I have a DB as follows:
| company | timestamp | value |
| ------- | ---------- | ----- |
| google | 2020-09-01 | 5 |
| google | 2020-08-01 | 4 |
| amazon | 2020-09-02 | 3 |
I'd like to calculate the average value for each company within the last year if there are >= 20 datapoints. If there are less than 20 datapoints then I'd like the average during the entire time duration. I know I can do two separate queries and get the averages for each scenario. The question I suppose is how do I merge them back in a single table based on the criteria I have.
select company, avg(value) from my_db GROUP BY company;
select company, avg(value) from my_db
where timestamp > (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months')
GROUP BY company;
WITH last_year AS (
SELECT company, avg(value), 'year' AS range -- optional tag
FROM tbl
WHERE timestamp >= now() - interval '1 year'
HAVING count(*) >= 20 -- 20+ rows in range
SELECT company, avg(value), 'all' AS range
FROM tbl
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM last_year WHERE company = t.company)
UNION ALL TABLE last_year;
db<>fiddle here
An index on (timestamp) will only be used if your table is big and holds many years.
If most companies have 20+ rows in range, an index on (company) will be used for the 2nd SELECT to retrieve the few outliers.
Use conditional aggregation:
select company,
when sum(case when timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months' then value end) >= 20 then
avg(case when timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months' then value end)
else avg(value)
from my_db
group by company
If by 20 datapoints you mean 20 rows in the last 12 months for each company, then:
select company,
when count(case when timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months' then value end) >= 20 then
avg(case when timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '12 months' then value end)
else avg(value)
from my_db
group by company
You can use window functions to provide the information for filtering:
select company, avg(value),
(count(*) = cnt_this_year) as only_this_year
from (select t.*,
count(*) filter (where date_trunc('year', datecol) = date_trunc('year', now()) over (partition by company) as cnt_this_year
from t
) t
where cnt_this_year >= 20 and date_trunc('year', datecol) = date_trunc('year', now()) or
cnt_this_year < 20
group by company;
The third column specifies if all the rows are from this year. By filtering in the where clause, it is simple to add other calculations as well (such as min(), max(), and so on).
I need to get the count of new subscribers each month of the current year.
DB Structure: Subscriber(subscriber_id, create_timestamp, ...)
Expected result:
date | count
2021-01-01 | 3
2021-02-01 | 12
2021-03-01 | 0
2021-04-01 | 8
2021-05-01 | 0
I wrote the following query:
AS create_timestamp,
COUNT(subscriber_id) AS count
FROM subscriber
GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp);
Which works but does not include months where the count is 0. It's only returning the ones that are existing in the table. Like:
"2021-09-01 00:00:00" 3
"2021-08-01 00:00:00" 9
First subquery is used for retrieving year wise each month row then LEFT JOIN with another subquery which is used to retrieve month wise total_count. COALESCE() is used for replacing NULL value to 0.
-- PostgreSQL (v11)
SELECT t.cdate
, COALESCE(p.total_count, 0) total_count
FROM (select generate_series('2021-01-01'::timestamp, '2021-12-15', '1 month') as cdate) t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp) create_timestamp
, SUM(subscriber_id) total_count
FROM subscriber
GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('month',create_timestamp)) p
ON t.cdate = p.create_timestamp
Please check from url https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_11&fiddle=20dcf6c1784ed0d9c5772f2487bcc221
get the count of new subscribers each month of the current year
SELECT month::date, COALESCE(s.count, 0) AS count
FROM generate_series(date_trunc('year', LOCALTIMESTAMP)
, date_trunc('year', LOCALTIMESTAMP) + interval '11 month'
, interval '1 month') m(month)
SELECT date_trunc('month', create_timestamp) AS month
, count(*) AS count
FROM subscriber
) s USING (month);
db<>fiddle here
That's assuming every row is a "new subscriber". So count(*) is simplest and fastest.
Join a count query on generate_series() and retrieve Null values as '0'
Generating time series between two dates in PostgreSQL
I have data like
id | date |
1 | 1.1.20 |
3 | 4.1.20 |
2 | 4.1.20 |
1 | 5.1.20 |
6 | 2.1.20 |
What I would like to get is to get the amount of occurrences an user with ID did in the past 2 weeks on any given date so basically "occurences between date - 14 days and date. I'm trying to categorize users by their amount of sessions past 2 weeks, and I'm following them by daily cohorts.
This query does not work since there can be days when the user does not log in aka does not have a row:
Unfortunately, Presto does not support range() window functions. One method is a self-join/aggregation or correlated subquery:
select t.id, count(tprev.id)
from t left join
t tprev
on tprev.id = t.id and
tprev.date > t.date - interval '13' day and
tprev.date <= t.date
group by t.id;
This interprets your request as wanting 14 days of data, including the current day.
Another method that is much more verbose but might be faster is to use lag() . . . and lag() again:
select t.id,
(1 + -- current date
(case when lag(date, 1) over (partition by id order by date) > date - interval '14' day then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when lag(date, 2) over (partition by id order by date) > date - interval '14' day then 1 else 0 end) +
. . .
(case when lag(date, 13) over (partition by id order by date) > date - interval '14' day then 1 else 0 end) +
) as cnt_14
from t;
I'm using PostGres DB.
I have a table that contains test names, their results and reported time:
|test_name|result |report_time|
| A |error |29/11/2020 |
| A |failure|28/12/2020 |
| A |error |29/12/2020 |
| B |passed |30/12/2020 |
| C |failure|31/12/2020 |
| A |error |31/12/2020 |
I'd like to sum how many tests have failed or errored in the last 30 days, per date (and limit it to be 5 days back from the current date), so the final result will be:
| date | sum | (notes)
| 29/11/2020 | 1 | 1 failed/errored test in range (29/11 -> 29/10)
| 28/12/2020 | 2 | 2 failed/errored tests in range (28/12 -> 28/11)
| 29/12/2020 | 3 | 3 failed/errored tests in range (29/12 -> 29/11)
| 30/12/2020 | 2 | 2 failed/errored tests in range (30/12 -> 30/11)
| 31/12/2020 | 4 | 4 failed/errored tests in range (31/12 -> 31/11)
I know how to sum the results per date (i.e, how many failures/errors were on a specific date):
SELECT report_time::date AS "Report Time", count(case when result in ('failure', 'error') then 1 else
null end) from table
where report_time::date = now()::date
GROUP BY report_time::date, count(case when result in ('failure', 'error') then 1 else null end)
But I'm struggling to sum each date 30 days back.
You can generate the dates and then use window functions:
select gs.dte, num_failed_error, num_failed_error_30
from genereate_series(current_date - interval '5 day', current_date, interval '1 day') gs(dte) left join
(select t.report_time, count(*) as num_failed_error,
sum(count(*)) over (order by report_time range between interval '30 day' preceding and current row) as num_failed_error_30
from t
where t.result in ('failed', 'error') and
t.report_time >= current_date - interval '35 day'
group by t.report_time
) t
on t.report_time = gs.dte ;
Note: This assumes that report_time is only the date with no time component. If it has a time component, use report_time::date.
If you have data on each day, then this can be simplified to:
select t.report_time, count(*) as num_failed_error,
sum(count(*)) over (order by report_time range between interval '30 day' preceding and current row) as num_failed_error_30
from t
where t.result in ('failed', 'error') and
t.report_time >= current_date - interval '35 day'
group by t.report_time
order by report_time desc
limit 5;
Since I'm using PostGresSql 10.12 and update is currently not an option, I took a different approach, where I calculate the dates of the last 30 days and for each date I calculate the cumulative distinct sum for the past 30 days:
SELECT days_range::date, SUM(number_of_tests)
FROM generate_series (now() - interval '30 day', now()::timestamp , '1 day'::interval) days_range
SELECT environment, COUNT(DISTINCT(test_name)) as number_of_tests from tests
WHERE report_time > days_range - interval '30 day'
GROUP BY report_time::date
HAVING COUNT(case when result in ('failure', 'error') then 1 else null end) > 0
ORDER BY report_time::date asc
) as lateral_query
GROUP BY days_range
ORDER BY days_range desc
It is definitely not the best optimized query, it takes ~1 minute for it to compute.
I have a postgres table with customer ID's, dates, and integers. I need to find the average of the top 3 records for each customer ID that have dates within the last year. I can do it with a single ID using the SQL below (id is the customer ID, weekending is the date, and maxattached is the integer).
One caveat: the maximum values are per month, meaning we're only looking at the highest value in a given month to create our dataset, thus why we're extracting month from the date.
extract(month from weekending) as month,
extract(year from weekending) as year,
max(maxattached) as max
weekending >= now() - interval '1 year' AND
id=110070 group by id,month,year
max desc limit 3
) AS t
How can I expand this query to include all ID's and a single averaged number for each one?
Here is some sample data:
ID | MaxAttached | Weekending
110070 | 5 | 2011-11-10
110070 | 6 | 2011-11-17
110071 | 4 | 2011-11-10
110071 | 7 | 2011-11-17
110070 | 3 | 2011-12-01
110071 | 8 | 2011-12-01
110070 | 5 | 2012-01-01
110071 | 9 | 2012-01-01
So, for this sample table, I would expect to receive the following results:
ID | MaxAttached
110070 | 5
110071 | 8
This averages the highest value in a given month for each ID (6,3,5 for 110070 and 7,8,9 for 110071)
Note: postgres version 8.1.15
First - get the max(maxattached) for every customer and month:
max(maxattached) as max_att
FROM myTable
WHERE weekending >= now() - interval '1 year'
GROUP BY id, date_trunc('month',weekending);
Next - for every customer rank all his values:
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY max_att DESC) as max_att_rank
FROM <previous select here>;
Next - get the top 3 for every customer:
FROM <previous select here>
WHERE max_att_rank <= 3;
Next - get the avg of the values for every customer:
avg(max_att) as avg_att
FROM <previous select here>
Next - just put all the queries together and rewrite/simplify them for your case.
UPDATE: Here is an SQLFiddle with your test data and the queries: SQLFiddle.
UPDATE2: Here is the query, that will work on 8.1 :
SELECT customer_id,
(SELECT round(avg(max_att),0)
FROM (SELECT max(maxattached) as max_att
FROM table1
WHERE weekending >= now() - interval '2 year'
AND id = ct.customer_id
GROUP BY date_trunc('month',weekending)
LIMIT 3) sub
) as avg_att
FROM customer_table ct;
The idea - to take your initial query and run it for every customer (customer_table - table with all unique id for customers).
Here is SQLFiddle with this query: SQLFiddle.
Only tested on version 8.3 (8.1 is too old to be on SQLFiddle).
8.3 version
8.3 is the oldest version I've got access to, so I can't guarantee it'll work in 8.1
I'm using a temporary table to work out the best three records.
CREATE TABLE temp_highest_per_month as
extract(month from weekending) as month,
extract(year from weekending) as year,
max(maxattached) as max_in_month,
0 as priority
weekending >= now() - interval '1 year'
group by id,month,year;
UPDATE temp_highest_per_month t
SET priority =
(select count(*) from temp_highest_per_month t2
where t2.id = t.id and
(t.max_in_month < t2.max_in_month or
(t.max_in_month= t2.max_in_month and
t.year * 12 + t.month > t2.year * 12 + t.month)));
select id,round(avg(max_in_month),0)
from temp_highest_per_month
where priority <= 3
group by id;
The year & month are included in the working out the priority so that if two months have the same maximum, they'll still be included in the numbering correctly.
9.1 version
Similar to Igor's answer, but I used the With clause to split the steps.
with highest_per_month as
( select
extract(month from weekending) as month,
extract(year from weekending) as year,
max(maxattached) as max_in_month
weekending >= now() - interval '1 year'
group by id,month,year),
prioritised as
( select id, month, year, max_in_month,
row_number() over (partition by id, month, year
order by max_in_month desc)
as priority
from highest_per_month
select id, round(avg(max_in_month),0)
from prioritised
where priority <= 3
group by id;
I am currently programming an SQL view which should provide a count of a populated field for a particular month.
This is how I would like the view to be constructed:
Country | (Current Month - 12) Eg Feb 2011 | (Current Month - 11) | (Current Month - 10)
UK | 10 | 11 | 23
The number under the month should be a count of all populated fields for a particular country. The field is named eldate and is a date (cast as a char) of format 10-12-2011. I want the count to only count dates which match the month.
So column "Current Month - 12" should only include a count of dates which fall within the month which is 12 months before now. Eg Current Month - 12 for UK should include a count of dates which fall within February-2011.
I would like the column headings to actually reflect the month it is looking at so:
Country | Feb 2011 | March 2011 | April 2011
UK | 4 | 12 | 0
So something like:
SELECT c.country_name,
(SELECT COUNT("C1".eldate) FROM "C1" WHERE "C1".eldate LIKE %NOW()-12 Months% AS NOW() - 12 Months
(SELECT COUNT("C1".eldate) FROM "C1" WHERE "C1".eldate LIKE %NOW()-11 Months% AS NOW() - 11 Months
FROM country AS c
INNER JOIN "site" AS s using (country_id)
INNER JOIN "subject_C1" AS "C1" ON "s"."site_id" = "C1"."site_id"
Obviously this doesn't work but just to give you an idea of what I am getting at.
Any ideas?
Thank you for your help, any more queries please ask.
My first inclination is to produce this table:
| Country | Month | Amount |
| UK | Jan | 4 |
| UK | Feb | 12 |
etc. and pivot it. So you'd start with (for example):
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM s.eldate) AS month,
COUNT(*) AS amount
FROM country AS c
JOIN site AS s ON s.country_id = c.id
s.eldate > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 year'
GROUP BY c.country, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM s.eldate);
You could then plug that into one the crosstab functions from the tablefunc module to achieve the pivot, doing something like this:
FROM crosstab('<query from above goes here>')
AS ct(country varchar, january integer, february integer, ... december integer);
You could truncate the dates to make the comparable:
WHERE date_trunc('month', eldate) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '12 months'
This kind of replacement for your query:
(SELECT COUNT("C1".eldate) FROM "C1" WHERE date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate) =
date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '12 months') AS TWELVE_MONTHS_AGO
But that would involve a scan of the table for each month, so you could do a single scan with something more along these lines:
SELECT SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '12 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS TWELVE_MONTHS_AGO
,SUM( CASE WHEN date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate) = date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '11 months' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS ELEVEN_MONTHS_AGO
or do a join with a table of months as others are showing.
Further to the comment on fixing the columns from Jan to Dec, I was thinking something like this: filter on the last years worth of records, then sum on the appropriate month. Perhaps like this:
WHERE date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate) < date_trunc('month', now())
AND date_trunc('month', "C1".eldate) >= date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '12 months'