Cannot send message successfully as a GUEST in Facebook customer chat plugin - facebook-javascript-sdk

After implement FB customer chat plugin using Gatsby, it can be shown on my website. However, the conversation for GUEST, indicate that "The message cannot be sent" for some reason, please have a look on the capture.
P/s: I can send message normally with logged in account conversation
Anyone know what is going wrong ? How can fix that ? Please advise me

Also make sure that Page settings > General > Messages is set to "People can contact my page privately"

Found the cause, this is not about technical things, but relating to Page restriction that being attach to the plugin
Anyone got this issue, should go to Page settings > General > Make sure Country and Age is for Everyone


BIM 360 field API login issues

Frustrating issue with attempting to use REST to login to the BIM 360 Field API, it was suggested that to use the postman application in order to ensure that my code wasn't an issue, however I'm now getting an unauthorized error, this has been attempted with an admin account and a developer account with the same response (login details are definitely valid), I was wandering if anyone has encountered this problem before or has any idea how would go about getting past this, I need to get the ticket response in order to go any further with developing an application for this, I'm already in contact with someone from Autodesk but due to timezone differences responses are difficult!
I've attached a picture to highlight the simplicity of what I'm attempting to do with no joy!
Thanks in advance
In case somebody else hits the same issue, FYI -
Dan and I looked at this issue, and we learned (in a hard way) that the base URL for BIM 360 Field in European region is:
Notice "eu" in the URL. In the U.S., it is
I wrote a post about this, too, for future reference:
I also found it worked when I used https but not http although the examples in the help use http.

Joomla 2.5 - add automatic system message when user is logged in

Joomla 2.5 does already generate a "you are logged in now" message, but only one time after a user just registered (if "auto-login" is enabled).
However I would like to display a similar (not exact same) message each time when the user loggs in (as a "greeting").
Any rough pointer of directions from anyone (e.g. where in the Joomla code to look how it's done in the "auto-login after registration" case) ?
THANKS guys (n' girls ;)
The proper way would be to write a plugin which hooks into "onUserLogin" to raise the warning.
More informations about plugin development can be found on JDocs

Auto email response from Shopify api

I've successfully created a script that will import username/passwords etc into Shopify (using the api).
However, when I do this an automatic email is sent to the customer. I don't need this and can't find a way of either modifying it or turning it off. There is no mention of the email in the api documentation which has meant me finding out the hard way (by some clients complaining!)
The email is not the same one that is sent to the customer when a new account is set up. So where does it come from? How can I switch it off/modify it's contents?
Any ideas?
Well, after some digging I found where the email message was being generated from. It is one of the default messages that are already set up in Shopify (Customer Account confirmation) under 'Emails & Notifications'.
Just make sure you change this before you start running your shop as the default message is a little 'dry'.
Thanks for your help guys.

Worldpay redirection issue - Worldpay module

I hope somebody can help with this one.
I managed to make a test transaction through Worldpay which is executed after I click on Make payment. However, for some reason it doesn't redirect back to the website and instead we get Not found message refering to validation.php
Anybody had this issue and managed to resolve it?
Any help would be really appreciated.
Worldpay people are advising me to use a meta refresh to redirect the shopper back to the website:
Anyone would know where to put this code and how to make it work?
There may be two things wrong.
1) You have not placed correct send back url in your worldpay admin panel.
2) You dont have the validation.php in your prestashop payment module for worldpay, or the file dont have enough permissions.
Please check both of them.
Thank you

How does Authorize.Net Silent Post work? offers a "Silent POST" feature for their Automated Recurring Billing. It's supposed to POST data to a url of your choosing, telling you whether they were able to charge the customer, how much, etc. The problem is, it isn't very well documented.
Is there any way to test a post to that URL? I've signed up for a developer account, but there's no way to specify that URL like you could in the actual system. Hence, there doesn't seem to be a way to test it out.
If not, is there a list of possible values it could return? It appears to send x_first_name, x_amount - I've seen code that uses those values - but since I can't actually get it to send a response, I'm not sure.
Is there documentation for this feature anywhere? Or even class that implements it fully?
Better late then never: All About Authorize.Net’s Silent Post
I have not seen much on it only for AIM and SIM, you might just give them a call.
Log in to your Authorize.Net order processing account, and click on the Settings link (under ACCOUNT, in the left column). Then click on the "Silent Post URL" link in the Transaction Format Settings area. You can enter your silent post URL on the next page. The next page also contains a link to the documentation explaining the technical details. HTH
Here's a few more (somewhat) useful posts I found on the subject.
Merchant Account Services - gives some limited sample code (PHP)
Experts Exchange - lists a few helpful variables, gives an idea of what's being sent (ASP).
You still have to call your account rep for them to activate Silent Post URL with your account because that is not something that is enabled automatically
Our clients use the following tool to test silent post url requests sent from the Authorize.Net gateway.
Simply add the following url to your silent post settings and change the email address for the results to be delivered to an email of choice.