If I try to open a file or project in IntelliJ ultimate 2020.3.3 the editor does not show anything.
Problem image
If (in Intellij Idea 2002.2) I try to "Open or Import" a new java project which I just unzipped after downloading it from https://start.spring.io/ and this project happens to have the same name of a project that I previously loaded with intellij but that I removed and deleted its files since then, Intellij still recognizes it as the old project and will handle it as an existing intellij project... why? and how do I make it stop?
I am not able to see contents of folder by pressing Enter Button in project in Intellij
Step to reproduce:
Go to any root project
Press Enter
I am getting navigated to Project Structures window.
Note: I have updated my Intellij version to the latest that's why facing this.
It's a known issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-249246. Will be fixed in 2020.2.3.
I just tried to set up my first IntelliJ Java FX project. I was doing a tutorial where some fxml files are created. A screenshot from a eclipse window is shown:
I tried to do something similiar, but if I go to "new file", I cant even choose a fxml format. Is there no support in IntelliJ for that? I googled around but I couldnt find anything. Always it mentions I should try to enable the JavaFX support for my project, but it is enabled.
Any ideas?
Intellij 13.1, Ultimate Edition
Right Click on the folder you want to create the new file in (e.g. the ch.makery.address.view package), then select from the context menu:
New | File
Type the name of the fxml file you want to create (e.g. RootLayout.fxml).
You now have a blank fxml file which you can hand edit.
Hand editing fxml isn't really advised except for minor tweaks.
So install SceneBuilder and you can edit the new fxml in SceneBuilder by right-clicking on the fxml filename in the Idea project window and choosing "Open in SceneBuilder".
See also, this related question on what constitutes a JavaFX project in Intellij Idea.
How to navigate to path of the opened file, in project tool window in IDEA? ctrl+mouse1 shows path in nautilus. I need to see path in project tool. I cant find answer ANYWHERE!
Navigate | Select In, Project View, or enable Autoscroll from Source option, the same applies for all IntelliJ IDEA based products, so this question actually duplicates:
How to automatically navigate to the current class in Intellij Idea Project Tool Window?
PHPstorm project navigation
How to find out which class I'm currently in
I tried to change project name, but after that, a warning appears saying "Validate project settings Update to recommend settings". After that, I can't execute the project, and in left project explorer appears nothing but .xcodeproj file in red. I can build the project, but I can not run in the simulator.
Please, can you help me with this?