Create "literal" component in SFC won't work? - vue.js

I'm trying to create a dead simple "literal" component(MyComponent in this example) inside a SFC(vue 3):
import { ref } from "vue";
const MyComponent = {
name: "MyCompoent",
template: "<h1>aha</h1>",
export default {
components: {
But this won't work...
However, if I split the MyComponent into another SFC, it will work.
Anyone knows why and how to fix this?

The template option is ignored because the runtime compiler is disabled by default as an optimization. Using that option would cause a console warning like this:
[Vue warn]: Component provided template option but runtime compilation is not supported in this build of Vue. Configure your bundler to alias "vue" to "vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js".
In Vue CLI generated projects, set the runtimeCompiler flag to enable the template option:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
runtimeCompiler: true


How to create a library exposing a single Vue component that can be consumed by the distributed .mjs file?

I want to create a single Vue component that gets bundled into a single .mjs file. Another Vue project can fetch this .mjs file via HTTP and consume the component. Installing the pluggable component via npm is not possible, because the other application tries to fetch it based on a configuration during runtime.
Things to consider for the pluggable component
Might be using sub components from another UI framework / library
Might be using custom CSS
Might rely on other files e.g. images
Reproducing the library
I created a new Vuetify project via npm create vuetify
I deleted everything from the src folder except vite-env.d.ts , created a component Renderer.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VContainer } from "vuetify/components"
defineProps<{ value: unknown }>()
<span class="red-text">Value is: {{ JSON.stringify(value, null, 2) }}</span>
.red-text { color: red; }
and an index.ts file
import Renderer from "./Renderer.vue";
export { Renderer };
I added the library mode to the vite.config.ts
build: {
lib: {
entry: resolve(__dirname, "./src/index.ts"),
name: "Renderer",
fileName: "renderer",
rollupOptions: {
external: ["vue"],
output: {
globals: {
vue: "Vue",
and extended the package.json file with
"files": ["dist"],
"main": "./dist/renderer.umd.cjs",
"module": "./dist/renderer.js",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./dist/renderer.js",
"require": "./dist/renderer.umd.cjs"
Since I'm using custom CSS Vite would generate a styles.css file but I have to inject the styles into the .mjs file. Based on this issue I'm using the plugin vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js.
When building I'm getting the desired .mjs file containing my custom CSS
Consuming the component
I created a new Vue project via npm create vue
and for testing purposes I copied the generated .mjs file right into the src directory of the new project and changed the App.vue file to
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, type Ref, ref } from "vue";
const ComponentToConsume: Ref = ref(null);
onMounted(async () => {
try {
const { Renderer } = await import("./renderer.mjs"); // fetch the component during runtime
ComponentToConsume.value = Renderer;
} catch (e) {
} finally {
<div>Imported component below:</div>
<div v-if="ComponentToConsume === null">"still loading..."</div>
<component-to-consume v-else :value="123" />
Unfortunately I'm getting the following warnings and errors
[Vue warn]: Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoided by marking the component with markRaw or using shallowRef instead of ref.
[Vue warn]: injection "Symbol(vuetify:defaults)" not found.
[Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of setup function
[Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of scheduler flush.
Uncaught (in promise) Error: [Vuetify] Could not find defaults instance
Does someone know what I'm missing or how to fix it?
Vuetify doesn't provide isolated components and requires the plugin to be initialized, you need to do this in main app:
Make sure vuetify isn't duplicated in project deps, so the lib and main app use the same copy.
The lib should use vuetify as dev dependency and specify it in Rollup external, in order to prevent the things that are global to the project from being bundled with the lib:
external: ["vue", "vuetify"]

defining global variables with vite development

Now I am using vite build tool for my vue SFC app. I read the documentation of vite with the link below:
vite config link
If I am not wrong, the define option in config could be used for defining global constants. What I want to do is to define for example the name of my App in a variable inside this option and then use it in my Vue components. But unfortunately there is no example of code in the documentation about this option.
I tried this code in my vite.config.js file:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default defineConfig({
define: {
global: {
appName: "my-custom-name"
plugins: [vue()]
I am not sure that the syntax and code is correct! And also if it is correct I don't know how to call (use) this constant in my vue app components (.vue files). For example I want to use it in template or script part of this component:
<div class="bgNow">
<p class="color1">
{{ use here }}
export default {
data() {
return {
name: use here
methods: {
nameMethod() {
console.log(use here);
} // end of method
} // end of export
<style scoped></style>
I declared the places that want with "use here" in the code. And also if there is any other way that I could define some global constants and variables in my vite vue app, I very much appreciate your help to tell me about that.
define is a config that tells Vite how to perform a search-and-replace. It can only replace one string for another (objects cannot be used as a replacement).
For example, to replace all instances of appName with "my-custom-name", use the following config. Note JSON.stringify() is used (per the recommendation in the docs) to ensure the literal string replacement is properly quoted.
export default defineConfig({
define: {
appName: JSON.stringify('my-custom-name')
If App.vue contained:
<script setup>
console.log('appName', appName)
It would be transformed to:
<script setup>
console.log("appName", "my-custom-name")

Import npm package into a Vue.js Single File component

I would like to use Jodit in a SFC, but I am not sure how this is supposed to be done. I realized there is a wrapper (jodit-vue), but for educational purposes, I would like to know how it's done without it. I created a Vue CLI project with default presets, and all I changed is the App.vue:
<div id="app">
<textarea id="editor" name="editor"></textarea>
import "../node_modules/jodit/build/jodit.min.js"
export default {
name: 'App',
let editor = new Jodit('#editor');
editor.value = '<p>start</p>';
#import "../node_modules/jodit/build/jodit.min.css" ;
This produces the error: error 'Jodit' is not defined no-undef, and
if I change the import to:
import Jodit from "../node_modules/jodit/build/jodit.min.js"
Then the compilation is fine, but the browser console says:
vue.runtime.esm.js?2b0e:1888 TypeError: _node_modules_jodit_build_jodit_min_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default.a is not a constructor
Admittedly, I am new to all of this, but pointing me to the right direction is appreciated.
The jodit module exports the Jodit constructor, so your component would import it like this:
import { Jodit } from 'jodit'
You'd also need the Jodit styles, which could be imported like this:
import 'jodit/build/jodit.min.css'
To create a Jodit instance, we need to provide an element or selector to an existing <textarea>. The Vue component's elements are available in the mounted() lifecycle hook (not in the created() hook), so that's where we would initialize:
export default {
mounted() {
const editor = new Jodit('#editor')
editor.value = '<p>start</p>'

Vue3: Is it possible to register single file components using app.component(...)?

Diving into vue 3, trying to add Vue to an existing core project. Since the frontend is mostly razor pages, the app isn't being mounted with a templated component that has a hierarchy of components.
const vueApp = createApp({});
What I'm trying to do:
vueApp.component('MyComponent', require('./components/MyComponent').default);
I've also tried it this way, as described in the docs:
import { createApp } from 'vue/dist/vue.esm-browser'
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent.vue'
const vueApp = createApp({
components: {
I've tried every version of this. requiring MyComponent.vue, with and without the default, importing MyComponent and using it that way (instead of require), none of them work. I just continue getting [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component 'mycomponent' (Yes I did check the html coming back from the server, It's properly capitalized...not sure why the error is lower case).
MyComponent.vue looks like this:
<lots of vanilla html>
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
data() {
return { some: "data" }
methods: { ... },
mounted() { ...}
//no component styling
Am I missing something here? Or is this no longer possible? I'm using the default vue-cli webpack config, if that matters.
So, after rereading the docs (for what feels like the 10th time), I think I figured out the problem. It's actually not a Vue issue at all, it's my use of the Vue component.
In my core cshtml, I was referencing the component in PascalCase, like this:
<MyComponent />
Turns out this is a no no. By convention (enforced by the browser I guess), custom elements can only be referenced in the DOM using kebab-case, like this:
<my-component />
My vue app is still defining the component in PascalCase.
My main.js file is importing MyComponent, then passing it into the createApp options.components object.
const vueApp = createApp({
components: {
The more you know, I guess.

nuxt with vue-dragscroll: window is not defined

I am trying to use vue-dragscroll with nuxtjs.
I am new to nuxtjs and I have been using vue-dragscroll before with regular vuejs.
I have been shown an error Window is not defined, I've looked at the vue-dragscroll documentation and I still couldn't find the solution.
This is how I implemented the vue-dragscroll
<template lang="pug">
div#countryList(v-for="country in countries" :key="" v-dragscroll)
CountryItem(:country="country" v-if="country.Country")
import { dragscroll } from 'vue-dragscroll'
export default {
directives: {
You will have to declare it as a directive within a plugin file.
// plugins/vue-dragscroll.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import { dragscroll } from 'vue-dragscroll'
Vue.directive('dragscroll', dragscroll)
Then, in your nuxt.config.js add that plugin file to your plugins: [] array:
{ src: '#/plugins/vue-dragscroll.js', ssr: false }
This directive leverages the window which is unavailable during SSR, hence your error.