request url. I get this message: 'Invalid filtering key' ... because i have no idea how to fill in that field. The information on that page is not clear on this. Nor is it evident on the referenced 'views page'. There are no examples to follow!
I don't even want to do any filtering. I just want to get ALL items in the app. Or i can give it a pre-existing view_id, but that doens't seem to work either without a {key}
I realise this is probably dead simple. Please help a noob? :)
Unfortunately, the interactive API sandbox does not behave appropriately for this particular endpoint. For filtering, this API endpoint expects query string parameters where the field-value pairs consist of integer field IDs and the allowed values for each field. Filtering by fields is totally optional. It looks like this sandbox page isn't built for this kind of operation with dynamic query string field names; wherever you see the {key} field on that page is meant as a placeholder for whatever field IDs that you would use for filtering.
If you want to experiment with this endpoint, I would encourage you to try another dedicated HTTP client first. I was able to get this simple example working with the command-line program wget:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, wget downloaded an Excel file containing all the items in my app without any filtering applied. The additional --content-disposition argument tells wget to save the output as a file with a name using the information in the server's Content-Disposition response header.
With a filter applied:
wget --header="Authorization:OAuth2 $MY_SECRET_TOKEN" \
--content-disposition \
In this case, the downloaded file filtered the results to items where field id 130654431 (which is a category field) contain the value galaxy.

Missing enrollment terms in Canvas LMS API

I am currently doing some work with the Canvas LMS REST API and have run into an issue when trying to retrieve a list of all enrollment terms defined in the system. When viewing the terms in the online system, I can see all the terms that have been created, from the first ones up to the furthest defined semester. However, when I try to get a list of terms using
GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms
I only receive a list of 10 terms, while the rest are missing. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Additionally, is there a difference between a Term and an EnrollmentTerm object? I only see API calls for EnrollmentTerm objects, while a Term seems to be a subset of the data contained in an EnrollmentTerm that only gets passed within a Course. Could someone explain if there is an important difference here, and what I may be missing?
Lastly, could anyone point me towards some information about error codes that are returned from an API call? For example, when I use
POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms
with some associated parameters, I get a 400 bad request response. When the parameters are incorrectly named, I get a 500 response instead. Any guidance on this matter would be very helpful.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help clarify things. Thanks for your help!
I got into contact with Canvas developers and found out that this was caused by how they paginate their API responses. Their default cap appears to be at 10 per response, but this can be extended up to 100 by adding ?per_page=100 at the end of the query like so:
POST /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms?per_page=100
Additional pages can be retrieved using the URLs returned in the Link header of the response. More info on that can be found here.
An example Link header would be:
<https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms?page=1&per_page=10>; rel="current",
<https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms?page=2&per_page=10>; rel="next",
<https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms?page=1&per_page=10>; rel="first",
<https://<canvas>/api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms?page=10&per_page=10>; rel="last"
The URLs in the Link header are only included when they are relevant, so the first page will not return a "prev" link and the last page will not return a "next" link, for example.

How to create shopify ScriptTag that would be used without asyncLoad wrapper?

Shopify does wrap all scripts added through ScriptTag API into special asyncLoad function. While it makes sense in many circumstances there still situations when you need script tag inserted directly into the header.
For example Optimizely wouldn't work that smooth if there wasn't other way to insert script tag, i.e. somehow theirs script appears in the store front independently, i.e. without asyncLoad function.
How would I do the same?
One option is to parse and then send back current theme, but it looks weird and not quite reliable, and according my research Optimizely does know another approach.
I was able to get in touch with Optimizely, here is their's response:
We actually partnered with Shopify to get our snippet added to the page in this way by default. I don’t think there is a simple way to work around the async limitation otherwise.
and here is Shopify's response:
Unfortunately this was a one-off hack-y fix, and not something that we're open to doing again at this time.
So, for now the only reliable way to work around the async limitation is to instruct users to place the script into current theme as others applications does.

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing.
I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do something decent with the matches but i'm not entirely sure how one would go about getting this to work.
Anyway have a tutorial or a quick five step process that they would recommend I follow to get this feature going?
The feature you are looking for is "find as you type" or "suggest as you type" or AJAX live search.
To get the functionality via the Maps API is possible as any other find as you type solution. For each key entered into your search box you already send the request to the server and see what matches the entered text so far. The problem is that you can only send so many requests to google before you get a 620 (too many requests) error. Having a find-as-you-type mechanism is usually easier when you have your own small DB which you can query, that is faster and you won't have problems with too many requests.
Some links with tutorials:
Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
Suggest as you type
AJAX Live Search