VS Code does not launch a web browser when starting Live Server or "npm start" with React - npm

I'm using Visual Studio Code Insiders on Arch Linux (installed via snapstore), and whenever I try to "open with live server", no browser launches. I can manually go to the local domain myself and its running, however it is annoying how it doesn't work out of the box. Same thing happens when using a react app, except it shows a link to follow in the integrated terminal.
It's not the biggest of deals, but it is annoying me because I do remember a time when Firefox was my default browser (fresh Arch install) and I was not having that problem.
Maybe I messed up something in the VS Code user settings but I cant remember... any tips to fix this hiccup would be much appreciated!
also the same thing happened with VS Code Insiders-git and bin from the AUR. Installing other versions and other repos didn't help.


NPM run dev successful in vscode but not terminal (contenlayer + Nextjs)

I am a bit at a loss on this one. Everything in my terminal (hyper) was working just fine the other day until I closed out of it. I came in to launch a Nextjs app I had been working on and now npm run dev just hangs up and doesn't actually start. The strange thing (to me) is that Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal seems to run just fine (and much quicker).
So far, the only packages I have added are contentlayer and next-contentlayer besides the default nextjs packages. Basically, contentlayer looks for md files (in a difined dir) and then generates an api for them. Strangely this seems to work everywhere else but in my actual standalone terminal.
Visual Studio code integrated terminal:
I have found that if I remove makeSource from the contentlayer.config.ts file, next dev will still run. At this point I could just use vscode, but I would really like to figure out the issue on all of this.

jhipster hot deploy on client side using npm

I am using version 4.5.5 of jhipster.
My OS is Linux Mint.
I am using IntelliJ as my IDE.
Everything is working fine in terms of generating the code, building and running the code.
Unfortunately, when I make changes to the client code (html or ts), the changes are not reflected until I recompile the client code completed. To achieve this I do "mvn -Pdev,webpack". It takes quite a while to restart the client and this is really holding me back.
Hot Deploy
What I expect to happen is that I can run "npm start" and when I save a change to a ts or a html file that it will be picked up and the change immediately visible in the browser.
Any ideas why the client hot deploy is not working ?
Any ideas how I identify where the issue is ?
For example, how do I know what folders are being watched by the hot deploy ?
Thanks a million for you help.
I am sure others have encountered the same issue and will read the answer gladly.
Kind regards,
PS Need any details, simply ask.
Figured it out.
Somebody else had a similar issue with a globally installed instance of webpack.
I installed a local version and the file updates are being detected and recompiled and the app hot deployed. Now working perfectly.
To install a local version webpack.js.org/guides/installation/#local-installation.

ibm mobile first development server .. run as options missing sometimes.. unable to start application

Build and deploy settings are missing from ibm mobile first development server hybrid project.
After clicking on Run as(as in attachment) even from a newly created project..not finding any options. Unable to start application.
Please let me know why it is happening, if any have faced this error before. The image below shows that there's nothing in "Run As...".
Something is wrong with your installation.
Try again in a new Eclipse workspace.
If it fails as well, re-install the Studio plug-in in a fresh Eclipse instance.

Unable to run app on device using android studio

I have been trying to use android studio and every time I deploy an app on a device, it gives me an error saying:
Installation failed since the device possibly has stale dexed jars that don't match the current version (dexopt error).
In order to proceed, you have to uninstall the existing application.
I have tried using Build->Clean Project and yet it seems to do no good.
I have also tried deleting the file from /data/local/tmp on device (as my phone is a rooted one), but, all in vain.
If anyone knows a way out, please, please help.
Uninstall the application from the device.
Check the storage space.
Once Restart the mobile and try to install it

Worklight Console can not be opened because the Worklight Server is not running

I'm just getting started with some of the samples at the Getting Started site, working with the Developers Edition. Whenever I Open Worklight Console, the eclipse environment abends. I'm sure I missed a set up item, but all seemed to install well. I appreciate any help / direction. Thanks.
I tried to post an image of the error, but stackoverflow indicates I need 10 reputations to post an image. Go figure.
The first line is Java was started but returned exit code=8096
There are some hits on this indicating that the license may not be compatible with the Rational license installed. Not sure what to do with that.
There's another post indicating Environment Variable corruption, but I don't have the corrupt Temp environment variables indicated.
StackOverflow has a FAQ explaining what one can and cannot do and when. It makes sense. Read it.
Did you at least create a new Worklight project and application?
If you do that and run the application by right-clicking on the application in the project tree and choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server this will: start the server + build the app + deploy the app.
Then you can right-click on the project icon and choose Open Worklight Console and you will see the console...
So unless you have some errors preventing the server from loading, the above should work.
Host the image elsewhere, like imgur.com
Explain what you have installed in your Eclipse. Which Eclipse is it? Did you install only Worklight Studio, or another plug-in in addition? Which?
What are those "hits" you mention? Elaborate.
Searching for the exit code in Google, I see the following IBM tech notes:
Perhaps one of them is relevant for you as well.
If you have followed Idan's advice to Run on Worklight Development Server and it is still not started, try this:
Switch to the Servers view (on the bottom pane of Eclipse by default).
Check your Worklight Development Server status
Right-click and select Clean...
Select OK when prompted to discard all publish start.
Redeploy your app using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
I am not sure if this would clean up your environment variable error message as I have not seen that one, but it has helped with several other errors that have caused my server to not start or run properly. (The most common one I get is an Out of Memory in the server.)