Setting up pyCharm pro for remote ssh - ssh

I have PyCharm pro and I need to set up a remote repo on it via ssh. There are instructions available for doing this but my requirements are slightly different than what I have seen available. My organisation has ssh set up via cloudfare and all those configs are already put in .ssh/config. It includes hostname, IdentityFile, username, and so on. If I need to access my remote machine, I just do ssh <HOST-NAME> from the terminal. My config looks like this -
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
The way to set up PyCharm usually includes instructions like specifying host, port, username etc so that PyCharm can essentially run
ssh username#host_ip_address. However, I just need it to run ssh <HOST-NAME> so that it can access everything else using the config file that is already set up.
Is there a way to make this happen?

I use Pycharm Pro with my own .ssh/config and Jump Proxy pseudo hostname and certificates so slightly different. I "ssh pseudo-hostname" so no user as well.
In Pycharm I set a valid username and port (default 22) cause in my case it will get passed on.
Your setup ignore username and port no? If so you can use BS values?


Access to jumpbox as normal user and change to root user in ansible

Here is my situation. I want to access a server through a jumpbox/bastion host.
so, I will login as normal user in jumpbox and then change user to root after that login to remote server using root. I dont have direct access to root in jumpbox.
$ ssh user#jumpbox
$ user#jumpbox:~# su - root
Enter Password:
$ root#jumpbox:~/ ssh root#remoteserver
Enter Password:
$ root#remoteserver:~/
Above is the manual workflow. I want to achieve this in ansible.
I have seen something like this.
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q user#jumpbox"'
This doesnot work when we need to switch to root and login to remote server.
There are a few things to unpack here:
General Design / Issue:
This isn't an Ansible issue, it's an ssh issue/proxy misconfiguration.
A bastion host/ssh proxy isn't meant to be logged into and have commands ran directly on it interactively (like su - root, enter password, then ssh...). That's not really a bastion, that's just a server you're logging into and running commands on. It's not an actual ssh proxy/bastion/jump role. At that point you might as well just run Ansible on the host.
That's why things like ProxyJump and ProxyCommand aren't working. They are designed to work with ssh proxies that are configured as ssh proxies (bastions).
Running Ansible Tasks as Root:
Ansible can run with sudo during task execution (it's called "become" in Ansible lingo), so you should never need to SSH as the literal root user with Ansible (shouldn't ssh as root ever really).
Answering the question:
There are a lot of workarounds for this, but the straightforward answer here is to configure the jump host as a proper bastion and your issue will go away. An example...
As the bastion "user", create an ssh key pair, or use an existing one.
On the bastion, edit the users ~/.ssh/config file to access the target server with the private key and desired user.
EXAMPLE user#bastion's ~/.ssh/config (I cringe seeing root here)...
Host remote-server
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-private-key
Add the public key created in step 1 to the target servers ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the user you're logging in as.
After that type of config, your jump host is working as a regular ssh proxy. You can then use ProxyCommand or ProxyJump as you had tried to originally without issue.

Ansible : Failed to connect to the host via ssh : Permission denied (publickey,password)

i'm new in ansible, i've installed it yesterday and i want to try to ping my remote host (hpe switch 5130).
I have an issue the host is unreachable and i don't know how to fix that.
The config
Here is the issue
The host
The ssh works fine but i can't use ansible :(
How do you ssh to your switch?
If you're using a password, add the "-k" option to the ansible command. It will ask you to enter your ssh password. Alternatively, set the ansible_password variable.
Also you should set some environment related vars, such as ansible_connection and ansible_network_os.

SSH to Github not working

SSH has been working fine for the last few weeks since I got my new PC. I've had no problems but today I started getting:
ssh: connect to host port 22: resource temporarily unavailable
I did some googling and found that there is a common issue with WSL which sometimes causes this, but I'm unable to SSH from my bash shell, or from cmd/powershell.
This is the part that confuses me, if I do: ssh -T git# I am prompted for the password to my key, it successfully authenticates and responds with "Hi alexmk92! You've successfully authenticated".
Great, that at least proves that my firewall isn't blocking SSH on port 22. But why does throw the resource failed error? My initial thought is that this could be a DNS problem.
So I tried to configure my network adapter to use Google's DNS server ( and I even configured the IPV6 DNS servers just in case. Following this I did an ipconfig /flushdns, attempted to connect via again and BAM the same result, however git# still works.
I'm guessing another potential cause is that is behind a load balancer and one of the IP's on the cluster could be black-listed somewhere on my machine? I'm just pulling guesses out of thin air now, any help would be greatly appreciated, this is driving me insane.
After some further Googling it turned out that my machine did not have a hosts entry for and it was unable to automatically resolve it.
In Windows Subsystem for Linux I created a ssh config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
(for some reason the base distro of Ubuntu 18.04 on the windows marketplace didn't have one) I then had to make sure the file permissions were correct:
chmod 755 ~/.ssh/config
Once the file was created, I edited it with
sudo nano ~/.ssh/config
and added as a Host.
Port 22
Upon saving, I ran
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
and attempted
ssh -T
Everything now seems to be working.
In my case my ISP did not allow ssh, so it was not working from cmd and wsl both. Got around it using vpn
To have successful SSH connection to Github, SSH key has to be import into Github
Open Git bash or Terminal
Run the command ssh-keygen
Choose all default option
A private and a public key gets generated in the folder * < user_home>/.ssh/*
Login to
Navigate to account settings
Choose item "SSH and GPG Keys" from the side navigation bar
click added new SSh key
Copy and save public key content from * < user_home>/.ssh/ *

How to use ansible with two factor authentication?

I have enabled two factor authentication for ssh using duosecurity (using this playbook ).
How can I use ansible to manage the server now. The SSH calls fail at gathering facts because of this. I want the person running the playbook to enter the two factor code before the playbook is run.
Disabling two factor for the deployment user is a possible solution but creates a security issue which I would I like to avoid.
It's a hack, but you can tunnel a non-2fac Ansible SSH connection through a 2fac-enabled SSH connection.
We will setup two users: ansible will be the user Ansible will use. It should be authenticated in a way that's supported by Ansible (i.e., not 2fac). This user will be restricted so it cannot connect from anywhere but, so it is not accessible from outside the machine.
The second user, ansible_tunnel will be open to the outside world, but will be authenticated by two factors, and will only allow tunneling of SSH connections to the local machine.
You must be able to configure 2-factor authentication only for some users (not all).
Some info on SSH tunnels.
On the target machine:
Create two users: ansible and ansible_tunnel
Put your public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of both users
Set the shell of ansible_tunnel to /bin/false, or lock the user - it will be used for tunneling exclusively, not running commands
Add the following to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
AllowTcpForwarding no
AllowUsers ansible# ansible_tunnel
Match User ansible_tunnel
AllowTcpForwarding yes
ForceCommand echo 'This account can only be used for tunneling SSH sessions'
Setup 2-factor authentication only for ansible_tunnel
Restart sshd
On the machine running Ansible:
Before running Ansible, run the following (on the Ansible machine, not the target):
ssh -N -L 8022: ansible_tunnel#<host>
You will be authenticated using two factors.
Once the tunnel is up (check with netstat), run Ansible with ansible_ssh_user=ansible, ansible_ssh_port=8022 and ansible_ssh_host=localhost.
Only ansible_tunnel can connect from the outside, and it will be authenticated using two factors
Once the tunnel is set up, connecting to port 8022 on the local machine is the same as connecting to sshd on the remote machine
We're allowing ansible to connect over SSH only when it is done through the localhost, so only connections that are tunneled are allowed
This will not scale well for multiple server, due to the need to open a separate tunnel for each machine, which requires manual action. However, if you've chosen 2-factor authentication for your servers you're already willing to do some manual action to connect to each server, and this solution will only add a little overhead with some script-wrapping.
For convenience, we may want to log into the maintenance account directly to do some manual work, without going through the process of setting up a tunnel. We can configure SSH to require 2fac authentication in this case, while maintaining the ability to connect without 2fac through the tunnel:
# All users must authenticate using two factors
AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive
# Allow both maintenance user and tunnel user with no restrictions
AllowUsers ansible ansible_tunnel
# The maintenance user is allowed to authenticate using a single factor only
# when connecting from a local address - it should be impossible to connect to
# this user using a single factor from the outside (the only way to do that is
# having an existing access to the machine, or use the two-factor tunnel)
Match User ansible Address
AuthenticationMethods publickey
I can use ansible with ssh and 2FA using the ControlMaster feature of ssh and ansible.
My local ssh client is configured to dump a ControlPath socket for multiplexing connection. Ansible is configured to use the same socket.
Local ssh client
This configuration enable multiplexing for all connections. I personally store this configuration in `~/.ssh/config:
Host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r#%h:%p.socket
ControlPersist 1m
When a connection is established, a socket appears in the $HOME/.ssh directory. This socket persists during one minute after disconnection.
Configure ansible
Ansible is configured to re-use the local socket.
Add this in your ansible configuration file (for instance, ~/.ansible.cfg):
Note the double % for variable substitution.
Connect to your server using ssh regular command (ssh user#server), and perform 2FA;
Launch your ansible command as usual.
The step 2 must be performed within the ControlPersist configuration, or keep an ssh connection in a terminal when you launch ansible command in another one.
You can also force to close connection when you do not need it, using: ssh -O exit user#server.
Note that, if you open a third terminal and run ssh user#server, you will not be asked for credentials: the connection established in 1. will be re-used.
In case of bad network conditions
Sometimes, when you loose connection, the socket persists. Every further connection hangs. You must manually disconnect this connection, using ssh -O exit user#server. This is the only known drawback for this method.
About multiplexing ssh (a very old blog post which makes me discover ssh multiplexing:
Solution using a Bastion Host
Even using an ssh bastion host it took me quite a while to get this working. In case it helps anyone else, here's what I came up with. It uses the ControlMaster ssh config options and since ansible uses regular ssh it can be configured to use the same ssh features and re-use the connection to the bastion host regardless of how many connections it opens to remote hosts. I've seen these Control options recommended in general (presumably for performance reasons if you have a lot of hosts) but not in the context of 2FA to a bastion host.
With this approach you don't need any sshd config changes, so you'll want AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive as the only authentication method setting on the bastion server, and publickey only for all your other servers that you're proxying through the bastion to get to. Since the bastion host is the only one that accepts external connections from the internet, it's the only one that requires 2FA, and internal hosts rely on agent forwarding for public key authentication but don't use 2FA.
On the client, I created a new ssh config file for my ansible environment in the top-level directory that I run ansible from (so sibling of ansible.cfg) called ssh.config. It contains:
Host bastion-persistent-connection
HostName <bastion host>
ForwardAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-key
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ansible-%r#%h:%p
ControlPersist 10m
Host 10.0.*.*
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion-persistent-connection -F ./ssh.config
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my-key
Then in ansible.cfg I have:
ssh_args = -F ./ssh.config
A few things to note:
My private subnet in this case is which maps to the host wildcard option above. The bastion proxies all ssh connections to servers on this subnet.
This is a bit brittle in that I can only run my ssh or ansible commands in this directory, because of the ProxyCommand passing the local path to this config file. Unfortunately I don't think there's an ssh variable that maps to the current config file being used so that I could pass the same config file to the ProxyCommand automatically. Depending on your environment it might be better to use an absolute path for this.
The one gotcha is it makes running ansible more complex. Unfortunately, from what I can tell ansible has no support whatsoever for 2FA. So if you have no existing ssh connection to the bastion, ansible will print out Verification code: once for every private server it's connecting to, but it's not actually listening for the input so no matter what you do the connections will fail.
So I first run: ssh -F ssh.config bastion-persistent-connection
This creates the socket file in ~/.ssh/ansible-*, and the ssh agent locally will close & remove that socket after the configurable time (what I have set to 10m).
Once the socket is open I can run ansible commands like normal, e.g. ansible all -m ping and they succeed.

How to forward local keypair in a SSH session?

I manually deploy websites through SSH, I manage source code in github/bitbucket. For every new site I'm currently generating a new keypair on the server and adding it to github/bitbucket, so that I can pull chances from server.
I came across a feature in capistrano to use local machine's key pair for pulling updates to server, which is ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
How can I do something like this and forward my local machine's keypair to the server I'm SSH-ing into, so that I can avoid adding keys into github/bitbucket for every new site.
This turned out to be very simple, complete guide is here Using SSH Forwarding
In essence, you need to create a ~/.ssh/config file, if it doesn't exist.
Then, add the hosts (either domain name or IP address in the file and set ForwardAgent yes)
Sample Code:
ForwardAgent yes
Makes SSH life a lot easier.
Create ~/.ssh/config
Fill it with (host address is the address of the host you want to allow creds to be forwarded to):
Host [host address]
ForwardAgent yes
If you haven't already run ssh-agent, run it:
Take the output from that command and paste it into the terminal. This will set the environment variables that need to be set for agent forwarding to work. Optionally, you can replace this and step 3 with:
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
Add the key you want forwarded to the ssh agent:
ssh-add [path to key if there is one]/[key_name].pem
Log into the remote host:
ssh -A [user]#[hostname]
From here, if you log into another host that accepts that key, it will just work:
ssh [user]#[hostname]
To use it simply with the default identity (id_rsa) you can use the following couple of command:
ssh -A [username]#[server-address]
The configuration file is very helpful but the trick for agent forwarding does the ssh-add command. It seems that this have to be initial triggered before any remote connections or after restart of the computer. To permanently add the key try the following solution from the user daminetreg:
Add private key permanently with ssh-add on Ubuntu
It is very useful :
ssh -i [private-key] -A [user]#[host]
You can set one command in bash_aliases or other command routines.