Multiple error of deployment shinyapp online - shinydashboard

I got a problem putting my application online on
I have some error, can you give me some help
Maxime Coulon
Picture error of my application:


Microsoft Graph snippets sample for ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Authentication error

As far as I know I have followed the instructions for setting up the Microsoft Graph sample, including joining the Microsoft 365 Developer Program. However when I run the sample and attempt to log in with my new Developer Program user I get the following error message:
Authentication error "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value')"
The error us being caught in this routine:
options.Events.OnAuthenticationFailed = context => {
var error = WebUtility.UrlEncode(context.Exception.Message);
return Task.FromResult(0);
If I log in with my personal Microsoft account then everything works fine, so I'm guessing this has something to do with my Developer Program account. The error message isn't very helpful and there not stack trace to speak of. I've tried using Fiddler to see if there's any more information but with no luck either. Any ideas about what I might be doing wrong?
Tested and reproduced the issue. You are getting this error because, as you have created application in one tenant and accessing the application with the Developer Program account(another tenant).
The Solution would be provide Provision for the application (service principal creation) Consent the application with the developer Program account(needs to be admin) if you want to use the application in developer tenant and Please below call
After looking at the error messages in the output from the Kestrel web server I discovered that the line causing the problem was this one:
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(GraphClaimTypes.TimeZone, user.MailboxSettings.TimeZone));
and it was because the value of user.MailboxSettings.TimeZone was null. Once I set up a TimeZone in my developer account then everything works fine.

how to log errors in iis7.5 and MVC4?

I have written an application using MVC4.
After I depolyed it to production, I noticed I get the errors
server could not process you request
from time to time. Its not function related as if I do the same action as before the system works no errors. So I want to find more information about what is causing the issue
how do I log errors in iis 7.5? where should I be looking?
I looked at C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2 which is where logging is occuring in my application through iis, but I went through the files and could not see anything that looked like an error..
is there something in particular I should be looking for?

Error when deploying Silverlight5 app: Load operation failed for query

I am having trouble deploying a Silverlight5 application. I'm releasing to a Windows server 2003 R2 running IIS6. This is the error that I get:
Load Error -
Load operation failed for query 'GetvSiteSetupStatus'.
Arguments: NotFound
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide
sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: [HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer]
From what I can see the control loads, but no data is shown. Running Profiler on the server shows that the queries are not run on the database at all. I suspect it to be a WCF issue, but don't know where to start looking. The error is not very clear.
Any help will be appreciated.
I figured out my error. I was testing my page with .html instead of .aspx.

Search Server Express Topology Problem

Lately I've installed Search Server Express 2010. After configuring it, I tried to test search functionality - content was crawled, and found by the search mechanism, so it was OK. Problem occured when I went entered Topology for Search Service Application: Search Service Application(Central Administration -> Manage services on server -> SharePoint Server Search -> Modify Topology). I can do everything there, but when I click Cancel or Apply Topology Changes it throws me an error:
An unhandled exception occurred in the
user interface.Exception Information:
An update conflict has occurred, and
you must re-try this action. The
object SearchConfigWizardContext
was updated by 'my_user_name', in the w3wp (1488)
process, on machine 'server_name'. View the tracing
log for more information about the
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft
SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID:
Does anybody had similar problem and knows what can be wrong?
Problem was solved by reinstalling the Search Server Express.

Decoding error 500 on IIS7

I am getting error 500, looking at the log I can see the http headers with the error 500, but how do I find out why it's happening? Is there any other tool I should be looking at? The event viewer is also not showing anything.
As was also answered to this other question, a good way to get more detailed information on error 500 is to enable detailed error reporting:
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager —> Your Web Site —> Error Pages -> Edit Feature Settings -> select "Detailed errors"