Creating 2d array and filling first columns of each row in numpy - numpy

I have written the following code for creating a 2D array and filing the first element of each row. I am new to numpy. Is there a better way to do this?
x = np.linspace(0,L,num = N)
for k in range(0,N):
y[k][0] = np.sin(PI*x[k]/L)

Simply do this:
y[:, 0] = np.sin(PI*x/L)


randomly choose value between two numpy arrays

I have two numpy arrays:
left = np.array([2, 7])
right = np.array([4, 7])
right_p1 = right + 1
What I want to do is
rand = np.zeros(left.shape[0])
for i in range(left.shape[0]):
rand[i] = np.random.randint(left[i], right_p1[i])
Is there a way I could do this without using a for loop?
You could try with:
extremes = zip(left, right_p1)
rand = map(lambda x: np.random.randint(x[0], x[1]), extremes)
This way you will end up with a map object. If you need to save memory, you can keep it that way, otherwise you can get the full np.array passing through a list conversion, like this:
rand = np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.random.randint(x[0], x[1]), extremes)))

How to get index from value in 2D Numpy array

I have two arrays:
values_arr = [[100,1], [20,5], [40,50]...[50,30]]
images_arr = [img1, img2, img3,...imgn]
Both the arrays are numpy arrays.
The values_arr and images_arr are in the same order.
[100, 1] corresponds to img1
How do I get the image given the value of index?
index = [20,5]
In this case, I should get img2 given the value of index = [20,5].
You can make a dict as
values_arr_tup = [tuple(i) for i in values_arr]
dict_ = {key:value for key,value in zip(values_arr_tup ,images_arr)}
then perform dict_[tuple(index)] to get the image
You can use np.where to extract the index of the item :
images_arr[np.where(values_arr == [20,5])[0][0]]

In numpy, what is the efficient way to find the maximum values and their indices of a 3D ndarray across two axis?

How to find the correlation-peak values and coordinates of a set of 2D cross-correlation functions?
Given an 3D ndarray that contains a set of 2D cross-correlation functions. What is the efficient way to find the maximum(peak) values and their coordinates(x and y indices)?
The code below do the work but I think it is inefficient.
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
ccorr = np.random.rand(7,5,5)
xind = ccorr.argmax(axis=-1)
mccorr = ccorr[np.matlib.repmat(np.arange(0,7)[:,np.newaxis],1,5),np.matlib.repmat(np.arange(0,5)[np.newaxis,:],7,1), xind]
yind = mccorr.argmax(axis=-1)
xind = xind[np.arange(0,7),yind]
values = mccorr[np.arange(0,7),yind]
print("cross-correlation functions (z,y,x)")
print("x and y indices of the maximum values")
print("Maximum values")
You'll want to flatten the dimensions you're searching over and then use unravel_index and take_along_axis to get the coordinates and values, respectively.
ccorr = np.random.rand(7,5,5)
cc_rav = ccorr.reshape(ccorr.shape[0], -1)
idx = np.argmax(cc_rav, axis = -1)
indices_2d = np.unravel_index(idx, ccorr.shape[1:])
vals = np.take_along_axis(ccorr, indices = indices_2d, axis = 0)
if you're using numpy version <1.15:
vals = cc_rav[np.arange(ccorr.shape[0]), idx]
vals = ccorr[np.arange(ccorr.shape[0]),
indices_2d[0], indices_2d[1]]

Extract array elements from another array indices

I have a numpy array, a:
a = np.array([[-21.78878256, 97.37484004, -11.54228119],
[ -5.72592375, 99.04189958, 3.22814204],
[-19.80795922, 95.99377136, -10.64537733]])
I have another array, b:
b = np.array([[ 54.64642121, 64.5172014, 44.39991983],
[ 9.62420892, 95.14361441, 0.67014312],
[ 49.55036427, 66.25136632, 40.38778238]])
I want to extract minimum value indices from the array, b.
ixs = [[2],
Then, want to extract elements from the array, a using the indices, ixs:
The expected answer is:
result = [[-11.54228119]
I tried as:
ixs = np.argmin(b, axis=1)
print ixs
result = np.take(a, ixs)
print result
Any ideas are welcomed
You can use
result = a[np.arange(a.shape[0]), ixs]
np.arange will generate indices for each row and ixs will have indices for each column. So effectively result will have required result.
You can try using below code
np.take(a, ixs, axis = 1)[:,0]
The initial section will create a 3 by 3 array and slice the first column
>>> np.take(a, ixs, axis = 1)
array([[-11.54228119, -11.54228119, -11.54228119],
[ 3.22814204, 3.22814204, 3.22814204],
[-10.64537733, -10.64537733, -10.64537733]])

Indexing a 4D array using another array of 3D indices

A have a 4D array M (a x b x c x d) and an array I of indices (3 x f), e.g.
I = np.array([1,2,3, ...], [2,1,3, ...], [4,1,6, ...])
I would like to use I to arrive at a matrix X that has f rows and d columns, where:
X[0,:] = M[1,2,4,:]
X[1,:] = M[2,1,1,:]
X[2,:] = M[3,3,6,:]
I know I can use M[I[0], I[1], I[2]], however, I was wondering if there's a more concise solution?
You can use use, for example:
I = np.array([[1,2,3], [2,1,3], [4,1,6]])
M = np.ndarray((10,10,10,10))
X = np.array([M[t,:] for t in I])
This would be one way to do it -
import numpy as np
# Get row indices for use when M is reshaped to a 2D array of d-columns format
row_idx = np.sum(I*np.append(1,np.cumprod(M.shape[1:-1][::-1]))[::-1][:,None],0)
# Reshape M to d-columns 2D array and use row_idx to get final output
out = M.reshape(-1,M.shape[-1])[row_idx]
As, an alternative to find row_idx, if you would like to avoid np.append, you can do -
row_idx = np.sum(I[:-1]*np.cumprod(M.shape[1:-1][::-1])[::-1][:,None],0) + I[-1]
Or little less scary way to get row_idx -
_,p2,p3,_ = M.shape
row_idx = np.sum(I*np.array([p3*p2,p3,1])[:,None],0)