expo how i read an image - react-native

I successfully uploaded an image with imagepicker and multer to my folder "uploads/".
I also send the filename back to the client:
res.send({uploadedImage: req.file.path});
// Result:
Object {
"uploadedImage": "uploads\\photo_1619350900261_b1099740-f86c-4809-ae62-0ad973a499c0.jpg",
So how can I now read the file or the image? I can put this in a state but there is no url in this image object upload.

To Display the image from response
Use it like this
BaseURL = The URL at which you send post requests (i.e, your Backend Server)
Result.uploadedImage = This you get from the response
So the final uri would be
uri = BaseURL + Result.uploadedImage
It will look Something like this localhost:3000/uploads\\photo_1619350900261_b1099740-f86c-4809-ae62-0ad973a499c0.jpg or\\photo_1619350900261_b1099740-f86c-4809-ae62-0ad973a499c0.jpg
But if you are working on your phone then you might have to replace your BaseURL with your IPv4 address.. This address you can get it from CMD
1.) Open CMD
2.) type ipconfig
3.) Scroll down and look for IPv4 Address..It will look something like this
4.) Now uri_to_display = IPv4 Address + : + PORT + Result.uploadedImage


Problem with Vue.JS to get content-disposition headers when deployed

I'm facing a problem to get an header in axios to get the file name i want to download in vue.js when it was deployed on static web apps on azure but not in Local, in local it work...
Here is the code i use to get the filename in the header.
const headerLine = response.headers["content-disposition"];
const startFileNameIndex = headerLine.indexOf('"') + 1;
const endFileNameIndex = headerLine.lastIndexOf('"');
const filename = headerLine.substring(startFileNameIndex, endFileNameIndex);
The console throw me the error that "headerLine is undefinded"... In response headers i've the content-disposition header visible.
I don't understand why it doesn't work online.
Maybe you should check the server side, see this discussion: https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/895

how to get browser full url of the page in nodejs express in environment, seems nginx issue?

I am using a url rewriting functionality in my application(SparatcusV3.4).
I am calling my backend from node js to check a productcode exists or not
for that I need the current browser url entered by user in the address bar.
I am accessing the url using below code
const fullUrl = req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host')
this is working fine on my local system but when deployed on any environment(by SAP)
this URL is coming as "" , what might be the problem here with environment ?
or what is the correct way to get the full browser url entered by the user ?
any help would be appreciated!!!
thanks in advance
Please refer to this part of Spartacus docs: https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/server-side-rendering-coding-guidelines/#getting-the-request-url-and-origin
It suggests to use SERVER_REQUEST_URL and SERVER_REQUEST_ORIGIN injection tokens when using the setup that's running SSR behind a proxy in order to resolve URLs.
To use these optional tokens:
it is assumed you're using Spartacus' NgExpressEngineDecorator from #spartacus/setup/ssr in your server.ts file.
when injecting them, you should mark them as #Optional (per docs), as these are not available in CSR application.
const obj = {};
const rc = request.headers.cookie;
rc?.split(';')?.forEach((cookie: any) => {
const parts = cookie?.split('=');
obj[parts.shift().trim()] = decodeURI(parts?.join('='));
return obj;
it can give list of all cookies in request object so with OBJ['RT'] can give the value and further splitting with '=' we cna get the exact request URL there from we can extract the host and the origin uding below code
const cookieName = 'RT';
const cookieObj = this.getCookieasObject(req);
let fullURL = cookieObj[cookieName];
if (fullURL) {
fullURL = decodeURIComponent(JSON.parse(fullURL).split('=')[1]);
const url = new URL(fullURL);
const baseUrl = `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}`;

Control cloudflare origin server using workers

I'm trying to use a cloudflare worker to dynamically set the origin based on the requesting IP (so we can serve a testing version of the website internally)
I have this
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
if (request.headers.get("cf-connecting-ip") == '185.X.X.X')
console.log('internal request change origin');
const response = await fetch(request)
console.log('Got response', response)
return response
I'm not sure what to set. The request object doesn't seem to have any suitable parameters to change.
Normally, you should change the request's URL, like this:
// Parse the URL.
let url = new URL(request.url)
// Change the hostname.
url.hostname = "test-server.example.com"
// Construct a new request with the new URL
// and all other properties the same.
request = new Request(url, request)
Note that this will affect the Host header seen by the origin (it'll be test-server.example.com). Sometimes people want the Host header to remain the same. Cloudflare offers a non-standard extension to accomplish that:
// Tell Cloudflare to connect to `test-server.example.com`
// instead of the hostname specified in the URL.
request = new Request(request,
{cf: {resolveOverride: "test-server.example.com"}})
Note that for this to be allowed, test-server.example.com must be a hostname within your domain. However, you can of course configure that host to be a CNAME.
The resolveOverride feature is documented here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/reference/apis/request/#the-cf-object
(The docs claim it is an "Enterprise only" feature, but this seems to be an error in the docs. Anyone can use this feature. I've filed a ticket to fix that...)

strophe connect openfire error

I input a jid and pwd on a html form, and use Strophe to connect to openfire, but when I press the login button, the xmpp server response is error 302.
I enabled the option on openfire, and restarted it.
var BOSH_SERVICE = 'http://ip:7070/http-bind';
$('#btn-login').click(function() {
if(!connected) {
connection = new Strophe.Connection(BOSH_SERVICE);
connection.connect($("#input-jid").val(), $("#input-pwd").val(), onConnect);
jid = $("#input-jid").val();
It seems a little harder than to use smack in java because of the network problem?
The problem is in the uri specified in BOSH_SERVICE.
Correct uri is:
Pay attention to the / at the bottom of the string.

XmlHttpRequest origin header is null in webkit

I am trying to integrate 2 webapps to let one (new one) send a url to another (old one) that it will load into a text area. The URL is actually to a file in S3 (with the multiple redirects that come with that) and I am trying to do this in the receiver using an XMLHTTPRequest like so;
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.withCredentials = true;
client.open('GET', geneIdFileUrl, true );
client.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain");
client.onreadystatechange = function() {
document.getElementById('geneList').value = client.responseText;
This is fine in firefox but in webkit browsers (chrome, safari) the request is being sent out with the request header
Origin null
instead of the real origin of the page making the request. The get from S3 is coming as a ContentDisposition attachment so I can't just dump it into an iframe and read the contents from there.
Why do the webkit browsers not set the origin properly and is it possible to coecre them into doing so?