3 month rolling average with missing months - sql

I've been reading the related questions here, and so far the solutions require that there are no missing months. Would love to get some help on what I can do if there are missing months?
For example, I'd like to calculate the 3 month rolling average of orders per item. If there is a missing month for an item, the calculation assumes that the number of orders for that item for that month is 0. If there are fewer than three months left, the rolling average isn't so important (it can be null or otherwise).
2021-04 | A | 5 | 3.33
2021-04 | B | 4 | 3
2021-03 | A | 3 | 1.66
2021-03 | B | 5 | null
2021-02 | A | 2 | null
2021-01 | B | 2 | null
Big thanks in advance!
Also, is there a way to "add" the missing month rows without using a cross join with a list of items? For example if I have 10 million items, the cross join takes quite a while to execute.

You can use a range window frame -- and some conditional logic:
select t.*,
(case when min(month) over (partition by item) <= month - interval '2 month'
then sum(orders) over (partition by item
order by month
range between interval '2 month' preceding and current row
) / 3.0
end) as rolling_average
from t;
Here is a db<>fiddle. The results are slightly different from what is in your question, because there is not enough info for A in 2021-03 but there is enough for B in 2021-03.


SQL counting distinct users over a growing timeframe

I don't think I properly titled this, but in essence I'm wanting to be able to count distinct users but have those previous distinct users be considered as time goes on. As an example, say we have a dataset of user purchases over time:
Date | User
2/3/22 | A
2/4/22 | B
2/22/22 | C
3/2/22 | A
3/4/22 | D
3/15/22 | A
4/30/22 | B
Generally, if I were to count distincts grouped by months as would be normal we would get:
Date | Count
2/1/22 | 3
3/1/22 | 2
4/1/22 | 1
But what I'm really wanting to see would be how the total number of distinct users increases over the time period.
Date | Count
2/1/22 | 3
3/1/22 | 4
4/1/22 | 4
As such it would be 3 distinct users for the first month. Then 4 for the second month considering the total number of distinct users grew by one with the addition of "D" while "A" isn't counted because it was already recognized as a distinct user in the previous month. The third month would then still be 4 because no new distinct user performed an action that month.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (even if it is just a better title so that it reaches more people more appropriately haha)
here's a solution based on running sum in Postgres that should translate well to Vertica.
select date_trunc('month', "Date") as "Date"
,sum(count(case rn when 1 then 1 end)) over (order by date_trunc('month', "Date")) as "Count"
from (
select "Date"
,row_number() over(partition by "User" order by "Date") as rn
from t
) t
group by date_trunc('month', "Date")
order by "Date"
2022-02-01 00:00:00
2022-03-01 00:00:00
2022-04-01 00:00:00

SQL Day-over-Day count miscalculation

I'm encountering a bug in my SQL code that calculates the day-over-day (DoD) count difference. This table (curr_day) summarizes the count of trades on any business day (i.e. excluding weekends and government-mandated holidays) and is joined by a similar table (prev_day) that is day-lagged (previous day). The joining is based on the day's rank; for example the first day on the curr_day table is Jan-01 and it's rank is 1, the first day (rank 1) for the prev_day table is Dec-31.
My issue is that the trade count does not seem to calculate positive changes (see table below), only negative or no changes. This problem does not affect other fields that calculate the value of a trade, simply the amount of trades on a given day.
Sample of query
with curr_day as (select GROUP, COUNT from DB where DATE is not HOLIDAY),
prev_day as (select rank()over(partition by GROUP order by DATE) as RANK, GROUP, DATE, COUNT
from curr_day where DATE is not HOLIDAY)
select ID, DATE, curr_day.COUNT-prev_day.COUNT
from (select rank()over(partition by curr_day.GROUP order by curr_day.DATE) as RANK
from curr_day
where curr_day.DATE >= (select min(curr_day.DATE)+1) from curr_day)
left join prev_day on curr_day.RANK = prev_day.RANK and curr_day.GROUP = prev_day.GROUP)
Output table
Date | Group | Count | DoD_Cnt_Diff
2020-12-31 | A | 1 | 0
2021-01-01 | A | 1 | 0
2021-01-02 | A | 0 | -1
2021-01-03 | A | 1 | (null)
2021-01-04 | A | 0 | -1
2021-01-05 | A | 0 | 0
2021-12-31 | B | 0 | 0

Rolling sum based on date (when dates are missing)

You may be aware of rolling the results of an aggregate over a specific number of preceding rows. I.e.: how many hot dogs did I eat over the last 7 days
SELECT HotDogCount,
SUM(HotDogCount) OVER (ORDER BY DateKey ROWS 6 PRECEDING) AS HotDogsLast7Days
FROM dbo.HotDogConsumption
| HotDogCount | DateKey | HotDogsLast7Days |
| 3 | 09/21/2020 | 3 |
| 2 | 9/22/2020 | 5 |
| 1 | 09/23/2020 | 6 |
| 1 | 09/24/2020 | 7 |
| 1 | 09/25/2020 | 8 |
| 4 | 09/26/2020 | 12 |
| 1 | 09/27/2020 | 13 |
| 3 | 09/28/2020 | 13 |
| 2 | 09/29/2020 | 13 |
| 1 | 09/30/2020 | 13 |
Now, the problem I am having is when there are gaps in the dates. So, basically, one day my intestines and circulatory system are screaming at me: "What the heck are you doing, you're going to kill us all!!!" So, I decide to give my body a break for a day and now there is no record for that day. When I use the "ROWS 6 PRECEDING" method, I will now be reaching back 8 days, rather than 7, because one day was missed.
So, the question is, do any of you know how I could use the OVER clause to truly use a date value (something like "DATEADD(day,-7,DateKey)") to determine how many previous rows should be summed up for a true 7 day rolling sum, regardless of whether I only ate hot dogs on one day or on all 7 days?
Side note, to have a record of 0 for the days I didn't eat any hotdogs is not an option. I understand that I could use an array of dates and left join to it and do a
type of deal, but I would like to find out if there is a different way where the rows preceding value can somehow be determined dynamically based on the date.
Window functions are the right approach in theory. But to look back at the 7 preceding days (not rows), we need a range frame specification - which, unfornately, SQL Server does not support.
I am going to recommend a subquery, or a lateral join:
select hdc.*, hdc1.*
from dbo.HotDogConsumption hdc
cross apply (
select coalesce(sum(HotDogCount), 0) HotDogsLast7Days
from dbo.HotDogConsumption hdc1
where hdc1.datekey >= dateadd(day, -7, hdc.datekey)
and hdc1.datekey < hdc.datekey
) hdc1
You might want to adjust the conditions in the where clause of the subquery to the precise frame that you want. The above code computes over the last 7 days, not including today. Something equivalent to your current attempt would be like:
where hdc1.datekey >= dateadd(day, -6, hdc.datekey)
and hdc1.datekey <= hdc.datekey
I'm kind of old school, but this is how I'd go about it:
,( SELECT SUM( HDC2.HotDogCount )
FROM HotDogConsumption HDC2
AND HDC1.DateKey ) AS 'HotDogsLast7Days'
HotDogConsumption HDC1
Someone younger might use an OUTER APPLY or something.

SQL - BigQuery - How do I fill in dates from a calendar table?

My goal is to join a sales program table to a calendar table so that there would be a joined table with the full trailing 52 weeks by day, and then the sales data would be joined to it. The idea would be that there are nulls I could COALESCE after the fact. However, my problem is that I only get results without nulls from my sales data table.
The questions I've consulted so far are:
Join to Calendar Table - 5 Business Days
Joining missing dates from calendar table Which points to
MySQL how to fill missing dates in range?
My Calendar table is all 364 days previous to today (today being day 0). And the sales data has a program field, a store field, and then a start date and an end date for the program.
Here's what I have coded:
and SALES.ITEM = 1 or SALES.ITEM is null
What I expected was 365 records with dates where there were nulls and dates where there were filled in records. My query resulted in a few dates with null values but otherwise just the dates where a program exists.
8/27/2020 | | | | | |
8/26/2020 | | | | | |
8/25/2020 | | | | | |
8/24/2020 | | | | | |
6/7/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/7/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/6/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/6/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/5/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/5/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
6/4/2020 | 1 | 5 | 6/4/2020 | 2/13/2016 | 6/7/2020 |
Date = Calendar day.
Item = Item number being sold.
Program = Unique numeric ID of program.
Sale_Dt = Field populated if at least one item was sold under this program.
Prgm_bgn = First day when item was eligible to be sold under this program.
Prgm_end = Last day when item was eligible to be sold under this program.
What I would have expected would have been records between June 7 and August 24 which just had the DATE column populated for each day and null values as what happens in the most recent four records.
I'm trying to understand why a calendar table and what I've written are not providing the in-between dates.
EDIT: I've removed the request for feedback to shorten the question as well as an example I don't think added value. But please continue to give feedback as you see necessary.
I'd be more than happy to delete this whole question or have someone else give a better answer, but after staring at the logic in some of the answers in this thread (MySQL how to fill missing dates in range?) long enough, I came up with this:
and SALES.ITEM = 1 or SALES.ITEM is null
From what I can tell, it seems to be what I needed. It allows for the subquery to connect a date to all those records, then just joins on the calendar table again solely on date to allow for those nulls to be created.

SQL Query for 7 Day Rolling Average in SQL Server

I have a table of hourly product usage (how many times the product is used) data –
ID (bigint)| ProductId (tinyint)| Date (int - YYYYMMDD) | Hour (tinyint)| UsageCount (int)
#|1 | 20140901 | 0 | 10
#|1 | 20140901 | 1 | 15
#|1 | 20140902 | 5 | 25
#|1 | 20140903 | 5 | 25
#|1 | 20140904 | 3 | 25
#|1 | 20140905 | 7 | 25
#|1 | 20140906 | 10 | 25
#|1 | 20140907 | 9 | 25
#|1 | 20140908 | 5 | 25
#|2 | 20140903 | 16 | 10
#|2 | 20140903 | 13 | 115
Likewise, I have the usage data for 4 different products (ProductId from 1 through 4) stored for every hour in the product_usage table. As you can imagine, it is constantly growing as the nightly ETL process dumps the data for the entire previous day. If a product is not used on any hour of a day, the record for that hour won’t appear in this table. Similarly, if a product is not used for the entire day, there won’t be any record for that day in the table. I need to generate a report that gives daily usage and last 7 days’ rolling average –
For example:
ProductId | Date | DailyUsage | RollingAverage
1 | 20140901 | sum of usages of that day | (Sum of usages from 20140901 through 20140826) / 7
1 | 20140901 | sum of usages of that day | (Sum of usages from 20140901 through 20140826) / 7
1 | 20140902 | sum of usages of that day | (Sum of usages from 20140902 through 20140827) / 7
2 | 20140902 | sum of usages of that day | (Sum of usages from 20140902 through 20140827) / 7
And so on..
I am planning to create an Indexed View in SQL server 2014. Can you think of an efficient SQL query to do this?
select x.*,
avg(dailyusage) over(partition by productid order by productid, date rows between 6 preceding and current row) as rolling_avg
from (select productid, date, sum(usagecount) as dailyusage
from tbl
group by productid, date) x
Replace "avg(dailusage) over...." with sum (rather than avg) if what you really want is the sum for the past week. In your title you say you want the average but later you say you want the sum. The query should be the same other than that, so use whichever you actually want.
As was pointed out by Gordon this is basically the average of the past 6 dates in which the product was used, which might be more than just the past 6 days if there are days without any rows for that product on the table because it wasn't used at all. To get around that you could use a date table and your products table.
You have to be careful if you can be missing data on some days. If I assume that there is data for some product on each day, then this approach will work:
select p.productid, d.date, sum(usagecount),
sum(sum(usagecount)) over (partition by p.productid order by d.date
rows between 6 preceding and current row) as Sum7day
from (select distinct productid from hourly) p cross join
(select distinct date from hourly) d left join
hourly h
on h.productid = p.productid and h.date = p.date
group by p.productid, d.date;