Placing a marker on map - marker

Can somebody share an example on how to place a simple marker on the harp-gl generated map? I can't find any information on how to achieve it. Thank you

here are two examples of markers for a point: docs geojson points docs lines and points
On each of these web pages you can click the </> logo in the bottom right corner to see an example in JavaScript code.


How to modify custom.css styling on Docusaurus items

I am looking for the syntax needed to reference an item in Docusaurus allowing me to modify the background color/text color of a collapsed item.
Example image
enter image description here
How exactly can I reference docusaurus code to modify the coloring of these bubbles?
it is not clear what exactly you are asking.
You can find how to add styling and layout here:
You can create custom react components and add them to the documentation to completely customise the html element. Alternatively you could inspect the element to find the class used by docusaurus to change the css of the elements you want.

How to show image instead of bullets in react native html text?

I'm using react-native-htmlview to render html text this package gives a lot of customization options what I want to ask is how can I replace bullets with an image or may be a react-native-vector-icon component the library gives an option to replace bullet with a text string can I replace it with icon or image?
Any help would appreciated you may suggest some other light weight package that serve this purpose I also need please keep in mind that I want to apply styles based on the tags and my styles includes the custom font.

Adding a link to react-native checkbox value

I'm a brand new junior dev working on a react-native app for the first time. I have been searching for quite a while for a way to add a link to the text of a react-native checkbox's value text. If anyone has a link to documentation that might explain what I want to do, I would be super appreciative since I haven't found anything helpful yet. I saw that you can not add html elements into native after I tried a number of variations of anchors. I've tried adding Link to variations and attempted to add an onPress function to the label. I'm grasping at straws here... is this even possible to do?
To be clear, I want a user to be able to press the words "Terms of Service" and have it link to the page that has the terms
{this.props.isUser &&
onChange={(event, checked) => this.updateAttr('terms', checked)}
label="I have read and understand the Terms of Service"
Instead of adding the "I accept...." as a label to checkbox, put the Check box without any label and the text 'I have read' as separate Text elements inside a view element and align them accordingly. Then inside the view, put the terms and conditions part inside a touchable and use React Native Linking to link the touchable to open a URL when touched.
React-Native Open Url in default web browser

Add text in the center of pentaho ccc donut chart

I searched this questions with google and only got some answers for Highcharts or D3 graphs.
this demo is for Highcharts:
Also, I found an example here:, but I couldn't tweak the code to fit my purpose.
my use case
I create a pie chart with extension point options:
slice_innerRadiusEx: 50%
which is very similar to this demo:, then I'm trying to put numbers in the center of of the pie(see previous demo, in the white area).
what I want
What I want is almost the same as this chart:, but implement with the code snippet in the second jsfiddle demo.
I don't think that can be done via CCC configuration or extension points.
What people usually do is create a donut chart with a predefined empty space in the center, add a div on top of it and, e.g. using a text component, append whatever text you want in the center of the donut to that div.
The center text isn't really part of the donut, it's added by a separate component. Then it's a matter of crafting your CSS carefully to align the text with the center of the donut and not allow it to overflow its container.

Click even on pie chart using dojo

I have a sliced pie chart.
I need to implement Click event on each slice to go other page.
Can any body tel me how to do this kind of clicks on the pie chart using dojo?
You should use actions for that. Read this article (linked from the official docs):
As always you can look at the code for standard actions in dojox/charting/action2d.