SQL how i can convert from datetime to total hours? - sql

I do this query and the result is a datetime, i try so much variants, but nothing work it... I want the result to be displayed in the number of total hours, like (in this case): 25:01:05 because i have 2 days en this datetime, I have had results like 01:01:05 which is when it only subtracts the hours from the datetime. I would like that as well as add the hours by the number of days, do it with the months if it can be

The time datatype in SQL Server only holds up to 24 hours.
I would recommend decimal hours instead:
select datediff(second, 0, calchstrabajos) / (60.0 * 60)
Note: I switched from millisecond to second because that is usually sufficient.
If you want this in the form of HH:MM:SS, then you would need to convert to a string. I don't recommend that.


What do I have to change in my syntax for it to work in MS SQL Server from Informix

I'm currently updating a lot of our queries to work again in our new ERP-Release, where we will be working with MS SQL Server, swapping away from our current Informix database. Many are just simple Date-Format changes but this one I am unable to translate.
It really only is the following line:
round((GETDATE() - max(l105.dataen))::interval second(9) to second::char(10)::int
/ 60 / 60, 3)
I simply can't grasp what the part starting at the colons (::) is doing or what function it is.
I hope someone maybe can identify it.
In Informix, subtracting two DATETIME values results in an INTERVAL. The <value>::<type> notation is a shorthand for CAST(<value> AS <type>). Therefore, there are three consecutive casts:
::interval second(9) to second
By default, if you subtract two DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND values, you will get an INTERVAL DAY(n) TO SECOND value. The first cast converts that to INTERVAL SECOND(9) TO SECOND — a number of seconds; the second cast converts the result to CHAR(10) because there isn't a direct conversion from INTERVAL to numeric types; the third cast converts the string to an INT. That gives the integer number of seconds; it is divided by 60 twice (effectively, divided by 3600) to convert the seconds into hours.
The result is then rounded to 3 decimal places.
So, the overall operation calculates the number of hours between two times.
The two times are the current time and the most recent value in the l105.dataen column (the MAX expression). Presumably, there is a GROUP BY clause somewhere in the SELECT statement that this is a part of.
You will likely need to use a 'time difference' function in MS SQL Server, and maybe the function allows you to control the presentation of the result as a number of hours and fractions of an hour.
Judging from DATEDIFF function, you will need to use something like:
DATEDIFF(hh, MAX(l105.dataen), GETDATE())
However, that returns an integer value for the difference in hours. You may prefer to get the time in seconds and divide by 3600 to get a fractional value:
DATEDIFF(ss, MAX(l105.dataen), GETDATE()) / 3600.0
No database server was consulted to ensure the veracity of the suggested translation.

SQL - Subtracting Milliseconds from Current Date Time

I am trying to write a query that will let me get records entered between now and a some number of minutes in the past. I have the number of minutes as milliseconds. So, I'm trying to write a SQL query that will let me get those records.
I see a DateAdd function. However, I don't see a function to Subtract some time from a date. From a pseduo-code perspective, I'm trying to do this:
CreatedAt > (GetUtcDate() - milliseconds)
How do I get records from MyTable that have happened within some past window of time?
We can try using DATEADD in millisecond mode:
FROM MyTable
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(ms, -60000, GETDATE()); -- 60000 ms = 1 minute
This would return all records which were created within one minute of the current date and time.
The function you want is DATEADD (Transact-SQL).
SELECT {YourColumns}
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(millisecond,{value},GETUTCDATE());
Despite its name, the DATEADD function is also the "DATESUBTRACT" function that you're looking for. (Intentionally double-quoted as quasi-code.)
The first parameter defines the sorts of units you're adding or subtracting, i.e. HOUR, DAY, WEEK, etc., or, in your case, MILLISECOND. In the second parameter, if you want to add time, you enter a positive number. If you want to subtract time, as you do here, enter a negative number of units.
The best way to interact with date and time in SQL is to use specific date and time functions rather than adding dates as you would add numbers.
In this case the function you are looking for is DATEADD, using it your cord should change like this:
FROM MyTable
WHERE CreatedAt > DATEADD(ms, -milliseconds, GetUtcDate())

Sum of smalldatetime and format as decimal minutes SQL

Working with an Access database, using SQL commands to pull data from it. I have a column 'Duration' formatted in smalldatetime, which contains data pertaining to the duration of a phone call. The data is this column is like so
0/01/1900 12:00:26 AM
This indicates a call that is 26 seconds in duration. (all start at 12:00:00 AM and work upwards)
I have a column called 'Extension' which identifies the user of the phone.
I am wanting to run a query that will show me total durations, but grouped by extensions.
The query I have so far is
SELECT (CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),(DATEADD(ms, SUM(DATEDIFF(ms, '00:00:00.000', (CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),Duration,108)))), '00:00:00.000')),108)) as "timetest",
Extension AS Extension
FROM BrendanTest GROUP BY Extension
This shows:
Timetest Extension
00:12:00 117
00:06:00 118
which is correct.
However, I want to format the result, to show in decimal minutes, for example
would become
Is there a way I can do this? Thanks a lot for the help!
Assuming '00:04:56' is in the format HH:MM:SS, you can try something like the below to convert it to decimal format:
SELECT PARSENAME(REPLACE('00:04:56',':','.'),3) * 60 --Convert the hours to minutes
+ PARSENAME(REPLACE('00:04:56',':','.'),2) --Add converted hours to minutes
+ CONVERT(FLOAT, LEFT((CONVERT(INT,(PARSENAME(REPLACE('00:04:56',':','.'),1)))/0.6),2))/100 -- convert to decimal format

Convert time from seconds to hours, with rounding

I need to convert time from seconds to hours with 2 decimal rounding
PeriodLength contains time in seconds.
(c.PeriodLength)/3600. as Time
Returns time in hours but result is like 1.250000
and I need it to be 1.25.
Using standard SQL, you can convert it to a decimal. Something like:
select cast(c.PeriodLength / (60.00*60) as decimal(6, 2));
There are also database specific solutions, but you don't specify the database.
SET value = ROUND(value,2)
Note that this is generally used for statistical purposes, rather than monetary or time. However, it should work for what you are seeking.

SQL Server 2005 DateTime math

I'm trying to get the amount of time spent on something. I have the DateTime for the start and end of the thing in two columns. I can do:
cnext.CreatedDate - c.CreatedDate
which results in something like this:
1900-01-01 00:00:19.190
which means they spent 19.19 seconds on the thing. That's great for each row but i would like to group by the specific thing and sum up the time spent on each thing:
SUM(cnext.CreatedDate - c.CreatedDate)
but I get a:
Operand data type datetime is invalid for sum operator.
How should i go about getting the total time is I can't sum up DateTime types?
You can't SUM datetime values. This is like taking the square root of a string.
SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, c.CreatedDate, cnext.CreatedDate))
Or if you want greater precision:
SUM(DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND, c.CreatedDate, cnext.CreatedDate))
If the date potion is 1/1/1900, convert the dates to floats, subtract them, and convert the result back to datetime.