SQL Condition in a Conition - conditional-statements

im sorry that i cant google that questions, its mainly because i dont know the words for searching it up.
Im still new to sql and i have to solve a problem - Lets say my table looks like this:
1114 20200101 Heins
1114 20190101 Heins
1114 20200101 Norma
1115 20200102 Dirk
1111 20200102 Alex
I want to see every entry with the ID 1114 and the Date between 20200101 and 20200131.
So my statement looks like this:
DATUM BETWEEN '20200101' AND '202200131'
AND ID = '1114'
OR ID = '1115'
This shows the correct date BUT ALSO every other date because of "AND ID 1114"
So i need a way to say search IN THE RANGE OF THE DATE FOR ID.
im sure its simple but i cant google it because lack of knowledge for the right words

Because of the way the where clause is processed you are getting results that are between 20200101 and 202200131 and also have an id of 1114 and results where the id is 1115.
Adding some bracketing to your where clause should force it to process the or around only the id fields and make the date a requirement for either.
DATUM BETWEEN '20200101' AND '202200131'
AND (ID = '1114'
OR ID = '1115')


Split not-atomar value into multiple rows with PostgreSQL

I have some not atomar data in a database like this:
Component ID List
123, 456
123, 345
I need to transform those table into a view that provides the "Component ID List" in a way, that I can use joins. Expected result:
Component ID List
Because I have this case in quite a few tables I look for the possibility to create a reusable way to perform this action, e.g. with a SQL-function. The tables have different column-names so the function would need a parameter, like this:
SELECT *, split_values("Component ID List") FROM xyz
I know the best way would be to fix the problem in the raw-data but that's not possible in this case.
Any suggestions how to solve this the best way possible?
You can use unnest(string_to_array(Component_ID_List, ', ')):
unnest(string_to_array(Component_ID_List, ', ')) as Component_ID_List
FROM table_name;

SELECT from 50 columns

I have a table that has many columns around 50 columns that have datetime data that represent steps user takes when he/she do a procedure
SELECT UserID, Intro_Req_DateTime, Intro_Onset_DateTime, Intro_Comp_DateTime, Info_Req_DateTime, Info_Onset_DateTime, Info_Comp_DateTime,
Start_Req_DateTime, Start_Onset_DateTime, Start_Comp_DateTime,
Check_Req_DateTime, Check_Onset_DateTime, Check_Comp_DateTime,
Validate_Req_DateTime, Validate_Onset_DateTime, Validate_Comp_DateTime,
FROM MyTable
I want to find the Step the user did after certain datetime
example I want to find user ABC what the first step he did after 2 May 2019 17:25:36
I cannot use case to check this will take ages to code
is there an easier way to do that?
P.S. Thanks for everyone suggested redesigning the database.. not all databases can be redesigned, this database is for one of the big systems we have and it is been used for more than 20 years. redesigning is out of the equation.
You can use CROSS APPLY to unpivot the values. The syntax for UNPIVOT is rather cumbersome.
The actual query text should be rather manageable. No need for complicated CASE statements. Yes, you will have to explicitly list all 50 column names in the query text, you can't avoid that, but it will be only once.
('Intro_Req', Intro_Req_DateTime)
,('Intro_Onset', Intro_Onset_DateTime)
,('Intro_Comp', Intro_Comp_DateTime)
) AS A (StepName, dt)
MyTable.UserID = 'ABC'
AND A.dt > '2019-05-02T17:25:36'
See also How to unpivot columns using CROSS APPLY in SQL Server 2012
The best way is to design your table with your action type and datetime that action was done. Then you can use a simple where clause to find what you want. The table should be like the table below:
ID ActionType ActionDatetime
----------- ----------- -------------------
1492 1 2019-05-13 10:10:10
1494 2 2019-05-13 11:10:10
1496 3 2019-05-13 12:10:10
1498 4 2019-05-13 13:10:10
1500 5 2019-05-13 14:10:10
But in your current solution, you should use UNPIVOT to get what you want. You can find more information in this LINK.

SQL - Selecting Records with an odd number of a given attribute

I'm just brushing up on some SQL - in other words, I'm really rusty - and am a bit stuck at the moment. It's probably something trivial, but we'll see.
I'd like to select all people that possess an odd number of a certain attribute that isn't an integer ( in this example, TransactionType). So, for example, take the following test/not real info where these people are buying a car or some similarly big purchase.
Name TransactionType Date
John Buy 5/1
John Cancel 5/1
John Buy 5/2
Joseph Buy 5/25
Joseph Cancel 5/25
Tanya Buy 5/28
I would like it to return the people who had an odd number of transactions; in other words, they ended up purchasing the item. So, in this case, John and Tanya would be selected and Joseph would not.
I know I can use the modulus operand here, but I'm a bit lost how to utilize it correctly.
I thought of using
count(TransactionType) % 2 != 0
in the where clause but that's obviously a no-go. Any pointers in the right direction would be very helpful. Let me know if this is unclear, and thanks!
You are close. You need a having clause instead of a where clause.
select Name
from table
group by Name
having count(TransactionType) % 2 != 0
Wouldn't you be better off getting the latest status by the transaction date and using that rather than relying on counting TransactionType to determine the latest status:
Something like this:
SELECT b.Name, b.TransactionType, b.[Date]
SELECT Name, MAX(t1.[DATE]) latestDate
FROM [Transactions] t1
GROUP BY t1.Name
) a
INNER JOIN [Transactions] b ON b.Name = a.Name AND a.latestDate = b.[Date]
WHERE b.TransactionType = 'Buy'
Assuming your dates are valid dates with times included, this should work.
Sample SQL Fiddle
If you only store the date portion the max date would be the same for people that Buy and Cancel on the same date, therefore it would return more data and some incorrect records.

How to add an increasing var +1 if field.tab1=field.tab2 in sql

If anyone can help
I have two tables like this:
I need to update table 2 like this:
Thank you for your quick response and guidance
Yes I'm new here and in sql, access too, I have those two tables that i need to compare and make the field from second table to have unique records because will be appended to the first table, so this is what i've done in access:
SELECT tab2.field, tab1.field, tab1.field1, tab2.field1
FROM tab2 LEFT JOIN tab1 ON tab2.field=tab1.field;
and manualy increase every tab1.field :) until tab2.field and tab2.field1 become null, where field is the number of client and field1 number of order.
The natural answer to this question is:
update field.tab2
set col = 1113
where col = 111;

Unsure of how to go about this query. Dunno what to call this type of query either please correct this title!

This query is supposed to run with ms access 2003 using SQL. the function JOIN is NOT supported explicitly. implicitly in the WHERE clause is fine...implicity anywhere is fine as long as the word JOIN INNER JOIN Etc is not used.
DayNumnber PastTime
333 Homework
333 TV
334 Date
620 Chores
620 Date
620 Homework
725 Chores
725 Date
888 Internet
888 TV
Hey I would like a query that can Show the most important past time done for each day (TV and internet do not count!) .So importance would be Homework > Chores > Date.So:
DayNumber PastTime
333 Homework
334 Date
620 Homework
725 Chores
Something that might change this problem. Altho all the different past times are listen in a table together. but that was because i appended the table. originally the homework entries. chore entries and date entriess . internet entriess. tv entries. came from different tables.
eg homework 333
homework 620
Is it easier to do it without appending these tables first? I would hopefully like it to be done with the appended table but ya
I was thinking of a mixture of insert. delete... but the hardest part is checking that there is something there for a date a few things and how to put the more important thing done that day . Thank you
Create another table with:
Pri | PastTime
1 | Homework
2 | Chores
3 | Date
This is a priority list for the items.
Next do:
SELECT MIN(Pri), DayNumber
FROM PastTime_table, Priority_table
WHERE PastTime_table.PastTime = Priority_table.PastTime
GROUP BY DayNumber
This will give you the most important past time for each day. And because TV and Internet are not listed they will not show up.
But it will give you a number, and not the name.
If you had a better SQL you could then join this back to the Priority_table and lookup the name. But I guess you will have to do that part manually.
If you are willing to change the name and call them:
instead then you could do (without any extra table):
SELECT MIN(PastTime), DayNumber
FROM PastTime_table
GROUP BY DayNumber
Since it sorts the name alphabetically it will always give you the best one.
You can add a WHERE to remove TV and Internet.